Son of Agni ( SI in Avatar: The Last Airbender)



Well, here's the fanfic I said I was going to write, alongside my other fanfic: 'Reborn as Thor'.

I chose ATLA because it is a considerably shorter story and therefore more likely to end early.

I will post Book 1: Water, but Book 2: Earth will only be posted after the expected feedback from you, which will decide whether or not I continue with the fanfic!

I hope you like this new fanfic, peasants!


Pov. Third-person.

In the 'city that never sleeps' of São Paulo, Brazil, on Christmas Eve, one car, in particular, was occupied by a young-looking man with a child who was about 6 years old and appeared to have some of the facial features of the man, it was noticeable that they were father and daughter.

"Daddy, how long before we get to grandma's house?" asked the child, looking at her father.

The father looked at his daughter through the car's rearview mirror for only a few seconds before answering.

"... We're almost there Eliza... Remember to ask for their blessing when you meet your grandma and grandpa" said the man, with a serious tone.

The girl smiled before waving, the young Eliza then looked out the car window to see the city lights and stared at them with a bright gaze.

As the girl looked at the lights the man again looked at Eliza in the rearview mirror.

[... Pamela... She looks so much like you... I just wish you were here to see our little angel grow up...] the man thought wistfully, as he looked in the rearview mirror.

It was then that a light appeared in the man's peripheral vision as he was crossing an intersection.

When the man looked towards the light, he only saw two headlights coming towards him.

A car had run a red light and was speeding toward the father-daughter duo's car.

Time seemed to freeze when the man remembered the face of his late wife.

"… Pamela," the man said in a whisper.

When the collision occurred, the man did not feel immediate pain, only the screams of his daughter and the whisper of another voice when he closed his eyes.

Pamela's voice.

"... Lucas"

When the man, called Lucas, opened his eyes again he was looking at a hospital bed...

That was occupied by his body.

"... What?" said Lucas, confused.

It was like he was seeing himself in the third person.

"Well, bad luck..." said a voice.

Lucas looked towards the voice and saw a figure wrapped in a dark cloak with a hood covering the whole body, embracing the darkness so it was impossible to see the face.

The figure then raised a skeletal hand.

"It's really bad luck… Let's keep it simple, shall we?" asked the figure.

Lucas tried to speak, but since the figure appeared Lucas's voice seemed to be gone.

"Lucas… You're in a coma and, unfortunately, you've been selected randomly by a spirit to go to a completely different fantasy universe so that you can bring fun to my bosses," said the figure.

Lucas just got more confused.

"I'm what you call a 'scout' and I just select souls at random... However, you didn't die, so let's make a deal..." said the figure.

It was then spoken for the first time.

"...My daughter, Eli–" said Lucas, wanting to get answers.

The figure soon interrupted.

"Eliza is physically fine, she is with your late wife's parents… Although you have questions, the deal is the priority right now," said the figure.

Although Lucas was apprehensive, as soon as he heard the figure's response, he soon spoke with a frown.

"... My daughter is my priority," said Lucas, sharply.

The figure didn't even seem to be bothered by Lucas's growing irritation.

"So listen to the deal... If you go to this universe and live for my bosses' entertainment, at the end of it all I will bring you back to this world, don't worry about the time, your life in that new universe will just be one day in here" said the figure, stretching out his arms.

It was then that Lucas noticed the fingertips...

It was bones.

Lucas then got nervous... Who the hell was he talking to?

The figure ignored Lucas' nervousness and continued to speak.

"Think about it, Lucas... You will be able to see your daughter again, and I will make some arrangements so that you and her live well for the rest of your lives" said the figure.

As soon as the figure spoke about Lucas's daughter, the father soon woke up from his thoughts.

"… First of all, if… If I refuse, what happens?" Lucas asked.

The room seemed to have gotten colder.

"If you refuse, then you die here and your daughter will live with her grandparents; until they die when she's 15 old, and she ends up in some orphanage where she will live until she is 18; she will live a mediocre, unremarkable life. She will then die at the age of 23 from an electric shock when she turns on the Christmas tree with her feet wet after taking a shower... Perhaps this could be avoided if she was celebrating with her father, don't you think?" asked the figure.

Lucas froze.

After all, he had just heard that his daughter will live to be 23 years old.

"How… How do I know you are telling the truth?" Lucas asked.

The figure then fell silent before 'looking' at Lucas, who for the first time saw the figure's 'face'.

A skull in the shadows.

"... Death doesn't lie, boy..." said the figure.

Lucas froze at the answer and it felt like the chill in the room had increased as the figure started to approach Lucas.

The figure then extended a skeletal hand.

"… Do we have an agreement or not?" asked the figure.

