Soul Venerable (Re-written)

Chapter 36 – Twin Helix

Two days after Shion refitted her body with two Electrochemical Reactors, in a training room.


“Cough!” Kenji coughed boiling blood while his scorched skin regenerated very slowly. His atmospheric strength-path methods grant him high fire resistance, yet it seems that those passive abilities are ineffective. The visible burn wounds on his flesh were caused by microscopic self-igniting white smoke particles. “Boss, you… are…evil!”

His skin looks horrible. Although the moment when he was burnt by Izanagi was far worse, the frustration in his heart was heavier. He tried to navigate around the closed room to find a breathing space from the dangerous white smoke but it was futile as it already permeated the whole room.

In the opposite direction, there was Shion donned in silver-blue camo-pattern military garb that completely isolated her body from the smoke. She also wore a modern silver gas mask that covered her whole face.

“[Power Overwhelming]!” Kenji activates his trump card as he clapped hard. Perhaps Kenji also activated his strength-path method secretly as the white smoke was pushed back to the edge of the room. The training room was instantly cleared.

“Found you!” Kenji immediately punched through the air, generating a deafening shockwave of fist force so brutal that several muscles and tendons in his arms tore.

In the face of Kenji’s fist force, the silver military garb that Shion wore shuddered as if it was a water surface. The fist force should’ve been capable of destroying a heavy steel shield if it was hit head on, yet, it was ineffective against Shion.

“Tsk.” Kenji clicked his tongue. He was expecting his trump card would work. During the battle which ended in his defeat, he wasn’t given a chance to activate [Power Overwhelming]. Now that he fought Shion in earnest, he found out that his augmented fist force wasn’t as effective as he had thought.

Of course, the real reason why his fist force did reduced damage was because of a sound barrier. Shion’s sound-path attainment level was incomparable in Morgen World due to being her primary path of cultivation. Sound-path extends to the use of vibration, be it on solid, liquid, or gaseous medium.

Shion is unable to engrave a permanent defensive method on her person because that would be the privilege of a rank 1 mage, but it doesn’t mean she couldn’t form one depending on her need. Indeed, the principle was akin to [Mage Armor] but it was soul art (or in this case, ninjutsu). And since it was a method of sound-path, she could activate it silently depending on her desire.

20% of the brutal fist force was first diffused by an invisible sound barrier. Then, the liquid metal military garb blocks 20% of the force by undulating in a certain frequency. Another 20% was shaved off by Shion’s own body oscillating to generate an additional layer of repulsive force field, while the remaining 40% was endured by her physical body.

The mineral that made her skeleton was a durable rank 1 lightning-path material, it was able to easily endure Kenji’s fist force. Yet, the metallic muscle tissue couldn’t. Her body’s muscle and tendons were torn in multiple locations, which prompted the nanomachines within her fake blood vessels to activate emergency repair protocol.

Nanomachines require massive amounts of energy and material for repair. Shion was prudent to store pre-refined metal essence within her hollow bone marrow as repair material. On the other hand, the energy expenditure rapidly decreases her energy reserve. When the energy level reached a dangerous level, the Operating System of her body was programmed to prompt the activation of the Electrochemical Reactor within her chest cavity.

At that moment, an electrochemical reactor generated energy but the reactor is not perfect. It has yet to be treated with soul-path methods to have perfect synchronization with her current body. Her stealth method does not automatically cover the reactor. The efficiency was also low, almost half of the energy turned into heat energy instead of electricity.

As her heart releases faint heat, her immunity to detection revealed a significant flaw.

“Hmm?” Kenji noticed the sudden thermal reaction coming from Shion. ‘Maybe her immunity of detection could be torn down by dealing sufficient damage?’ The instant this thought entered his mind, he began an onslaught with renewed vigor. The self-mutilating technique of [Power Overwhelming] was activated without a care, his body received a large amount of damage the moment he attacked.

