Some Warpunk in Cybercraft! [Fanfiction]

Chapter 77

A large concrete megabunker appeared in the center of the space.

Round with nothing I'd call a window. Only a few slot to fire out of and even those had metal plates closes them up at the moment. Rusted steel razor wire surrounded the base except for the armored warehouse door. More razor wire block climbing access to the roof. Several double headed eagle stencils decorated the building.

Why double headed?

Everything about this structure screamed both efficiency and impregnable. If there was a architecture style called Military Brutalism this would be a prime example of that style.

An entire culture dedicated to nothing but war, and I was the moron who thought it would be a good idea to bring them here.

The armored door slid to the side.

Five figures stepped out of the building, all of them armed and all of them ready to shoot anything they didn't like the look of.

Thankfully the couldn't see us right now. Though that might bite us in the ass when we included them in the ally selection of the Pylons.

They fell into a wedge, no words spoken between them, their actions and movement spoke of familiarity.

The leading figure was dressed in what might be mistaken for a combination of WWI and WWII German uniforms. A golden cuirass with the same double headed eagle design under a almost steel grey great coat. A helmet decorated with a winged human skull framed perhaps the most disturbing feature. An old fashion looking cloth gas mask the lenses dark. A pistol of a design I didn't recognize was sweeping the are while an ornate sword glowing faintly with energy was held ready by their side.

The two figures on the left were similar though they lacked the cuirass and instead hade what looked like an almost normal plate carrier under their great coats. The helmets there were less sweeping though they still displayed a winged human skull. Their masks were also the same, except their was a hose running from them to something I couldn't see from this angle. They had rifles of some kind, interestingly the rifles were connected to a pack on their backs by a couple of tubes.

One of the figure on the right was robed in white wearing a rather large cylindrical hat. There were all manner of wax seals placed on their robes and skulls everywhere. They also had a gas mask, which really didn't go with their priestly vibes. Instead of a gun of some type they clutched a double headed eagle staff with one hand and had an open tome resting in the other. A bizarre golden energy, not dissimilar to what had seeped into me earlier surrounded them.

The last figure was the most odd. A cyborg of some kind was the obvious part. the parts appeared to be a mish-mash of mechanical pieces thrown together at random. They wore red robes and started chanting in... modem, yup they sounded a lot like a modem from the days of dial up internet. Four mechanical limbs, of differing types, sprouted from their back and two held weapons. One a blocky looking assault rifle of some kind and the other glowed with ominous blue light.

I didn't like the look of any of them. Something told me I'd like their personality even less.

I sighed and added the leader to the exceptions list.

They reacted predictably by shooting. The laser bolts didn't get through my shield, nor my companions, but I didn't want that to continue. Seeing their shots had failed they charged.

"Please stop. It makes it difficult to have a conversation."

He froze. Just like that. Like an automaton.

"Please keep your troops from attacking, when I let them see us."

The figure nodded.

I added the rest after the figure spoke softly to their fellows.

The white robed figure dropped to his knees and started chanting in what sounded like Latin. The red robed figure also started chanting while kneeling.

Huh, oh right. Fuck this was going to be a pain in the ass.

While the other two lowered their weapons slightly.

The leader also after a moment of observing the two robed figures, also knelt.

"My Emperor, Marshal 999 serves."

The other two followed suit.

"Watchmaster 5 serves."

"Watchmaster 26 serves."

They chanted in unison, "In life, war. In death, peace. In life, shame. In death, atonement."

"Hoss, I don't understand a word they are saying." Raynor whispered to me.

"They are praying, it is every bit as grim as I feared." I whispered back.

I wondered if I could do this. Golden energy rose from them and linked them to me, I could feel this new energy grow inside me. Warm and terrible. It made me feel, tall and powerful. It was good and it was horrible. I felt refreshed and like I was going to vomit.

It didn't run counter to the Mana of Nature, or the energy of the Psifield. It mixed into them and made them more.

"Please rise."

Everything stopped and my new followers rose.

"Tell me what you know about why you are here." Better to get them to talk, than say something they didn't like and get shot at.

The priestly figure started talking, "Most Glorious Emperor, the you of our World sent us here to protect you while you are vulnerable, in this World, to the predation of Chaos. We were entrusted with this holy mission, instead of your more worthy sons because we were stationed by a place suitable to transferring us. You said it would take too long for the Astartes to arrive."

"This made sense to you?"

"Not at first, Most Holy One, I suspected the treachery of the Enemy. Trickery is ever their way. However, your most Glorious Light filled us and no foul spawn of the Warp could so fully imitate that Holy Power."

Yeah, I pretty sure that wasn't true, but there was no way in hell I was going to say that out loud.

"Your name?"

"I am, if it pleases you, Preacher Grais of the Adeptus Ministrorum, these Guardsmen sought my aid when the visions began. I humbly beg pardon, Holy Emperor, I killed many before understanding this was not the taint of Chaos. I have no excuse for my failure to perceive your greatest at first. The energy you radiate reveals your Truth."

It's the Spanish fucking inquisition on crack. Shit. How was I supposed to respond to that level of rabid zealotry? I'd have to wing it.

"I forgive your overreaction. So long as you understand we have no resources to waste here. Slain none without my express permission." Hopefully that would work.

He bowed, "I obey, God Emperor."

I turned to the last figure.

They started speaking modem at me, but in a strange turn much like when I began to understand the Probes, I understood.

"This one is Magos Errant Delta 9 Helifern. Praise the Omnissiah, you register as one with the Machine-Spirits. Call upon me if you need aid." The voice was artificial, flat and emotionless.

This person creeped me out the most. Something was truly wrong with them. Maybe it was that they were more machine than human. Perhaps it was the way they were pushing signals into the environment. They were trying to access the Psifield somehow.

"When I need you, I will be sure to inform you." My teeth itched just saying it.

These broken people in front of me, freaked me the hell out.

What had I done?


I going to have a headache for days now.

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