Son of Agni ( SI in Avatar: The Last Airbender)

Book One: Water – Kyoshi Island.

Book One: Water – Kyoshi Island.

Greetings peasants!

Here's the chapter of the week, enjoy it!


Pov. Third-person.

In a makeshift Fire Nation harbor near the Earth Kingdom, a small warship was docked, next to dozens of other larger and more modern Fire Naval ships.

Some soldiers chose to go down to replenish provisions and request engineers and mechanics to repair the damaged ship.

Prince Zuko had chosen to remain on the ship, helping the crew with the unloading of materials needed to repair the ship, until someone caught the banished prince's attention.

"Prince Zuko!" said a voice, approaching.

Zuko looked at the source of the voice and frowned when he recognized the owner.

[Although another port would be preferable, the ship is much more damaged than I thought, so I couldn't afford to go to another shipyard... Unfortunately, I have to put up with this guy] thought Zuko.

It was Zhao, currently one commander of the Fire Nation Naval Fleet.

To Zuko, he was just a guy who knew how to flatter the right people to get such a rank in the army, in addition to being someone with delusions of grandeur.

"Commander Zhao... I hope you don't mind repairing my ship in your port, I don't plan on staying for long, I'll be leaving soon" said Zuko

The prince then went back to picking up boxes on the floor and taking them to some of the crew, who were picking them up and bringing them inside the ship.

As Zuko delivered the boxes, Zhao quickly disregarded the order.

"I don't mind, after all, the grandson of the Fire Lord and son of the great crown prince Ozai is always welcome in the colonies, and that extends to my port… But I must say, it was quite a damage," said Zhao looking at the ship.

Zuko didn't slow down and just replied calmly as he went back and got another box.

"While we were at the South Pole, a large mass of ice ended up breaking off a glacier near my ship, it actually surprised everyone as it happened in the dead of night... Mother Nature can be brutal sometimes, Commander" said Zuko.

Zhao seemed to consider it as Zuko turned and walked over to another box.

"Mother Nature is just another obstacle that can be overcome by the Fire Nation. But I must say, you look quite different from when you were banished from home... Perhaps you would like to have some tea while you share your adventures around the world in search of the avatar?" asked Zhao, with a superior smile.

Zuko soon responded.

"As I said before, I don't intend to stay longer than strictly necessary… So I'm afraid I have to decline the invitation," said Zuko, not looking at Zhao.

However, when Zuko was about to pick up the box, a hand stopped him from going forward.

"I insist… If provisions bother you, I can order my men to fuel your ship faster, all I'm asking is just a cup of tea," said Zhao.

Zuko looked at the hand that was blocking his path and then looked at Zhao.

"... Very well, follow me," said Zuko.

Zhao looked at Zuko in confusion, before realizing that the prince was already heading towards the ship.

"Wait my prince, your ship is still undergoing repairs, maybe it's better in my port's command tent," said Zhao.

Zuko then stopped, but only for a few seconds, before walking back inside the ship.

"Repairs are finishing up, if you want a cup of tea I'll bring my own tea set," said Zuko.

Zhao went to complain, but Prince Zuko had already boarded the ship.

Then the commander could only grumble.

A few minutes passed and Zuko soon returned with a complete set of tea and placed it on top of a nearby box.

The prince then started making tea in front of Zhao and once he was done, he offered Zhao a cup.

Zhao looked listlessly at the cup and took it resignedly.

"…By the end of the year, the Earth Kingdom will be under Fire Nation rule, only the savages of the Northern Water Tribe resist… For now. How are your searches going, Prince Zuko, any clues so you can return home?" asked Zhao, with a small smile.

A mocking smile.

Zhao expected the prince to remain as impulsive as before... After all, Zuko was banished because of impulsiveness and condescension.

But it didn't work, as Zuko ignored the obvious attempt to piss him off.

"Hmm… I'm looking for clues, but so far nothing has caught my attention. I plan to go to Kyoshi Island due to the relationship with avatar Kyoshi, I hope to find something there, even though it is declared neutral, a small contingent of men can easily take over the island" said Zuko.

