Space Core

Chapter 49: Caged Fate.

POV: Reltiac

I looked at my strings in frustration. They were so thin, so fragile. The strings that represented the fate of billions of people, were all so close to breaking.

I knew what this had to mean, I knew that only one thing could do such a thing; Another god had taken control of Fate. Oh sure I might be the god of Fate, but that was only because of the strings, if someone else managed to find a way to take control over Fate then I was nothing more than an immortal being without any power.

The only lead I had was the 'system' that had just popped up, something that only a god could've made. The 'system' wasn't something I had planned for, I had never even considered the possibility of something like it. The worst part was that no god could really get rid of it because they had pretty much no power, and their religions were not strong enough; Only Terse or Certe would be able to do anything, but Terse was so focused on finding Certe that he was pretty much impossible to talk to. The guy really had issues.

But even with the lead of the 'system' I couldn't really do anything. After all, I didn't know how to get to the system. All I knew was that every being had been infected with it and that it always put itself inside the head of things. The Mana didn't even connect to anything and yet it was always being affected by each other in some unknown way.

I couldn't really do anything because of that, it's not like I could just follow the Mana to... to where... to where it's going... I suddenly had the urge to slap myself, why hadn't I considered just following the damn thing?

I quickly went and traveled to one of the many persons with the system and, using my non-corporeal form, I slightly merged with the Mana inside the 'system' and followed it. It was all rather interesting, the Mana did things that no Mortal should be able to comprehend and seemed to always go back to regulate itself in some weird kind of way to learn things. But I ignored all that and continued following; After an immensely small amount of time, I found myself somehow leaving the body of the person I had used as my entrance into the system and arrived at a large area with Mana overflowing from everywhere.

I didn't do anything and kept going with the flow, I should be able to find where it affected Fate that way. The currents of Mana pushed me along and at one point I ended up at some Runes who apparently tried to find where to put me, but since I wasn't really Mana myself, it wasn't able to do so. I quickly threw out something that I hoped would mean 'Fate' to the Runes and was soon sent back on my way. Hopefully, whatever god in charge of this thing didn't notice that.

And then, I arrived at my prize; The Mana had pushed me quite some ways, and I now noticed I had arrived in a new room of sorts with a giant tapestry made out of Mana that truly looked beautiful. I may not like the one who made it, but I can appreciate the way they represented Fate; I might have to steal that idea.

But I wasn't careful; Too caught up in me finally having found what I wanted to notice the Mana still pushing me. And it pushed me through a first 'Rune' that strangely seemed alive. It pushed me out of itself with so much force I was left stunned, and I landed straight into the second Rune of the three present; It seemed to examine me for a moment before it did... something. It felt like I got wrapped up in soft silk and chained up to make it impossible for me to do anything.

I was stuck.




While being stuck made things boring, it was still interesting watching what those 'Runes' did; They seemingly forced three different Fates onto everything. What the three Fates were seemed to differ from person to person, but it was always three and none more. That was a pretty interesting method, but I could understand why it did that, three fates are way more manageable than the infinite possibilities normally present.

But still, I couldn't do anything.

Until one day, I felt the third Rune change. The one that made this thing was about to change Fate. From what I could tell, it would probably be a prophecy of some kind; Good, I could influence it in some ways then.

But what do I need right now? I need to be free, but I can tell that I won't be able to get past the god who trapped me. Maybe... yes. Certe had gone missing, didn't she? Certe could control Time Certe could revert time itself to before the system had ever appeared, and we could get rid of the problem before it even started!

And so, I carefully sent my intention of Time toward the god making the prophecy. Hopefully, I won't be noticed...


sorry for the lack of chapters... it appears the summer makes me less productive than normal. Discord:


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