Lucas looked at the skeletal hand as he made his decision... The young father then shook the 'hand'.

The figure looked gleeful with the decision.

"Excellent... Have a good trip, boy, I hope I don't run into you again anytime soon" said the figure.

The shadows in the room doubled and engulfed Lucas, forcing the young father to close his eyes in fright.

At that time, Lucas only thought about one thing.

[... Sorry, Pamela... But I promised you that Eliza would be our priority, so wait a little longer] Lucas thought with conviction.

POV. Lucas/MC.

They say that by making a pact with the devil, man will no longer have a life, as the soul will no longer have a place in paradise.

But what if the pact is with 'death'?

As I thought, I still heard that voice, in the shadows of my conscience...

{Due to the universe you will be transmigrated to, I called in a favor from a 'friend', your goal will be to bring 'peace' to this world, and if you achieve that you can return. I suggest you enjoy your new life... 'son' of Agni}.

I couldn't even think long enough before I woke up in a bed…very red.

I seemed to be in a room made of metal, which for some reason was filled with red colors, added with gold, and black details. But what bothered me wasn't the strange room... It was that I was feeling pain in the left side of my face, which felt like I was bandaged.

When I touched it and realized it was covered, I quickly reached for anything that would help me see my face.

I soon noticed a mirror in one of the corners of the room.

As I approached, I saw the face, not of a man...

But of a boy.

Bald on most of the head, with a long 'ponytail' on top of the head, plus a bandage on the left side of the face, which explained my discomfort.

A single gold-colored eye stared back at me.

It was then that the reflection of something caught my eye.

I turned around and saw a red flag with a black flame in the center.

"… Fire Nation?" I whispered.

Death said that I was in another universe and that I would be transmigrated until I managed to complete the mission given to me.

I just didn't expect it to be the cartoon I watched when I was a kid.

If I'm in a quarter of the Fire Nation, and I'm someone with a wound on the left side of my face, then what are the chances that I'm...


A knock on the door alerted me to my thoughts.

"Prince Zuko! We are approaching the air temple island from the west!" said a voice from the other side of the iron door.

There's no doubt...

I'm Zuko.

I was about to answer when my head throbbed violently and countless images, which I assumed were memories, flashed across my vision.

When the images stopped I froze.

"…No…This isn't right" I whispered.

My silence seemed to have puzzled the soldier outside my room, as he knocked on the door again.

"... Sir? Are you all right?" asked the voice.

I responded quickly this time.

"Yes! I'm leaving!" I said.

I soon searched the room and found the iconic Fire Nation armor, and quickly put it on while lost in thought.


Iroh died in Ba Sing Se, along with Lu Ten.

Azulon was not slain and is still the lord of fire, although age is finally taking its toll on the old dragon's health.

Zuko – Or should I say me? – even asked to participate in the war meeting, and Ozai allowed him and Azula to attend.

I still challenged the general and ended up fighting and losing to Ozai, as he was Azulon's representative on the war council, due to the old dragon's health.

It was Ursa who died of 'mysterious causes' on the night of my banishment.

And here I was, on a ship from the early days of the 100-Year War updated with a small crew that once served Iroh, all given away by Azulon.

Just sometime after 'my' banishment, approaching the air temple from the west.

'Death' commissioned me to bring 'peace' to this world, but as far as I remember, even with Aang's victory in restoring 'balance' to the world, there was no 'peace'... There was a ' break'.

I left the room and headed towards the exit.

The only thing I could do at the moment was train like crazy, studying the bending forms and using my future knowledge to take advantage of future events to aid my mission so that I could return home...

My real home, where my daughter awaits me.

It may sound like I'm being paranoid, but with Iroh's death, I have no idea how to relate to the white lotus, and in the worst-case scenario, I don't know if the white lotus exists in this reality.

If the white lotus did not exist... Then Ba Sing Se will not be regained on the day of the comet.

Hell, I'm hoping one thing still happens as scheduled as Aang's awakening.

In almost three years Aang will awaken, and after the avatar awakens it will be a race to see who will win.

I have to make this time count.

Whatever happens... I have to go home.

I have to complete the mission...

By any means necessary.


Well, this is the first chapter, it's more of a kind of introduction and goal-setting for the MC to go back to the original world.

I hope you enjoyed it!

This story isn't definitive, because I don't know if I'll continue writing it, I basically had an episode of nostalgia and wanted to write a fanfic about Avatar: The Last Airbender; I chose Zuko for one reason only...

For me, Zuko is the most developed fictional character yet, there's no way you can watch ATLA and not be impressed by Zuko's developmental arc over the episodes.

It will depend on the feedback for me to continue this fanfic, so please leave a comment.


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