Son of The Savage (A DC Si)

Chapter 36: The Lazarus Tournament Part 9.

10 advanced chapters on

5400 words. Enjoy. 


(Angel's P.O.V)

The door behind closed with a bang, leaving me no choice but to move forward.

This must be what it's like walking into a den of hyenas.

My steps made little sound as I walked down the staircase. The gazes from my biggest competitors staring my way.

I stopped when a hand landed on my shoulder.

Of course I had felt the ugly guard from before follow me into the room, but my attention was briefly stolen by the presence of the Light.

"Your weapons."

He said gruffly.


I flatly refused.

Ignoring me, his other hand moved towards Blaze and Frost. Only for him to then hiss in pain as Frost's handle burnt his skin.

"Your weapons. Now!"

The grip on my shoulder tightened as he demanded roughly.

I rarely lose control of my anger. However, perhaps due to the brief encounter with the sidekicks, the tight lid I kept on it slipped a little.

"What is it with people touching me without my permission?"

I asked myself, grabbing his palm and squeezing. Hard.

He sucked in a breath, the bones of his fingers cracking as they ground against each other.

With his other hand, he threw a punch to my face, but the fist landed on a layer of ice.

The ice rapidly climbed up his arm and he backed away, swinging his leg back for a kick.


The pressure on his left hand fingers increased and a few bones shattered.

To his credit, he swallowed the cry of pain.

But with the painful groan that escaped his lips, I had him on his knees, desperately trying to tug his broken hand away.

"D-damn Y-you. L-let go bastard!"

He glared up at me.

To my front, Klarion giggled. Knowing him, he probably found the whole thing funny to watch.

"For goodness sake, Ra's. Let the boy keep his toys."

A bald man in a black tuxedo addressed the Demon's Head, looking my way before he glanced around the table.

"We all know he's not the only one carrying destruction in his pockets."

"Perchance, Mr. Luthor, êtes-vous en train de parler de moi? Monsieur Malah's guns are as much a part of him as the metal chasis keeping my Brain alive."

The Brain in a metal droid-like body spoke up in response.


A mask wearing man with a trident slammed it onto the wooden floor, producing a loud sound.

"He's talking about me, Brain. My Royal trident has the capacity to command the very ocean. I could submerge the entire Island we're on if I wished to do so."

"Touche' Monsier Ocean Master."

The Brain replied.

"Mmph. An island? I can destroy an entire continent!! Muhahaha!!"

Klarion jumped in, only for his cat familiar to meow at him.

"O-only a country? And not even the big ones? That can't be right. You're thinking with your stupid cat brain Teekl!"

Klarion angrily told his familiar.

The Familiar meowed back. Even I caught on to the touch of mockery emanating from the cat.

"What do you mean I'm weaker than I was thousands of years ago?! I'm the stron-"

I ignored the quarrel, in favor of a questioning glance thrown Ra's way. There was no way I was handing over my blades.

The Demon's Head met my gaze evenly, instigating a clash of wills between us.

I smiled in good nature, exerting a little more pressure and finally eliciting a true cry of pain from my victim.

"I foresee a 25% loss in function in his hand the longer I continue. Even if you heal him, the trauma will be etched in his brain, leaving him psychologically scarred. We both know you don't want that."

"Let him go."

Ra's gave in and ordered, but I didn't release the hold immediately. Not until,

"You can keep your weapons."

He added.

I let go and the guy suddenly reached for his belt with his good hand.

"You little..."

A short dagger landed right before his feet, stopping him in his tracks.

"Ubu. That's enough."

The Demon's Head spoke up.

Oh, so this is Ubu, huh? I should have figured that out sooner.

"Master, b- but my hand..."

Ubu complained, cradling his crooked and bent fingers.

"Leave us."

Ra's said with a finality.

Ubu bitterly bowed and retreated, but not before throwing a scathing look my way.

With that over and done with, I turned and met the gaze of a smiling Queenbee. She was the one who had thrown the dagger.

"Angel, it's been far too long."

My smile widened to show teeth, approaching her before kissing the hand she offered.