Zhao frowned in response to Zuko's explanation, before flashing another smile.

"I heard that Princess Azula was enshrined with a talent for legendary lightning bending at the age of 13… I suppose you don't know about this news," said Zhao.

Zhao was all the time analyzing the features on Zuko's face, looking for anything, be it a flash of surprise, anger, or even envy... anything he could take advantage of.

However, all Zhao saw was Zuko with a listless gaze, while he was calmly drinking tea.

"...Interesting... I suppose I should ask you, Commander, to bestow my best wishes on my sister, since I can't go back until I find the avatar," said Zuko.

Zhao looked at Zuko, disappointed.

"... I see... I'm afraid your ship is almost ready to leave, I'll retire so you can continue with your… Mission" said Zhao, as he left the cup near the set and walked away from Zuko.

Zuko looked at Commander Zhao and then at the cup and saw that Zhao hadn't drunk a single drop of tea.

"... What a waste," said Zuko, while drinking again.

Meanwhile, Zhao went back to the tent where he planned to review the maps, but then he saw a soldier waiting in front of the tent and he frowned.

"… Commander Zhao!" said the soldier, greeting Zhao with a typical Fire Nation bow.

"What are you doing here soldier?" questioned Zhao.

The soldier soon responded.

"I was on patrol when I heard Prince Zuko's crew talking about something, sir," said the soldier.

This immediately caught Zhao's attention.

"Tell me more about it," said Zhao, while frowning.

The soldier swallowed hard, before considering the next words that might or might not anger Zhao.

"They said something about a troubled child," said the soldier.

Zhao raised an eyebrow and curiosity.

Initially, Zhao wanted to dismiss the information, as it was possible that the problem child was Zuko, and the crew was complaining about the prince's behavior.

However, thinking about the conversation with Zuko earlier, Zhao had dismissed that possibility. But that being the case, if Zuko wasn't the one the crew was referring to...

So who was Zuko's crew talking about?

This question was on Zhao's mind for a long time, until the commander ordered that Zuko's crew be watched throughout their stay in his port and that any information obtained should be passed on to him.

It wasn't until midday that Zhao returned to Zuko's ship, which was ready to leave the port. The commander had a smile on his face as he thought he finally got what he wanted.

"Greetings, Prince Zuko," Zhao said, looking at Zuko, who was talking to the helmsman.

Zuko turned towards Zhao and frowned.

"Commander... I'm leaving, so I won't be able to have tea" said Zuko.

Zhao quickly dismissed the comment as there was something he wanted to ask.

"Although I understand, I heard some interesting rumors about a troubled child who was on your ship… A rather interesting story about a child dressed as an air nomad," Zhao said, with a smile.

For a few seconds, Zhao felt that he won the dialogue and would obtain the important information so that he could finally have the desired promotion of fleet admiral.

Zuko frowned.

"... And? What does it have to do?" asked Zuko, apathetic.

Zhao, just blinked in confusion as he expected a more erratic reaction.

"With all due respect, you have withheld valuable information –" said Zhao, but was soon interrupted by Zuko.

"It is doubtful that the waterbender survival, the resulted of the failure of the Southern attackers, is of any importance to me," said Zuko.

Zhao raised an eyebrow.

"Waterbender? Prince Zuko, you must be aware that this is not very believable considering the fact that you omitted the child earlier," said Zhao.

Zuko then explained unperturbed.

"I said nothing, as the fault of others is none of my concern. Also, why don't you believe in a waterbending child? Just because you hear that he has the clothes of an air nomad? I've traveled the world Zhao, and seen how much some people try to hold out hope that the avatar is still a surviving airbender, even if it's nearly 100 years after the genocide," said Zuko, with an emotionless tone.

Zhao stopped and frowned, for real, the more he thought about such a possibility of a survivor of the great genocide... the more ridiculous it was.

"If you have nothing more to say, Commander... I'm leaving" said Zuko, walking to his ship, now completely repaired and fueled, along with the helmsman, not expecting any response from Zhao.

