Son of The Savage (A DC Si)

Chapter 49: The Inside Man.

10 advanced chapters on


A/N: Sorry for the late upload.

(General P.O.V)

The door to a decorated room swung open. Angel stepped through it alone. His eyes immediately zeroed in on the only other occupant.

"Finally, the mighty Savage comes to see me."

Queenbee's voice rang out snidely, her words slurred.

"Had to keep me waiting didn't you, Angel?"

Angel sniffled, the heavy scent of liquor hanging in the air invading his nose.

He walked inside the cell, noting that it was simulated to look like a luxurious bedroom.

Expensive golden embroidered furniture were set up in the middle-a table with two chairs. A soft rug was laid on the floor, and a fireplace gently burned on the left side of the wall.

As for Queen bee, she sat on one od the ornate seats, dressed in a thin purple robe, the front slightly loose to reveal coffee brown skin and an eye catching cleavage.

Angel removed his blazer, placing it on the coat hanger on the side of the door, before approaching the table laden with a bowl of fruits, sweets and cake. A bucket of ice with a bottle of whiskey sat on it as well.

"Is that anyway to greet a friend, Zazzy?"

He asked, pulling up the chair to her opposite and sitting down.

"Especially when I went to all the trouble to make your accomodations suitable for royalty."

"Eh. I've seen better. I have better. "

Queenbee snorted, pulling out a lighter and a packet of cigarettes from somewhere.

"Really? And here I thought I went all out."

Angel sighed in mock disappointment.

"I apologize for failing to meet your expectations then."

"Don't patronize me, I know you're come to kill me. Just get it over with."

She said, trying to light the cigarette on her lips with shaking hands, only for the lighter to fall out of her hands.

Angel who had been looking on with a blank expression, snapped his fingers, a yellow flame appearing above his thumb, which he then used to to light the cigarette for her.

Queenbee took a long drag, inhaling the smoke before blowing it upwards.

"Well? My neck is exposed. If you're going to use one of those swords on your hip, now would be the perfect time."

Angel sighed,

"You're mistaken, Zazzy. Despite setting me up and seeking my death, I didn't come here to kill you."

His statement surprised her.

A surge of hope appeared in her eyes.

"Y-you're not?"

Angel shook his head, plucking a grape off the bowl and throwing it in his mouth.

"Killing should serve a purpose. I don't feel like taking your life, so...yeah."

Queenbee blinked, caught off guard.

"Then if it's not revenge you want? What are you after?"

"I'm curious."

Angel changed the subject,

"Your power is to bewitch people, right? Why have you not tried using it on me?"

Queenbee was slightly taken aback.

"I figured there was no point. It didn't work on your father- expecting it to work on you is foolish."


Angel snickered with amusement.

"You have been using it. In fact, that's the reason you're pretending to be drunk. The smell of alcohol is meant to mask the unique scent of your pheromones."

'Which means she probably used it on Psimon as well. It wasn't enough to guarantee her escape, but getting him to give her Alcohol was easy. What a scary ability.' Angel thought.

"Mmph. So you figured that out."

Queenbee said after a pause, her whole demeanor changing.

Gone was the slur in her words. A seductive smirk spread across her face as she widened her legs, giving Angel a glimpse of her thighs.

"While I know you're resistant to poison, my pheromones are different...they don't attack the body directly, they target your emotions...and impulses. Since you walked in, you've been drowning in it."

'She's right. Her pheromones bypassed my nanites like they weren't even there. No matter how efficient they are...they can't stop something they can't detect.' Angel thought.

And true enough, his face was flushed, his eyelids droopy and his forehead sleek with sweat. Given his quick breathing...he was like an animal in heat.

"It's all too easy to get men to do what they want..."

Queenbee said lowly, getting up and slowly approaching Angel with a sway in her hips.

Angel could do nothing, or rather didn't want to do anything, to stop her from straddling him and sitting on his lap.

She stared into him with a dotingly sweet smile, running her hands on his face, caressing him.

"And lucky for me...a boy like you is just man enough for my pheromones to work."

She whispered, connecting her lips with his and gently kissing him.

Angel could do nothing but sit still. He found her lips soft, terribly so, carrying the taste of liquor and a slight smell of cigarette smoke.

"Oh? What's this? Its so hard.."

Queenbee crooned, grinding her groin on the mound of his pants.

"I wonder...what could it be..."

Saying so, she grabbed his hands and firmly pressed the palms on her butt.


A sinful whisper escaped her lips.

Against his better judgement, Angel squeezed, his body shuddering at the softness of what he was touching, the flesh deforming like dough in his fingers.

"Have you ever been with a woman before Angel?"

