Some Warpunk in Cybercraft! [Fanfiction]

Chapter 79

I wanted to raise the VotGE Class to match the others but found that it was a whopping 5000 XP per level. That seemed bloody expensive. No, I needed to see what it could do for me. I went ahead and increased it once, leaving me with almost 12,000 XP.

+1 to all stats per level seemed like a good thing, but the cost was hefty. The Class also added a new special stat that didn't go up when I leveled, Divinity: 1.This stat had a sub category, Faith: 51. My head just kind of went blank when I started thinking about that and what it could mean.

Had I somehow highjacked my way into godhood, or at least the path to godhood? The class said I would embody a god but who would believe that? I've never been particularly religious, and my exposure to faith of any kind was minimal. Until now.

Wait, Faith was probably that golden energy. I nodded to myself, that made sense. So Divinity was what, how well I could use it? How much I could store? Maybe both. Not enough information.

I had gotten a new ability with the level up as well. Foresight. From what I could sense it was pretty literal, I could get images of the future, though it would be extremely limited at first.

I turned my attention to the other abilities. Divine Wrath was pretty similar to Smite. Had the same feel and everything it just didn't require a prayer, also it would damage anything I considered an enemy, but spare anything I considered an ally. Nice, no friendly fire.

Blessing of Mankind burned Faith energy to give courage and fury to my chosen targets, or despair and dread to my enemies. Hmm. So only useful in battle? It required more study.

While I would have to use the abilities to really start understanding then, I was reluctant to start experimenting in front of the newcomers. I had a feeling showing any weakness in front of them would be a very bad idea. For some reason, I didn't get the same feeling of trust with them in my gut as I did with Raynor and Mr. Wick. Correction, the Kriegsmen were absolutely loyal. It was the Preacher and the Magos that twisted my guts up. Maybe for different reasons, but I couldn't trust them, like I could the others.

They were turning out to be a problem. One that I had no ready solution for. I wasn't sure how useful they would be. Otherwise, I might just eliminate them.

Huh? Where the fuck did that come from? I rolled that around in my thoughts.



Oh, no.

This was what I was warned about. My personality was already being affected by the new identity. Shit.

My pile of problems grows. My bag of solutions seemed empty, unless I started thinking like a ruthless tyrant hellbent on a, "My way or the Highway" policy. If I went that route I had as many solutions as I had bullets. I could make a lot of bullets.


I grew weary of contemplation. I seemed to be going in circles. If I had to be an asshole to control these messed up people, so be it.

"Marshal 999, your orders are to secure this area while avoiding contact with the locals. Minimize time on the surface and do not go more than a hundred yards from the lift when you do. Harm none that are in my service, regardless of what they look like. Any others capture and hold until such time as I or one of my representatives can pass judgement on them."

I waved my hand towards the walls.

"In the meantime, build your infrastructure underground. Go deeper if you must but not closer to the surface. Get your production lines setup for weapons and whatever else you require. I will have food and material supplies shipped to you as fast as possible. Build me an army loyal to me and me alone. Do you understand?"

His fist smashed into his chest and he bowed, "Yes, My Emperor! I obey!" The Watchmasters mirrored him. The preacher look nonplussed, I could feel his irritation, even if I didn't fully understand it. I suspected he didn't actually see me as his Emperor. Perhaps, I was just a mouthpiece. Argh, his heart and mind were labyrinthine, loaded with twists and turns.

"Preacher Grais, you will come with us. I want to see what ideas you have about the expansion of our bases. Also, so that I might learn more about your Imperium, after all success is worth emulating."

That shut off those sour feelings. A sense of pleased self importance. What a piece of work, this guy was.

"Of course, It would be my honor, Emperor." No "glorious" this time? Seems the mask begins to slip.

Emulate their Empire, of course not. It sounded horrific. No, but I needed him to think I was on the same path. I'd absorb the lessons and mistakes, probably couched as victories, and use those to forge something better.

"Magos Helifern, I have considered also taking you with us. Learning more about the technology of Mars had great appeal to me."

A flash of jealousy from the preacher. What a child like level of emotions. Considering he was supposedly approaching 200 years of age, that was highly incredulous.

"However, if I understand your talents properly, it would be more efficient to use you here. I'll show you the forges we already have setup and how to use them, though the robotics facilities are working on important projects that can not be disturbed right now."

"As the Omnissiah decrees." His "Vox Modulator" still bothered me, but I was getting used to it.

"Lastly one of my Probes will scan all of your equipment, so that they may be reproduced in the forges. We'll determine later if your methods of manufacture or ours are more suited to our needs."

None of them objected, though the Magos's mechadendrites writhed almost like they were afraid.

With that I think I've covered my bases for now. There would probably still be a ton of mess ups to fix later but this was a good start.

After we got the scans sorted, I took the Magos to the forges and explained everything he needed to know. He seemed joyous, if such a being was capable of emotion.


Raynor, Mr. Wick and I were sitting in the living area south of the lift, discussing out impressions of the newcomers.

"Those folks are a few stalks sort of a bale. If I understand even half of what they said about their home, that place is a nightmare." Raynor shook his head, frowning. He was worried.

"Fast. Accurate. Always ready." Mr. Wick paused, "Too quick to shoot."

Raynor and I whipped around to stared at him like he had grown another head.

Silence grew heavier, as we couldn't believe he had just said that. Mr. empty a mag before anyone can get a word in edgewise.

Then he started laughing.

Was the World about to combust into a ball of flame? John motherfucking Wick had just cracked a joke. Will miracles never cease?

Raynor and I looked at each other and shrugged.

After a moment we joined him. The laughter itself built up until it became an uncontrollable release of tension. All that frustration of dealing with such strange people, released in a torrent of sound.

Wasn't it wonderful to have friends.

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