Zhao could only stare at Zuko's back as he walked away towards the ship.

Zuko then looked at the helmsman, who was already an elderly sailor, when he was far enough away from Zhao.

"Trace our route to Kyoshi Island, we'll make a stop there, before heading north," said Zuko, speaking low, so that only the helmsman could hear.

The helmsman nodded and looked around, checking for curious eyes before turning to Zuko.

"... Do you think the avatar will be there?" asked the helmsman.

"I'm assuming that his connection to the lives of the previous avatars is in an unconscious way... Although the Roku avatar is the previous life, he can't afford to go to Roku's temple on the crescent island, so I suspect that he goes towards Kyoshi Island" said Zuko.

"Understood," said the old helmsman who bowed in the traditional fire nation manner and walked away from Zuko.

At the end of the afternoon of the same day, however, all places with any spiritual connection, began to glow in a supernatural way, symbolizing one thing to the world...

The avatar has returned.

While the world reacted to the avatar's return, Zuko had already docked near the beach of Kyoshi Island, planning his next move.

With the small ship, with a crew of few soldiers and even fewer firebenders, Zuko couldn't afford to go directly without a plan. The banished prince then organized his men and decided to anchor on the other side of Kyoshi Island, the side that did not have Unagi, and chose to wait on the ship, which was close to shore.

The reason for the wait was simple, Zuko would never be seen as welcome on Kyoshi Island for the simple fact that it is a Fire Nation, although the island is officially considered 'neutral', Zuko would bet that it was more due to the lack of resources and military power of the island itself, with the only army being a small group of teenage warriors who followed the teachings of avatar Kyoshi.

Zuko expected Aang's group to arrive at the island in the morning of the next day, where he would try the madness of swimming with the Elephant koi, which would soon be interrupted by the Unagi and soon after the group would be captured by the Kyoshi warriors.

Zuko planned to go to the village while the 'avatar team' was arrested on the other side of the island.

There was only one flaw in the plan, Zuko hoped that the Kyoshi warriors weren't watching his ship at all times, as that would mean an inevitable conflict until he reached Aang.

Because of this glaring failure, Zuko was considering whether it would be more time to meet Aang later on, given the better chances of meeting just after Aang's visit to Omashu.

However, Zuko's main goal at the moment was to establish a friendly relationship with the avatar team.

Though that wasn't the goal initially, as things have changed at the South Pole. This change was due to one simple fact...

Zuko had learned all forms of firebending by incorporating the styles of other types of bending.

Combustion bending was the easiest, although Zuko still proved not to be so proficient in changing the direction of the explosive beam in the air when he wanted to, although he was already training to be able to do that.

Plasma bending was a strange and complex style of firebending, a style created from the forms of firebending, waterbending, and earthbending, which resulted in a kind of raw, glowing red energy waves.

Smokebending was as easy as combustion, a mixture of airbending and firebending, and while not the most destructive in terms of raw power, it was quite useful if used well.

Lightning bending was the second most complex, considering that Zuko at the moment can only generate and redirect lightning, however, it seemed that shaping lightning was impossible, as there was no evidence of success so far due to the very nature of lightning.

But it was the last firebending style that was the most complex of all.

This Bending style would be considered the most advanced form of lightning bending.

Energy bending.

It was through this bending style that Zuko had knocked Aang out at the South Pole by applying some pressure to Aang's neck and bending the energy of the Spirit Chakras, but unfortunately, Zuko didn't expect the energy bending to be canceled a few seconds later by the avatar state.

This bending style was important due to Zuko believing he was able to counter the frightening bloodbending, in addition to the fact that through energy bending, it was possible that Zuko could block chi points, not by fighting form and nullify the bending of other people, for just a little moment.

Although Zuko is aware of this, he was careful that the crew did not comment on his evolution in firebending, so that he would have an advantage in extreme cases.

However... Despite all the work and knowledge, Zuko was faced with the power of a thousand lives that Aang wielded, and that made him rethink his plans.

