
Chapter 27

So they still did it huh?

Even after we killed most of their leaders they still did not surrender and decided to gather their troops anyway. Fanatics I tell you. They are so annoying mostly because you cannot reach out to them, nor make them understand that they are not able to fight you. Those idiots would actually consider it a noble thing to do dying while fully knowing they will not win.

We decided to strike at the smaller groups of enemies instead of letting them gather in one place before fighting. I mean it would be more convenient to just get rid of them all at once, but let's not tempt fate here and some logical strategy. We might be stronger, but pride comes before a fall.

I sighed, the familiar weight of my Zanpakutō, Yatsuragi, resting comfortably in my hand. Its spectral naginata form shimmered with an ethereal glow, the translucent blade humming with quiet, deadly energy. I twirled it lazily, the weapon leaving trails of blue energy in the air as I studied the enemy lines.

I shook my head, a wry smile tugging at my lips. Seeing the various groups of soldiers arrayed against me. Their commanders barked orders, trying to form ranks, to prepare for the inevitable clash. It actually made me feel some respect for them for not belittling me as a single 'girl' against their whole group. It shows that despite everything they know they will most likely not return home. I almost felt sorry for them. Almost.

We had already taken down most of their leaders in a series of surgical strikes, decapitating the head of the snake, so to speak. But instead of crumbling, they had regrouped, called for reinforcements, and gathered their forces. Thousands of them, spread across the land, desperate to fight back.

'A futile effort. I still don't know why you just didn't crush them all at once.'

'You are just making a fuss because I didn't let you fight.'


I rolled my eyes completely uncaring about the enemy. Why should I? They are basically level from 20 to 30. I dare to say they couldn't even scratch my skin not even mention being able to hit me.

And here I was, alone in the midst of this sea of enemies, while the others were off dealing with their own share of the fanatics. Captains worked in pairs, taking down the other clusters of troops in different parts of the Theocracy. It was a logical strategy to divide and conquer and destroy them before they formed a group. But me? I didn’t need a partner. I was more than enough.

A roar rose up from the enemy lines, and I saw them advancing, a wave of metal-clad soldiers moving toward me. I tightened my grip on Yatsuragi, the naginata’s blade gleaming in the dim light. Despite the scale of the battle I am completely calm, my mind focused and clear. This was what I wanted, the thrill of battle, the clash of steel, the dance of death. Just like in my life before. Remembering the scary bosses from the game they are nothing.

They were getting closer now, the front line only a hundred meters away, their armour clanking and rattling as they closed the distance. I could see some fear in their eyes, the hesitation in their steps, but at the same time determination. They knew they were marching to their deaths, but still, they came. I had to give them that. Or maybe they just didn't know.

“Bakudō #61: Rikujōkōrō!”

I thrust my free hand forward, and six rods of light slammed into the front line, freezing the first wave of soldiers in place. They struggled, their limbs locked by the spell, their faces contorted with fear and confusion. I stepped forward, my eyes cold as I raised Yatsuragi.

"Bakudō 62. Hyapporankan"

A hundred rods of light erupted from my hand, piercing through the trapped soldiers and impaling those behind them. Screams filled the air as they were skewered, blood spraying from their wounds. I moved forward, my steps steady and unhurried, the naginata spinning in my hand as I cut down the trapped men with swift, brutal strikes.

The lines broke almost immediately, soldiers scattering as they tried to avoid the deadly rain of light. But I was already in their midst, my blade slicing through armour and flesh like paper. I danced between them, each strike precise and lethal, my movements a blur as I cut them down.

“K-kill the witch!”

Someone shouted, and I turned to see a group of them rushing at me, their spears raised. Admirable that despite the situation and seeing their comrades' souls being taken they still haven't tried to retreat. I sighed, raising a hand.

“Hado #33: Sōkatsui.”

A burst of blue fire erupted from my palm, the blast engulfing the group in a searing wave of energy. They didn’t even have time to scream before they were incinerated, their bodies reduced to ash in an instant. I turned away, the naginata twirling in my hand as I faced the next wave.

They came at me in waves, hundreds of them, their weapons flashing in the dim light as they charged. I moved through them like a spectre, Yatsuragi cutting through their ranks with lethal grace. Each swing of the blade sent blood spraying into the air, the screams of the dying mingling with the clash of steel and the roar of battle.

I felt something strange then, a surge of power that I hadn’t felt before. My movements were faster, my strikes more powerful. I was already at my limit, or so I thought, but now it felt as if I was surpassing even that. I cut down another group of soldiers with a single sweep of my blade, the force of the strike sending them flying back, their bodies shattered and broken.

“Hado #88: Hiryū Gekizoku Shinten Raihō!”

A massive wave of blue lightning erupted from my palm, the blast tearing through the bound soldiers and exploding into the ranks behind them. The ground shook with the force of the explosion, the shockwave sending bodies flying, their armour shattered and smoking.

I moved forward, my blade cutting down those who survived the blast. They were screaming now, shouting prayers and curses as they tried to flee, but there was no escape. I was everywhere, my blade a blur as I moved through them, cutting down those who dared to stand against me.

They tried to regroup, to form some semblance of order, but it was hopeless. I was a whirlwind of death, my naginata cutting through their ranks with terrifying speed. I could feel the power surging through me, a relentless tide of energy that seemed to grow with each kill, each life I took.

I paused for a moment, standing amidst the carnage, my breath steady, my body unscathed. I looked around, seeing the broken remnants of their once-proud army. Thousands had come to face me, and now they lay broken and dead at my feet.

Other than that I also noticed that I have gotten more violent. I still care a lot about the balance and will defend it with what I have, but I feel this weird satisfaction. Why might it be?

I turned to face the remaining soldiers, a small group that had somehow managed to survive the slaughter. They stood at a distance, their weapons trembling in their hands, their eyes wide with terror. They knew they were no match for me, but still, they stood their ground. Brave or stupid, I couldn’t decide.

“Had enough?”

They didn’t answer, their silence speaking louder than words. I sighed, lowering the blade. It was over. There was no point in killing the rest of them. They were broken, their spirit shattered. They would pose no threat.

I turned away, glancing up at the sky. The others were still out there, fighting their own battles. I could feel their reiatsu, strong and steady, each captain paired with another, cutting down the enemy forces with the same brutal efficiency. It was almost laughable, the difference in power between us and these humans.

We were the Shinigami, the death gods, the guardians of balance. And they? They were just mortal men and women, playing at war with something they didn't understand, clinging to their gods and their holy symbols as if they could protect them.


I turned back to the soldiers, their faces pale with fear, their weapons lowered in defeat.


I could kill them all, and so I did completely forgetting that I decided to spare them.

As long as I won't break a balance I can, right?


My eyes opened wide. What did I just...?

'Finally! You moron! Don't lose yourself in your new domain, will you?! I don't want to have a psychotic wife.'

I blushed involuntarily, observing the remaining soldiers running away.

'What happened?'

'First of all. Congrats! You have two new domains as a goddess. Now not only death and balance but also slaughter along with war.'


Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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