Son of The Savage (A DC Si)

Chapter 38: Stolen Speed Vs Earned Speed Part 1/2

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(General P.O.V)

"What's going on? No one told me there was a meeting."

The Flash asked, being the last to walk into the Watchtower's Meeting Hall, which was occupied by the rest of the Justice League. 

The room, usually buzzing with camaraderie and strategic discussions, was uncomfortably silent.

Complicated and hesitant eyes met his own.

"Why are you all looking at me like that?" 

he asked, confusion lacing his voice.

"Barry, we lost contact with Robin and the others,"

Superman informed him, his tone grave.

"Oh...I see," 

The Flash muttered, the weight of the news settling heavily on his shoulders. 

"That's why I was against Speedy and Kid being there in the first place," he lightly admonished, his eyes locking with Batman's, whose stoic expression didn't waver.

"Fortunately, Batman was able to get the island's coordinates before we lost contact." 

Canary said, trying to maintain a hopeful tone amidst the tension.

"We can't wait any longer, we are moving out in a few hours," 

Wonder Woman added, her voice firm with resolve.

A look of determination closed over The Flash's face. 

"Great. It's about time we brought 'him' in. We need to avenge Fire and Ice."

The others shared strange looks, laden with unspoken concerns.

"We had a vote, Flash. And everyone decided that you're not coming," Superman broke the news, his voice steady but tinged with regret.

"What do you mean I'm not coming? You guys are going to need my speed." 

The Flash was taken aback, disbelief and hurt flashing in his eyes.

"Canary theorizes you're not mentally ready to face Angel Savage again. In your current condition, you would be a liability. And I agree with her. All of us do."

Batman said, his voice mercilessly cutting through any hope of negotiation.

The Flash turned to Canary with a betrayed expression on his face. 


Black Canary began apologetically, her eyes pleading for understanding.

"I'm so s-o-r-r..." 

Her words slurred as The Flash entered his Flash Time, a state where the Speed Force slowed down his perception of time to allow him to think.

A range of different emotions tore through him, manifesting in expressions of anger, frustration, impatience, resentment, and back to anger. 

All his bitterness at the loss of his speed, all the pain of feeling powerless, surged within him.

He looked towards Superman, the only one who could perceive the surroundings in the slowed-down world the Flash was in. 

Superman stared back unflinchingly, not showing pity or mockery but instead providing a sense of stability and understanding.

That, more than anything, helped Flash calm down.

"I'm going to stop him for you," Superman's voice, garbled to the rest, reached The Flash clearly. And with that assurance, the Speedster slipped out of Flash Time.

"Is there anything I can say that will change your minds?" 

He tried one last time, his gaze sweeping around the table at his friends, his voice carrying a hint of desperation.


Batman answered for the others, his tone final.


The Flash sighed, a mixture of resignation and determination in his eyes.

"Just make sure to protect Kid and the others."

He threw over his shoulder, turning around and leaving, the weight of the decision pressing heavily on his shoulders. 

Despite Superman's assurance, only Flash knew the true danger Angel posed. 

He had to get his speed back to where it was, and maybe even surpass it. So that when his friends ultimately failed and needed his assistance, he would be ready to help them.

(General P.O.V) 

The last day of the Tournament arrived sooner than expected. 

After a feast that lasted until midnight, the Semifinals were pushed to start at 10 a.m. sharp.

Right on time, the first match began: Ravager versus Angel.

As they entered the ring, Angel wore a calm smirk, while Ravager's expression was blank.

"I concede." 

Ravager stated immediately, throwing the match.

"That's unfortunate. But smart." Angel snickered.

"Yeah, well, I'm still hungover from last night, and I'm not stupid enough to take you on at less than 100%." 

Ravager replied, walking off the arena to the stands.

Angel snorted as she left. 

The gong sounded.

"The first match winner by concession: Angel Savage." 

Sensei announced.

From the balcony on the second floor, Ra's smiled down at the arena. 

In the stands, the fighters discussed the unexpected result.

"I can't believe she gave up." 

Goku said,

"If it was me, I'd fight until I couldn't fight anymore. Like a true warrior."

"You'd still lose. Even if we all attacked him at once." 

Jinx replied, eyes narrowed at Angel. 

"We would still lose. Badly."

Goku fell silent, reluctantly admitting Angel's power level was double his own. 

His thoughts drifted to the card in his Gi. Angel had said he could contact him for a fight anytime.

"I need to get stronger, and then... we'll see."

Nearby, Cheshire turned to Speedy,

"Have you noticed the stands are emptier than usual? And where are your two friends? They have the next match, right?"

Speedy clenched his fists and remained silent. 

Cheshire frowned under her mask. Something was definitely up. During the feast last night, she had seen Robin sneak off somewhere and hadn't seen him all morning.

The gong sounded to announce the start of the second match, with Sensei standing in the middle of the arena to call up the fighters. 

