Souls Unlimited Online: A Free Unique Skill For Everyone!!

Chapter 7: Food Always Tastes Better When Eaten With Someone Else!

I had a large well done steak right in front of me. Well done as in the cook, it's not well done at all. I don't think we even added any seasoning on this.

"Did we add any seasoning on this?"

"The best seasoning is life!" Gothra gave me a big thumbs up.

Ah, okay.

I bit into the steak and it... wasn't horrible. It was bland and a bit gamey, but it was a proper steak! It's not the best, but I'm proud of it! Because we made it ourselves. It's been so long since I've ever cooked for myself, the last time must've been during the first days when The System was implemented. Now, everyone just gets whatever they want, only limited by the free System Money we all get periodically, which is already a big amount.

Man, going out into the wild and cooking what you yourself hunted... In a game, but still! It's VR so it might as well be real.

"Hey, finish that and start helping me, or all we'll have left are ashes!" Gothra cried.

"I was having a moment!"

Nonetheless, I joined her started butchering the boar, then taking out the fire.

< Proficiency Acquired! >

< The [Butcher] Skill has been acquired! >

< The [Fire Resistance] Skill has been acquired! >

Oh, I got some nice skills out of that. The butcher skill actually increases my damage with large bladed weapons but... I already chose the path of the hammer! I'm not changing it, even though I totally still can at this point...

I and Gothra sat down to eat some of the steaks, straining our teeth to tear off the chunks, and to chew on the tough meat.

"It tastes like boar. Very realistic. The lack of other additives really brings out the... errr... nature! It brings out the nature, yes." I complimented our handiwork. It was well earned, certainly.

"Gueeh... I'm eating it for the sake of the experience, but this sucks," said Gothra, likely remembering how she usually eats. I mean, I also eat way better than this, but...

"Well, maybe, but we're like connecting to nature! ...or something."

"We're in a game, these are all pixels. You masochist."

"I- well, you're right. But I'm not a masochist!"

"You admit that it sucks, but you enjoy it. Therefore, masochist."

"No, no! I really don't like pain! If I'm a masochist then you're a fucking sadist!"

"Oho? I call you a masochist, then you call me a sadist? Is there something you're not telling, Fira? Ufufufu."

"Geh! Not like that! I mean... you really enjoy killing the goblins and shit we come across!"

"Isn't that the point of the game?"

"Well, it is..."

We continued chatting for a while as the sun began to set on the horizon.

"Hey, I think we'll have a better view from up there. Let's go!" Gothra pointed up at a very tall tree.

"Err... how? We don't have any flight skills..."

"We climb it, idiot." She said, rushing up to the tree.

She knows how to climb trees? I mean people can take interest in it, sure, but she was born post-system so I assumed she would've no need for that skill. Maybe she played like a hiking game or something then? That'd make sense.

And then I saw her 'climb' the unusually tall tree...

"Give me back my impressed feelings!" I shouted as I looked in awe at Gothra materializing Bereo and then getting on his back as he did the climb himself.

I mean, it's not a bad idea... I'd even go as far as calling it clever... but...

They quickly got to the top as Gothra sat on a large branch happily...

"Fira, come on! The view is amazing up here!"

"WHAT???" She was too high up, how was I supposed to hear?

"I said: You look like a pathetic little ant from way up here." She spoke right inside my head.

Ah, the telepathy function for party members? I see, I see...

"Yeah? Well, you also look really small from down here. Maybe you are the ant."

"And why should a God care about the fleeting thoughts of tiny little bacteria?"


"ANYWAY!" Gothra said with cheer, "the view up here is amazing. Come on up!"

"Eh? Well... I, uhh... don't know how to climb either!"

And Ciraphim can't materialize in this game. It's Gothra's Unique Skill that allows Bereo to do so.

"Oh, is that so...?" Gothra gave a playful chuckle. I gulped. "Well, I've got an idea. Come here, right up to the tree!"

What does she have in mind now...? It surely can't be good... But despite my doubt, I did as she said. A good view definitely does add to the overall experience of a game.

"Here!" I shouted to Gothra high above, waiting for whatever stupidity she has in store.

And well, it was certainly stupid. Bereo, her system avatar that looks like a tall and burly man, wearing a bear suit, a gothic lolita outfit over that bear suit, and then a gun strapped onto his shoulder, climbed down the tree. This already sounds like the setup for a really bad joke... except I'm the punchline!

Bereo faced away from me and squatted down.

"Ooohhh! It's one of those scenes! Hahahaha!" Gothra was getting excited, totally ignoring the 'beautiful scenery'!

"What? No! He's just giving me a piggyback ride!" Oh wait, that's still fucking lame... goddammit.

Well, we've gone this far... I clung onto his back and he climbed up the tree, steadily. Can Ciraphim also do this? I certainly wouldn't mind that... Maybe IRL, hehe...

On the way, I noticed Gothra looking very intensively at this scene.

Actually, I didn't notice Gothra looking very intensively at this scene. Nothing like that ever happened. Nope. Not at all. Gothra wasn't trying to bore a hole right through my body with how hard she was staring.

"So, how was Bereo?" Gothra chuckled as I hefted myself up and sat beside her on the large branch.

Of course she won't let it go...