Her voice was downright devilish.

'Fuck. What a body. What an ass.'

Angel thought through the haze of arousal clouding his mind.

He shook his head at her question, and the seductive smile on Queenbee's face widened.

She leaned into his neck, lightly biting his ears. In the same vein, she pushed her breasts onto his chest even more.

The robe she was wearing fell off her shoulders as the bindings loosened, and Angel was treated to the sight of her breasts.

Round and soft with dark and erect nipples that contracted beautifully with her brown skin tone. Compared to Ravager's which were perky and firm, these were the breasts of a mature woman.

"I can make you feel pleasure you've never dreamed of. All you have to do is let me."

She whispered, scattering kisses throughout his neck and face.

Angel let out an involuntary groan filled with need.

'He's hooked. No man has ever resisted me. Even a boy is weak when faced with a Queen's body. He's mine. Too bad, I wouldn't have minded fucking his young cock. Though there's nothing young about it...'

Queenbee thought to herself, sneakily pulling out the well concealed dagger she kept on her person.

Her eyes, hidden from Angel's gaze shone with a dangerous light.

'Goodbye Angel Savage. Everything you have will now belong to me!'

Fingers tight on the dagger's grip, she stabbed at his neck.

The dagger slammed on Angel's skin and shattered on the layer of ice covering it.

Queenbee shrieked, the shattered pieces digging deep into her palm, bringing with it a burst of unexpected pain.

In her rush to back away from Angel, she knocked over the table, sending everything on top of it clattering to the floor.

"I was right."

Angel stated with a thoughtful expression.

"There is another way someone can protect themselves from your power."

On the floor, cradling her bleeding hand, Queenbee looked up in a confused state.


Angel stood up from his seat, glaring down at her naked form.

"Did you really think I would let down my guard around you? After you tried to kill me once."

"B-but my Pheromones...they should have worked!"

She exclaimed in shock.

"They did."

Angel revealed.

"You were right to say they don't affect the body like poison. I would have easily dealth with them if they did."

The nanites could break down even cyanide. Any poison was inneffective against them.

However, Queenbee's pheromone control was akin to a lesser version of mind control.

By emitting a low frequency that messed with the electric signals in the brain, she could place a target into a suggestible and aroused state. The scent produced was just an add on.

"Then h-how?"

She didn't understand it. If they worked then he should have been under her will, helpless to defend himself. Reduced to a drolling mess.

"I told you, there's another way to shield against your power."

His voice was monotonous and his facial expression blank. He stalked closer to her,

"In other words, if your target utterly despises you, then your power will fail."

Realization dawned on her face.


"That's right. I hate you Zazzy. Always have."

Angel delivered softly, staring into her with cold and dead eyes.

Slowly, he crouched on one knee, bringing his face near hers.

"I'll admit, I was tempted to bang you. But the second I remembered your rotten personality, my dick went limp. You have no sense of responsibility for your minions, no loyalty for your allies and you wouldn't hesitate to betray family. Not gonna lie, those are good qualities a villain should have. And yet it's overshadowed by the fact you're so weak."

He delivered curtly, grabbing her hair with his hand and pulling her closer.

She grunted, face twisting in pain.

"What gives you the right to act so high and mighty?"

Angel asked.

"If it wasn't for your power, you would be nothing. You're the kind of person I despise the most. A disgrace to the Savage bloodline."

He pushed her off him in disgust. The back of her head smashed onto the edge of the overturned table and started bleeding.

Quivering, she cowered back, her face blanching with disbelief.

"How...could you say that...?"

But Angel wasn't done.

"Your voice is annoying. Just shut up for once."

He harshly cut her off.

"I can't believe how stupid you are. To think that someone like you was in the Light. Who did you have to fuck to get an invite?"

Every word that escaped him stunned her. So much that she had been rendered speechless.

"Don't look so surprised. Everything I said is the truth."

He told her seeing the look she wore.

Angel sighed, standing up.

"I can forgive you for being dumb. But what I can't forgive is mentioning my Sister."

Queenbee paled.

His tone dropped even lower.

"On top of that, you tried to kill me. Twice."

Technically it was 4 times if he counted the hits Talia had ordered on him. She too was going to get what she deserved. He had something special planned for the Demon's Head daughter.

Different from his previous two interactions with Luthor and the Brain, Angel's eyes were full of undisguised hatred and malice.

Every part of him was relishing on the fear Queenbee displayed.

"It's perfectly within my right to exact vengeance. Perhaps I could cut you into tiny little pieces..."

He stroked the pommel of Frost.

"Or I could beat you to death with just my fists..."

He cracked his knuckles.

The fear turned to Terror.

