Soul Venerable (Re-written)

Chapter 83 – Procuring Resources



A few days later, within Elestra city’s Hunter Association office branch, a private room. 

Larissa Agatha dropped the frozen heads of the bandit that she murdered on top of the desk. 

The Hunter’s Association has many functions and one of them is bounties. That being said, bounty hunters are actually grouped into ‘Hunter-Killers’ since they are specialized to deal with other hunters or intellectual races instead of beasts. 

The female fox beastman who was tasked as Larissa’s handler respectfully bowed, she has black eyes, waist-length black hair and the large fox ears on her head twitch once in a while. The nametag on her uniform indicated her name as Keiko. “Twenty seven. The numbers matched with the reports, thank you, we will be confirming their identities now.” She took the heads into the back room while telling Larissa Agatha to wait. Soon, their identities are confirmed and Keiko returns.

“Miss Larissa Agatha, the identities of the bandits has been confirmed, the leader are Kagura of the Vengeful Viper bandit group-”

“I don’t care. Just give me the rewards.” Larissa Agatha cut off Keiko’s words without batting an eye. “I also have some materials that I wanted to sell…” She took out various minerals and body parts harvested and refined into intermediate products. “I got these from the underground passage, please inspect them…”

Seeing the materials that’s slowly being piled up on the counter, Keiko immediately went to work. “Affirmative!” She called assistants to assist her as they identified each material. 

Among the first beast material group is the Giant Kararan Serpent’s materials: the first one is its scales, they are in extremely good condition. “Each is harvested and immediately treated with high-temperature flames in a brief second, allowing them to retain their shape, freshness and its non-reflective black color. In the market, these would cost 25% more!” Keiko calculated as she inspected them. Since the serpent is huge, the amount of scales is quite large, there’s also various supporting spell catalysts made from its body.

The second group of materials are pure ingots. Metric tons of raw minerals are harvested from mineral moles' backs. The impurities are efficiently separated and mixed well with the same material, allowing it to achieve perfect purity. Individually, these metals wouldn’t work well as armor, but when turned into alloys, their worth skyrocketed. 

Unfortunately, Larissa couldn’t take out the superalloys that Mordred refined for his artifacts. Their price would definitely be enough to purchase all the resources they needed, but that would announce the existence of Mordred in one way or another. After all, as the former pioneer of refinement-path, his achievement in refining materials is beyond the standard of this world. Inventing new materials isn't impossible for him.

At most, she can only sell some more-known but relatively cheaper alloys instead.

“In total, there’s twelve types of minerals and four alloys… How did you refine them?” As an association worker, Keiko was knowledgeable regarding metallurgy. She quickly identifies their source from the mineral moles whose habitat is nearby mineral veins in the underground world.

“Why ask so much crap?” Larissa Agatha obviously wouldn’t elaborate. She kept on pumping out intermediate resources from her dimensional storage. The next one is perishables like poison, combat drugs and potions.

The bodily fluids of most dark-path beasts are poisonous. Since poison and medicine are the  two sides of a coin, it is easy for Mordred to refine them depending on the need. These perishables are not too useful for both Larissa and Mordred because of their identity and combat styles. However, a man’s trash could be another’s treasure, so they are priced on the high-end side.

While appraising the crystal bottles containing precious medicines, Keiko’s eyes gleamed in excitement when she found a bottle containing a golden liquid. “This is… A lifespan-extension potion… How did you find them?” She asked.

There are various methods in terms of extending one’s lifespan. One of the most well-circulated ones with the least amount of drawbacks are sleep-types. Depending on the effectiveness, certain deep sleep methods could stop the progression of lifespan, but since the user would be asleep, it’s not like there’s a lot of things that can be done during the process.

Obviously, the most popular one is the blessing of the Eternal Dragon Church. The Dragon God of Time offered various lifespan-extension blessings; they are notoriously famous amongst old fossils nearing the end of their lifespan.

However, the two’s domination faltered after the Great Archmage brought refinement-path into an all-time new height. One of his flagship products was the lifespan-extension potion that would be effective even towards rank 6 Sovereign of various paths. 

