Son of The Savage (A DC Si)

Chapter 57 & 58: Scandal Wants In

Chapter 57&58: Scandal Wants In. 


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(Angel's P.O.V)

The shadows washed away from me as I stepped into my office.

"Welcome back Master."

A beautiful woman dressed in a tight maid's uniform knelt before me, reaching for and kissing my hand in subservience.

"Ah, Talia pet, you're a sight for sore eyes."

I ruffled her head lovingly.

She leaned in to the touch, eyes closing and a shiver running down her body.

It was difficult to reconcile this Talia with the one from 3 years ago.

After trying and failing to turn Goku against me, she had paid for that blunder with a month spent in the dungeons, where I had personally attended to her punishment and behavior adjustment. 

With Psimon's ability to bend minds, I had her licking my toes and begging to be spanked in just a under a week. The rest of the month was spent reinforcing the status of our relationship.

I was the master and she was the slave.

"Do you need my services Master?"

She eagerly asked, taking the robe off me and leaving me in a pair of shorts. I hadn't had time to change due to hurrying back. 

"No need. I'm more concerned with Candie. Where is she?"

I asked, moving towards the desk and turning on the security feed on my sister's room.

"The young mistress went to sleep early. She's in her room."

Talia answered softly.

I confirmed her words through the holographic feed above the desk. True enough, Candie was rolled up in a bundle.

Aww, so cute. 

A sigh of relief escaped me as I threw myself on my comfortable seat, the tension and worry of the past hour draining out. 

"Quit smiling, Talia Pet, or do you want another repeat of last night's session?"

I told her, causing a blush that I could perceive with my heat sense to appear on her face.


"S-sorry Master Angel. I forgot my place. Please punish me!"

She was on her knees again, hand on her chest while breathing heavy.

It's worth noting that Talia had turned into a masochist. I couldn't complain though, being flustered did wonders for that cleavage.

(Young Master, the KingsGuard have completed their mission. Everyone involved in the attempted kidnapping have been dealt with severely. The key culprits are waiting for you in the dungeons)

Shade informed me, leading to a change in my mood. 

"Including Waller?"

I asked in seriousness. 


"Good work."

I got up. 

"I can forgive coming after me, but going after my baby sister is a different matter. Shade, portal me to the dungeons."

(Yes, Young Master)

(General P.O.V)

The shadows swallowed Angel, leaving Talia still on her knees inside the office. 

She looked up once he was gone. A flushed expression of lust on her face.

'Master looks so hot when he's angry. I can't control myself, I have to...'

Her fingers trailed down her uniform to the middle of her legs. The quiet moans that followed were safely contained within the room.

Unfortunately for Talia, she unknowingly had a voyuer.

At the corner of the office, behind a potted plant, Candie hid, her Teddy bear in her hands.

'The dungeons. That's where big brother went. Where the others probably are. No one tells me anything. It's up to me to find out what's going on.'

She thought, staring out and spotting Talia- who held onto her brother's framed picture while moaning.

'What is that stupid maid doing?'

Candie frowned, not knowing why, but hating the perverted way Talia was staring at Angel's picture. 

'Hold on, this is perfect, She's too distracted to notice me. I can sneak in through the hidden passageway behind the bookcase.'

Candie thought with a sneaky smile, tiptoeing from her hiding spot with a psionic aura around her body cloaking her presence.

She hated being left out of the family business. Normally, she would understand but this time it concerned her. She had to know why and who was after her. 

Sneaking past Talia was laughably easy. She didn't even react when the bookcase swung inwards, revealing a dark staircase that sloped downwards into the darkness.

With a mental coax, her body rose into the air- deciding it was easier to fly.

She spun around in the air to look at Talia who was now calling out Angel's name while rubbing herself vigorously.

A look of disdain fell upon Candie. She showed her tongue to the maid, before childishly wiggling her butt and slapping it. 

"Come on Teddy, let's leave the crazy maid before she infects us with her cuckoo-ness."

Teddy nodded at her in agreement. And with that they dove into the dark tunnel. 

The past 3 years had not been wasted. 

Candie had been hard at work training her abilities. Case in point she could fly faster and longer- not needing to rest despite how long the tunnel was.

Telekinesis and telepathy were not the only powers on her repertoire however. 

