Space Core

Mini-Chapter 3: Jerome and the snake.

POV:  Jerome

There I was, my slightly broken boots stepping onto flesh. The entire area around me smelled like sewers and death.

I sighed and thought back to what had just happened moments before, the exit so close... and then that serpent the size of a mountain arrived and I hadn't had the time to react before being swallowed. Thankfully, my Master hadn't been caught by the serpent too... at least I was certain that Master was safe.

I continued to walk; Wet sounds resounding beneath me.

The flesh all around me seemed to... pulse, like a heartbeat; But I wasn't hearing any heart beating, which should be incredibly easy from inside the snake.

I still walked.

At this point, I don't even know why I'm still walking; Wouldn't it be better if I tried to tear the flesh around me and get out? But I didn't do anything other than walk.

I walked on.

I sometimes encountered puddles of acid, ready to dissolve me if need be. But I walked and walked without aim, I knew I would find nothing and yet I continued to walk.

I walked and ran.

I still went on, not caring anymore about what was going on around me; I knew my body would just continue to walk by itself anyway. And wasn't that a strange sight? I was walking but I wasn't really the one doing it, why would I be the one? My body simply walked and didn't care about how I felt.

I ran out.

I was now running, this time of my own volition; I could see a bright light in the distance, I could see an exit! I could get back to my M-MAsteR. I could be FREE from that snake and be back where I should be.

I took a few more steps and- I was back in front of the exit, the tail of the grand snake only a hair's breadth away.

I was out and could be with Master again.


Yaayyy, Jerome isn't wining the battle of sanity! Anyways, I probably will have some problems writing for the week as my final exam is coming up; And so I would appreciate any advice you people can give me! Join the discord to try and revive the thing:


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