It needs to be said that cultivators would naturally develop resistances over the course of their cultivation journey. A fire-path martial artist would be extremely resilient against fire-path methods, and depending on their cultivation, they might also develop resistance to water-path. So on and so forth.

Since Sovereigns are the cream of the crop of a world or a civilization, then they typically lacked weakness. It means their resistance against various elemental blights are so high that rank 5 epics almost have no chance of dealing with them unless under special circumstances. 

Since the potions are effective even for sovereigns, then it was natural that their price is beyond expensive.  

“It’s only a 1-month lifespan-extension potion, it is among the lowest grades of lifespan-extension potions. Don’t act like it's the most precious treasure...” Larissa reprimanded Keiko whose excitement is over the roof. Her black fox tail has been waving back and forth.

“Still… It is usually used as hard currency amongst the high societies.” Keiko replied, suppressing her excitement. “My apologies, after the fall of the Great Archmage, the production of lifespan-extension potions have dropped by 99%. Even if a faction can refine them, they would rather keep it for themselves. The market is in a state of all-demand and no supply.” She took a deeper look at Larissa Agatha.

‘It seems like this world’s lifespan extension methods are quite backward… No wonder he told me not to immediately take out the 1-year ones that he refined recently.’ “That’s right, I plundered one of his minor inheritance along the way.” Larissa lied naturally as she breathed. “Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill.”

“...” Keiko doesn’t know how to react. The Great Archmage is one of the 4th generation Braves. There's no official records but there are words that he left behind millions of Minor Inheritances all over the world. Each one is extremely precious in myriad ways.

“Miss Larissa Agatha, you must be joking…”

Larissa rolled her eyes. “Do your work.” 

Being reprimanded, Keiko could only sighed. She truly is acting too familiar with Larissa Agatha, but that was expected since the Hunter Association receptionist’s job is to harvest intel and get close to their hunters. Since Larissa Agatha has denied Keiko’s advancement in establishing a relationship, it couldn’t be helped.

It was until an hour later that the identification and calculations were finished. “All of the materials are confirmed to be high quality. The intermediate products are also refined perfectly, they are the highest purity possible… as expected from the Great Archmage’s minor inheritance.” Keiko’s fluffy fox ears twitched in visible delight at the business that she handled. She couldn’t resist doing so because the Association is extremely considerate to their staff. 

With this amount of business, the cut she’ll receive from the Association allows her to earn a few months of her monthly wages.

“The beast materials are priced at 1,430 crystal coins, while the alloys are worth 1,670. With the addition of the perishables at 1,900 and the Association purchasing them with an additional 10% bonus price, you’ll be receiving 5,500 crystal coins. Miss Larissa Agatha, would you like to receive cash or should we transfer it to your account?”

The currency used are mana crystal coins. Each of them are 10 grams of mana crystals worth 1 unit of mana, refined to have the shape of a coin for easy identification, storage, and trade. Of course, crystal coins can also be used as the primary resource for mage cultivation, but a human body is not a machine with 100% efficiency, there is a need to dilute and refine the energy so that it is digestible. 

Therefore, crystal coins are typically refined into mana potions or special potions for better efficiency in cultivation.   

That being said, rank 0 materials are worth a single digit of mana crystal coins while rank 1s are worth between high-2 digits to low-3 digits. Since she could gain five thousand crystal coins in one trade, then it is quite a sum. With this amount, she can purchase common-rarity rank 2 materials with a decent amount.  

As for why the magical resources are being used instead of the ones that martial artists can use, it is because despite their low numbers, mages are simply far more powerful than martial artists. The weak have no right to push the strong, after all.   

Larissa Agatha touched her chin for a brief second. “Put them in my account.” She touched the ring on her finger and took out her Hunter ID card. The card has a black-gold outline that enveloped her credentials such as her class, race, et cetera. All of them are censored, but there are three symbols on the bottom part of the card that weren’t. Next to the three symbols, there are multiple red-colored marks. “Wait, I also need to purchase a few things…” She took out a list and passed it through with her ID card. 

