Souls Unlimited Online: A Free Unique Skill For Everyone!!

Chapter 17: The Last Supper Before All Hell Breaks Loose.

"Martyra, good morning."

The world of humanity is stained in black, as black as the night.


People's lives are buried in muck, with naught a future ahead.


There is no hope, just despair. That's what the world had come to. Because of the demon that is humanity.


"Oh! Bereo! Hello, you've woken up! What's up? Anything new? Nothing? Yes? No? Good morning to you too!"

"Yes... are you okay, Martyra?"

"Yes. I'm fine."

That little tirade in my head went a few many steps too far it seems. Hahahahha!

"...Did something happen?"

"Hmm? Nope not at all! I was just lost in thought! You know me, such a grotesque and complex mind cannot be held back! It threatens to consume me even now! Argh!!!"

"I see..."

He seemed to hesitate... but let's not dwell on this, please.

"Alright, so Bereo, let's eat and then let's fuck! Eat n' fuck! Perfection!"

"Okay. Shall I order the usual?"

"Hmm, I don't know. I feel like eating something fancier, with a lot of pizaazzz!"

"Pizzaaazz? Do you mean Pizza? A fancier pizza?"

"Ahahahaha, no. Not that, Bereo. I mean, like... maybe something like a boar!"

"Got it. I'll search for the best boar dishes you can buy."

"Alright, thanks! After that frankly not so appetizing meal in the game, I want to eat like, an actual good boar. Otherwise, I think I might come to hate boars my entire life. I might plan for their demise, fantasize about their suffering, track them all down, torture them in front of each other, crush all hope, crush all bones, all organs, everything! Their blood shall run through the earth and root themselves into the soil so that the next plants to ever grow from their death beds will be tainted from root to bark to leaves by the essence of death!"

Oop. I'm too late. Ahahahahhahahaha! Guess boars are going to die now. Too bad. So unfortunate! If only there was a hero to save them!

But there is none.

"Here are your choices, Martyra." Bereo gave me a list of all the best boars I could get.

Let's see...

[ Eleven Seasons Spiced Valhalla Steak (boar) ]

[ Bountiful Fields and Healthy Beasts Bowl (boar) ]

[ Roast of Heaven and Earth, Rainbow Delight (boar) ]

Hmmm, they all look tasty. I can't pick just one!

"Bereo, get them all!"

"All right, Martyra."

Bereo placed the orders as I walked around my jungle biome. At the center of this every ceiling or floor of this fower, there is a big hole. Because this tower fucks like a slut! Kidding, hahahahaha!

I'd pay to see that.

"Rawr!" A sneaking panther suddenly came up to my side, opening its jaws wide.

"Hello there, Naughty." I smiled at it as it bit my neck and clawed my skin.

Or well, at least it tried to.

Its attack was suddenly stopped by an invisible force, unable to do me any harm.


"So playful, did you want attention?" I grabbed Naughty and laid her on her back, rubbing the soft and silky fur of her belly.

"There, there, there..."


Even when they're so naughty, big cats are still so goddamn adorable!

"See? Have you calmed down now? There's really no need to get so violent all the time... What would you have done had The System not been around and I actually died from your prank?"

"Raaawww...." she pouted regretfully, but still making it sound so cute!

My naughty black panther can't be this cute!

"Oh, what am I gonna do with you, Naughty?"

Pet your fluffy black fur some more, that's what!

Pet, pet, pet, pat, pat.

Ahhhh... I could die in this fluff...

Not that I'd die with The System in place, nor do I want to, but it's the sentiment that counts! Like if I were to die, instead of fucking like an animal, I want to be carressing an animal. But not in a sexual way, of course! Okay, Bob!?

Remembering that idiot, I made my way up the Martyr Tower.

That's what I named my tower, The Martyr Tower. Pretty cool right?

I know what my parents intended for me to become, giving me that name. But... Martyra, it sounds fucking cool! No matter what they meant by it, or what their intentions were, it's mine now and mine alone! I'll keep it as I please, and use it as I desire.


My black wings came flying back to me and then embedded themselves into my back.

I floated high in the air and flew through the wet and large hole, finding myself on the second floor of my tower.

It was actually wet because there was river that runs near the edges of the hole, and it just drips into the floor below. There is a pond that catches this release, at all times, without a moment's rest.

I continue flying up, penetrating even more holes with my demonic presence. The third floor was the wettest, moist like a jaguar in heat. It's a land of perpetual rain, where the water just cannot stop gushing out!

Moving on, I reached the fourth floor. A biome completely covered by a bubble as it was filled to the brim with water. The fish and other fauna of the deeps live in harmony inside, but I can actually enter as I please, and even breathe underwater.

