Sophia Demiurge

Chapter 33: It Is Necessary

Side story before the chapter:

Readers: Is the 18+ scene really necessary?

The writer while sweating heavily: U-uh-hmm... Of course... It is?

Ok, I have to show that they are sex friends, so in all seriousness it is necessary, and also I suggest not to skip it, you will miss a very vital part of the Hero's Test Arc if you did so.

[But I'd still say sorry]



[3rd Person POV]


Preparation for war by Sophia is going on as usual, however, that's also the case for people whom she deemed as "unknown variables" that can affect her victory.


In a cave full of snow-colored webs, the brisk sound of numerous Arachnids going in and out of the lair carrying out missions their queen and birth giver has given to them can be heard, thTheseissions can range from food gathering to scouting and assassination.


Food gathering has the least amount of spiders to partake in for their identity as the eye of the forest lets them be able to gather food as payment for information their mother can give about anything or anyone their client request. However, a question is lingering in the minds of the spiders.


_Why is Mother firmly rejecting the call for help of her godchildren? Forget about their relationship, but isn't it the principle of the spider queen to be neutral all the time and never choose a side?_


It was just unfathomable to even consider that she loves the father of those two rebels and is enraged about the fact that his children disobeyed him after all the two of them are just fuck buddies, thus the spiders who intentionally or not see them entangling in 'bed' will not believe such statement, it's just impossible... right? These speculations lingered in the cave and of course could not escape the eyes and ears of the spider queen.


However, the spider queen surprisingly does not care about this kind of speculation similar to the monkey tribe's reason for splitting in half.


"Are you really okay that your children make unfounded assumptions like that?"


the tribe leader of the monkeys asked, he is currently lying down on a non-sticky web whilst a woman of immense beauty is riding his crotch. The woman is of course the queen of the spiders, Normally she has the lower half of a spider, but as the great being that she is, she can retract that form as she wishes.


"Ah... Of course, I a- Ahm! I gave birth to all of them after al-Nha! Ah! Ah!"


The spider queen answered in between pleasure-filled moans, her usual regal face now becoming contorted, her tongue sticking out of her mouth and her eyes clouded with the bliss of her insides being ravaged by her sex friend's rod.


"I see, that's good..."


A trickle of sadness can be traced in the face of the monkey tribe leader, causing the lewd lady on top of him to slow down a little.


"Hey now... Don't get all sentimental, you know what will happen if we interfere right?"


"And we already agreed to all of this."


The spider queen suddenly turned serious for a brief moment, the next instant, she started bouncing once again on top of the monkey tribe leader, and the tribe leader sighed.




Suddenly, the Arachnid asked.


"So? Are they going to declare war against the prospect?"


The leader of the monkeys stared for a moment at the humping Arachnid on top of him and suddenly trusted his hips with vigor, catching the degraded queen on top of him off guard.




Spurting sound of thick liquid being ejaculated resonated in the solitary room, pleasure fluids from the lady of all spiders that is now just a moaning mess trickled and splashed all over the place.


"Like you already don't know."


The monkey tribe leader said and then placed the queen on all fours, but her whole body was still weak from her squirt earlier, she just slumped limply to the web, her tongue still outside her mouth and her butt sticking out in front of the monkey tribe leader who slapped it on his lusty impulse.




The spider queen moaned once again, and her pussy released another splash of slimy liquid.


"How about you? Have you been able to convey your message?"


The monkey who is making the queen know who the king is grabbed the slender waist of the spider and then played the shaft of his rod to the sides of the wet hole of the queen of spiders as he teased her vagina, causing her to once again quiver and moan.


"Ah... Ah... Sto... Ah..."


The spider queen cannot keep her composure for a moment, but she endured the hell-like heaven she is currently feeling and answers.


"Ngh... Yesh... But, the intentions seem to have been misunderstood, so I ordered my spiders to retreat immediately, but the unfortunate ones have been slaughtered..."


The queen gritted her teeth again, enduring the desire to moan.


"I just have to let her kill all those unlucky children of mine, for her to realize that I intend no ill will."


"I see, so our plan is going well."


With a faint smile on his face, the primate aimed with his rock-hard thing and thrust his hips, ramming into the wet hole of the spider queen.


" Yes that- Aaaah! Nghagh~ WAIT LET ME RE- giiiihoOouugh! "


Loud moans of immense pleasure and the sound of thick and voluminous fluids being ejected into someone's womb once again echoed, as the "meeting" of the two elite individuals of the forest ended and the mating of two sex friends continued.


[Sophia's POV]


The monitoring range of the monkey rebels is exactly one kilometer in the immediate circumference of their camp, this is not that advantageous because of the nature of this world, we don't know if there's a person who has eyes that can pierce a mile away by glancing in the sunset while sipping his or her tea, though the bestiary confirms that the monkeys are incapable of such feat so there are no worries about the flag raising.


Anyway, the location of the camp is also stated in the report of Kabuto, it is three kilometers away from the entrance of the second layer, obviously also three kilometers away from the exit of the first layer whilst the settlement is about twenty kilometers away* from the entrance of the forest, in the far end of the safer parts of the first layer, this can cause harder transport for the landmines that is a lot of bigger than a landmine of what the image suggests, you see its as big as a Mikasa Volleyball, yeah that's how big it is.


I made it that big because it would be sensitive to impact and an accident that cannot be retracted will occur if I make it any smaller, I am already in the stage of attacking monsters several levels stronger than my monsters so if the people I so carefully cultivated fucking died because of my water rasengan, then I would become a bum in this forest running away from every monster who want a piece of meat of a hero prospect.