Initially, the 'new' Zuko was going to follow the 'old' Zuko's original plan.

Capture the Avatar.

The reason for this was to establish some initial contact with Aang, even if it was negative so that Zuko would take advantage of opportunities to be seen as a 'good' person in the eyes of the avatar group.

Some good examples would be Katara's rescue from pirates and Aang's rescue from the Pohuai fortress.

If all goes well when he reaches the North Pole, the avatar team will no longer see him as a 'villain', and Zuko will take the chance to join the group and train Aang in firebending when the time comes.

While Zuko could be considered a 'manipulative' person to some extent, this was the easiest route to join the 'winning' group and end the war. Also, during all of this and depending on the scenario, Zuko needed to turn Azula into an ally, to avoid future skirmishes if he perhaps wanted to take over as Fire Lord in the future.

"My lord," said a soldier approaching Zuko, waking him from his thoughts.

Zuko turned to the soldier and gestured for him to speak.

"A small group has been sighted on the beach… They seem to want to talk to the ship's manager due to the raised peace flag," said the soldier, bowing.

Zuko just raised an eyebrow.

[So I was right... It was a waste of time to get here earlier, but maybe I can stay here until tomorrow morning] thought Zuko.

"Get the ship closer to the coast, I'll go talk to the natives of the island," said Zuko.

Shortly thereafter, Zuko's ship approached the beach, where a small group was carrying a flag of peace.

The group native to Kyoshi Island consisted of the village elder, accompanied by three Kyoshi warriors, one of whom was the leader, Suki.

When the ship lowered the bridge, Zuko got off the ship, accompanied by two firebender soldiers, since a non-bender soldier would not be very efficient against Kyoshi warriors.

Zuko then approached and saw that the native group was cautious in his presence; although they had a prominent frown on their foreheads.

"... Greetings," said Zuko, putting his hands behind his back and maintaining a listless look.

The elder was the first to speak.

"I am Huizhong, elder and village leader of Kyoshi Island, who has remained neutral throughout the 100-year war… May I know who is in front of me?" asked the elder, identified as Huizhong.

Zuko soon responded.

"... My name is Zuko, and I am aware of Kyoshi's neutrality, I am just passing through, however, I will have to stay overnight so that my crew can rest properly so that we leave Kyoshi Island tomorrow at sunrise" said Zuko.

However, Suki soon spoke.

"It's the first time a Fire Nation warship has stayed for a long time in Kyoshi, why should we believe you?" asked Suki, stepping forward.

As Suki took the first step towards Zuko, the two firebenders stepped forward to stop the Kyoshi warrior. However, Zuko surprised them by reacting first by stepping forward.

And now, the banished prince of the Fire Nation and the leader of the Kyoshi warriors were only an arm's length away.

"… What kind of guarantee do you want?" Zuko asked.

Suki gave the answer immediately.

"You can stay as a guest in the village, alone, your men will camp on the beach and won't be able to go to the village and –" said Suki, before being interrupted.

"No, in addition to being an exacerbating demand since we're at war and technically I would be considered a hostage, I plan to leave tomorrow with sunrise," said Zuko, quickly dismissing Suki's demands.

It was then that the elder chose to speak.

"How about that, you can dock on the beach, but any conflict you do will be considered hostile, no 'hostage' and no tribute, just remain in peace and you will be treated like tourists," Elder Huizhong said.

Zuko thought for a moment before nodding.

"I agree... If there's nothing else to discuss, I'll return to my ship" said Zuko, who then turned around and started walking along with the guards to the ship again.

Meanwhile, Suki was talking to the old man.

"Huizhong, I don't think it's a good idea to leave a warship docked on our island, what will the rest of Earth Kingdom think?" Suki asked.

Huizhong as an elder and head of Kyoshi village soon responded to the leader of the Kyoshi warriors.

"Suki, including yourself, the entire Kyoshi Island only has nine Kyoshi warriors, this is our 'army'; we haven't had a large-scale fighting force in decades. Kyoshi Island has remained neutral because we don't have conditions, let alone the luxury of spending resources on a war that is already a hundred years old..." said Huizhong, who resumed walking along the trail that led back to the village.

