Some Warpunk in Cybercraft! [Fanfiction]

Chapter 21

Writing Ryan is very interesting to me. It's hard to get in his head. His lack of Gaming knowledge, and the consequent habits of a gamer, are hard to let play out.

He doesn't check his xp, he doesn't try to upgrade his weapon to a higher output. He doesn't even know inventories are a thing. He's not trying to min-max his stats.

It hurts my every ingrained habit, but I let it, because it's both comedic and tragic to me.

Lots of wasted opportunities.

Yet he is in some ways faster to adapt to this new world, because he accepts it as presented.

He's not questioning if these people are real, just wondering how fucked up they really are.

He's not trying to game his way into his favorite waifu's heart, he has no clue what those are.

Anywho, yall have a great day!



The Kabuki roundabout was hustling even this early in the morning.

People looking for the best deals. Trying to find that next sucker.

The ebb and flow of the crowds were like a tide.

I'm no novice when it come to wheeling and dealing, but I felt he didn't get the better end of the exchanges here.

These merchants were sharks, very hungry ones. I lost a few chucks of flesh in there. Metaphorically of course.

Though there was one guy who looked like he had actual shark teeth in his mouth. Weird choice, but it take all kinds.

Clearing my Galena of all my loot had netted me another 3000 eddies. I had thought I could do more, thus was a little disillusioned.

I was sitting on a concrete bench. Watching as the city was becoming more alive, while eating a second helping of a noodle dish I had found.

The cart owner was popular with the locals, which is why I decided to try it out. Glad I did. Best food since I'd been here.

The bits and bobs mixed into it could have been anything, and I wasn't going to ask, but the noodles tasted real. Great texture too.

I took a count of my funds.

Let's see about $15,000 altogether, not quite enough. Have to do it again tonight.

Maybe, just let the Probes do it. Felt bad to even think it, but it was the smarter play.

I had already shown that I didn't have the best instincts for combat. I'd have to train.

One more thing on my plate. Sigh.

I could buy some armor, but later after I had a chance to refresh my brain. I'd get bamboozled right now.

For now, it was time to head south and find a hotel. Quiet and out of the way.

As I was finishing my food, the sheer amount of advertisements intruded on my thoughts.

There were everywhere on screens, on holos, on billboards, and posters. Most of them featured sex, in all the glorious and profane ways of humanity.

Didn't bother me too much, after all most people are interested in the hanky panky, in one way or another. I worried a little about the kids seeing all of it all the time.

Blah, most of what was twisting him up, was that he felt alone. Throwing sex in your face when you felt lonely sucked. It made you feel more isolated.

Look at all the people having all that great sex, don't you wish that was you?

Add the dreary concrete jungle around you, it just sapped your soul.

It was all on purpose wasn't it?

Shit, I really needed a girlfriend, an "output" I think it was called. I'll keep an eye out for a good woman.

Perhaps I'd be more resistant to this soul draining mess.

My food finished and feeling a lot better I hopped back into the car to find a hotel.


Driving worked its magic on me and my tension started to fall away.

Down in Heywood, I found a Hotel tucked away.

The El Gato que Ríe. (AN: I don't know Spanish, I hope this isn't a euphemism I don't understand.)

It looked like it had recently been rebuild. 20 Floors of bright and newly painted Hotel. Which is what catch my attention in the first place.

I left Scuff to watch the car while Fix played bodyguard. I looked at all the graffiti, some of which I'd call Streetart, while walking over to the building.

Hispanic influenced culture was everywhere is this part of the city.

Sadly, I didn't speak a word of Spanish.

Still, the nice Lady at the desk didn't seem to mind as she chatted at me in Spanish while I paid for my room key card. It seemed to be a hundred for a day

She was talking so fast, I had the feeling that even if I did speak the language she'd be hard to follow. I just smiled and tried to look attentive.

Her chrome arms were gold and she was covered in tattoos. I think she said her name was Rosita. Her dark hair bounced a lot, as she moved her head in a rhythm with her speech.

She appeared to like my name and kept rolling the r it was amusing.

To be fair, she could have been saying the most vile shit to me, and I wouldn't have a clue. But her demeaner was friendly and cheerful.

Interesting note she could see Fix, but I had a feeling their stealth would work during the day.

When I finally got to my room it was about 7:30 AM.

The room was nothing special looked like hotel rooms I had seen before, other than the tech.

Fix immediately started scanning everything.

I tried to take a shower but it wouldn't start. You had to pay, I finally saw the sign on the sidewall after a couple of frustrating minutes.

I did my best with the sink.

Feeling somewhat better I laid down and was off to dreamland in seconds.


Outtake Author's notes and comments

(AN: Night City uses Psychic Attack. It was effective.)

(AN: Why just one Ryan?)


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