These landmines will be transported using carts, but the problem is that the distance is too far, good thing is, the resource routes I commanded the goblins to make are already finished, these routes will end just one hundred meters away from the locations I will be setting my mines, of course, the end of these routes will be our camps. These routes are naturally not bumpy, and the... let's say "very hardworking" nature of monsters made it just a little step lower compared to the national roads in my previous world.


I'm so proud of them.


[Isn't it just because they are afraid of you?]


What are you talking about? I'm sure that's not the case... Haha...


Okay, let's go back to the matter at hand, the mines, as a precaution will have a case, this case is a box that I have to repeatedly teach them how to make. The structure is that of a cube slightly bigger than the mines, then a rack will be placed in the bottom of the cube as well as the lid of the said container, the lid then will be sealed with sap from a tree that is for some reason can secrete super glue-like stuff.


This container will make the mines be in place no matter how bumpy the road is, to prevent the landmines from being spilled, I also ordered for the carts that are slightly bigger than an elf truck to have a roof, fence, and door. The goblin soldiers who will watch out for spills will have to hang in the back side of the carriage, another goblin will be on top of the roof so that an eye will always be on the watch for potential accidents.


"Let's go."


I ordered so and all of the goblins, including Lyra and Philo as well as Eleanor moved out, I and Eleanor have a specialized carriage while a cart containing soldiers is Lyra's transportation, Philo is running fast. We started to slow down and test what speed will be preferable for the travel so that the mines will not be in danger of exploding.


I am saying landmine this landmine for a while now, but you have to forgive me because all war equipment that incorporates more complex ideas than the cold weapons era is super delicate, so bare with me.


Anyway, after half a day of "probing," we finally got the gits of the appropriate speed, with this speed and because the roads don't have any obstacles except for the few White Bunnies that always got eaten by Philo, we arrived at our campsite just for three days, we have four days of preparations for my plans to be set in place.


"Even so, are you okay to eat your kin, Philo?"


I asked as Philo bowed, offering his back for a ride, I hopped on him as I went to hold Ellie's hand whilst she walked alongside Philo, Philo replied while I prompted myself into an Indian sit.


"You are my only brethren My Lady, and those puny rabbits are hindering your travel for conquest, thus it shall be their fate to be punished by me!"


He exclaimed while he make his way with me on his back onto the site, the goblins immediately got yelled at by Lyra to create a war camp, the camp will have basic defense made out of clay, wood is preferable but because it's flammable, its just suicide if I ordered them to create one using logs.


But of course, the facilities inside are impossible to make using clay, remember that our resources are just the soil around us, thus we will need a lot of it if we make the leader's house, the sleeping quarters, the granary, weaponry, and the such made out of clay and it will get easily noticed if the land level become low, so with a heavy heart what I planned is to use logs to make the said facilities.


[Are you sure? This plan is like the Great Wall of China protecting an ant hill against Mongols you know?]


I know, but you see, I have confidence in my people, so I am not worried, plus if my plan succeeds then the monkeys will never reach this place.


[...If you say so.]


The conversation ended as I make an estimate, the range of observation of the scouts (LOL) of the monkeys is just a kilometer, and the distance between the camp of mine and the camp of the enemy is three kilometers, thus I will have to set up the mines in between these two kilometers if I want my plan to succeed.


If these monkeys have horses or mounts, then weaving through a patch of trees will be no problem, however, they are all infantry and I have the mines, so by sneakily chopping down trees, I can manipulate their path so that everywhere they go, they will trigger bombs that will wreak havoc upon their ranks.


All of this is conveyed immediately after I make some revisions, and thus the arduous work of setting camps, setting traps, log chopping, clay making, and many more started, I make them go double time and reduced their breaks, they almost don't need that anyway for they have freak amount of stamina because of their monster descent.


Of course, the mines will also be dug into the ground already, they have to travel another kilometer with more difficulties but they made it without obstacles nonetheless, I escorted them as I watch them be cautious about the landmines exploding but after I tossed a rock on a mine, and after half of them said "Hiii!" and another half pissing their pants but still no explosion, they finally started digging.




While starting to depart and let the reigns be held by a digging leader, I said.


"Master, the mission has been completed, the storage house of the weapons of the monkey rebels is in..."


I made a sinister smile as I learned the location of the weapons and other equipment, after listening, with a "good job" I ended the communication. After which, I used a wolf to go back to the settlement in three hours, yeah the wolves are as fast as that, so I summoned Ruphas and assigned him as the leader of the wolves as the home defense of the settlement, I am tapping all the soldiers of my settlements so the Heavy Goat Cavalry is still in the settlement.


They will be used, but they are fast despite being called heavy so there are no worries about distance, the moment they received an order is the moment they will be departing.


"I will be the leader of Carnivores? Pfft, how low they have fallen."


Ruphas said with a mocking tone as I slapped his enormous leg immediately.


"You are their leader, not their dictator."


Ruphas immediately learned his mistake and then bowed.


"I-I'm sorry, I will treat them well."


With a simple nod, I replied.


"It's good that you know."


After another time of making sure that Ruphas won't go overboard, I went back into the camp, the goblins are surprisingly organized and efficient in their work, I did not leave any order but they got no mess that I have to deal with, I smiled a little as I looked for Eleanor.


"Hey there, I have a job for you."


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