Bang! Bang! Multiple fist force grazed Shion’s body which created a deep fist imprint on the walls. The only visible sign damage Shion received was represented by the increasing thermal signature from her heart. While dodging, she began the activation sequence of [Whispering Premonition], but Kenji wasn’t that retarded to give her time.

With a loud force explosion, Kenji finally made a clean hit. Shion’s body was thrown into the wall, the military garb couldn’t protect her from harm as it melts back into liquid metal.

“Cough!” Shion coughed dust-like silver blood for the first time. The nanomachine was captured by her half-liquid metal gas mask, and it automatically returns back to her body.

The attack would stun or disorient others, but she isn’t a biological lifeform. Shion is immune to stun and motion sickness, she immediately recovers her stance and starts a counter attack. She produces several white orbs which she throws into the ground. Poof! The white orb explodes into white smoke whose particles are reactive to sticks to the skin and burn in a fiery chemical fire.

“This again!” Kenji clapped hard once more to push back the white smoke. He didn’t like the feeling of being burnt by those weird smokes. By his method, the white smoke was pushed into the room’s boundary once more, but Shion merely threw some more white orb.

“Heheh.” Kenji could hear an evil chuckle. “Enjoy my [White Phosphorus Shell] bombardment.”

Continuous poofs resounded as Shion unsparingly used the white orbs to saturate Kenji. The smoke particle of white phosphorus conceals Shion’s thermal signature, allowing her to regain complete immunity to detection. By this, she continuously harassed Kenji’s naked flesh until he couldn’t bear to defend anymore.    

“AAAAAAAAAARGH!” Kenji screamed. “BOSS I GIVE UP!”

As soon as he yelled those words, minute soundwaves carried the white smokes towards a certain point. They were condensed into an eyeball-sized white orb which Shion kept after storing it in a special container.

Kenji was breathing hard as he tried his best to expel white phosphorus particles from his body. It was such a pain, because white phosphorus is self-igniting. He looked worse than when he fought Scorching Talon while being burned by Izanagi’s Crimson Heartblood Fire.

“I’ve lost… because of this enclosed room…” Kenji complained. If it was an open space, why would he be that retarded to stay within the white smoke so that Shion could slowly wear him down? He even took precaution against [Triple Extreme Sound: Bell Palm], yet Shion was too evil not to use it again, rendering his preparation useless.

“This spar was really beneficial to both of us.” Shion commented, ignoring his complaints. “The files that I wanted you to read, how did it go?”

Kenji scratched his head while recalling his captain’s instruction to open the prepared file in his tablet. At first, he thought it was a video of her taking a bath, but it was a folder of e-books titled ‘Introduction to Physics for 7 Year Olds’, ‘Chemistry for Dumb Fucks’, ‘Mathematics 4 Monkeys’, ‘Biology 101: retard edition’ and a bunch of other insulting titles.

“It’s… hard.” One of the reasons why Kenji became the best student amongst the first year students, calculated from his contribution points earnings, was because he never stopped taking missions. While the others were attending classes for theoretical lessons, he was gaining practical combat experience.

For others, it might prove useful attending those lessons because most have noble lineage or possess good inheritances for reference. But for him, they were almost useless.

He received his inheritance from a beggar, there was a severe lack of explanation regarding the techniques. Thus, he was forced to explore on his own during combat. All he needs is continuous practical experience! If he lacks in other aspects, someone else would eventually fill that gap. As a matter of fact, the reason why he didn’t quit the Absolute Duo team was because he wouldn’t suffer alone anymore.

Still, it does not change the fact that he became first amongst his peers. He graduated from being illiterate in a matter of weeks after entering the academy which speaks for his intelligence, but just because he has a good head on his shoulders doesn’t mean he was keen on learning. Other than combat, he lacks interest.

“Fool.” Shion shook her head in disappointment. “The refinement method of [White Phosphorus Shell] was included in that ‘Chemistry for Dumb Fucks’ e-book that you refuse to read. I’m trying to share my inheritance, yet you’re wasting your time masturbating.”

