Some Warpunk in Cybercraft! [Fanfiction]

Chapter 27


Another coffee. Almost back to a functional state.

Greg had returned to server other customers, my need to yammer on sated for now.

I watched the folks having fun, it brought a smile to my face. I would have liked to join them, especially for a dance with one of the fine women.

But I didn't know them, and they didn't know me. I knew better than to stick my nose into other's business.

I thought I did anyway.

A few minutes later, Gunshots rang out. From the hollering it was some kind of raid.

The folks who just a moment before where all smiles and fun, turned hard real quick. they rushed out to help.

I heard terms like "Raffen" and "Wraiths" which meant nothing to me. Maybe a different gang?

I figured it be best to stay out of the way. Like I said they didn't know me.

Greg nodded at me, "Best stay out of it. They'll shoot anyone they don't know right now."

Yeah, That's me I'm a mind my own business guy.

It was over pretty quick.

Then over I heard the general after fight chatter,

"Sally's been hit. We gotta get her to a doc." A guy's voice pissed off and scared.

"Camp's too far she'd never make it." A gal's voice struggling for calm.


The scene of them dancing just before running through my head.

I closed my eyes as I stood up, calling myself every word for dumbass I could think of as I stepped outside.

I sighed, "I can maybe help."

"What? Who the fuck are you?" I felt a barrel pressed to my forehead. This was the guy's voice. Right now, all I could see was his pistol.

Not a great way to start a relationship.

"I. the. fuck. can. help." Clenching my teeth. I gave a slight headshake to the Probes as they suddenly set asshole here to a priority one target.

"Lynx, calm down." This was the gal's voice from earlier. I'd love to look but my world was full of iron.

The gun slowly receded. I could see a short scruffy guy on the other end of that gun. His brown eyes spoke of all kinds of assholishness. I didn't like him for some reason.

Next to him was a woman, tough as nails said her gray eyes. She was older, maybe a leader.

"Can you really help?" She asked.

"I'll have to look at her first, but I should be able to do something." I nodded.

"Alright, see what you can do." They both moved aside.

Sally turned out to have been one of the ladies I had my eye on earlier. A fine dancer. Let's see if she would dance again.

Right now she was bleeding out, from a few chest wounds. Buckshot maybe.

Her breathing was shallow and sounded way off. Check her lungs first.

I moved as fast as I could kneeling down next to her. I shaped a regrowth and channeled it while holding her head. I heard exclamations but tuned them out. Closing my eyes, no time to deal with it.

Once the spell connected, I could feel the damage to her body. Her right lung was shredded, and collapsed. Fortunately her heart hadn't been touched.

There were dead zones, I couldn't feel mostly her bones and her arms. Some of here muscle groups. I figured these were cyberware and tried to work around them.

The spell sunk deep into her, I felt the mana wrap around her lung. putting it back together and slowly reflating it. Once it seemed fine, I checked over other areas. I found her stomach had been pierced and went to work on it.

The best part of my spell was it was intuitive, I didn't have to know anything about medicine for it to work. I just had to have enough mana.

When I finished her stomach I ran out.

I opened my eyes. She was looking at me. Blue eyes are quite pretty, don't you think?

"Hold still. I'm not sure you don't have more injures. Give me a moment to rest and I'll check again.

She nodded.

"What was that? You some kind of Witch?" That was Lynx. I could hear him and his pistol behind me.

"Don't know anything about witches. This is just something I can do." Yeah not going to get into it with you, fuckwad.

"Lynx, shut up. Leave him alone. He helped, we all saw it, and that buys him at least some peace. If not goodwill." I was starting to like this lady.

I looked around to see a group of well traveled folks starting at me. Expressions ranged from fear to awe. But most seemed relieved that Sally was out of the worst of it.

"How long was that?" Blinking and rubbing my eyes. Oh, they don't really dry out anymore do they?

"Well, stranger that was about an hour, but shouldn't you know that." She said while tapping by her right eye with her index finger.

"Ah, yeah. My interface is new, I'm not use to it yet. I'm Ryan back the way."

"Well Ryan, I'm Amanda. You've helped us out and we Aldecaldos don't forget that." She turned to her people, "Alright let's get some rest, we can move Sally to her room, if we can get Ryan to stop petting her her for a few minutes."

"Huh?" I realized I had never taken my hand off of Sally's head, and I had unconsciously been stroking her hair just like I would a cat.

I sputtered when I turned to look at Sally who was smiling at me. She looked at Amanda

"Aww, does he have to? He's really good at it." she croaked out.

Laughter is the best medicine they say. I wouldn't know I was too busy tried to get the blood to stop rushing to my face.


I have a hard time thinking of any Amanda in any story or show that I like. I'm trying to correct that here. A little bit.

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