Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1991 - This is the era of the Lakers and Ji Feng

The era of the Green Army is over.

Even if the “Big Three” scored all double figures, even if Rondo once again surrendered a triple-double performance of 22 points, 10 rebounds and 14 assists, the Celtics’ “old guys” still failed to stop the young Heat. At 88:101, the Celtics lost the seventh game. Similarly, they lost the entire season and the final future.

The Big Three finally hated it. For these three veterans, the failure to stabilize the championship may be a lifetime regret. After the game, Pierce, Garnett, Ray Allen and Rondo and Rivers are on the court. Taking a group photo inside, all this is like a farewell.

Yes, since 2007, those who failed to win a championship from the Lakers will inevitably embark on a road of disintegration. The contracts of Garnett and Ray Allen of the Big Three expire at the same time, and they must also accept that they do not The fact that no matter how young they are, Garnett is 37 years old, Ray Allen is 36 years old, and Pierce 35 years old. Being young is something they must face. In this Eastern Conference, they suffered a lot in the face of the younger Big Three. Even if one year comes, the situation will not be better than it is now, so they have no reason to stay here.

Although they have to face the reality no longer, they came here for the championship, and now it is time to leave again for the championship.

Rivers, the coach who proved his ability in the Green Army, also had to face the ending of leaving. At the press conference, Rivers put his left hand on Rondo’s right shoulder, tears full of tears. Choked up and said: “I will hand over the time to this guy next, as I said before, he is great.” After saying this, he touched a handful of tears that were about to squirt, and Rivers got up and bowed his head and walked away sadly. Go, just like what happened to the team he led not long ago.

“Five years have passed very quickly. It feels like forever. We played a lot of big games together and won championships together. What we did off the court. Thinking of it is a special journey. A special time,” Ray Allen’s words were full of sentimentality when talking about the past, “We may not have reached the end this season, but we really did our best every night. But now, my top priority It needs an ankle surgery. As for the future, who knows.”

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And Garnett’s words are also full of perseverance and uncertainty: “This is full of my memories. We are fighting side by side. We had a chance to win the championship trophy, but, well, I don’t know in the future, maybe I will Choosing to end it all here, my knees are already overwhelmed, but maybe I will fight for the championship for another year.”

The performances of Ray Allen, Garnett and Rivers made every Green Army fan sad. After years of waiting for the Green Army ZTE may really come to an end, they will inevitably usher in the reconstruction again.

In contrast, reaching the finals for two consecutive seasons seems to mean that the Eastern Conference belongs to the Heat’s era is coming!

James led the Heat to beat the Celtics 101-88, won the tiebreak for the first time in his career, and advanced to the finals for the third time. The first finals with the Thunder will be held in Oklahoma on Wednesday. For Zhan Huang, who was unsuccessful in the championship, this was an excellent opportunity to be in position.

This is also the second consecutive year that the big3 legion has reached the finals, but unlike last year, the Heat’s celebration this time was very low-key and unassuming.

Last year, the Heat defeated the Bulls and reached the finals. James knelt on one knee and couldn’t hide himself

Of excitement. It is not surprising to think that since the young emperor reached the finals in 2007 but was ruthlessly suppressed by the Spurs 4:0, after four years, he finally staged the scene of the return of the king. How could he not be excited?

Of course, everyone in the subsequent scripts is very clear that the Lakers relied on their extraordinary strength to sweep the Heat out with a total score of 4:1. The Heat became a laughing stock and James became an eight-pointer.

This time they finally ushered in the opportunity to challenge the Lakers again, this time, they appeared to be particularly low-key.

Maybe it was because of similar experiences, maybe to respect great opponents, or maybe to prevent happiness from creating sorrow. In short, after knocking down the Celtics and getting tickets to the finals, Miami hardly celebrated.

There was no smile even on James’s face. On the contrary, he hugged his opponent one by one, showing a great demeanor.

In the post-match interview, Celtics coach Rivers also said to James to a large extent: “Now, let’s fight for the championship!”

James didn’t have any reaction, and the award ceremony was the first to win the Eastern Championship trophy for the young **** Norris Cole, who hadn’t played for a minute.

In general, the Heat highlight two words up and down, low-key!

However, their fans are not low-key. As soon as the Heat eliminated the Greens and entered the finals, many people began to provoke.

Wei Ai Lao Zhan: “Ji Feng said, he went to touch the floor of the finals first, and now, he has finished touching the floor, it’s time for James to appear!”

LeBron James: “I really like the words of the Lakers fans: you can advance to the finals, let’s talk about it! Now this is coming in! The finals rise, dry up the Lakers!”

The eternal **** of the Big Three of the Heat: “I just want to dry the Lakers, not to mention anything else, just dry them. The West is really not good now. Let them feel the warmth of the East!”

There were even more swelled fans shouting: “Now, it’s time to establish a new era!”

Or: “The time of James is coming!”

Not only that, they even made a finals slogan, which borrowed Rivers’ words after the Eastern Finals: “Go ahead, LeBron, go and win the championship trophy!”

The Heat boss also stepped up to help the flames at the moment. He said: “The East is far more exciting than the West this year. I know that there have been sayings that the East is weak and the West is strong before, but maybe now we need to change our thinking. We lost last season. This season It’s time to get back what we lost. UU Reading”

In this regard, Ji Feng said, oh roar, it’s starting again, this familiar taste.

Without waiting for the Lakers to stand up and fight back, the fans can no longer sit still.

“Fuck, swell, don’t you feel like you have won the championship?”

“To be honest, I have seen this scene of deja vu before, wasn’t it like this last season, and then the whole world knew it. Would you like me to help you recall it?”

“The Heat fans are really awesome. If it weren’t for the referees, the championship should be zero now. The West is strong and the East is weak. Isn’t it OK to say it?”

“Calm down, don’t panic at all for four consecutive championships. Okay, we are going to win the five crowns. You are the first one. Can the grades be the same? James fans don’t think that one champion can save the situation, right? Will it not!”

Barkley is more direct: “I don’t know what’s controversial in the five-year five-time finals, four consecutive championships, now is the era of the Lakers and Ji Feng.”

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