Sophia Demiurge

Chapter 62: Forgive Me, My Savior

The gigantic fist of the Siginarugan descended to Bakunawa, the fist could cover everything in the immediate 10 to 15 meters of proximity, in that area, trees, rocks, everything was either blown away by the overbearing air resistance or was scorched by the lava oozing out of the golem's fist, either way, all the places that are at least grazed by the giant will surely turn into a wasteland.

It seems like Sophia will have environmental problems if she establishes her nation, good thing there is something in this world called magic so it should not be that hard, however, the environment right now is none of the concern of Bakunawa who is still shuddering because of her being surrounded by scorching flames.

She immediately enshrouded her fist with mist and as the fist finally descended fully into her reachable height, Bakunawa punched the fist with all her might, the resounding explosion was like that of a cannon sieging a stronghold, it resounded into the whole forest and made trees to freeze over immediately as a crater can be seen in the place in which Bakunawa was originally in, in the crater are the frost and the flames battling for supremacy, freezing and scorching the land again and again.

The hand of the giant also exploded, lava-like blood coming out of the severed part of her hand causing more damage to the already mangled forest.

Bakunawa, was already out of that location when she jumped into midair and assessed the situation that suddenly turned bad, first, she challenged a hero prospect thinking that the opponent had limited physical power and she even thought that she was not a very capable fighter but then Bakunawa realized that Sophia can contend with her, however, she is not yet ready to admit that a child seemingly chosen randomly by a god can contend with her so she believed that Sophia is only stalling time to prepare her ace, but then her ace was already flipped openly before their battle even started.

That's right, through her experience Bakunawa realized that the spider queen is one of Sophia's subordinates, meaning that the alliance up to the battle between her was a predetermined plan and had results already set in stone, she felt ashamed that she had fallen into such trap and that shame caused her to swear.

_A result set on stone is in danger because a stone is not indestructible!_

She then started to transform, her eyes glowing and pupils turning into slits as silver energy enshrouded her, finally the true power of the hero prospect of the god of streams was revealed to the world.

At least that was what Bakunawa was expecting as she suddenly felt a blow of super hot wind at her back, she turned into it immediately and changed her plan, she enshrouded her fist with frozen mist once again and punched with all her might, she was flung into the air and smashed to the ground, she was staring at the destroyed hand of the giant with clenched teeth.

_.91 seconds! that was .91 seconds after the first attack!_

She couldn't believe how fast an attack from a being so big as this one could get after even her with all her pride is not very good in that department when she is in her true form, she cannot have any spare time to brood about such things as she felt the ground below him rumble and start to become molten.

_Another one!_

She jumped out to dodge but the molten soil and rocks that seemed to be the previously shattered parts of the giant trying to reach its original owner did not let her do so, they shot themselves fast seemingly out of the command of the golem, and pierced Bakunawa's body.

Pain from receiving an attack from an element she is weakest at added by the puncture damage made the thought Bakunawa cry out loud.


And if all of that is already not enough, in the middle of the molten rubbles, the mantis and the one finally appeared, jumping from one boulder to another as they aimed to harass Bakunawa. Suddenly however, as if she realized something, she grinned, she spread all her limbs in the air and blasted off large shards of ice, causing them to collide with the super hot rocks, all of them exploded without exemption making the two undead collateral damage, but at least not dead she then landed on the ground once more squinting her eyes in her surroundings.

She finally found a solution on how to transform into her true form, however in this solution, she has to endanger the whole forest, well the solution is quite simple because the giant can punch 2 times in a second, she just has to dodge those punches as well as to wait for the one and the mantis to synchronize with the attack of the giant, still she felt her heartache when the thought of her home being destroyed came into her mind, but to survive she have to do it.

_For my honor and the honor of my lord..._

She made a sprinting position and stared at the already incoming fist attack as well as the two still staggering oni and mantis.

_For my savior._

The punch was already in front of her eyes, she immediately sprinted out of the trajectory and saw the second punch already closing in, she huffed a breath as she saw the wounds on her body but chose to ignore them, she instead looked at the two pests undead that already readied their weapon, she once again dodged the second punch as she ignored the terrifying rumble of the land caused by the fist of Siginarugan.

The two undead finally made their move as they dashed towards her with reckless abandon, of course, they would, after all the two of them were already dead and alongside them, the punch from the giant Siginarugan came descending once again Bakunawa However instead of dodging jumped high with all her might, enshrouded her fist with a thick mist that is now 10 times her size and punched the giant, the Siginarugan was stunned as it saw its whole hand up to all of its left shoulder explode out of existence, because the attack right now is intended to create a lot of collateral damage, the two undeads are not spared.

