Souls Unlimited Online: A Free Unique Skill For Everyone!!

Chapter 10: Gothra Kills The Dead!

(Gothra POV)

A smile floated across my face... Ahhhhh, this is soooo fun! This game is so fun! I'm in love with it already!

That feeling of exhilaration when my enemies fall apart... Amazing!

But, it's not so vivid with these scrawny skeletons. I need something meaty, more girth, something that would spurt out a shower of liquid the more I hit. A brilliant spray of red jizz!

"Bereo!" I quickly quickly ordered my lovely aide and partner, as a beautiful ballad of gunshots resounded.


A harmonious piece, the bringer of death. This forest is the stage and we are the humble performers! The monsters rushing in are our helpful little assistants, for they shall assist us with their screams. Their breaking bones will set the beat, and their exploding flesh creates a beautiful accent.

And the despair, oh the despair! I'll kill them in the most brutal and gruesome of ways possible, staining this entire world in darkness, and in the wails of the damned. Let this be the announcement! That this Realm is mine for the taking!

Now... Let the show begin!


The ground is quickly stained red as the gunfire spreads, pushing back the invaders. The ghosts ignore it and come forward, unhindered by the knockback as if it wasn't even there. So boring, so dull, don't you know how to have fun? Look at your friends dance!

Well, even with the ghosts pestering him, Bereo should last a while. The knockback effect is good, and the ghosts should take some time to empty out his HP. I also told him to run around the battlefield as the sprayed his stuff all over. That should delay the ghosts in damaging him, and their lack of mass which is so fucking troublesome, does also mean that they cannot pin him down like the other enemies can.

In the meantime, let me take care of the insolent ones sniping from the sidelines. To use such vile and dirty tactics, have they no shame? Have they no pride?

No, of course they don't, for they are mere skeletons. No balls, nor clits, nor dicks, nor vaginas! What else could they be than a shameful stain on the world? Devoid of all the pleasures... but not the pain!

I circle around, running as fast as my legs can take me. Towards freedom. Towards slaughter!

A skeleton came in my way, I bashed its head in. A goblin, smashed by my mace to the side. They're trouble, but I'll take care of them later.

Another scrawny skeleton-- these ones aren't actually the fucking dastardly conniving ones, attacking from a safe distance with no honor! They are the ones with actual backbone, holding swords and knives ready to risk their life in battle. Or well, their deaths. They are risking their deaths... That's right! They do not just offer their lives, but even what comes after! Beautiful!

Ah, guns are okay though, by the way. They're not cowardly nor dastardly nor conniving. Guns are loud and bold, sending a clear message, so it all cancels out.

But still... as respectable as these melee skeletons are, I made a promise to myself. A promise to kill, to slaughter, to massacre, to genocide! I will not rest until I hear all their scrawny little bones raining into the ground like broken glass. I will not stop until every single one of them is dead. I will hunt them down, farther than the edges of the world. They shall not escape, not my wrath nor my fury. They shall die!

A ghoul, a zombie, and a goblin walk in front of me. This sounds like the beginning of a joke, and that's exactly what they are. A joke!

Splat! Thud! Clash!

They all lost their balance and failed to stop my charge!

Their eyes linger on my back as I keep on running.

Do not worry, little ones. I will kill you properly later on. I'll kill you all! Hahahahahaha!

And now finally, a skeleton archer right in front of me!

Clank. Clank.

Its head turned towards me, showing the insides of its hollow eye holes.

I swing my mace far back, winding up for a big attack, taking a stance very similar to golf.


As if to welcome my holy act, the wind parted at the speed of my mace. It crossed through the barriers of matter and space, hitting the skeleton right in its crotch!

The skeleton was lifted high into the air, but once it landed, it simply tried its best to stand upright, pointing its bow at me.

Pathetic. Give up. Give up and die. Die and be cast into the void. You who cannot even despair, melt away and disappear!

I smashed my mace into the skeleton's arm, then onto its face, until finally it fell into pieces.

One scum down. Killed and scattered. But the infestation is still spreading. Trash still reigns supreme. And it's up to me, the trash woman... Wait, that came out wrong.

The person that takes out the trash.

It's up to me, the person who takes out the trash, to take out the trash!

Nailed it.

Without any rest, I did not take a tea time in the middle of a hostile battlefield, I rushed towards the next skeleton archer, smashing it apart with my mace in much the same way. And the same went for my next victim and the next.