“No!” Kenji immediately reacted as if he was wronged. Although it was true, being found out easily was embarrassing. “Am really not! I’ve been putting my effort into learning mathematics and physics. I am currently learning ‘Force’ and the distribution of thereof because I think they are very useful for me! It’s really hard, boss. I am not wasting my time at all!”

“Oh?” Shion was surprised. It was merely a couple of days, yet he progressed that far already? It needs to be said that he isn’t a wisdom-path cultivator, he lacks the methods to accelerate his thought process or to gain more effective learning comprehension. Unless his strength-path attainment reached [Legendary] level, he wouldn’t be able to replicate the effect of wisdom-path through strength-path methods.    

Which means, Kenji is actually a good seed.

“That’s alright, those 18 e-books were supposed to be finished in 3 years. The fact that you can actually do basic mathematical operations while learning physics at the same time in two days is actually commendable.” Shion changed her tone into that of praise.

“Heheh, it’s rare for you to praise me this much.”

“Don’t push your luck. Tell me which part of your study result is useful in your combat style.” Shion sternly asked him.

Kenji took a moment to ponder, “Angle of attack and distribution of force… I can now maximize my power through brief calculations. If I focus my attack into a smaller point, I can deal more damage. Soon, I will learn the concept of terrestrial magnetism (gravity) and parabolic equations which are marked with red markers.”

“Those are the priorities I marked for you, yes. You have to be ready for your new weapon soon.”

Kenji shook his head, wanting to complain, “If not for your white phosphorus shell wearing me down, I will eventually figure out which angle is best in dealing with your liquid metal defensive habits. Though, you’re not making my job easier because your defense is ever-changing.”

“Hahah, it’s fine, mages are far more difficult to deal with. Your progress is swift, keep it up. If you finish those books, you’ll eventually be a full-fledged scholar.”

Kenji couldn’t help but raise a question, “Are those a part of your inheritance that you received from the Great Archmage?”

“Yes.” Shion lied naturally as she breathes (she does not). She didn’t inherit them; she made those inheritances.

“Those precious refinement-path inheritances are not something that I can easily understand. I still need to learn the basics. Besides, I am not a mage, the lack of Mana Pool means I am unable to activate refinement-path magic spells. At most, my secondary-occupation would be a Chemist or Engineer instead of Artificer, but that’ll be in the far future. If given a chance, I truly wanted to be a Magos.”

“Magos… That’s great.” Kenji muttered in interest.

As the one who brought refinement-path into a new height, the Great Archmage found various inventions such as Soul Armaments, Floating Castle, Metaspell, Mana Aperture, Artificer, Power Armor, Mecha and many others. One of his greatest accomplishments was the founding of myriad combat and non-combat jobs regarding refinement-path.

One such job is the Chemist. If ‘Alchemist’ are those who refine potions or other alchemical solutions through magical means, then Chemist is its variant job who creates the same thing without magic.

Another example was Engineer, a refinement-path job variant who rely purely on their intellect to refine mechanical objects, engines, or other constructs without being able to use magic themselves.

Still, they lose in terms of glory and technical difficulty compared to the most revered non-magical refinement-path job variant: Magos. It is the epitome of refinement-path job, equal to Artificer if not higher due to their lack of magical capabilities.

Artificer is an over-the-top refinement-path job. An Artificer needs to possess the technical skills of alchemist, blacksmith, rune master, rune scribes and other magic-related refinement-path occupations at the same time in order to be acknowledged as one. They are the only one capable of making or maintaining the operations of Power Armors, an over-the-top artifact that every cultivator wanted to get their hands on. Therefore, they are highly respected.

Since that was the case, Magos have to possess the same level, if not greater foundational knowledge of chemist, engineer, blacksmith, and various non-magic jobs in order to have an equal footing. Mago (plural for Magos) are required as so while not possessing the ability to use magic, the difficulty was multiple times greater than being an Artificer.  