She was finally seeing him for he was. And realizing just how fucked she was.

Regret warred with the Terror in a maelstrom of emotions that left her shivering in dread.

She desperately began crawling away, leaving a trail of blood on the ground. Behind her, Angel had started laughing.

Her reason told her to run from him. Anything to get away- only for her back to hit the walls of the cell.

Her heart hammered non-stop in her ears. She wanted to cry out but it was like her throat was held in a vice grip.

The monster to her front slowly walked and loomed over her shivering form.

She closed her eyes, waiting for the first blow to land...

"...But I'd rather not stain my hands with the blood of scum."

He stated in a calm tone.

"Besides, I said I wouldn't kill you."

Indescribable Relief washed over her.

"T-then y-you'll let me live, right Angel?"

She frantically asked, crawling toward him and grabbing his legs.

"I p-promise I'll be good! I-I'll do what you T-tell me to..."

Angel kicked her off him, sending the nude Queen to the floor with a look of surprise.

"I said I wouldn't kill you. I never said you weren't going to die."

He told her with glee.

And before Queenbee could react, she was swallowed by her shadow, the inky darkness under her swirling and sending her crashing onto a wooden floor.

All at once, a racous noise emanating from her front assaulted her ears. She rapidly blinked at the sun shining down upon her.

Something wet and juicy splattered on her face, a rotten tomato. She wiped off the remains from her eyes and swept her eyes out at the new surroundings.

The first thing she saw were the signs.


!!!KILL HER!!!


And then came the ones holding them up. Bialyans. Angry and furious Bialyans surrounded the wooden stage she was on.

The gates of her Royal Palace had been destroyed and the palace itself was a blackened site of smoking debris and collapsed rabble. Her statues had also been torn down...

And every eye that fell on her carried pure hatred. Even more than the one Angel held for her.

That's when she realized what this was. Where she was. The same execution platform she had used to execute rebels and those who denied her rule.

Angel had sent her to her execution. The worst possible death she could have imagined.


She muttered in despair, her crazed citizens rushing the platform, murder in their eyes.

'I should have never antagonized him...'

This was her last thought, before the swarm of people calling for her blood tore her apart in mere minutes.

On a part of the Palace roof that had remained standing, 5 people could be seen.


Widow commented, shielding Laura's eyes as the 5 of them watched what was happening down on the courtyard.

"No, let her watch."

Angel commanded and Widow reluctantly complied, removing her hand.

Angel had made sure to witness Queenbee's death with his own eyes. Firstly because he needed the satisfaction, and secondly to make sure she was really really dead.

"Let's go."

After confirming she was, he ordered and they were all promptly swallowed by Shade's power.

Once they were back home, or rather in the dungeons, Angel stopped before the next cell and turned to Shade,

"Have Talia moved to a room on the mansion. Put her under 24/7 security. Widow can lend you Laura to watch her. She can switch out with Ravager and the others."

"Young Master, are you sure?"

Widow intervened in doubt,

"What if she escapes?"

There was no need to mention how capable Talia was.

"That's why Laura and others will be watching her. It will be good training guarding a stealth and infiltration expert like her."

He replied, passing Talia's cell and moving on.

Shade nodded, then him, Widow and Laura portaled out, leaving Angel and Psimon who quietly followed behind him.

They finally arrived at the last cell, which Psimon promptly unlocked. Yet Angel didn't immediately enter it, instead he regarded the Telepath with a strange look.

"What can you tell me about our last guest?"

He asked.

"Nothing. I did as you asked and left him alone, Boss.

Psimon responded.

Angel kept his eyes on him until the Telepath started feeling uncomfortable and looked away.

"Go and clean up the others cells. Afterwards, talk to Shade, you deserve a reward for your excellent work."

A look of happiness crossed Psimon's face.

"D- Does this mean I have your trust Boss?"

He eagerly asked.

Angel nodded with a small grin.

"You have. Good job Psimon."

Psimon's eyes clouded as an indescribable emotion gripped him.

"Thank you, B- no, Young Master. I won't let you down."

With that, he went to carry out his assigned duty, leaving Angel alone. Just like he wanted. No one could overhear the following conversation.

With a heavy sigh, Angel pushed through the cell door, the sound of classical music coming out of it.

He stepped inside a simulated training room, where Ocean Master- shirtless, was practicing with his Trident.

The second they saw each other, smiles appeared on both.


Orm called out, walking forward.

"Hello Old Friend. Sorry I couldn't come to see you earlier. How have you been?"

Angel walked forward and clasped hands with him.

Orm was someone he had an history with. Without him, he wouldn't have been able to complete Frost and Blaze. He had also been his Inside Man in the Light, acting as an Informant. 

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