Keiko professionally took both documents, but the moment Keiko saw the three symbols and the amount of red marks in Larissa’s ID card, she was shocked that her professional façade broke. “Miss Larissa Agatha… please excuse my previous rude behavior.” She stood up and bowed. “I’ve briefly read the list of materials that you’re requesting. Some of them are the specialty of the Seas of Eternal Winters and couldn’t be procured anywhere else. Please let me ask the Branch Head about this. I am not authorized to handle transactions regarding those materials.” 

Keiko bowed once more and left the private room, leaving Larissa alone.

Seeing her reaction, Larissa Agatha squinted her eyes. <Mordred, what's wrong with the ID card that you gave me? She was shocked after seeing those symbols. Is it one of your traps? > She sent a telepathic message to Lupusrazor who’s currently being taken care of by association workers.

< Oh… I forgot that your intel on Morgen World is not only lacking but also outdated. Let’s see… You don’t have to worry about The Hunter Association being a trap, it is a subordinate organization of Galatreon… Those symbols are a metric to measure your effectiveness in a specific [Role] as a Hunter of the Association. >

Larissa Agatha frowned, ignoring the last part of Mordred’s words. < Wait, wasn’t Galatreon your property? By extension, wouldn’t that make the Association yours, then? Why aren't you using the association to rapidly increase our cultivation to rank 6? It should be easy for you, no? >

< Nope, impossible. After Demon King Maximillian was killed by us Braves, the Sacred Alliance established a secret project to groom information-path experts behind my back while I was busy constructing Galatreon. I can’t tell if they succeeded or not, but one of my contingencies inferred the existence of information-path Paragons within the ranks of the Sacred Alliance. If my deductions are correct, they are tasked to monitor the global information-path network known as the [World Wide Weave], I’ll explain about it in depth later. Under their watchful eyes, embezzling resources from the Association would be beyond difficult unless I ignored the consequences. 

Also, keep in mind that the World Will wouldn’t allow me to quickly elevate combat power that easily, the karmic backlash of doing so would cripple or completely eradicate the Hunter Association in one way or another. Before I gain rank 4 Paragon cultivation base, it is impossible for me to mobilize the Association directly. >

< Then, does that mean we can’t extort the Association? >

< Not quite. Did you forget that my specialty is making money? Those 1-month and 1-year lifespan-extension potions… What do you think they are made of? >

< I don’t know… >

< Hah… of course, you’re not specialized in refining. The main materials are actually time-path resources… gathered from year beast corpses. > Mordred replied with a matter-of-fact tone.

He added, < Actually, those potions are categorized into several types. The most precious one is obviously the [Lifespan-extension Potion α] that adds more to your current theoretical lifespan by rejuvenating your cells. That being said, the one in your hand is the β version, it works by slowing down lifespan progression. Both extended lifespan but worked differently. However, those who seek lifespan-extension potions are typically those who are dying of old age. These people have more wealth accumulation and the β version wouldn’t work well on them, so the α version is more expensive since they wouldn’t hesitate to pay any price. >

< Are you flexing your refinement-path attainment? Were you always this childish? >

Mordred chuckled. < What I’m trying to say is… the specialty of refinement-path is to make money. Artificial scarcity is one of my favourite methods. Since I am in the monopoly for the creation of the most precious potion in Morgen World, we can trade some of those potions with what we need. There’s no lack of fools who wouldn’t buy my product. >

< No way. > Larissa wouldn’t be fooled that easily. < If you’re as good as you say, then there’s no way the Eternal Dragon Church would let you be… > She sees through his buff instantly. She might be ignorant of the low-level politics of Morgen World, but she’s knowledgeable about the high-end powers of this world.

There was a brief silence before Mordred could reply. < Hahah… You’re right. The Eternal Dragon Church wouldn’t allow anyone else to steal their business. Lifespan extension is one of the most profitable businesses out there, new findings and research about this topic is prohibited by the Dragon God of Time. I actually made the wrong move in my previous life. I took out the lifespan-extension potion too soon. If I’ve made four or five Alistairs, there’s nothing that the Sacred Alliance can do do shake my foundations. >

Larissa rolled her eyes. The construction of a Floating Fortress, especially one of Alistair caliber, took years and siphoned a tremendous amount of manpower and precious resources from the Sacred Alliance. Alistair is the prototype of all Floating Fortresses, its construction was based on pushing the concept of mobile fortress to the limit. That megastructure is not cabbages that could be easily found in the market. Thinking of refining a group of them is truly delusional.