Both Suki and the Kyoshi warriors were not satisfied... But they respected Elder Huizhong's decision and hoped that Kyoshi Island would remain peaceful, even with the presence of the Fire Nation.

"Furthermore... The one who appears to be the leader said his name was Zuko if that's true and the descriptions are correct... Then I'm afraid we're 'hosting' someone of Fire Nation royalty," said Huizhong, with a serious tone.

This seemed to freeze the Kyoshi warriors as if something happened to someone who is part of the royal family it was unlikely that Kyoshi would survive a Fire Nation incursion.

"Anyway, we can only hope that tomorrow they'll leave Kyoshi alone… But maybe it's better to watch the ship," said Huizhong.

Suki seemed to agree.

"I agree, I will designate three warriors," said Suki.

And so Elder Huizhong and Suki, along with the other Kyoshi warriors, returned to the village.

Pov. Katara.

Early in the morning, we arrived at this island that Aang was talking about, but I didn't expect it to be...

"Let's go, guys! It's fun!" shouted Aang, already in the water and on top of an Elephant Koi.


"... I tell you Katara, he's crazy," said Sokka.

I soon looked at Sokka.

"He's not crazy... Besides, it's nice to see him smiling after what happened in the Air Temple," I said, shuddering.

At that moment I felt like it wasn't Aang... It was someone else.

"Yes... It's the second time that happens, at the South Pole it was scarier when he was fighting that combustion boy..." said Sokka.

I was also reminded of that Fire Nation guy, and I couldn't help thinking that he looked just a little older than Sokka... Wait.

"... 'Combustion boy'?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It was either that or 'Blast Forehead', it's not like we know that guy's name," Sokka said, shrugging.

It was then that Sokka turned to look at Aang and his eyes widened.

"?!… There's something in the water!" said Sokka, pointing to the water.

I looked where he was pointing and saw a shadow approaching Aang.

"Oh no… Aang! Get out of the water!" I yelled, running towards the water.

Pov. Third-person.

Due to the increasing movement on the surface of the sea, the Unagi had piqued interest and soon started to follow Aang.

However, when the Unagi got close enough to Aang, an explosive energy beam soon hit the Unagi in the head while submerged, which resulted in the Unagi submerging again and disappearing into the sea due to the fright caused by the explosion.

While Aang was thrown from the Elephant Koi, towards the shore, he then began to run back towards the group.

It was then that Sokka looked at the source of the beam and froze.

"Oh come on... Not him" said Sokka.

"Well, that's a rather disturbing coincidence," said the voice.

It was Zuko, which was accompanied by five Kyoshi warriors, who soon disarmed and immobilized Katara and Sokka, putting a kind of blindfold over their eyes.

When Aang returned to the beach and saw their friends in that state, in addition to the appearance of Zuko, he froze in shock before being pinned down and blindfolded shortly thereafter.

Zuko had left the boat that morning and was approached by the Kyoshi warriors on the pretext of going to the village to buy a medicine that was missing and to thank them for the 'hospitality' offered, the banished prince hoped that the time was right...

And indeed, when the Kyoshi warriors noticed that there were other people on the beach of Kyoshi Island, they decided that the best course of action would be to bring Zuko with them.

Zuko looked at the avatar team pinned to the ground, and then looked at Suki.

"... I thank you for not giving me such hospitality," said Zuko.

Suki gave a small, amused smile.

"Wait! I briefly saw the color of your uniforms; you must be from the Earth Kingdom, so… Why are you on the side of 'Combustion Boy'?!" shouted Sokka, blindfolded.

Suki raised an eyebrow and looked back at Zuko.

"…'Combustion Boy'?" Suki asked.

"Don't even ask me... He's an idiot," said Zuko, looking blankly at Sokka.

[If people only know about my combustion bending it's fine... It's not like it's something unheard of, like plasma bending or energy bending] Zuko thought.

