Some Warpunk in Cybercraft! [Fanfiction]

Chapter 36

To make it even more clear, nothing sexual happened. 


They are working on the lines around my home, not sure how much that's going to affect service. I'll try to get some writing done either way, no promises.


I awoke alone.

Yet, I didn't feel a sense of abandonment, just a relaxed contentment. No promises had been made, so no expectations could get in the way.

There was something refreshing in that, rather than the frantic search for a partner that was riding the back of my brain back home.

It was simple, and simple was good.

I shaped a quick Cleanse on myself, and then the blanket, which I folded and carried with me back towards the camp. Magic was so useful, I needed to remember to use it more.

It was early, the sun not quite up, the sky still had that grayed out tone. The Probes had been hovering about nearby.

They gave me a greeting, 'New friends, now?'

I sure hoped so. I needed some friends, and everyone here sure seemed friendly.

I got quite a few cheerful morning greetings on the way to the Galena.

I had the Probes Dock with the car until I could properly introduce them.

I grabbed another backpack out of the car and devoured a kiwi like copper fruit, tasting of strawberries and cream.

I slowly wandered over to the campfire area, hoping they had some coffee.

Turned out they did, and I happily received a carafe of coffee and a plate of scrambled eggs, with cheese and bacon, for the pack of fruit.

Everything in the food was off, not so much I was going to complain, but enough that I noticed. The coffee was decent though, gotta take those small victories.

I was pondering how I wanted to spend my day. When a pair of hands blocked out my sight, also softness enveloped my the back of my head.

"Guest, who?" A soft silky voice entered my ear from about an inch away. Every little hair on my body stood to attention.

"It had better be Sally." I whispered back. "Or we are going to have words."

That is of course, when Sally walked into view laughing. She set down two plates, in front of me, while the lady I assumes was Megan let go of me. Let the games begin I guess?

I turned, yeah. Those were... I mean her presence was hard to miss.

"He does have a way about him." Megan sat to Sally.

"Just wait. He's got all kinds of uses." Sally was nodding while digging into her food.

"He is right here." I gave them a mock glare, which turned into a grin, as I shaped two quick Cleanses on them. Who doesn't like to be clean?

They apparently loved to be cleaned. Their shudders and shivers were all manner of entertaining. Their voices were happy little gasps.

Many of the men in the area gave me nods of approval, while the women folk looked, nonplussed.

I shrugged.

I had discussed this with Meadran. Mana infusion was highly stimulating, especially to folks who had lived in low or no mana zones. Sadly mana carrying your own signature would never affect you the same way, it was your mana after all.

"See, incredibly useful." Sally tried and failed to seem nonchalant.

"Honey, if you don't snatch him up, I'm going to tie him up and keep him in my trailer." Megan seemed deadly serious.

I gave them both a flat stare, "You don't learn, huh? No healing for you."

They both turned to me with a horrified look.

"This offense requires restitution. Perhaps you can buy your way out. I'm partial to back rubs." I smirked.

"Well, we could work something out I'm sure." Sally her natural grin returning.

"Yes, I'm a fair hand with massage." Megan nodding sagaciously.

"Then maybe forgiveness can be yours." I laughed. It was fun, to play around like this.

Who would've thought that all I needed to do to be comfortable with women was to get snatched to another world. Full of death and terrible food, but also ample opportunities.

Ample, indeed.


The next couple of days settled into a rhythm, I made myself useful, healing and cleansing folk. Working on cars, and getting the Probes to patrol and repair some of the tougher problems.

The Probes were easily adopted as mascots by the Tribe, when I introduced them. Hell, I thought that they liked them more than me. Eh, understandable. Little robo buddies were awesome.

I hadn't realized it at the time, but Megan and Sally were kind of a package deal, and no, I didn't understand how that worked. But I also wasn't going to question my good fortune.

If I spent time with one, I had to spend time with the other. No great chore that was. Most of it was simple getting to know each other chats and just spend time together. Sharing a meal or dancing.

Where Sally was rough and tumble, Megan was smooth and considered. Her dark almost raven black hair a contrast to Sally's blonde mane. Where Sally was whipcord lean and svelte, Megan was lush and curvy.

It was hard to find time for getting to know them better, as they had plenty of responsibilities to manage.

They did most things in camp together. Logistics and Organization, mostly. Outside of camp it was different. Megan ran the net. Sally buried the targets. They were trouble either way. The good kind I hoped.

My head was spinning from trying to figure out what was going. Was I after one, both.

Guzman had said that to court one was to court both, that first day while we were tinkering with vehicles. I had asked if they were together, together. He said no, they just couldn't stand to be apart for long.

Both it was then. Because I wasn't about to give up this growing connection I felt with them. Even if it derailed later, I was going to ride this crazy train as far as I could.


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