Son of The Savage (A DC Si)

Chapter 55: Listen To The Clayman!

Mass Release: 1/3

Advanced chapters on


(General P.O.V)

Night was approaching.

Under the dim glare of the setting sun, a chopper could be seen flying over a hill.

Breaking past the tree line, a magnificent Mansion was revealed in the distance. It sat in the center of a huge compound surrounded by a forest. 

The property was designated as a no-flight zone, yet the chopper had no intention of changing course. 



(Unknown location)

The Operations room was rife with activity. 

Agents sat on work stations facing an entire wall outfitted with huge screen displays. 

The central screen had a satellite image of Angel's Mansion. The rest contained various data, including profiles on the 4 KingsGuard and lastly, an Image of Angel. 

These pictures of them had secretly been taken inside a conference hall, during the grand unveiling of Savage Securities. 

A newcomer that had quickly taken the world by storm, with the initial valuation at 1 billion dollars. And to think it was only just a branch company to Savage Inc., the largest conglomerate in the world. 

Under the leadership of Christopher, Angel's company had effectively monopolized everything in the consumer sector. 

Their next big venture was space exploration.

All that success didn't sit well with a lot of people. Savage Inc's rise to power had made him many enemies. 

Case in point, 

"Blackbird is coming up on the target zone Ma'am. They're receiving a transmission from the compound. It might be a warning."

An agent dressed in a black uniform, informed his superior, who stood on a balcony overlooking the Operations room.

The superior was a heavy set black woman in a red work suit and pearls around her sizable neck. 

This was Amanda Waller. Founder of Taskforce X and Director of A.R.G.U.S.

"Refuse it."

She bluntly ordered, eyes set on the screen displaying Angel's smiling face. 


(Angel's house) 

Under the Mansion, a shadowy figure stood infront of dozens of screens. All of which showed locations within the compound and perimeter. 

That naturally included the chopper approaching from the East.

The shadow had tried to reach out for communication but it had failed or rather,

(Transmission Declined)

The pilots had refused the call. 

The shadow drummed It's fingers on the table, then It pressed a single button on the console, activating the Mansion's security measures.

Across the entire perimeter of the property, a shimmering forcefield blinked into existence before fading to a slight shimmer around the compound. 

This wasn't all. 

With barely a sound, sections of the grass covered yard in front of the mansion collapsed into the ground. 

From the holes, 3 massive anti-aircraft guns emerged, immediately locking onto the approaching Chopper.


"Security measures activated! The perimeter forcefield has been turned on along with anti-aircraft weaponry placed on the front yard. They've locked onto Black Bird."

An agent called out urgently. 

"What's the E.T.A on the RedHawk?"

Waller calmly asked, walking down the stairs to the operation room.

"5 minutes."

A different Agent answered, gripping a control stick that looked similar to what Jet Pilots used.

Amanda pulled up behind her, eyes on the screen following the drone's movements. 

"Fire only when Blackbird is about to cross the perimeter. Once the Power System is shut down, they only have a few seconds before the back up comes online. If they miss that window, they'll crash onto the forcefield around the compound. It will be game over. For them, and for you."

The agent manning the Red Hawk, gulped in apparent fear, 

"I won't miss it Ma'am."

Waller's gaze lingered on her for a few more seconds before she turned towards the room. 

"Someone get me in touch with Taskforce X."

She ordered. 



The drone of the helicopter's proppelers was broken by the sound of the cabin door opening. 

"Alright convicts! Time to earn your keep!"

Colonel Flag yelled as he entered the cabin. Tall with blonde hair and a yellow t-shirt with camo pants, he could be considered an attractive man. 

4 people were inside the hold, cuffed to the sides of the chopper. 3 pairs of eyes turned to regard him. 

"Ah, perchance, is it the hour of luncheon already?"

A man that could only be described as 'Movie Star Handsome', asked the Colonel. 

"Do they not feed you in prison?"

Flag returned, stopping before a snoring black man in a red and black costume. 

"Wake your ass up, Deadshot."

Flag said, unlocking the cuffs and kicking his heels, rousing him. 

"It's party time."

"Eat a dick Flag."

The Marksman yawned at Flag's back. 

Flag chuckled while unlocking the Handsome Man's cuffs. Before he could move on to the next person, the handsome man blocked path through the cabin with a leg.

Flag stared down at him with a raised brow. 

"What do you want Clayface? There's no food in the bird."

"Pray, remind me once more, good sir, why are we embarking on this flight towards our impending demise?"

Clayface inquired of the colonel in an over the top Victorian accent, 

"Even Waller must surely comprehend the folly of provoking the young gentleman Savage. His defenses rival those of the President himself. It is sheer madness to believe we can dispatch him."

Before Flag could answer him, most likely with another snide comment, someone beat him to the punch. 

"Changing the world requires insanity. Nothing ventured nothing gained, Clayface."

Waller stated, her image flickering on the screen above the cabin door.

A gasp escaped the girl next to Clayface. She was the only female in the group, and had bleached skin, blonde hair and a multicolored jester costume. 

"You're bonkers too Waller? We're like twinsies!"

chirped Harley Quinn with glee. 

Waller ignored her and continued in an authoritative voice, 

"Listen up Task Force X. Red Hawk will give you 10 seconds to pass through the forcefield and infiltrate the Mansion. You only have 10 minutes inside. Get in, kidnap Scandal Savage, and get out. BlackBird will stay in the area for extraction. We clear?"

"10 minutes?"

Clayface repeated in a shaky voice, abandoning the accent, 

"It will be a miracle if we can survive even 1."

