Special Forces: Class Reunion, I Parachute In A Tank

Chapter 72 Ling Feng, You Bastard! You Return My Tears!

"Xinhuaxia, can everyone eat enough and dress warmly?"

"Eat well, dress warmly!"

"Senior, how old are you this year?"

"19 years old."

"For New China, fire at me!"


Countless people from countless places, all choked up when they saw the link between the present and the past in the video.

There are so many martyrs who went to serve as soldiers in their teens to defend their homes and the country, and finally buried their bones in other places.

However, none of them regretted it.

For the sake of the motherland, the people, and future generations, they sacrificed fearlessly.

Afterwards, the song "Displaced Time and Space" was sung according to this melodrama, completely detonating the tear glands of countless people!

At the same age, they enjoy learning and life in this era, standing on the same land, looking at the bright and peaceful starry sky.

In the days of the martyrs, there were no schools, food and clothing were not warm, the land was the same, but it was also scarred, and the starry sky was accompanied by the roar of fighter planes.

Martyrs, with their lives and blood, in exchange for their peaceful life today!

And when they listened to the song "Displaced Time and Space" and watched the melodrama, they thought it was over.

But then, "The Story of the Chinese Youth" came out.

That majestic, deafening cry made their whole bodies feel like their blood boiled, and they wished they could pick up their guns and rush to the battlefield to fight for their country!

After playing three programs in one go, the eyes of all the people in front of the screen were already soaked.

The excitement in my heart can't be calmed down for a long time!

While being baptized by this high positive energy, everyone also admires Ling Feng who can write such songs, sitcoms, and articles!

What kind of person can create such a god-level work!

"This Ling Feng is amazing! How did he create such an excellent and tear-jerking work! Much better than those composers and directors in the entertainment industry!"

"Don't compare Ling Feng with those in the entertainment industry! That's an insult to Ling Feng's work and Ling Feng's military status! They don't deserve it!"

"Woooo...I don't know how many times I've watched it in a loop, and I can't stop. Tears are still streaming down my face. Woo... My eyes will definitely be swollen tomorrow!"

"Young people of my generation study for the rise of China!"

"Martyrs, please rest in peace! We will definitely protect Huaxia!"

On the Internet and on the short video platform, tens of millions of netizens left messages expressing their awe of the martyrs and worship of Ling Feng.

Tonight, the whole country is boiling!

In the first two hours, Lonely Brave dominates the top three on all major search sites!

In the next two hours, these three programs are no longer just as simple as dominating the top three, but more than a dozen hot searches, all of them!

Including the major short video platforms, as soon as you open it, there are basically videos of these three programs.

The popularity is the highest since the creation of short videos.

And on the major music platforms, "The Lonely Brave" and "Displaced Time and Space" immediately dominated all the charts as soon as they were uploaded, leaving the third place by more than a dozen streets.

All major musicians stood up and commented one after another, and they were basically all praises.

Not only in society.

Major national-level newspapers also put the content of these three programs on the headlines, praising and promoting them vigorously.

The news websites in the major troops also quickly fell.

The ministers of culture of the various military regions, and people from the witness department worked overtime overnight to promote these videos and reverses.

No way, who made these three programs so good! So burning! So shocking!

Ling Feng Veteran Unit, Green Arrow Tank Brigade.

It was almost twelve o'clock.

The brigade commander just finished handling things and went back to his room, taking a shower and getting ready to sleep.

At this time, a phone call came in.

The Brigadier frowned.

At this point, there are still people calling. Could it be that something happened?

Before he had time to think, he quickly picked up the phone.

"Brigade Commander! Turn on the computer quickly! There is important news!" The excited voice of the Director of the Cultural Department of the brigade came from the phone.

"What big news? There's a war?"

The Brigadier's expression changed.

"No! It's Ling Feng! That kid is on fire! He is famous in the whole army... No! It should be said that he is famous all over the country!" the director of the Ministry of Culture shouted.

"What the hell? What is famous all over the country and the army... Isn't that kid at the National Defense University? Could it be that he got into trouble there?"

"Brigade Commander, just turn on the computer and open the website of the military region, and you will know!"

With doubts, the brigade commander turned on the computer again, and I went to the military website.

"This Ling Feng, is there anything wrong? It even made a fuss on the website of the military region?"

However, when he saw all the content on the top of the military region website and after reading and listening to these three works.

Even though he was very old, tears still flowed from his eyes.

"Ling Feng, you bastard! Return my tears!"

"Damn it! You've already gone to the military academy, and you're here to violate Lao Tzu's eyes!"

"Why are you so good, you behave like this, after graduation, can you still return to my tank brigade?!"

"Little bastard! Little bastard..."

The brigade commander cursed while wiping away his tears.

I don't know if it's because of Ling Feng's three works, or because I'm worried that Ling Feng won't come back to the tank brigade.