"Zazzy, you're right, it has been way too long. Still as radiant as ever."

"Oh you scoundrel. Ever the charming prince."

She replied, acting embarrassed, although I knew she was happy at the compliment.

Zazzala or as she's known in Bialya, Queenbee was actually a distant relative of mine. She was descended from Ishtar, one of my father's more outstanding children.

This made Queenbee, my paternal half-niece, many generations removed.

She was also a snake who wouldn't hesitate to stab you in the back to further her own interests.

"So, what have you been up to all these years?"

Queenbee crooned, trailing a gentle touch on my hand.

"You're taller and manlier now. Do you have a girlfriend?"

Thankfully, before I could answer, Ra's Al Ghul cleared his throat.

"You can catch up later, your highness."

He told her, before his sharp green eyes landed on me.

"Please, Mr. Savage, have a seat with us."

He offered, motioning to the seat at the end of the table.

"Thank you."

I bowed my head and did so, securing my hands on the arms of the chair. It was very comfortable.

The Demon's Head got to his feet, pulling away the attention that was on me.

"Before we begin, I would like to propose a toast."

He announced.

"The Lazarus Tournament will have its finals tomorrow, and the crop of fighters that showed up for the event will make excellent additions to my League of Shadows, thereby increasing the overall strength of the light. Let us toast to that."

Everyone capable raised a glass(the brain had Malah drink his).

There was a clink of glasses.

"Mmh, unusual choice of wine Ra's. It has a slightly tangy but sweet taste."

Luthor commented.

"A vintage Château Grillet perhaps?"

"You know your wine, Mr. Luthor."

Ra's acquisced.

"My father was a bit of a sommelier. He kept a few bottles of some extinct and very expensive wines."

Luthor replied.

I brought the glass to my lips and took a sip. Man, if I was a normal kid, I would never be allowed to drink.

Luckily, I wasn't a normal kid.

Coincidentally, Father kept a collection of wines in the cellar of our old mansion- I had Shade move most of them to our new place. So I knew a little about wine.

The sip told me everything I needed to know. It was poisoned.

The nanites in my body immediately analysed and begun breaking it down, even before it reached my stomach.

The results were displayed on the eyes lens made out of nanites placed on my eyes.

It was a slow acting poison that leads to a gradual paralysis over a few hours. By the nanites estimation, 2 to be exact.

The target wouldn't notice it, but their reaction speeds and mobility would be drastically reduced.

Not to mention, the poison also produced a calming effect that would make you drowsy.

So Talia finally makes her move to kill her father. And strangely enough, the Light have been caught in the crossfire. Mmh...what could she be thinking?

Wait. That's it. Now I see.

The poison wasn't meant to kill, it was meant to put Ra's into a weakened state, so that when Ubu did the deed, the Demon's Head would be too drugged to do anything.

"It's not a vintage Château Grillet."

I spoke up, swirling the liquid in the glass. I had all focus on me now.

"Normally, a vintage Château Grillet has a lighter color and the sweetness leaves an aftertaste. However, this one leaves behind the tangy taste at the back of your tongue. Don't misunderstand, it's still a good wine."

"Just not the best."

The Demon's Head completed.


I didn't back down.

Unexpectedly, Ra's threw his head back and laughed.

"Hahahaha, as blunt as your Father. You have the same look in your eyes as well. Clearly, I made the right choice in inviting you. To Angel Savage, true heir of the Immortal."

"To Angel."

Queenbee immediately stated, raising her own glass.

"To the young Monsier."

The brain went next, his Gorilla bodyguard/lover? Downing the entire glass.

"To Mr. Angel. Very astute observation."

Luthor followed up, an amiable smile on his face. However, I noted his eyes didn't reflect his kind words. If anything, they were sharply analysing me.

"To Angel."

Ocean Master softly echoed, nodding at me. I nodded back.

Klarion and his familiar on the other hand, were munching on the pieces of meat heaped on his plate. I didn't blame him. The table was spread with a veritable mouth watering feast.

He looked up and found everyone staring his way.