Strangely, Angel had yet to vacate the arena, raising confusion among the spectators.

"May I have your attention?" 

Sensei began, his voice projecting across the Training Grounds. 

"Due to unforeseen circumstances, one of the fighters for the next scheduled match will not be able to compete. As a result, his opponent will advance to the next and final round of the Tournament."

The information caused an uproar.

"That means..."

"The winner will be decided by the following match!"

"Damn it, I wanted to see more battles!"

"What could have happened to that black-haired kid? I think his name was Dick..."

Most of these comments came from fighters who had lost in the preliminary rounds. 

In the fighters' section, similar sentiments were shared, with every eye on Speedy.

"So... you finally going to tell us what's going on? One person missing is unusual, but two is highly suspicious." 

Cheshire asked, referencing the fact Robin and Kid were both missing. 

Speedy looked away, crossing his arms. 

"Dick got food poisoning last night, and Wally is walking this way as we speak."

At his words, all eyes turned to the entrance of the Training Grounds. 

Sure enough, Wally was silently approaching the arena, looking different somehow. 

Dressed in a red hoodie, shorts, and studded boots, his eyes held a dangerous glint. 

His gaze was fixed on Angel, who sat in a lotus pose in the arena, seemingly meditating. 

Feeling the eyes on him, Angel opened his own and made contact with the approaching Wally. 

Electricity seemed to spark between them, filling the Training Grounds with palpable tension.

"Is it just me, or is this fight going to get heated very fast?"

Jinx muttered from her seat.

"It's not just you."

Ravager said, adding,

"Has anyone ever seen Wally so silent and serious?"

Everyone knew the answer: a resounding no.

A few feet from the arena, Wally stopped and looked at Sensei. 

"You said weapons are allowed, right? How about tools? And what are the restrictions?"

Sensei thought for a second before answering.

"It depends. While the rules for the final match are more lax compared to earlier rounds, you may not use anything that directly adds to your base power. However, if the tool or weapon is supplementary and your opponent has no problem with it, then anything is allowed."

Sensei looked questioningly at Angel.

"I don't care, either way. He can use whatever he wants," Angel shrugged.

"Good," Wally punched his fist into his palm. 

"Because I've been waiting for this."

"Really?" Angel shot back, "Because I was looking forward to fighting Dick."

A look of anger and concern crossed Wally's face as he climbed the arena. 

"Too bad then. You're facing me. But don't worry, I'll kick your ass in his stead."

Angel said nothing in return. A curious look passed over his face before the usual arrogant smirk replaced it.

"Ahem," Sensei cleared his throat, standing between the two. 

"The final match of the Lazarus Tournament shall now commence. The winner will be granted anything they desire, while the loser will get nothing. Both fighters ready?"

"Ready," Wally answered.

Angel simply nodded.

Sensei gave the all-clear, and the gong sounded.

A silence, like the calm before a storm, fell upon the arena. Everyone watched with bated breath.

Speedy suddenly rose from his seat, "You can't lose this, Wall! Win! Not for my sake or even yours, do it for Dick's sake."

Wally's face showed surprise before determination replaced it. He gave his friend a curt nod, refocusing on Angel with sharp intensity.

"Before we begin, I have a question." 

Wally addressed Angel, who raised his brows.

"You stole something from someone I care about. Someone precious to me. Someone who taught me everything I know. Someone who has saved millions, if not billions, of lives," Wally continued. "I need to know, do you feel any regret?"

Angel picked his ear with his pinky finger. 

"Your friends asked me a similar question yesterday, my answer was no. Between then and now, it hasn't changed. It's still... a no. Only the weak and lost feel regret."

Wally gritted his teeth. 

"How can you say that? Everybody makes mistakes. Even the strong feel remorse for their past actions. Guilt is a part of life. It drives us to redeem ourselves. It's not a weakness to try and be better."

"You're certainly not wrong," 

Angel surprisingly agreed. 

"But you're confusing me for the common masses. I do not feel regret for my actions because every step I take, I'm prepared for the consequences of my decisions. To me, regret and guilt are a waste of time. Why obsess over the past when I can use that time to plan out the future? Those of weak spirit get stuck in could-have-beens and what-ifs. It's like slogging through mud. If something is going to cause you to question your past actions, then you're better off not taking that action in the first place. It's that simple. Now, are we going to continue talking or are we going to fight? I have a tournament to win."

Wally had no comeback. It was clear they had fundamentally different beliefs. To Wally, Angel lacked the most basic human quality: empathy.

"One final question," Wally said, widening his stance as lightning flashed in his eyes. 

"With your stolen speed, can you keep up with me?"

Angel's smile widened,

"Even with my stolen speed, I'm faster than you'll ever be Kid."


Remember, Robin was caught by the League of Shadows and is being Imprisoned by them. Speedy and Wally know this. Nobody else is aware. 

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