After all, it is no exaggeration to say that the current Ling Feng is the spokesperson of the national army.

Such a good propaganda ambassador, the headquarters or the military command, how could he be allowed to return to their field troops!

This night, countless people are destined to fall asleep with red eyes.

In their dreams, countless people still dream of the heroic scenes of the martyrs who once fought for the country.

When Ling Feng returned to the company, he found that the whole class hadn't slept.

Everyone looked at him as if they were idols, which made Ling Feng very unnatural.

"Ling Feng! I've decided! From now on you will be my idol! The only idol!"

"Ling Feng! What on earth is your brain made of? We recognize that you are excellent in military subjects, and we recognize that you are excellent in tactical command! You are excellent in mathematics, and we recognize it even more! But why do you not know your cultural talents? So awesome!

Let’s not talk about the lonely brave, but can the dialogue between the present and the ancient times, "China Youth Talk" and especially people create it? Can you be a human being!"

Ling Feng:

I am excellent, is there something wrong?


At this time, a system voice sounded in Ling Feng's mind:

"Congratulations to the host for completing the performance task of the three-school joint evening party! Considering that the host is going to participate in today's talk show, in order to allow the host to better praise the martyrs, promote the troops, and promote the overall situation of the country! Reward the host for 'all musical instruments and equipment proficiency skills' and' Top eloquence' skill!"

"All relevant reference materials have been sent to the host! Please spare the time to study and understand the host!"

The system sound fell, and as before, countless knowledge of these two aspects were all integrated into Ling Feng's mind.

Ling Feng looked through the knowledge carefully and was shocked.

There are all those classic red songs, movies, and articles on the earth on the earth!

Eloquence, coupled with the ever-changing voice skills, is enough for him to make witty remarks!

In order to allow the system to awaken and inspire contemporary young people's values ​​to the greatest extent possible on the talk show, it can be said that the system has worked hard!

The next morning, Ling Feng went directly to the Ministry of Culture, looking for some musical equipment to practice and get acquainted with the skills.

He had to be prepared for this interview.

The interview time is one week later, and the time is still enough.

But at noon, the Minister of Culture found him directly.

"Ling Feng, I have something to inform you here."

"It's about the two songs you created, the sitcom, and the income from "The Story of Huaxia Youth".


Ling Feng was taken aback.

I didn’t even sign a contract to upload it, so where does the income come from?

The Minister of Culture said with a smile: "||You may not understand those copyright fees and advertising fees in society."

"Let me tell you this, even though you didn't upload it yourself, you are an original creator. Even if someone else publishes your work on the Internet, as long as there is income, "you need to give 10% to the creator."

"And your work has detonated the entire network last night. All the short video advertising fees related to your work, the income of VIP paying users for music, the advertising fees of various articles, etc.! In short, with traffic and Advertisement, you can get the corresponding share!”

Ling Feng was dumbfounded when he heard this.

How is this so different from the earth!,

On the earth, those media companies have made so many original content to make money, but they have never heard of sharing the original content!

The copyright consciousness of this parallel world is also due to bats!

The Minister of Culture took out an income statement and handed it to Ling Feng: "This is the income of all your works as of twelve o'clock in the morning last night, please take a look."

Ling Feng took a look, and his eyes widened instantly, "More than 13 million? My God! Why are there so many?"

The Minister of Culture said with a wry smile: "I was taken aback when I got this data."

"After the calculation, it should be almost the same. First, these works of yours have indeed become popular in the sky. Overnight, the combined playback volume of all videos has reached more than one billion, let alone the text. I said it. And the charging standard on the Internet is based on clicks. If one person plays videos in a loop, the advertising fee can be doubled." (Zhao Haozhao)

"Second, it's your two songs, which can only be listened to by paid or VIP users. As soon as they got on the platform, they dominated the charts of more than a dozen music platforms! And all the income on the music platform is yours."

"Third, it may have something to do with your identity, because the work comes from you, a soldier, and you are a member of the army. Those platform media companies and personal media accounts dare not cheat and deduct without permission. They will give as much as they should. ."

After the Minister of Culture finished speaking, Ling Feng immediately understood.

In this way, it seems that it is not too much.

You know, in the previous life on Earth, it was normal for a top singer to release an album and earn tens of millions a day.

Not to mention my current works, as well as the income from videos and articles.

"This is still the income of a few hours last night. As the heat continues to ferment, your income during this period is estimated to be astronomical. You have to be mentally prepared."

"How is it, so much money, are you happy?"

"Are you happy?" Ling Feng suddenly fell silent, "Let me think about it."

Are you happy Song?

Why didn't I feel happy.

Have you reached the point where you think money is just a number to you?

When the Minister of Culture heard the words, he was dumbfounded on the spot.

Are you so happy or not? Do you still want to think about it?!

Can you still think like a normal person?

(There will be an update later!).

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