"What? I skipped breakfast today."

"Moving on,"

Ra's took his seat.

"Angel, you've been on the island for a few days now. How are you liking it?"

To be honest, I was weirded out by the familiarity they were already showing me. Especially Ra's Al Ghul.

"The Island is beautiful. A bit heavy on the security, but then again, not unexpected."

I answered carefully, following Klarion's lead and stuffing my plate with meat. MEAT. MEAATTTT!!!

"I'm curious, how have you been doing on the tournament?"

Queenbee asked me.

"Knowing him, he's probably going to win."

Klarion pitched in between his eating. Teekl meowed.

"You liar! I did not say he would lose! I just didn't think he would show up to the stupid thing!"

Klarion shot back.

After that, there was more light conversation as the meal continued. And through it out, I was surprised by the cordiality displayed.

The food was great, the wine was good and the interaction, dare I say it, civil. Especially given the massive egos gathered in the room.

In the couple hours that followed, I not only learned a lot about my fellow villains, I found myself the center of attention on more than one occasion.

"Is it true, Monsier Angel, you assisted Le Reine Queenbee, with ze eradication of all rebel faction from Bialya?"

The Brain asked.

"Well, that's an answer better suited for Zazzy to give. She is the reigning monarch after all."

The answer was yes. But not in the way he thought. 

"The market share of your company has seen tremendous growth."

Luthor begun.

"If you wouldn't mind, I would like a future collaboration between us, Mr. Savage."

"I'll have my P.A reach out soon, Mr. Luthor."

I agreed, having no actual intention to do so.

See? Normal conversation, nothing too bad. 

"Angel dear, how is your lovely sister doing?"

Queenbee questioned, causing me to almost choke on my wine.

I calmly placed the wine glass down, conscious of the attention on me.

They were trying to hide it, but everyone was curiously waiting for my response.

"Sister? I don't know what you're talking about. As far as I know, I'm father's only child. Though considering who he was, I can't rule out the presence of one."

I lied.


Queenbee muttered in confusion.

"Strange. I remember Vandal Savage mentioning something about expecting a daughter."

"Me too."

Luthor agreed. A little too fast, I might add. 

"Counting the time, she must be what? 5 years old now?"

My brows scrunched up into a look of confusion.

"I honestly have no idea about that. A sister?"

I stared down at my hands with a lost look.

"As far as I know, I don't have any siblings. After Father's untimely demise, I searched...but,"

I shook my head.

"He was my last direct living family. If he had a daughter, trust me, I would have known."

"Vandal has a daughter? That's unexpected, he never mentioned anything of the sort to me. And I was his drinking buddy."

Ra's said, a noticeable slur in his voice.

My keen eyes didn't miss the knowing look that passed between Queenbee and Luthor.


"Hahaha, if so, the Savage bloodline is assured for generations to come. I'll happily drink to that."

Ra's raised his half empty glass in another toast.

"To the Immortal's daughter! Who may or may not exist."

Sentiments were shared.

I tipped my glass and took a sip. On the inside, I was freaking out.

How did Queenbee know about Candie? HOW THE FUCK DID THEY FIND OUT ABOUT MY SISTER!? I had gone to crazy lengths to ensure that her existence would remain a secret.

I don't buy that story of Father letting it slip. It was a possibility he might have mentioned it in passing, but Luthor even knew her age. That was too specific.

Besides, Ra's cleary had no idea about her.

And if there was someone who had been even remotely close to Father(the man had been cold, had no friends and basically kept his dealings a secret from everyone, including me) then I could believe it was Ra's Al Ghul.

They were more similar to each other than anyone else in the Light. He would have been the first to ask about Candie if he knew she existed.

Was this a power move by Luthor? A way to show me that he could easily get to my only remaining family?

Fuck. I'll have to review the mansion's security protocols. As well as do a second thorough background check on all the staff in the compound.

Even though, they are under a mental programming from Psimon to never betray me, willingly or not, I can't take that chance anymore.

I came in prepared to mentally spar with Ra's Al Ghul, but I wasn't expecting an expert in mindgames like Luthor. 

