sorcerer immortal

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Immortal Witch Author: Salted Fish Jenan

This is the story of a traveler who travels through the second time and embarks on the road of wizards in the wizarding world.

Hunt for crystal nuclei in the doomsday world, extract blood in the ancestral world, hunt the gods in the world of the gods... With the ability to travel through the endless world, plunder the knowledge and resources of the endless world, and achieve your own way of wizard...

Chapter 1 Traveling (for collection)

On the barren path, the crimson sun radiated light and heat under the sky, illuminating the surrounding world.

In a place with lush vegetation, a small voice gradually came from the front.


The long line was advancing ahead, and the wheels of the carriage collided with the stones on the side of the road from time to time, making a sound of collision, which also made the carriage vibrate from time to time.

The groom driving ahead was a middle-aged man with calloused hands. After noticing that the carriage was shaken by stones, he carefully glanced at the back of the carriage, as if he was a little afraid of waking up the people behind him.

At the back of the carriage, a boy was lying quietly on the golden yellow hay. There were several open wounds on his body. Although he had undergone simple treatment, blood was still flowing out of it, staining the soft hay under his body. red.

As if affected by the shock of the carriage, the cracked wound on the boy's body was touched, and the boy's originally calm face suddenly became grim, as if he had suffered extremely intense pain.

"what happened?"

There was the low howling sound of horses from behind, and the deep voice of a big man.

A knight escorting the team saw the carriage stop and rode over to question the groom.

"My lord, the axle of the carriage seems to be broken, and it will take some time to repair."

The groom looked embarrassed, looked at the knight in front of him, and said in a low voice.

Hearing this, the knight frowned suddenly: "It's really troublesome."

It happened to be noon at this time, the knight looked up at the sky, feeling the scorching temperature and the faint panting of exhaustion coming from the surroundings, and finally ordered the team to stop temporarily and take a rest in a shady area , while eating.

After the order was issued, the surrounding soldiers showed excited expressions, and some couldn't wait to find a place to rest for a while.

However, even though they couldn't wait in their hearts, their vigilance never lowered.After staying there, he specially sent several knights to explore the surroundings, in order to eliminate some dangers and traps around them.

But after the previous collision of the carriage, the people on the carriage had already begun to wake up.

Stimulated by the pain in his body, Chen Ming gradually opened his eyes.


After waking up, the pain and exhaustion in his body were clearly conveyed to Chen Ming's mind, which made his waking up all of a sudden, and he took a breath for an instant.

"Where am I?"

Feeling the exhaustion and pain on his body, as well as the hot feeling conveyed from various wounds, this doubt arose in Chen Ming's heart, and then a large number of memories began to flood into his mind, completely covering his thoughts at this time.

This is the lifelong memory of a 13-year-old boy named Adil.

In memory, Adil was born in an ordinary baronial family and was the only heir to a real baron with a territory.Because he showed good knight talent since he was a child, he was sent to the castle of Earl Poria, the same family of Adier's father, for training two or three years ago.

In this area, the Earl of Polya is the absolute ruler.As the same family of the Earl of Polya, Adier's father would naturally move closer to the Earl, so he sent Adil, the successor, to the opponent's castle very early on. On the one hand, they are receiving better training and education, and on the other hand, they are also expressing their loyalty.

Some time ago, the scattered orc tribes in the north suddenly went south to invade the territory of the Kingdom of Ariel. As the leader of the lords in the north, the lord Boria sent an army to resist the orc invasion with the surrounding lords. The 13-year-old Adiel accompanied the army He went out to fight, but rushed too far in the battle, was surrounded and injured by several orc warriors, and finally died, and Chen Ming occupied this body.

When the memory came to this point, the exhaustion that came from time to time in his mind gradually subsided, replaced by a feeling of coolness that emerged after the heat, which made the tortured Chen Ming wake up.

"Sure enough, time travel again."

Feeling the memories emerging in his mind, as well as the severe pain from the wounds on his body, Chen Ming reluctantly raised his arms and touched his face.

There was something condensed on his face, Adier wiped it vigorously, and found that it was full of dried and coagulated blood, from the right ear down to his chin, which made him very uncomfortable.

Not only on his face, but also on his chest, left arm, and right thigh, there were several large wounds, exuding severe pain.The blood was almost all over the body, and it was not washed in any way.

This discovery surprised him, and he instinctively wanted to stand up, but found that he had no strength at all, so he could only use his still good right hand to support the edge of the carriage, and barely sat up on the carriage.

"Damn it... what's wrong with this world, even 13-year-olds have to go to the battlefield to fight those orcs who don't seem like ordinary people can fight."

Holding on to the side of the carriage, Chen Ming managed to prop up half of his body, feeling the pain and exhaustion from his body, and thinking weakly.

In the memory in my mind, there is still the scene of the original owner of this body fighting those orcs, which is very profound because it happened not long ago.

In my memory, although those orcs didn't have complete steel armor and their faces were ferocious like wild animals, they were all muscular and burly, and they were generally two meters tall. Just looking at them was a terrifying deterrent.

In fact, the fighting power of these orcs is indeed worthy of their stature and appearance.Even without training, their strength and physique far surpassed that of ordinary people, and they were able to compete with fully armored warriors wearing only rough leather armor.

However, even such a terrifying orc is not invincible in Adier's memory.

Adier's horrible wounds were caused by the siege of several orcs, but before that, he had killed at least a few orcs, and in the end he was surrounded by a group of orc warriors because he rushed too far. .

And the root of all this is that this world has the top power of knights.

"Knight's Breathing..."

Carefully recalling the memories in his mind, a unique training method emerged in Chen Ming's heart, which made him whisper.

"Master Adier, are you awake?" A voice suddenly came from ahead, with a hint of surprise, breaking Chen Ming's thoughts.

It was a middle-aged man in shining armor, with a long beard, and his long hair was tied up directly. He looked greasy and hadn't been taken care of for a long time. Looking at Chen Ming's sitting up body, he felt a little Shouted in surprise.

He seemed to be the leader of this team. Seeing Chen Ming's pale face and slightly open wound, he quickly directed several other people to go over, carefully lifted Chen Ming up, and then walked down with his arms.

The people here were either warriors or grooms, and they were naturally not delicate and gentle characters. They all had rough hands and feet, which caused the wounds on Chen Ming's body to be affected all of a sudden.


Feeling the sudden throbbing pain coming from his body, Chen Ming took a sharp breath, and his consciousness, which had been a little sluggish due to exhaustion and excessive blood loss, suddenly woke up again.

He barely raised his head, barely stood up with the support of others, and looked around.

There were several carriages around, and they were all quietly parked under the shade of a tree at the side to avoid direct sunlight.

Behind these carriages, figures that looked like corpses lay quietly on them, each with a lot of blood on their bodies, without the slightest movement, looking terrifying.

Among these figures, Chen Ming also recognized a few people from Adier's memory. They were not noble children like him, or some young apprentice knights.Although they are not important, they are not ordinary people.

Looking at such a situation, Chen Ming had a faint realization in his heart.

The task of this team is probably to transport back a person like him who is not too low-status and who was seriously injured on the battlefield.

Chen Ming also observed that, except for his one, the surrounding carriages were basically carrying several wounded in one carriage.

This is also good news, at least it also shows his status in this group of people from the side, and he should be regarded as the top group.

"Adiel, from now on, I will be called by this name."

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