Apart from the sparring she did with Arya and her big brother, she had also trained secretly. Leading to the creation of a few new abilities. 

But out of all of them, her favorite- next to Flight- had to be The Psionic Cloak. What made it special was, it was created out of necessity.

The mansion was full of 'monsters'- her favored term for the KingsGuard and the other elites working for her brother.

Their presence guaranteed she had almost no freedom and privacy.

Her brother even had cameras installed in her bedroom. Her bedroom! The lack of privacy was grating.

She loved him to death but even she had to admit, he was too overprotective!

The solution she came up with was- Psionic Cloak. An ability that hid her from everyone whenever she wanted to be alone. Or sneak out to the woods. She loved the woods, there she could train her powers on wild animals. 

Of course this ability was kept a secret from everyone. Even Angel. They just thought she was good at being sneaky. Which wasn't far from the truth anyway!

Her thoughts were interrupted when she rounded a corner and saw a light coming from her front.

With Psionic Cloak fully active, she only had to slow down a little before emerging into a well lit hallway with dozens of metal doors on the side. 

Her attention however was on her brother, standing infront of the KingsGuard and a stranger. An unfamiliar girl with white hair.

She also noticed her Telepathy teacher, Psimon. 

Knowing he had a passive mental field around him at all times, Candie elected to stay far away from his range. 

She flew closer to the ceiling and stuck to it, eavesdropping on the conversation.

(Angel's P.O.V)

Shade's portal had deposited me in front of the Kings Guard, who had immediately bowed my way respectfully. 

Who's that?

I couldn't help but notice the cute Snow haired girl next to Goku. Filing the interest away, I regarded my Minions proudly. 

"Shade tells me you took care of things. Was it hard?"

I questioned curiously. 

The scoff that escaped Jinx was answer enough,

"A.R.G.U.S didn't stand a chance young master. It only took the four of us to take down the entire organization. Kind of a let down for a group of spies."

My focus shifted to Ravager.

"Anything to add to that, Rosey?"

"More or less what she said."

Rose confirmed in a professional voice, though I noticed the ghost of a smile on her face.

"Does that mean...I get a reward?"

Jinx looked at me seductively. 

'Damn, she's grown prettier over the years.' 

I thought inwardly. 

"Maybe later. For now I hope you'll be satisfied with this..."

I patted her on the head, 

"Good job Jinx."

In response, she almost melted to the floor. But instead opted to lean on Ravager who rolled her eyes in exasperation.

"And I'm guessing you enjoyed the mayhem Cheshire?"

I winked at my Neko-mask wearing assassin/bodyguard.

"You know how to treat a girl, Young Master. I have no complaints. My Sais tasted enough blood tonight."

She responded with a seductive growl.

God that gets me hot everytime.

Finally, my eyes fell on my best friend.

"You're unusually quiet, G."

Goku shrugged.

"You don't interrupt a man when he's surrounded by his Harem. I'm simply exercising patience and caution."

I'd grown used to that joke over the 3 years we had been together. It wasn't a secret to the Mansion, that the girls and I had 'that' sort of relationship. 

After Cheshire and Jinx learnt that Ravager was sharing my bed, they also wanted in. I had to buy a bigger bed after that. I can't believe I'm still a virgin after all that.

"Smart Man."

I nodded sagely at him.

" mind introducing us to your friend?"

All eyes,(unfriendly ones from the girls) turned to the unfamiliar girl next to Goku.

She looked around at the others before her eyes settled on mine. 

Her lips parted to speak, but I suddenly interrupted her by raising a hand. 

My minions tensed in readiness. 

We weren't alone.

My left hand instantly swung out towards the wall on the side, producing a cold gust of air that formed into a tall ice structure covering it and the ceiling. 

The girl with snow White hair took a step back in shock. 

I only noticed it on my peripheral, my full attention on the roof, where an intruder was hiding.

"whoever you are, you picked the absolute worst time to trespass. You see, I'm veeerry short on temper right now."

I said, fully turning around and...


I muttered in confusion at the sight of my little sister, held in place with my ice. 

She had a nervous smile on her face while guiltily staring down at us. 

"H-hey big brother, could you let me down? This ice is sooo cold."


Of course I let her down, reabsorbing the mana in the ice. Even if I had half the mind to leave her stuck there.