'I don't think I can wait any longer to deal with the Light. I need to do something. Now.'

The weird incident was an indication of where things were going...

"If you would indulge me, Mr. Savage, could I study your weapons? I feel powerful familiar magic emanating from them."

Ocean Master requested and that served to change the subject, something I was grateful for.

"I'm not surprised you noticed."

I responded, tapping the sheath holding Blaze.

"They are made from Atlantean metal afterall. As for studying them, I'm afraid Frost and Blaze are not friendly to anyone else but me. Kinda like your trident there."

I pointed at the silver colored four pronged weapon in his hands. It was a beautiful thing. Magic pulsed through the intricate etchings on its length. 

"Mmh. This was passed down from my Grandfather. It is the true symbol of the rightful king of Atlantis."

Ocean Master revealed.

"The current Annax, my older half brother, is only warming the seat for me. When the time is right, I shall claim what's rightfully mine from his cold corpse."

He was talking about Aquaman. Not the biggest fan either. 

I tipped my glass his way.

"I can understand that. When that time comes, Ocean Master, I would be honored to assist you however I can."

Ocean Master nodded with a small smile.

"Thank you. When I am Annax, Atlantis shall open it's doors for you in welcome, Mr. Savage."

"Speaking of,"

The Brain cut in,

"There was ze matter we needed to discuss."

"Oh yes."

Queenbee clapped her hands together, before turning my way.

"Angel, what would you say to joining the Light? You can be it's 7th member."

I gave it a few seconds of thought. Can't say I didn't see the proposal coming.

"And what exactly is the Light's goal?"

I questioned, gazing around the table.

"If its world domination, I think I'll pass. That is something I can achieve by myself."

More importantly, I can't trust them. Not even a bit. 

"Hahaha. I told you he would refuse."

Klarion cut in, teeth crunching on a chicken leg, bone and all.

"Ah, unfortunate then, Monsier."

The Brain sighed apologetically. 

"You would have made a fine addition."

"Yes. Unfortunate."

Luthor added, no longer smiling. While the others looked resigned, he looked insulted. 

As for Queenbee, she reached out with her hand across the table, touching mine.

"Angel, there are many privileges and benefits that come with being a part of us. We aid one another in progressing humanity's future. We are the light that shine the dark path that our species tread on. That's the goal of the Light. Not to dominate, but to guide."

"A worthy cause."

I nodded.

"But I'm afraid I'll have to refuse and give you a counteroffer."

I gazed around the table.

"Work for me. All of you. I reward loyalty, not with monetary gains-thats justa by product, but with something much more desirable. Purpose and true Power."

A tense silence followed. I don't think anyone was expecting me to say that. Nor was I expecting anyone to accept my offer.

That said, I was soon pleasantly surprised. 

Ra's broke the silence with a light chuckle

"You're ambitious young Savage. I like that. And you have proven yourself beyond doubt. As ruthless as your Father but more powerful than he ever was."

Everyone was aptly listening to see where he was going with this. 

Genuine green eyes met mine, as he continued, 

"Which is why, I wouldn't mind being a part of your Vision, under one condition. If you would be open to marrying my daughter, then our alliance would be set, giving you the strength of my shadows."

The stunned silence that followed was immense. 

"Ra's you can't possibly be serious..."

Queenbee asked in disbelief. One that was equally shared across the table.

I too was caught off guard. But seeing an opportunity, I eagerly leaned forward.

"I can sense the earnestness in your words, Master Ra's. My answer is obviously yes. We can discuss further detai-"

A knock on the door interrupted us, and without waiting for a confirmation, the one outside walked in.

The Demon's Head looked past me with a perturbed expression. 


Ra's asked in a slurred tone.

"Why would you interrupt us?"

Talia Al Ghul said nothing as she walked past me and the others, her dark green dress swaying behind her back. 

Up until she stopped beside her father, to whom she bowed. 

