Space Core

Chapter 47: Class selection window discovered!

POV: Harry Terria

I was currently walking around in a circle; Thinking.

I knew that the church had far more resources than Antier and I; They would probably figure out what was the deal with the system before us, and that fact made me angry. How dare they? How dare those cowards who left a city full of people behind to become even more powerful? I needed to find out how the system worked, and fast.

At least, I had one advantage on my side; I was younger. I had noticed something quite a while ago, something that made my being young an incredible advantage. Adults are stuck, they're stuck with what they learned and they can't change as easily as someone younger. The fact that I also probably had more imagination than all of the idiots in that church combined would also help.

In any case, the system was something new; It was something that nobody knew a thing about, it was an even playing field. At the moment, the system wasn't documented and didn't have any books written about it.

I sighed and shook those thoughts away, I needed to concentrate on the problem at hand. I quickly opened the system, something I had become quite familiar with, and was met with the same nonsense as before. Some words described nothing known before, and the only thing that was even remotely comprehensible was the 'Health' value.

From what I understood of it, every value inside the system represented something specific; It represented the one who had it. Even then, I had come up with that idea only from the fact that the 'Health' value seemed to go down when I was hurt and go back up when I wasn't hurt anymore.

The only true anomaly in all of this was the 'Class'. It didn't seem to resemble any known words that would make sense with it. And apparently it was 'Undecided', which meant that it was supposed to be chosen somehow; And wasn't that stupid, how was I supposed to choose anything? Was I supposed to ask it to choose, to command it, or whatever? Wait a minute... status, a command, an intent.

"Hey, Antier! I think I have an idea of what to do! Ima try it and tell you if it works!" I called out to my... partner? subordinate? Yes, my subordinate.

I received a thumbs up from him before trying my idea; I focused on the 'Class' part of the status and pushed with the intent of choosing. And then, right before my eyes, the status closed itself and a new panel appeared along with a message.

{Congratulation <Harry Terria>! You're the third person to have accessed the Class selection window! Due to this, you have the special privilege of being able to choose two Classes and combine them into one for your own use!}

I stood there in silence for a moment before I called out to Antier, "Antier! I... may have found out how it works."


Exams are really annoying... but nothing will keep me from trying to keep at to at least 6 chapters a week! Btw, here's a Discord server:


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