Special Forces: Guarding the border for ten years, my family was in ruins when I returned

Chapter 41: Attacked! Deadly poison gas!

After Can Bao finished speaking, Gu Tian and the others followed Can Bao to entrance No. 1.

The entrance is an underground passage, which is currently covered with a thick cement board.

Ye Xiong stepped forward and moved the cement board away. The moment he moved it away, an extremely strong yellow poisonous gas spewed out from inside, and it suddenly spread in front of everyone.

When they saw this scene, their hearts tightened again and their pupils shrank.

It seems that the poisonous gas below has filled the entire underground passage.

Can Bao then took out a detection device from his body and placed it at the entrance.

He pressed a few times on the device, glanced at the data, and said in a deep voice: "It contains nitrate and potassium compounds, and the concentration has reached fatal levels."

After Can Bao finished telling the test data, he pointed at the entrance and shouted in a low voice: "Down!"

When everyone heard this, they took a deep breath, and then no longer hesitated, jumping down to the underground entrance one by one.

At the same time, the tiger and lion members at the other two entrances also jumped into the underground passage one after another.

When everyone entered the chemical plant, their eyes suddenly became dark, which was caused by the contrast of visual light.

Immediately, everyone turned on the lights on their firearms.

The lights came on and everyone looked up, but the sight before them made them feel cold.

It can be seen that the distance that the lighting lamp can reach is very limited, and it is also because the concentration of poisonous gas here is too high, which blocks the light in the air.

In addition, they were wearing H-protective suits and gas masks, and they could only see the situation below through the narrow gap in the mask.

It was because of the gas masks that their sight was limited to the front.

If there is an emergency on the left or right, they need to completely turn their entire head to see.

Not to mention that if there is an abnormality behind them, they will have to turn their entire bodies around.

As a result, their operation was greatly hindered and inconvenienced.

Completely compressing their abilities.

In addition, there are gangsters lurking in the dark. If a cold shot is fired, they will not be able to react at all.

Only passively beaten.

Everyone also thought of this. As soon as they entered the chemical plant, they cautiously followed the leader and slowly approached.

At the same time, each team of people spread out and were alert to the surrounding situation.

"A team entered the chemical plant and were heading to the hostage site."

"The second team enters the chemical plant..."

"Team three enter..."

Several Canbao team leaders reported the situation to the command center through communication equipment.

After the report, everyone went to the hostage location.

They must ensure the safety of the hostages as soon as possible and at the same time control the gangsters.

The difficulty of such a task can be described as huge.

A group of people, led by Can Bao, walked carefully and kept their voices to a minimum.

After walking a certain distance, Can Bao's deep voice sounded in the headset.

"The poisonous gas concentration in front is getting higher and higher, so everyone is wrapped in protective clothing."

"As long as the poisonous gas penetrates, you will never see the sun outside again."

Hearing this, Gu Tian and his team subconsciously tightened their protective clothing and took a deep breath.

Suppress the restless emotions in your heart.

The same goes for Gu Tian and others, and even more so for others.

They all know the power of this poisonous gas. At such a high concentration, the poisonous gas will penetrate the protective clothing and it will only take a few minutes for them to fall straight to the ground.

It was impossible to hold on to the rescue of the medical team.

After each leader finished speaking, there was no sound.

For a moment, everyone could only hear their own breathing and the occasional low sound of water drops beside them.

Facing the unknown fear ahead, no one feels heavy-hearted.

Although they are warrior kings, they are also human beings.

Especially when wearing protective clothing.

At this time, it can be said that their bodies are curled up in protective clothing and isolated from the outside world.

This thing that was a life-saving suit for them was now like a closed container, imprisoning them.

Although they were surrounded by teammates, they felt as if they were fighting alone.

This feeling surrounds them all the time.

After walking some distance, Can Bao asked in a low voice in the headset: "Team 2 and 3, where are you?"

After a few seconds, an echo came from the headset: "Team 2 has arrived at the stairs of location 2."

"Team 3 arrived at the water tank room at location 3."

Hearing this, Can Bao said in a serious voice again: "Attention, we are already halfway through the journey, continue to approach with caution!"

At this moment, an extremely abrupt sound rang in the headset.


"Da da da!!"

When Can Bao heard the gunfire, his expression changed drastically, and he quickly asked: "Team 2 and 3, what's going on!?"

"Da da da!!"

Can Bao's brows furrowed even more tightly, and at the same time he shouted in a low voice: "Team 2 and Team 3, please answer if you hear me, please answer me if you hear me!!"

However, the only answer he received was the sound of gunfire.

After Gu Tian and the others heard Can Bao's low cry, their hearts suddenly sank, and they felt that something was wrong.

Immediately, Gu Tian asked in the headset: "Can Bao, what's going on?"

"The second team and the third team were in trouble. They encountered gunfire and the enemy fired very hard."


Hearing this, everyone exclaimed softly.


Are those gangsters about to launch a sneak attack?

Has this been discovered?

If this is the case, then I am afraid that I will be walking on a tightrope every second, and may fall into the abyss at any time.

"Attention, everyone! Keep your mind up and pay attention to your surroundings. If there is anything unusual, report it immediately!"


As soon as he finished speaking, a burst of extremely close gunshots exploded in vain around them.

"Da da da~!!"

"Da da~!"

"Take cover and hide!!"

Can Bao roared loudly and dodged to the side.

Gu Tian and others did the same, looking for bunkers to hide.

"Fight back!!"

Can Bao then shouted again.

The elite tiger and lion troops react quickly, calming their minds and issuing combat orders in an instant.

After the order to counterattack was given, Gu Tian and the others also drew their guns one by one and counterattacked in the direction from which the gunfire came.

They are all warrior kings, so they naturally have the ability to fight on the spot.

"Da da da~!!"

For a moment, Gu Tian and the others were also caught in a melee.

Because the poison gas was too thick, it was impossible to see the specific location of the criminals, so they could only follow the sound of gunshots and hit them.

After fighting for a while, a group of people took no real action and were still fighting the gangsters on the spot.

Seeing this, a tiger and lion veteran said in a deep voice: "I'll go around the back!"

"And I!"

Four veterans were seen standing up one after another.

They knew that in this case, someone had to kill the gangsters, otherwise they would not be able to move forward.

Seeing this, Can Bao replied: "Okay! Be careful! Don't be careless!"

After hearing this, the four veterans immediately stood up and went to touch the spot behind the gangster.

But after a while, no one responded. Can Bao became nervous and his eyebrows became darker.

Then, he looked at Gu Tian and the others, and said in a deep voice with an unquestionable tone: "Let me go over and take a look. You are lurking here, waiting for my order!"

Hearing this, everyone had no choice but to nod in agreement. ..

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