"Excuse my intrusion Father and honored guests. But Tomorrow is a big day for us. Your presence will be needed. As it is already very late, It would be wise if you turned in early, Father. "


Ra's stated, looking around with dilated pupils. Unknowingly, the poison had kicked in.

He blinked, running a palm down his face. 

"Now that you mention it...I do feel a little exhausted."

"You must have had too much to drink. Don't worry, I'll have an escort carry you to your quarters."

Talia said, standing beside his seat. 

She snapped her fingers and in response, there was the sound of steps as a few shadows walked in. 

Heat sense showed me that the entire perimeter of the room was surrounded by even more Shadows, outside. 

All lying in wait, with drawn weapons.

"I apologize friends."

The Demon's Head addressed the table.

"But my daughter is right. I must retire early for the Finals tomorrow."

He made to get up, only to stumble back down in his seat.

"Huh? How strange..."

He muttered, shaking his head in confusion. 

"Mmph, pitiful. The great Demon's Head, reduced to a staggering mess by a little numbing drug."

Queenbee mocked. 

"How far you have fallen Ra's Al Ghul."

I knew then, I was right to be cautious from the start. 

My instincts were telling me that something big was about to happen. 

(General P.O.V) 

All at once, the mood in the room changed. 

Ocean Master gripped his trident much more tightly. 

Behind the Brain, Malah unholstered his massive gun.

Luthor on his part, tapped his watch and a second later, the light of a boom tube manifested behind him. Out of the swirling portal, a blonde haired woman walked into the room. His bodyguard Mercy Graves.

At the Head of the table, Ra's who had clearly heard her words and seen the sudden change with the others, turned to Queenbee.

"What did you say, Witch? And the rest of you, what is going on?"

The one who answered was Talia, using her hands, to forcefully keep him in his seat. 

"I think what she meant to say Father, was that you have been poisoned, with a slow acting paralytic that I slipped in your wine. It's the reason your body feels weak and numb."

The way she said it- so casually. You would have thought she was talking about the weather.

"The Château Grillet."

Ra's put the pieces together. Veins jutting out on his forehead as he strained to move. 

"I can't even lift a hand."

He discovered, his expression going from confused to mounting anger. It was obvious what was happening. He was being betrayed. 

"Why daughter? Was it greed? impatience? Why do it?"

Standing by his side, Talia patted his head. 

"A little of both. Plus hate. But the main reason is him."

With her other hand, she pointed at

Angel, who had his head bowed. 

Once again, all focus was on him. But this time, there was no cordiality to be found in the gazes directed his way. Instead there was only mockery and ridicule. 

"He's poisoned too, by the way. Numb to the bone. He can hear and feel but he can't do a damn thing."

Talia informed her father, who stared at Angel's form with regret. 

She grabbed her father's chin and turned his head to face her. 

"You tried to force me into an union with a prideful brat."

Talia seethed with hate. 

"I'll admit, what he has accomplished at his age is nothing to scoff at. Some might even call it impressive. And don't misunderstand, an alliance with someone like that is a smart investment for the future..."

She stopped, her face red, like she was about to explode. 

"But...the LEAGUE OF SHADOWS IS MINE!! You hear me?! It's my right to replace you as the Demon's Head! Not a snortnosed brat who has not done anything to grow the organization! I have toiled, killed and destroyed for you! You have no right to sell me off like a prize just to grow your own influence! You are just a selfish bastard that would have died long ago if it wasn't for that bloody Pit!"

"That's why...everything you have built, I shall tear down and rebuild anew. That's my duty as your daughter and heir. My responsibility to your legacy."

She was breathing heavily by the end of her tirade. 

There was a pregnant pause. 

"I see."

Ra's responded with a blank expression, sweeping his gaze at the shadows in the room.

Men and women he had trained since childhood. Some he had saved from fates of living as orphans. Given them a purpose...

His eyes particularly landed on one. 

"And you Ubu? Have you fallen for my daughter's sweet poison that you turn disloyal?"

"My loyalty is to the mantle of the Demon's Head."

Ubu replied in a grave tone. 

"And after tonight, you will no longer be the Demon's Head, Ra's Al Ghul."