It is so easy, nothing but but an offering to an evil God such as me. Which makes sense, they are undead after all, so they're on the evil side. Or should an evil God seek out the holy and vituous to slaughter? Hmm.

Whatever! Die and become one with me! I'll make sure to lovingly treasure your power, and use it to spread chaos and demise!

Crack! Crash!

With a single swing of my mace, plus the ones that came before that one, another heretic is given god's mercy!

I am actually very holy, see how I'm fighting undead? I shall purify the next one!

I ran and ran and ran. Smashed, fought, and smashed. But not in a sexual way, the skeletons have no parts!

Not that I would if they did! Standards! Standards people!!

Crack! Crack! Bang!

Another one!

Crash! Boom!

Join the pile!

Smash! Splash! Splat!

That one was a ghoul! Isn't it a frontliner? What's it doing all the way back here!?

Well, no matter. I gave out its punishment. A good spanking! May result in death, please consult your doctor!

Clank, clank, clank! Clank!

This one skeleton is like... what do you call it? Clanking its mouth over and over? Does it miss... dick? Clit? It wants to blow someone?

Well, today's your lucky day! I'll blow you away into the afterlife!

...I'll blow you away into the after afterlife!

Clash! Crash!

Alright! I spy with my little eye, 3 more to go!

Slam! Smash! Iya~! Yamete! Clash! Boom! Zoom! Vroom! Doom! Gloom! Crash! Burn! I don't actually have fire attacks! Crack! Splat! Scatter!

In an instant, like a dark hurricane lightning--Nay, darkning-- over the battlefield, I destroyed the 3 remaining skellies and lessened the burden on my Bereo.

I did good! I'm so great! Bringer of hell! Hellfire fury! Archangel disaster!

I turned my attention towards Bereo, seeing his HP below 50% already! Some nasty ghouls have already made it right up to him, though most of them are at least reduced to almost half health as well. But these ghouls were blocking his way and acting very clingy, even allowing the unfriendly ghosts to get more hits in!

I swiftly make the tactical decision to run back up the the frontlines.

Thankfully, just as I had planned it, after circling around in chase of those boners, I'm already quite close to the front again already!

I ran like the wind, towards my next battlefield, quickly reaching the evil Ghouls!

I shan't let you do as you please any longer, vile creatures! The hero of evil has arrived and shall purge you of... your holiness? Holy ghouls? Whatever!


My mace clashed into the ghoul's stomach, getting it off my sweet Bereo! It then turned its attention on me, I am irresistible! But the constant shower of bullets stopped and stalled it in place! Double knockbacks are hard to recover from!

Using this opportunity, I bashed the ghoul's head, and then bashed it again before it cracked open in a delicious sound!

Splatter! Splat!

Ahhh~~!! So good! That's what I need! That's what I was missing!

Those stupid skellies just didn't have this. Not the beautiful flesh, nor the bountiful blood within. Not even the organs that burst into many pieces!

I quickly turned my attention to another one, smashing it once, twice, thrice,! Without even letting it fight back! It was so distracted over Bereo, who I'll admit looks like a fucking snack, but don't be like that in the middle of battle, Amateur-kun!

Clash! Splat! Splatter! Crash!

Yes! This! Ahhhhhhhh!!!!! I love it! More! More!

I quickly came. After another ghoul, bashing its head, bashing its cunt, and then bashing its heart! The three most important parts!


It even let out a cry! How cute!


The next one was a goblin that's right below Bereo attacking him. Must've snuck in. Really, what a sneak! Real warriors don't sneak around, they fight fair and square!

I quickly hooked the goblins foot, tripping it up into the ground, where I did a little something its head. Heart emoji~!


Oh hey, I leveled up after the third strike.

< Proficiency Acquired! >

< The [Dead Desecrate] Skill has been acquired! >

< The [Sadistic Slaughter] skill has been learned! >

Oooohh, this could be helpful! My mana is full because I have literally nothing to use it on. Is Bereo too busy, or can you tell me the effects real quick? I got no time to read this!