That being said, the Great Archmage was the one who tore down the high requirement of refinement-path experts must always come from mages. Although ‘blacksmith’ was a non-magical refinement-path occupation which had already existed since the dawn of civilization, Chemist, Engineer, Biologist, and its variations was a virgin concept in this world.    

“Then, since you’ve finished testing your newest creations, does that mean we are ready to hunt the greenskins?” Kenji asked Shion’s future plans.

“Not yet. We still lack an enslavement-path master.” Shion was busy upgrading herself to find another teammate. The mission she wanted to take is extremely dangerous as it is related to greenskins. The two of them are strong, but they lack a quantitative quality to affect large scale battles. An enslavement-path expert is vital in her plans.

“Then, can we get someone from the 6th ranked team, Thunder Wolves? If I recall correctly, there’s someone who cultivates in pure enslavement-path in that team…” Kenji tried to remember her name, “Her name was Ookami Yuuna, she specialized in enslaving wolf-type beasts.”    

Shion quickly denied, “There’s no need. Someone will be visiting us soon.”

Kenji immediately realizes something, “Is this why we showed ourselves going to this private room?”

“Exactly.” Shion confirmed. “Our last remaining dregs of contribution points have been completely used up to rent this training room, it's better if we get some loans.”

“Boss, you are evil!” Kenji instantly understood what she meant. He was a victim, after all.

At this time, the console of the private training room flared to life. There was a visitor prompting from outside, asking for permission to enter. “Someone outside is hailing us, let me check.” Kenji operated the console with a shocked expression. “It’s… Violet Sumire.”

“Let’s accept their invitation.”


“I’m not doubting your decision, captain, but Arakawa Kenji isn’t exactly the best teammate to have around. His resource expenditure is as heavy as a magic caster.” Sakuya tried to convince Sumire, but it wasn’t effective.

“It is expected. Magic casters use spell resources to cast spells, whereas martial artists use up a lot of food resources to generate internal energy. Considering he isn’t picky about what he eats, it’s not a bad idea to have him in our care.” Sumire denied once more, confirming her decision.

Sakuya sighed, “Then, we’ll have to try our best to convince Shion.”

“Let me worry about this.” Sumire waved her hand softly. The two stopped their conversation when the private training room’s door opened, revealing Kenji with terrible scorched flesh wounds all over his body and a spotless Shion who was patting her shinobi apparel.

The sight made Violet Sword Blaze team member who was present to be dumbstruck. Sakuya and Sumire traded glances as the pre-prepared information-path spell, [Group Chat], was used to construct a bridge to exchange telepathic thoughts.

< Captain… I cannot recognize these scorched wounds. There was no fire-path undulation nor the movement of fire elemental particles in the room. They are caused by non-magic. >

< I’ve received intel that she purchased a large amount of materials, this must be caused by her creations. If my deduction is correct, then she has some level of refinement-path attainment. Due to the lack of magical undulation from her, we can safely assume that she’s either an Engineer or a Chemist. >

While conversing on [Group Chat], the two were calmly observing Absolute Duo.   

“Boss, these are the core members of Violet Sword Blaze: Violet Sumire, Akane Sakuya, Kubikiri Shirogane, and Alanis.” Kenji introduced each of the present members to Shion.

Shion bowed, “Pleased to make your acquaintance, we have met before during the Hunting Festival, I believe.” She extends her hand towards Sumire.

Sumire shook her hand, “Yukikaze Shion, I have a proposal.” She didn’t waste any time, “Join our Violet Sword Blaze team.”

Kenji wasn’t surprised as Sumire has always wanted him to join her team. He wanted to get to know what her boss would do under this situation, because if Shion acquiesce her position as the captain, it would mean he’ll have to follow her in joining Violet Sword Blaze.

“Can I have a moment of your time before answering your invitation, Sumire.”

“Please, you have my undivided attention.”

“Then, do you mind if we have a round of chess first?” Shion proposed.

Sumire raised her eyebrows in surprise. “A chess match? Shion, I am not trying to underestimate you, but I cultivate in wisdom-path and enslavement-path, the sheer advantage I have over you-”

Shion stopped her words, “All I need is a simple yes or no.”