Disappointment appeared in Ra's eyes before he closed them. 

When he opened them again, they were the sharp gaze of a man who had seen it all. 

And his next words reflected the experience collected over many years. 

"My friends, you too seem awfully silent. Can I assume that you are on my Daughter's side? If so, choose your next words carefully. For I will allow you a momentarily hesitation to think. Has the Light betrayed me?"


Without hesitation, Luthor answered. 

"Nothing personal Ra's, just business."

"You had grown soft Monsier. Change is the only costant. C'est le vie."

The brain followed suit. 

"I apologize Ra's. But I was outvoted."

Ocean Master admitted. 

"I'm only here for the chaos."

Klarion said, his mouth stretching out in a wide predatory grin. Teekl meowed from atop his head. 

"Yes, and the food too, you stupid cat."

Finally, Ra's eyes landed on Queenbee, who took a sip of the wine in her glass and placed it down with a contented sigh. 

"Angel was right, it may not be great but it's some good wine."

She commented. 


Ra's calmly ordered. 

"No point in stalling any longer. The knife is deep in my flesh."

"Then the answer should be obvious."

Queenbee replied, a small amused smile playing on her lips. 

"We gave you a mission to kill a mere 10 year old boy and your 'highly trained' Assassins couldn't finish the job. Even with back up from Bane and his men. Do you know how much the loss of Santa Prisca affected us? A lot. Without Vandal Savage's connections and influence, that loss was only one of many. The boy's death would have seen me inherent everything. And through me, the Light. So yes, we voted to have you removed and your daughter take over the Shadows. You let emotions get in the way of our plans. Don't blame us for turning on you, blame yourself."

'Ah, So, the Light were the ones to put a hit on me,' Angel thought from his seat, still pretending to be paralyzed. 

In actuality, he was busy planning countermeasures. He had already decided, the Light couldn't be allowed to leave! Not when they knew of Candie's existence. 

"It wouldn't have come to this, if ze Monsier had taken up the contract once more. But you refused. Your lovely daughter tried but tsk...she failed. Too bad."

The Brain said. 

"Hey! that wasn't on me."

Talia barked out, glaring at the brain. 

"I sent my best men, only for Shiva, that meddlesome bitch to intervene, needing me to improvise. She will be the first one I get rid of. Besides, it doesn't matter."

Her eyes fell on Angel's form. 

"He drank the wine as well, and unlike the rest of you, he didn't take any antidote before the feast. He will be paralyzed and defenseless for the next 3 hours. A single slash aimed at his neck and he'll bleed out, choking on his own blood. A disgraceful end to one who killed the Immortal."

She sneered. 

"Let me do it, Mistress. I have a bone to pick with the brat."

Ubu suggested, prowling towards Angel. 

"Look at him, he's so terrified that he can't speak. But I can make him scream..."

"Not yet."

Talia refused, Viciously glaring at Angel. A sharp blade appeared in her hands. Which she proceeded to lick the edge of.

"After I'm done with him, you can have what's left."

Her tone would have been mistaken for sexual if it wasn't for her sadistic intentions. 

Klarion's cat meaowed fearfully. 

"Me too Teekl. She scares and makes me horny at the same time."

Klarion whispered at his cat. 

Queenbee clapped her hands together.

"Then, this meeting is adjourned. Talia, as previously decided, you shall be the 6th member of the Light. As for anything else, we shall discuss it on our next meeting. Agreed?"

A chorus of yeses were thrown her way. 

"Mercy. I believe this is our cue to leave."

Luthor got off his seat, the light of an activated boomtube washing over him. 


The bald billionaire nodded at his former ally. The Demon's Head remained unresponsive. 

"Malah, we shall go as well. Much to do."

The Brain told his Gorilla as another boom tube activated behind him. 

"Me too. I'm needed in Atlantis."

Ocean Master decided. 

"Afterall, this seems like a family matter. I wouldn't want to impose."

That said, he threw a final look towards Angel before sighing in regret. 

Lastly, Queenbee gracefully got to her feet. 