However, she sympathized with Mordred. As the leading figure in lifespan-extension methods, there’s no way the Eternal Dragon Church would willingly give up its monopoly. 

< Anyhow, you were asking about those symbols? >

Larissa Agatha recalled her focus once more. < Ah, right. Would you care to explain? >

< As I was saying, those symbols are a metric to calculate your effectiveness in a specific [Role] as a Hunter of the Association. There should be 7 roles, but I made it so that you are certified to take in three roles. >

< And what are those? >

< The seven roles are [Vanguard], [Defender], [Medic], [Specialist], [DPS], [Support] and [Control Tower]. Of them, you have 3 red marks in [Vanguard], 2 red marks in [DPS] and 2 red marks in [Specialist]. In an order of priority, you’ll be given tasks depending on your highest qualification marks, which mean you’ll be more accepted as a [Vanguard] if you formed a party with other hunters. > 

Larisa frowned. < If those roles are what I think they are… then shouldn’t you give me [Control Tower] instead? You know I’m not good in acting as a vanguard… >

< Are you retarded? You're not Paimon. Right now, you are the hunter-priestess of the Church of Shallow Waters: Lazareva Larissa Agatha. The receptionist that served you just now was shocked because you are qualified for 3 [Roles] despite being a rank 1. Typically, even rank 2 lords have only 2 role qualifications. Don’t ask so much crap and just do the task that was assigned to you. >

Larissa Agatha breathed out cold air. ‘There it is… this is the condescending attitude that I am familiar with.’ Just as she had those thoughts, Keiko returned, following behind a white-haired old man. Larissa immediately disconnected the telepathic link with Mordred as he scrutinized the geezer.

The man is donned in a black casual clothing, his face has the features of a kind grandpa that you’d overlook in a crowd. Larissa detected the soul undulation of this person and realized that he is actually a wisdom-path rank 3 Legendary. 

‘A big shot of the Association?’ Larissa stood up and paid her respect with a half-bow. 

“Please, raise your head.” The old man spoke with a kind tone. “I am the Branch Head of this office, you can refer to me as Sebastian. I’ve received a report from Keiko that someone with red-marks triple [Roles] wanted to purchase strategic resources… I couldn’t resist checking for myself…”

Larissa merely smiled as a response. Wisdom-path experts are able to derive clues from the most minute reaction. Since Larissa has successfully stolen the attention of a Legendary of wisdom-path, it is time to play her part. “As a hunter-priestess of the Church of Shallow Waters, collecting water-path and snow and ice-path resources in the Land of Autumn Rain is a bit difficult. I can only rely on the Hunter Association to replenish my resources…”

“Indeed!” Sebastian nodded. “I wouldn’t waste your time, Miss Larissa Agatha. Let’s get down to business.” He paused for a few moments, using his finger to call for Keiko.

Keiko nodded in understanding as she handed out the files that she brought to Sebastian.

“The snow and ice-path resource that you desired, [Frostheim Aqua]… is classified as a rank 2 strategic resource.” Sebastian’s gaze seemed to be able to pierce through Larissa’s performance. “Of course, since you dared to take out the [Lifespan-Extension potion β] as bait, you must have something much more precious in store…”

“As expected, dealing with a smart person is faster and easier.” Larissa smiled as she took out the 1-year [Lifespan-extension potion α]. “You are correct. What I took out is not even a fifth of what I got. You understand why I have no plan to sell them all in one transaction, don't you?”

Sebastian nodded in understanding. “The Hunter Association’s information network is the best among the four regions and we took high priority of our Hunter’s privacy. But even then, there would be hunters like you who wouldn't put your trust in us, which is perfectly understandable. In any case, 100 ml of Frostheim Aqua is priced at 4,000 crystal coins…”

Larissa pondered for a few seconds. “Then, other than the goods that I listed, I want 400 ml of Frostheim Aqua.” She put the 1-year [Lifespan-Extension Potion α] on the table. “Would that be possible?”

Sebastian grinned. “I’ll see what I can do.”

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