Sumire returned her calm expression as she slowly deducted the purpose of the chess match. “Then, we’ll have a chess match over lunch. Please, follow me.”

In the academy’s cafeteria, half an hour later.

The food on the table consists of steaming hot barbeque meat and other high-energy food, yet the only ones who have interest in them were Kenji and Shirogane. The others seem to be uninterested in the expensive food purchased by contribution points.

Instead, their attention was captured by two attractive girls whose charm offered different types of beauty.

On one side, there is a beautiful purple-haired girl with an icy expression. Her bountiful breast seems to be heavy as it was placed on the table. In front of her is a flat loli whose eyes were crimson on top of black sclera, her shinobi apparel showcased a little bit of geometric-shaped body runes.

“Im- impossible!” Alanis, a female wolf-beastman who paid great attention to the chess match muttered in shock.

“Checkmate.” Shion moved her king piece to corner Sumire’s. There’s only three pieces on the board, which was both side’s kings and Shion’s pawn.

“You have proven yourself. Now, please give me an answer.” Sumire calmly asked Shion as if her defeat wasn’t something related to her. Sumire understood why Shion requested a chess match before continuing. She wanted to suppress Sumire during the negotiation through a show of power.

“Alright, it would be rude of me to waste everyone’s time now, but let me elaborate my future plan with Kenji.” Shin produces her tablet and reveals her plan to Sumire and her teammates. “I want to take this mission.”

Sumire frowned. “You want to explore the ruined wood palace in Azaria Forest? The greenskins occupied the area, it’s impossible for us to infiltrate-” She stopped her words as she recalled an important fact. “You are immune to detection, therefore are able to easily slip in and out the detection of the greenskins… but even so, it would be incredibly dangerous. There are too many greenskins.”

“That’s why I need an enslavement-path master. Please elaborate your army composition.” Shion asked.

Sakuya patted Sumire’s shoulder, signaling that she shouldn’t carelessly reveal her cards but Sumire thought this through. “I have an army of 25 highly trained Kobolds and hundreds as support. There wouldn’t be a problem to triple or quadruple the number of combatants as long as the situation needs it. I am willing to pay that price, at least.”

Shion’s crimson eyes seem to gleam in interest, “Even the weakest Kobold are better than most beast slaves if they worked together. Then, if we are to join your team, I want to be the captain and our first mission under my command would be to explore the ruined wood palace of Azaria forest.”

Sumire shook her head, that would be blatant team hijacking. “No. The team cannot take you as our captain, it would be detrimental to our teamwork to have someone unfamiliar with the inner workings of the team to lead us. We can’t risk our lives for someone we barely know. The position I offered to you is my acknowledgment of your skills, the other members have yet to agree with your presence in the team.” 

“Then, vice-captain. I want my words to have the same weight as you in the team.” Shion did not relent.

The two argued about the team’s composition and arrangement for two hours until they found a middle ground that they both could agree on.

“The team Violet Sword Blaze and Absolute Duo will merge into Twin Helix, led by two captains: me, Violet Sumire and you, Yukikaze Shion. Although we are considered as one team, we are actually two factions which allied with each other instead of having a leader-subordinate relationship. Both of our factions are eligible to ask support from each other or act separately depending on the situation, but will enact a non-interference policy regarding the inner workings of each faction. Will that suffice?”

Shion nodded, “Beside mutual protection agreement, I also wanted to add resource expenditure and other clauses regarding spoils of war.”

The two captains continued refining the ideal agreement until they finally signed a team contract provided and mediated by the academy staff. The academy was experienced with this as there were many young masters hailing from various powerful families who lacked trust to others, therefore a contract between related parties could help in building a foundational level of trust.

As for the dual-captain system, although it wasn’t unique, it was incredibly rare.

“Then, I’ll be in your care, Yukikaze Shion.” Sumire extended her hand.

“Likewise, Violet Sumire.” Shion shook her hand.






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