Some Warpunk in Cybercraft! [Fanfiction]

Chapter 5

As you can see, I'm not too worried about word count, or editing. Let's try to push to get to the good stuff.


Meadran actually helped me out a lot by showing me how to cast spells. He put the images and feelings of doing it in my head.

'Wait. Does that mean you can cast spells too?'

'Yes, but I have to be in my other form. Let us pray it does not become needed.'

Other form, that sounded awesome. Probably for emergencies.

Casting was all about shaping mana into specific forms and projecting it by will towards your goal. Shaping Mana was somewhat like shaping play doh but with hand that only exist in your mind. It was also super springy, it didn't like to change shape so you had to convince it, often through sheer stubbornness. After you had done it a few times it became a lot faster and easier.

Regrowth was fun to cast. I casted it on me on Meadran and on the Ground around us.


[ Regrowth A minor healing spell that grows with the Caster

May be Channeled for increase potency

Also Cleanses minor pollutants, and poisons. ]


On me the Spell felt like a rush of water through me, it's green glow traveling from the ground up.

On Meadran it help deal with some of the pollutants in the air. According to him it was some of the worst He had ever encountered, that wasn't demonic in origin.

Oh, great, so Demons were thing, could have lived without know that tidbit.

When casted on the ground the grass visibly grew, and I could feel some of the crud gunking up the plants in the soil vanish.


Abilities could be used just by willing it, or even in some cases without any effort at all.

Like Sense Mana, which made Shaping a lot easier.

Thanks to Ley Line Sight, now I could see the faint muddy yellow Ley Line running across the valley. It seemed weak and almost exhausted, but where it passed the Water from the Moon Well or the Roots of Meadran, it spark a bright golden color as if it was gaining strength.


'Here are your starting items.'

The Blue Box, I had picked before popped into existence.

I opened it to find, A set of blue cotton clothes and a heavier coat like green robe with a voluminous hood. Meadran said both would act like minor armor, due to the mana woven into them.

I also got a staff.


[ Staff of Beginnings

+1 Spirit

+5% Mana Regen ]


Apparently Spirit was the primary stat for Spellcasting and Rituals, with Will helping to maintain concentration for Channeling or Long Rituals.

Speaking of Rituals, they were like spells but took a lot longer and you used props, called circles and foci to carry some of the burden and mana cost. You could generally only perform a ritual once per set amount of time, and only at certain points in time.

He taught me the Ritual of the Bright Moon, which could be performed any time after the sunset, and only once every day. A simple circle is drawn or scratched into the ground, with the moon in all of it's phases drawn around the circle. You needed any mana infused object as a sacrifice. I used one of Meadran shed leaves. The ritualist and anyone within 25ft would gain eyesight that made the Night almost as Bright as Day.

Wow, it really worked, I could see the whole valley now.

Oh hey what's that? It looked like a Brass colored Pyramid with a blue Crystal floating over it.

"What the hell is that!?" Aliens! I mean Magic was real, so, of course, there had to be fucking Aliens.

Meadran could sense my disturbed thoughts.

'Ah you can see the Khalani Nexus, now. Yes, you'll need to go activate it after you get your companion. Sadly, like with the Kaldorei much will be restricted to you.'

Sometimes I only understood a fraction of what he said, but I was getting used to it.

'Here your Companion.'

A Giant Golden Wolf appeared. Giant, Like I could ride him big, Golden like his hair was made of the Metal, Wolf as in...awesome!

'Hello, Small Brother. I am called Lumiar.' He chuffed a greeting while sitting.

Correction Giant Golden TALKING Wolf! This Day was the best.

Then it reminded me of Ruger..

'Worry not Young One, your former companion will be well cared for.' Meadran tried to ease my troubled heart.

'He's probably getting belly scratches and all the crunchy bones he can handle right about now, from beautiful Kaldorei Huntresses. I'm Jealous.'

Yeah, if I was a canine, I'd be jealous too. I guess I trusted these two to not lead me wrong. Not that I seemed to have other options right now.

I offered ear scritches, and he accepted.

'Well this isn't so bad. You've done this before. Still, I like the Ladies, so no ideas.' He huffed, with a canine grin.

We all looked at each other and laughed, each in our own ways.

Yeah, I guess this wasn't so bad.

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