"…Was that a girl's voice?" asked Sokka confused.

It was then that Zuko seemed to remember something before turning to Suki.

"An advice for you... Ignore what he says too if you don't want to be offended" said Zuko.

Suki raised an eyebrow, but chose to ignore the advice and ordered the other warriors to carry the avatar group, but asked Zuko to carry Aang so that the prince would have his hands full.

As the group headed towards the village, Aang, who was being carried on Zuko's shoulder, although he was blindfolded, tried to make conversation.

"So… I heard Sokka saying your name – I mean – 'your nickname', but just between us… What's your name? We can't just call you 'Combustion Boy' every time we see each other," Aang said.

Sokka soon screamed.

"Aang! Do not interact with the enemy! For Tui's sake, he tried to blow you up at the South Pole, and now here on the island!" Sokka said.

The Kyoshi warriors seemed to look at Zuko intensely after hearing such information.

"Ah?... But he wasn't aiming at me, right?" asked Aang, as he asked Zuko a question.

"... No..." said Zuko, with an apathetic tone.

"See Sokka, he's not that bad," said Aang.

Sokka and Katara seemed to grimace in disapproval.

"So what's your name?" asked Aang.

Zuko was silent as he thought.

[He's a curious talker, he doesn't have an ounce of self-preservation, besides he disregards imminent danger as if it were something mundane while acting in a positive manner... He reminds me of Elize] Zuko thought wistfully.

"... Zuko... My name is Zuko" said Zuko, as he walked.

Though the banished prince's thoughts were more complicated than ever.

The group remained silent after Zuko's answer until they reached the Kyoshi village, where Zuko gave Aang to one of the warriors while following two other warriors to a place that sold some medicinal herbs.

[... What the hell am I doing?... They're just cartoon characters from a TV show that I watched in my youth… Right?] thought Zuko.

It was then that Zuko realized that he had stopped walking, and he turned around and saw the Kyoshi warriors picking up the war fan as they analyzed his next actions.

"… Could you guide me to the nearest medicinal herb shop? I don't know here and… I'm not right in the head at the moment" said Zuko, looking at the warriors.

The two Kyoshi warriors exchanged a look and then they nodded to Zuko, one of the warriors then proceeded to lead the way to the shop.

As soon as Zuko bought a large amount of medicinal herb, filling the leather bag he had brought, he soon left the store while still accompanied by the two Kyoshi warriors, towards the ship, until he came across Aang, accompanied by a group of girls.

The young air nomad soon casually approached Zuko and introduced himself while waving.

"Ah! Hi Zuko!" said Aang, with a smile.

Zuko just gave an incredulous look.

"… You are very innocent… Do you ever think before you act?" asked Zuko, looking at Aang.

The Avatar soon tilted his head in confusion at the question.

"... Well... I don't know... It's just that for some reason I think I can trust you, it's like a feeling" said Aang.

This gave Zuko a strange feeling, as this sentence, although said with an innocent tone, could only mean one thing.

[... Is Roku influencing Aang's thoughts?] thought Zuko.

It was a possibility since Aang wasn't 'just' Aang... It was Aang and over a thousand extra lives with experienced benders from all nations.

Zuko just stared at Aang, who looked nervous with the look on his face.

"Ah! Want to see an airbending trick?" Aang asked excitedly.

The young air nomad then took marbles out of his pocket and waved his hands, causing a small current of air to form a circle as the marbles spun rapidly.

Throughout the gesture, Aang was giving Zuko a smile that could be described as comical.

Zuko just looked listlessly... Although it was possible to see the beginning of a small smile in the corner of his lips.

"... Goodbye Aang... Maybe we could be friends in another life" said Zuko, as he distanced himself from Aang.

But then Aang asked a question that stopped Zuko in his tracks.

"Why can't we be friends in this life?" asked Aang, confused.

Zuko didn't turn around, nor did he answer... He just walked away, ignoring Aang's question.


Well, that's all folks!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, peasants!

Remember to leave your comment, I'll only continue this fanfic according to your feedback!

Until next week!

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