The Siginarugan grunted as it fell into its butt, but because of the adrenaline she is feeling right now, Bakunawa forgot that golems are not supposed to be stunned, she just yelled at the top of her lungs as she transformed.


As she said those words, her ears morphed into fins, her head turned twisted, then crumpled then outright vicious, her small body ballooned up and her once wounded body healed completely as her whole being started to elongate by the second, her once head uncovered with scales became a gigantic head of a serpent that has silver armor like scales, it was terrifying, it was majestic.

She then immediately attacked the giant with her auroras as she knew that Sophia would soon come for her after all with all that Sophia has displayed it would not be too strange for her to know her serpent form, Bakunawa even has some doubts about why Sophia so fond of Bakunawa's name, like she covets it or something, but that was none of her business as she used her aurora rays to freeze the giant and as she expected, 50 meters of the immediate proximity of their fight zone became a barren land of frost because of the giant mountain of a golem she froze up.

"I... I have wo-!?"

However, before she can even celebrate for a fraction of a second, she is encased by molten rocks that grip her whole neck, all of them heat up and challenge the unexplored melting point of the silver scales of Bakunawa, however durable her scales are, the molten rocks still caused her intense pain as she rolled to the ground and tried to freeze them, but it seems like they are rising in temperature at every passing second, panicked, Bakunawa started to realize something but she refused to voice it until the mountain of ice she just has created exploded and the golem started to reach out her shattered shoulder dragging Bakunawa into its gigantic grasp, she then was hugged tightly by the giant as if she is her long lost daughter, but instead of the warmth of a father's chest, the scorching heat of an active volcano's mouth can be felt from its gigantic body as the giant started glowing and finally Bakunawa was forced to admit it as she struggled.

_I have been tricked!_

Everything from the appearance of the giant up until now was nothing but a setup for her to fall into willingly, first Sophia used the grand entrance of the giant for Bakunawa to think that Sophia would surely cheap-shot her if the situation permitted to do so and she used the punches and the seemingly relentless effort of the giant to stop her from transforming to make Bakunawa's desire to turn into her serpent form grow, Sophia knew that Bakunawa is strong enough to find a hole in the two punches per second ratio of the gaint's attack speed.

And so she did and with the help of the undead as a reminder that Sophia would come for her, Bakunawa who was fully convinced that transforming would solve all her problems successfully transformed, but she did not think that the role of a golem that was sculpted into a pinpoint degree of perfection to be just a mere gigantic bomb.


 The realization, however, did not stop her from struggling with all her might, she wriggled her body like a worm instead of a mighty serpent, she shouted like a child instead of the prideful monarch she once was, and her tears started to flow out of her eyes as she continued to do her all to get out, but because she doesn't have limbs, she can't exert all her muscle force further to all direction and her muscle movements was contained by the racial restriction of a serpent, never in her life did she wished to not become a serpent.

"Ah... no...."

She continued to pointlessly struggle but the glow from the golem continued to shine brighter without any regard to any of her pleads, soon the shine became too bright and the golem exploded, shaking the whole forest and even the nearby nations, they retreated from their walls as they immediately lost interest in such an exciting battle because the results were already obvious. The trees were blasted away from all directions like plastics in the 21st century and scales of silver in color went alongside it, when the large smoke subsided, a crater was seen with a gigantic serpent lying in the center, her blood was dried up because of the heat of the explosion but her whole body is weak and unmoving and the cold pants on her nose are the only sign of her life, even the 80 percent of her scales was gone.

"... ther... father... save me..."

She muttered as tears started to fall from her eyes, but as if fate did not want her to rest, a lady in the name of Sophia landed on her head, she went right in front of her eyes to see if she was still alive, after confirming that she still is, Sophia smiled as she said: "My plan is a success!"

_Huh... Plan?_

Her half-dead body shuddered at those words as if she was about to encounter something worse than death, and alas she did. Sophia suddenly took her other hand and with a magic circle that Bakunawa immediately recognized and tapped it into Bakunawa's forehead, Bakunawa felt the warm stream of mana constricting her little by little as she shouted the name of the spell without any regard to her dying body.


She then, once again disregarded her current state as she struggled with all her might, it started as intense, but the constriction of the enslavement spell continued to erode her freedom until only her voice could be heard, she twisted her body and looked at the grinning Sophia, she want to be angry but she can't and only despair was the thing left for her to feel.


She shouted, but the enslavement spell also started to rob her vocal cords ability to speak words, her voice became dimmer and dimmer until the sounds of her dripping tears were the only audible thing on her body, soon even her eyes could not shed tears anymore and even her thoughts cannot protest about her sorry fate and only one thing is in her mind.

_... I'm sorry for failing you..._

My father.

My savior.

Even her thoughts slipped away soon into the darkness of the abyss and only the despair of being someone else's possession resided in her heart.

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