< The [Dead Desecrate] Skill spreads the [Fear] Status Effect when you attack a corpse(basic attack). Will take effect for at least 0.1 seconds even against a player. The fear effect is applicable every 3 seconds for normal enemies. 5 seconds for player or boss units. Passively increases damage against undead units. Attacking 'living' undead units does not activate the fear effect. >

< The [Sadistic Slaughter] Skill is a skill that raises your damage greatly but applies a taunt to yourself towards your target for 10 seconds. Additionally, the skill gives the player a slightly better control of their actions while under the taunt effect. The taunt effect caused by this skill remains even after the target is dead. >

< Units afflicted by the [Taunt] Status Effect are forced to keep on using basic attacks on a target, their avatars are forced to follow those movements, typically feeling like their avatars are not under their control at all. The basic attacks also lose their refinement and are easy to predict in this state. The use of active skills is restricted while under the effects of taunt. >

I see! Very informative! Thank you Bereo!

Bereo delivered those lines as fast as he could, telepathically, without making them incomprehensible to myself. In the meantime I've taken out the ghouls clinging to him, four of them in total. Alongside two zombies, and another out of place goblin.

Their screams were worth a thousand words. Heart emoji~!

That gets rid of those pestering Bereo, and now all that's left are the ghosts. But his HP is at 20%! I gotta hold back the wave so they don't drain it even further!

Running forwards, the wave of monsters quickly greet my sight as I unwaveringly jumped into it.

"Braaaaaiiiinnnnssss!!!" Guess who said that? A dumb zombie! Hahahaha!

"Sorry, but I have none!"

Slam! Smash!

"Ah, wait! I meant that I have none to give you!" I preached to the dead as I bashed his head with my mace again and again. "I do have brains! I am very smart actually!"

The rest of the monsters stepped back, captivated by my intellect as I destroyed a double dead dead zombie corpse.

I quickly moved on to my next target, a goblin, with my other enemies snapped out of their trance. However, I only smiled at the goblin, as I kicked it and bashed it and smashed its tiny little body apart!


Maybe you thought there was a chance, that even your awfully sinful soul could be saved, but that is why such thoughts are only foolish. Your friends won't come, they can't. The gunfire is slowing them down a lot.

I stomped on the already dead corpse of the goblin once more, activating the fear of [Dead Desecrate]. In a split second, my stomp turned into a jumped and I clashed my mace onto the head of an unsuspecting skeleton!

Crack! Crash!

Oh wow, that was actually enough to kill it. 1 shot! Hell yeah!

Well, the gunfire has weakened it severely, but it's still a one-shot!


A goblin, a literal goblin, the lowest of the low, those who crawl in the most pathetic of ways that they've gone full circle that they're now walking again. This goblin thought it could surprise me!?




Your death will not be a pleasant one!

With a wave of my mace, the goblin's dagger fell to the ground.


He looks around as if confused. With a single punch, he fell over on its butt, showing an even more disfigured face than what it already had. It's like if you cross a butthole with the inside of a nose wrapped around a thousand layers of dick cheese.


It looks scared, but it's not running. A smile runs across my face. A very merciful smile, of course.

The goblin had single line of HP left. Just enough for one last torment, a final parting gift.

Feel grateful, oh pathetic one, and give your thanks to the beasts that roam underneath. Those that are true and give no deceit. The ones who never claimed to be righteous, nay are they prideful.



I crushed its balls to bits as the goblin fainted on the spot, dead.

Wahahahahahaha! That's what you get! No goblin left behind, I'll send you all to the afterlife!


A zombie came up to me, along with some ghouls. Crap, I'm being surrounded. I quickly beat the dead goblin, activating my fear effect and stepping back while they were distracted. There's no end to them, but like this, I'll probably be able to Shave them off little by little.

But, it might be too difficult to pull off if Bereo dies... And he's at 10% HP!? Gah, death's door! Swarmed once more!

I hurriedly ran away, making sure no enemy was nearby.

Bereo, [Instant Protection!]

Bereo suddenly teleported right next to me, swiftly turning his gun to point at the approaching enemies.

Mm, that's great, but the ghosts... there are like 9 of them and they're not affected at all by the knockback!

But wait... what about the fear of [Dead Desecrate]?

I charged forward once more and found a skeleton at low health.


It was dead dead but not enough!


The enemies all around suddenly stepped back, including the ghosts!

Alright, that could maybe hold them back, the fear lasts for about half a second. But it won't be enough with the 3 second cooldown!

And just at that moment...

"Gothra!" Came rushing a man with dragonoid features.

Oh, it's Fira.

"Hey! Long time no see!" I waved my hand, "What brings you here?"

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