"I am grateful for his assistance in the transport and journey towards this destination."

"Ooohh, I've never heard those innuendos before. Hahaha!"


"Anyway!" I said trying to change the subject, "enough of your perversions. Look. The sun is about to set."

"Ohh, yeah you're right. Sorry, sorry. We'll leave your little rendevous with my Bereo for later." She glanced at the sunset as her eyes sparkled. I did the same and we both shut up as if we were frozen in time, embraced by utter awe.

The sun slowly faded into the horizon, ducking beneath two mountain peaks we can barely make out from this far away. The blue sky slowly blended into orange, turning bright red, and then dark blue, until finally, the dark black night came. Small white dots started to fill up the night sky, gradually turning into hundreds, and then thousands.

"Wow..." I muttered.

"Yeah..." Gothra was just as awestruck.

As far as game worlds go, this sunset was the most 'normal'. The kind of thing you might find in real life even before The System existed. It's far less magical than the many fantasy worlds filled with many moons, multiple suns, dozens of floating structures, and a myriad of rainbow colors.

It's so normal and expected, just your typical sunset. I've seen it before, countless of times. In games, in real life.

So then why... why am I so moved by this? Why is it so beautiful?

Gothra at my side also seemed just as perplexed, just staring into space, a space that probably doesn't even actually exist within this game world...

"It's beautiful." She finally broke her silence.

"Yeah, it definitely is..."

It's perplexing how deeply this affects me, a completely ordinary scenery. If there is one thing that's different... Oh crap is it actually that cliche? That one line in cheesy and pretentious light novels and anime?

It's beautiful because I'm watching it with someone else.

"Your presence makes all of this so much more beautiful."

I wasn't the one who said that embarrassing crap! It was Gothra! That bitch!

It was like I suddenly froze and didn't know what else to say.

Gah! Don't be so... idiot! Don't be such an idiot Gothra!

"Hahahaha! What's this, you embarassed? Pfft! Bwahahahahaha!"

"What- it's your fault! Why are you suddenly saying some shit you'd only hear people say in anime!? Fucking weeb! Asshole!"

"Hahahaha! Food tastes so much better with companions! That kind of shit? Gahahahahaha!"

"Tsk. Yeah, that! I'm surprised you can say that with a straight face!"

"Eh, but you were thinking it too, though."

"Huh? I... I..."

"Pfft! So fucking obvious! Idiot! Wahahahaha!"

"Ahhhhh... Fine! But I won't actually say it! Unlike you, this isn't an anime you know!? It's real life!"

"Dude, we're literally in a game."


Oh great, now I really am an idiot.

"Hahaha. Come on, don't feel so down." Gothra suddenly seemed to change her tone. "I... I've never had this you know? And I don't think there's anything wrong with voicing that out. Why not? Right?"

"Yeah... Sorry, I didn't mean to sound judgy or something. I was just really embarrassed, and you know, we're just joking around, right? I'd say 'like always' but we've literally just met."

"Hahaha, yeah, I know, I know. Don't worry. I'm having fun. And that's the thing, I've never had many friends... or maybe not at all."

"Oh... didn't you play other MMOs?"

"Well yeah, a little bit, and I did party up with people, but I never clicked much with anyone, you know? Though I did have good acquaintances, and maybe I could call some of them friends, but it always somehow gets... awkward I guess."

"Oh... I can see that. What about real-life though?"

"Oh, it's even more so. I try to approach people but they'll always just go 'ahahaha' and then back away. Like, if it's not funny then don't laugh! Sheesh, I don't need your pity..."

"Wait, you act like this in real life?"

"Yeah. Don't you?"

"Well... hard to say. I haven't really... you know... hung out... or met people... in a long time. So..."

"Oh. That. Well... I'm the same way. I eventually gave up. And I was honestly quite content with just staying at home, playing games, watching stuff, reading stuff... I'm pretty happy, actually."

"Ah, yeah, me too. It's a pretty happy life, we literally get whatever we want, pretty much. I did have friends before, but they had very similar... tendencies. So when The System came to be, we just slowly retreated into our own little worlds and... fell out. Quietly. There weren't any big fights or anything. It just... happens."

"Yeah... I'm estranged from the people... well my family, and their band of idiots. Haha."

"I see..."

"Well hey! You ended up telling me your story so I don't mind telling you more of mine."

"Eh!? No, no it's fine. It's not like mine's anything that deep, no need to get too personal. If anything, I probably shouldn't have talked about that, huh? Sorry."

"Eh? No, no, it's interesting I think. Unless if I'm boring you with my stories?" Gothra tilted her head, preparing to back down.

"Oh, no, it's not that! Though isn't it a bit weird given that we just met? Not that I'm one to talk, I was swept away by the moment. Like an idiot. Dammit!"

"Hahaha. Well, I think it's too late to worry about being weird, hmm?"

"Ah. Ahahaha. Yea, you're right..."

"Right, so let me begin my story." Gothra did some very exaggerated stretches, cranking her neck, straightening her back, sucking in air, broadening her shoulders, and cracking her knuckles. That last one's for fighting...

She took in a deep breath before shouting into the night sky, "People near, far, and wide. Listen up and listen well! The Great Epic Legendary Tale of Gothra-sama!!!"


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