This wasn't an ability the humans of old had, making the System Generation truly the best of humanity!

"Bereo, let's go for a swim!"


He's actually been following behind me this entire time, simply floating in the air. That's also what I've been doing myself, despite these large wings. I only flap it every once in a while for the effect. But otherwise, floating is a lot more comfortable.

The wings are still very important though! A true villain's gotta have her Presentation, no?

I went into the bubble and swam inside, instantly feeling the cool sensation of being underwater envelop my body.

Swish, swash!

Ah, the sounds of the water parting, mixing, and waving into each other. It's so relaxing, it might just put me to sleep right here...

Sleeping underwater is great. It's like every sound is muffled, loud and quiet at the same time. The sight is clear yet blurry, an endless series of contradictions that somehow do notcollapse in on each other.


A shark came near me and started rubbing its nose on mine. I giggled, rubbing my nose against his as well and hugging its large face.

Bereo sat by its back, patting its large and majestic fin.

See? Most of the creatures on my palace tower are nice and docile. They're good kids. Naughty is the exception. I don't know what's up with her, but I of course can't just put her down. She's already grown on me, and the occasional murderous outbursts aside, she is really cute!

After that short little break, we made it past the natural biomes that extended until the 20th floor. It used to only be 10 floors, but thank The System I'm able to move floors around.

I passed by even more verdant forests, savannahs, deserts, plains, grasslands, cliffs, mountains, and even active volcanoes!

That last one doesn't really have any life in it, but it's cool nonetheless. I go there sometimes to have a dip in the lava springs, perfect while having a nice and spicy meal. It just makes me feel so badass!

After that, we reached the Mall section that has plenty of things that I just grabbed. It's filled with games, gadgets, clothes, posters, robots, paintings, figures, statues, appliances, furniture, and more!

My rooms and other living spaces are already fully furbished so I usually just leave this place alone. Seeing everything on display within the multiple glass windows is always fun and it changes every day.

If I happen to spot something I like in there, then I grab it and go. I already own everything in here. I've already paid for everything. and I even asked Breo to automatically restock on things to put in the Mall.

The collection is now so big that repeated displays are very rare, but there was a time when the Mall floors had just one set of displays that never changes.

We flew at our leisure, until we finally arrived at around the 38th floor. From here are the high-class establishments. Restaurant arrangements with the most magnificent of views.

Once there, I entered a room that looks like it had an endless ocean floor. It looked entirely like there was a bright blue sky above, with puffy clouds scattered all around.

The door quickly closed and I walked over the water, making my way into the single table at the center.

Along the way, some almost transparent arial jellyfish with varying colors floated around near us. They were almost ethereal and untouchable, but I could just feel a slight weight when my hand goes though them, and then a bright spark illuminates the surroundings before quickly dissipating.

Having reached the table, I slid a chair across the surface of the water, and sat down, as Bereo took a seat right in front of me.

Hmm... I snapped my fingers and some fitting soothing music started playing, but that only added to the quiet melancholy of this place. It was like the entire world was gone, and this is all that was left, so I instead put on some random videos as background noise.

Silence is... it's quite uncomfortable. And well, boring.

Not long after that, our meals came floating at the table, ready for us to eat.

"Well, itadakimasu!" I clapped my hands.

"Yes. Itadakimasu."

See? Had this been Bob, he would've made fun of me for being a weeb or something. Bereo is actually better at playing along than that prude!

With a big and bright smile on my face, I started on the bowl of rice with boar on top. I savored the rich and crunchy flavor, coupled with the subdued, but still well-spiced rice.

The steak had a strong scent to it, soft and tender like a perfectly sculpted ass, giving an immediate explosion of flavor once in your mouth, but never once being overpowering. It was more as if it were a heavenly flavor that had the perfect touch of gentleness to its strength.

And the roast... ah, this is what I needed after the disaster we made at the game. It was so funny when Fira ended up literally burning down a whole forest and then those spirits chided him for it! Hahahaha! Just remembering it is making me smile. That was nice.

The roast was large and meaty, yet biting through it was the easiest thing ever. I held it by the bone on each side, the flavors quickly rushing inside of my mouth, lingering not only on my tongue, but also seeping through my teeth, as my nose is taken into a ride across the entire world. This, at first glance looks like a simple and large roast, but inside is a plethora of varying flavors scattered throughout the large meal, just waiting for me to discover!

I ate the roast up quickly but carefully, trying to savor it for as long as I can. I mean I could order some more, but I feel that it'd lose its charm if I overplay it!


Needless to say, it was a fantastic meal!

"That was a delicious meal."

"Yes," Bereo smiled.

Seeing that, I grabbed his hand and dragged hhim out of that serene waterscape.

"Time for something even more delicious," I licked my own lips in anticipation.

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