"What were you thinking sneaking in here of all places?"

I sternly questioned, hands crossed over my chest.

She couldn't meet my eyes.

"You should be asleep!"

I continued, realizing she had fooled me with the rolled up bundle on her bed.

"Do you know how dangerous tonight was? Intruders broke in and they were coming for you, Candie. You. What would have happened had they encountered you just walking around the mansion, unprotected?"

At that she looked up with a pout. 

"I can protect myself!"

She shot back.

"With what? Your powers."

I scoffed, pointing at the unfamiliar girl's neck.

"You see that? That's a power dampening collar. All someone would have to do is slip it on you and puff! Powers gone!"

"That's only if they get close enough. I wouldn't let them!"

She yelled back defiantly.

"Stop treating me like I'm stupid! I'm little but I'm not dumb!"

"Young master if I may..."

Psimon started, only for my glare to shut him up. This was between Scandal and I.

But I also realized yelling at each other wasn't going to solve anything. It would only make me look like a fool.

With a sigh, I knelt before my little sister, already seeing the tears welling up at the corners of eyes. Her cute face was also red with anger.

"Okay, okay..."

I raised my hands apologetically, 

"I'm sorry for shouting. And you're not dumb, I know that better than anyone. I just want you to be safe. Can you understand that?"

Slowly, she nodded, prompting a sigh out of me. I smiled, raising my fist.

She stared at it before bumping it, a small smile spreading across her own face.

"So we good?"

I asked.

"We good."

She replied.

I straightened up.

"I'm still mad that you followed us down here tho, but I'll let it go if you tell me the reason why."

She didn't say anything right away, hands tightening around her Teddy Bear.

When she looked up at me, her face held a serious expression. One I wouldn't have expected from her. Or an 8 year old. 

"Those intruders who came for me...will you let me...handle them?"

I was conscious of the quiet surprise shared among the others. On my part, I kept my face blank.


I asked.

She didn't hesitate. Nor did she avert her eyes.

"Because I'm sick of standing on the sidelines. I know you're after the world big brother. And I want to help you conquer it. Even if that means being a bad guy like you."

There was a pause as I was caught in indecision.

(Young Master, I think you should give her a chance. You can't protect her forever.)

More surprisingly, Shade actually supported her. And if he did so, then the others would follow suit. The only one who actually had a problem with it was me.

But that was more out of my concerns for her safety.

"We could train her. She's already getting lessons from Psimon."

Ravager suggested.

"It's about time anyway. We cant keep hiding secrets from her or she's starting hating you, Young Master."

Cheshire pitched in.

"Besides, this way we can protect her better if she's close to us."

Jinx added.

"All in all, it's up to you Angel."

Goku finalized.

All good points. Points that I found hard to argue against. With the hope shining in Candie's eyes I only hand one response for her.


I sighed.

(General P.O.V)

The room was damp and dark. The only source of light being a flickering bulb above.

The light it gave off was too weak to reach the furthest corners of the cell, but just enough to highlight the 4 dog cages placed along the back wall.

The cages contained 4 out of the 6 people who had arrived on the Blackbird. Harley and Clayface were notably missing. 

"Fuck me sideways."

Flag commented shivering from the cold inside his cage.

"Clayface was right."

He like the other 3 was fully naked. They were not even left with boxers to hide their private parts. 

"You've been saying that for the last hour or so. Cut it out, it's annoying."

Deadshot called him out from the next cage, his breath steaming in the air.

"You two fucks have no idea what we're in for, I suggest you direct your energy into breaking out rather than talking."

Peacemaker grunted, using his heel to kick the cage door, trying to forcefully open it.

"Don't waste your energy."

Flag told him with a sigh.

"I've encountered these cages before. Back in Borneo. They were designed by Japanese soldiers in ww2. The space inside is small enough that you can't force you way out, but just big enough that you can only move around uncomfortably."

"Fucking Japanese."

Peacemaker cussed, still kicking the door.

"You can't keep me here!! Justice always finds a way!! You hear me!!"

He yelled out.


In a shaky voice, the pilot of the Blackbird, an A.R.G.U.S agent, scooched over to the wall separating his cage from Flag's.

"W-what do you think they're going to do to us?"

"Probably torture."

Flag supplied with a notable shrug in his voice- he couldn't move his shoulders well.