He swept his eyes around. 

"Word on the street is, he's involved with The League of shadows and Spider's Web. Those two are bad news. I'm telling you, this is insane! We should turn back! listen to me. Listen to the Clayman! Why doesnt anyone ever..."

He trailed off and started bawling his eyes out, his handsome face drooping off into mud. 

"There, there, buddy. Don't worry, the four of us are like cockroaches—we've got a knack for survival. We'll probably not die. Probably."

Harley tried to comfort him.

"But just in case you do, I'm totally taking your car."

"Insane or not, normal laws and regulations can't deal with Angel Savage. He's grown too influential. Both in public and in the criminal underworld. It's up to us to take him out before he takes over America."

Peacemaker said in a self-righteous tone.

"By abducting a little girl?"

Deadshot scoffed at him. 

"If you're gonna play the 'save America card', at least have the decensy to call this what it is."

Peacemaker turned his way. 

"Feeling queasy Floyd? Unlike you, I do what I have to- for peace. If that means using a child as bait to take out a bad seed, then I won't hesitate."

His eyes jumped to Waller, 

"That's the plan right Ma'am? To use the sister against him?"

"Peacemaker's right. Taskforce X was never going to be by the books. You are my pawns. So leave you morality behind or you will make your daughter an Orphan, Deadshot."

Waller ruthlessly warned. 

Deadshot clenched his jaw at her words, visibly enraged. 

"There's a line Waller."

He said lowly, 

"And you've crossed it one too many times. One of these days someone will put a bullet through your neck."

Waller smiled, as if finding the death threat amusing, 

"Get in, get the girl, and get out, Convict. Fuck up the mission and all your heads go kaboom."


Flag sighed, 

"Hope you got the gist of it. Get your gear and prepare to land."

"We're going to die. We're going to die. We're going to die." 

Clayface begun muttering. 


Waller's expression turned into a frown once the transmission with Taskforce X was severed. 

"Insane huh?"

She said to herself, turning her gaze onto the screen with Angel's face on it. 

Something was bugging her. Intelligence said Angel was in Washington DC. 

From DC to Massachusetts, it was a distance of 370 miles. Even with a jet, that trip would take no less than 30 minutes. 

The KingsGuard were also confirmed to be away from the Mansion(where Angel went they followed), leaving only Scandal Savage, probably a bodyguard, and the Staff alone at home. 

With the Red Hawk capability to shut off the forcefield around the house, it was the perfect time to grab her. Taskforce X should have no problems getting in and out. 

And yet...something was still bugging her. 


The unmanned drone, Red Hawk strafed downwards towards the Mansion. 

It's sleek structure allowed it to blend in with the cloudy night, remaining undetected until it passed over the Mansion, shooting out an invisible burst of electromagnetic radiation, that spread through the compound in a ripple. 

Almost immediately, all the light in the property went out. Electronics stopped working and the invisible shield around the property deactivated, allowing the chopper to pass through. 

The Anti-aircraft guns were also rendered useless, and without an issue, the Blackbird landed. 

"Go! Go! Go!"

Flag yelled amidst the roar of the engine. 

Taskforce X jumped out with Deadshot taking the lead. Peacemaker, Clayface and Harley followed. The latter holding a baseball and chewing gum. 

"Let's split up into two teams."

Deadshot said, adjusting his aiming scope as he peered at the dark mansion with night vision. 

"Harley you're with me. Peacemaker and Clayface, you take the right wing, we'll go left. Remember we only have 10 minutes, so make it count or..."

"We die, Yeah yeah."

Peacemaker rudely cut in, moving past Deadshot with his gun in hand. 

Deadshot was about to give him a piece of his mind, when Peacemaker just stopped. 

In front of them was a shadowy figure in a top hat and suit. 


Harley's gum bust on her lips.

"Holy moly, a ghost!"

She yelled in shock. 

Deadshot and Peacemaker pointed their guns at It. Meanwhile, Clayface started to fall back. 

"Good evening."

The shadow greeted in a whisperly voice, 

"I'm afraid you're trespassing on Private property. You will have to be detained and thoroughly questioned."

"Wha-? "

Peacemaker's voice suddenly cut off as all four of them were swallowed by their shadows. 

The figure then turned it's attention to the chopper.


"My hairy balls."

Within the BlackBird, Flag cursed after seeing what had happened to Taskforce X. 

"Clayface was actually right."

The chopper and everyone inside similarly disappeared from the yard. 


On the second floor of the Mansion, a little girl walked to the window as the lights came back on. 

She had felt the arrival of new minds in the vicinity, along with the sound of a chopper. But when she peered out through the window, all Candie saw was an empty yard. 

(Angel's P.O.V)

"Young Master, there's an issue."

Shade interrupted my conversation with the Professor. 

I held up a hand and Ivo went silent. 

"What kind of issue?"

"One of my shadow clones has captured 6 intruders. They're detained underground."

He revealed. 


Normally this wasn't anything to worry me about. Shade and Psimon could handle it without a problem. 

"Psimon found out they were after the young mistress."

Shade said. 

My sister? 

"Apparently, they were sent by..."

Before he could complete the statement I tapped my ear, a signal for him to shut up. 

I could feel my lips start to spread out in a smile that made Ivo back away. Then again, it could be the Aura my body was releasing. An Aura of killing Intent. 

"Tell him to withdraw for now. Don't mind fuck them. And don't let them commit Suicide either. I'll get the information out of them myself."

A process that was going to involve a lot of pain. 

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