"Thank you for the feast Ra's Al Ghul. It was...good."

She reached into her Royal purse and grabbed her Fatherbox, activating her own Boomtube with a mental command. 

With a loud hum, a yellow portal manifested to her side. 

She went to step through before stopping in front of it. 

"Oh and Angel, did you really think I wouldn't know about the rebels you purposefully let escape through the border into Qurac? I had each and every last one of them tracked down and brought to Bialya for execution. You accomplished nothing, boy."

She turned to Talia. 

"Make him suffer, my dear. And send me the video."

"As you wish your highness."

Talia smirked. 

"Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! That's right Teekl!"

Unexpectedly, Klarion broke out in laughter, causing Queenbee to frown in distaste. 

"And what is so funny, Witch boy?"

The Chaos Lord looked up with red glowing eyes that seemed to stare off into space. 

"Nothing much, just the future. I can't wait to hear your screams soon. Especially yours, Queenbitch. I've never heard a queen scream before, it's gonna be fun, right Teekl? Hehehehe."

The statement seemed to make Queenbee blanch. As well as stopping everyone in their tracks. 


Queenbee threw at the Chaos Lord.

"If it wasn't for your usefulness, you would be bones in a mass grave and your cat a rug on the floor of my palace." 

Klarion chuckled in response, unbothered by a threat from what he considered an insect. 

Queenbee turned away with a huff. 

He leaned back on his seat, his attention on something else. Or rather, someone. Through his closed eyes, his mind reached out towards Angel.

And in a rare moment of seriousness, he projected his thoughts. 

(The Chaos that this will cause...the other Chaos Lords won't say I've been slacking off anymore. See you around Angel.) 

A red portal swallowed him and Teekl, leaving a quiet and spooked room. 

"Okay, that's it. We're going. Now."

Luthor hurriedly said, walking into the boomtube. He didn't like the omen left behind by the Chaos Lord. 

Or at least he tried to. 

The instant he made to step forward, the Boom Tube disaappeared and his foot landed on the wooden floor once more. 

A shiver ran up his spine. Especially when he heard a strange sound emanating from his back. 


Angel sighed in exhaustion, stretching his hands over his head.


After going so many minutes without saying a word, he now spoke, 

"Hacking a piece of New God tech like a Fatherbox is so fucking hard. But I managed it before you guys could run away."

"H-how can you move? Y-you drank the wine! You're supposed to be paralyzed!"

Talia stammered in shock, struggling to believe what she was seeing with her eyes. 

"Oh the poison?"

He scratched his cheek. 

"Yeah I neutralized it before could be digested. You ruined some good wine you know."

The Brain, Ocean Master and Queenbee gaped as their own boomtubes followed Luthor's lead and disaappeared as well. 

"What the hell?"

Queebee yelled, trying to work her Fatherbox, but no matter what she did, the device failed to follow her commands. 

"Don't bother Zazzy, a very smart man figured out a few things on how those things work. Not a lot, but enough that I could use my nanites to revoke your access."

Angel informed them, crossing his hands over his chest. 

"You can't shit on a man's goodwill and leave like that."

He admonished, as if lecturing misbehaving kids. 

"I haven't forgotten that you guys tried to kill me too. And that...that is a big big problem."

His face changed, the calm falling off as he leaned forward. 

"What do you have to say for yourselves?"

He coldly asked. 

Luthor and the others exchanged wary looks, before the bald supervillain cleared his throat, adjusted his clothes and stepped forward with an amiable smile. 



Angel cut him off with a mutter, and the four members of the light, including Mercy and Malah the Gorilla, were instantly swallowed by their shadows. 

Shade was already under orders to subject them to the highest and harshest level of the mental reprogramming process. 

Psimon was going to have a fun time. 


Angel spoke up once more, his angry eyes never leaving Talia. 

"I asked you a question daughter of the Demon's Head. What do you have to say for yourself?"


Next chapter: The Lazarus Tournament Final Part. 

Next arc there will be a timeskip. 

Question: Where the heck was Sensei when all this was going down? 

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