"T-torture? W-what kind of T-torture?"

The pilot whimpered.

"Waterboarding. Maybe pulling out a few know the usual."

Flag guessed.

"Don't forget electric clips on the nipples and balls."

Deadshot added,

"Hurts like a bitch and a half."

"Maybe a hot rod up the ass. Cooks the shit in your anus. For a few weeks you won't be able to bend."

Peacemaker stated.

""Ooh yeah""

The other two acted as if they were recalling the experience. 

Their conversation had the pilot who was just a Rookie,tearing up.

Thankfully, for his sanity at least, the door before them slid open.

Everyone tensed, as the light from the outside washed into the room. A shadow stepped through the entrance.

And in walked...a small girl holding a teddy bear? Huh? Deadshot and Flag shared a look.

"Hey kid, are you lost?"

The latter asked.

Candie stared at the guys in front of her with an innocent smile. She shook her head at the question.

"Then...could you open the cage door for us?"

Peacemaker desperately asked.

Candie tapped her chin in thought, as if considering it.

"Come on Kid."

Peacemaker smiled harmlessly,

"We won't tell anyone you helped us. And you'll feel good about it too. 'A good deed a day' that's my motto. It's a good motto right?"

Deadshot couldn't help but sneer at the shameless manipulation. The little girl had probably just stumbled upon them due to the noise Peacemaker had been making. 

Still, Deadshot wasn't dumb enough to call him out on it. This could be their way out, as much as it left a bitter taste in his mouth.

"It's a good motto."

Candie agreed in a shy voice. 


Peacemaker eagerly jumped at the opportunity presented, face pressed against the cage.

"Think of letting us out, as your good deed of the day, okay?"


Deadshot's attention was pulled by Flag's whisper.

"That's the target of our mission."

Deadshot blinked, looking back at the girl. She was probably 8 or 9 years old. Just a few years younger than his own daughter.

The Marksman turned to Flag.

"What do you want to do?"

In the meantime, Peacemaker was still urging the little girl with sweet words. Until finally,


She agreed. 

Flag and Deadshot were suprised it had worked. 

"You mean it?"

The pilot asked in a hopeful voice.


The little girl nodded with an adorable smile, her pigtails dancing with the bob of her head.

Peacemaker laughed in relief, 

"Thanks a lot, little girl. I won't forget this. The latch is..."

He started to explain how to unlock the cage when Candie cut him off midway.

A wave of her hand caused a click sound to be produced, and without much fanfare, all the cage doors sprung open.

It took a second for Deadshot to believe his eyes. She had simply waved a hand and freed them...

Was she a Metahuman? Was that the real reason Waller wanted her? 

"We're free! We're actually free!"

The Pilot cried, him and

Peacemaker not wasting time and springing out of their cages. Luckily, their clothes and gear weee on a table a few feet away.

Deadshot and Flag followed suite, leaving their own cages and quickly gearing up. After all, they were still in enemy territory.

The little girl simply watched them without saying a word, up until they were fully dressed.

"Let's get outta here."

The Pilot suggested, heading for the door.

"Not yet."

Peacemaker suddenly said, stopping before the girl and pointing his gun at her head. 

"You're coming with us, little girl."

He told her with a blank expression. 

The mood in the room changed.

Flag and Deadshot shared a look, choosing to remain silent. They had agreed to let Peacemaker do the dirty work. Although Deadshot hated it. 

"W-what are you doing?!"

The Pilot was the only one against it, yelling at Peacemaker.

"She helped us!"

"She's also the target."

Peacemaker calmly stated, pointing his gun at the Pilot. 

"I know how to fly a chopper, so if I was you I'd be smart and shut the fuck up. The girl is either coming with us or the dying."

The Pilot looked to Deadshot and Flag for help, only for the latter to sigh and shake his head. 

"We need to complete the mission or we're all fucked."

The Pilot shook his head and looked away with a defeated expression. 

"Fine, let's just go..."

Unexpectedly Candie started laughing, causing the 4 of them to stare at her in confusion. 

"I guess I lost the bet. I thought at least one of you was decent enough not to abduct a child. I was wrong."

She sighed, her neck still held by Peacemaker's hand. 

"No worries, at least I get to enjoy what comes next."

She added with a vicious smile. 

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