Special Years

Chapter 73 - disagreement

After chatting with Yin Xiancong, Zhuang Yan felt that there was something interesting about going to coach the team!

Since the squad leader said it, he will definitely do it.

What’s more, Zhuang Yan can also see that the first squad leader Yin Xiancong and the third squad leader Chen Qingming are not as harmonious as they seem.

When it comes to selecting people to teach the brigade, Yin Xiancong couldn’t be willing to just watch the third class go, and there was no one in his own class who could fight.

This is not a solemn guess.

The contradiction between Yin Xiancong and Chen Qingming stemmed from the way of leading troops.

Due to the assessment of the headquarters at the end of this year, the regiment is also organizing training for grass-roots officers. Dai Dehan often runs to the regiment, while Yin Xiancong has focused on cultural lessons because of the military academy. The work in the platoon has always been carried out by Chen Qingming host.

As a third-year veteran, Chen Qingming has his own considerations.

Yin Xiancong was admitted to the military academy. According to the current situation, it is very likely that he will be admitted.

Once Yin Xiancong left the first platoon to go to school, Niu Dali, the second squad leader, would definitely not be able to lead the first platoon, so Chen Qingming was the best candidate to be promoted to the first squad leader.

There is an unwritten rule in the army that the leader of each platoon is the leader of the platoon with the best ability.

For example, one shift in the first row, four shifts in the second row, seven shifts in the third row, and so on.

During the war, if the platoon leader is killed, the first squad leader will be automatically promoted to the platoon leader.

This is a so-called convention.

So although everyone is a squad leader, the duties of the first squad leader and the third squad leader are different.

Chen Qingming is facing such a problem now. He wants to continue working in the army, but there are not so many indicators for turning into a volunteer soldier, and the difficulty is also great.

The only way out is to dry up.

According to the regulations of the 1st Division, if a soldier in the third year has third-class merit, he or she can give priority to one third-class merit after staying in the team for one year.

However, this promotion is not for nothing.

Even if you are a master of all sides, at least you must have good grades.

Although Chen Qingming’s military is good, he is still far from being the best.

Since his own military is not capable, he will work hard to lead the troops.

One of the important responsibilities of the squad leader is to lead soldiers. You can’t do it yourself, but if the soldiers you bring out are screaming, that’s fine.

Now, this is what Chen Qingming is counting on, to lead his soldiers from the three classes well, to get places in the assessment of the battalion and the regiment, and then after Yin Xiancong is admitted to the military academy, he can take charge of the work in the platoon, which is easier to get out of. achievement.

Now the soldiers of the third squad are all deliberately inclined, and they are all relatively good seedlings. It stands to reason that with a little effort, Chen Qingming will not be difficult to achieve his preset goals.

Perhaps because of this mentality, since the recruits were dispatched ahead of schedule, Chen Qingming’s training method has become a little too forceful.

For example, there are seven or eight emergency gatherings at night, and then recruits carry backpacks on the training ground for tactics; or at noon, recruits stand on the bench and fall asleep on the bed by themselves; or let the punished recruits go to the sideline. I do push-ups on the septic tank inside, with one hand on one end and one foot on the other, and below is the stinky feces.

Zhuang Yan is most disgusted by these training methods. He can’t think of any special help for improving physical fitness by doing push-ups on the septic tank. To put it bluntly, it is a whole person. However, most of the team’s recruits are very honest, and they dare not speak out.

The conflict between the first squad leader Yin Xiancong and the third squad leader Chen Qingming was also overheard by Zhuang Yan.

That night, he took a shower and went back to the row house late, and when he passed by Dedeham’s single room, he heard a faintly high decibel quarrel.

The row houses of the Eighth Company are also old-fashioned bungalows. Each row has a large row house and a small single room. The soldiers live in the large row house, and the platoon leader lives in the small single room.

The platoon leader’s single room is next to the soldiers’ platoon room. It is only a few square meters in size. It is usually convenient for the platoon leader Dedeham and several squad leaders to hold some closed-door meetings in it.

In normal times, Zhuang Yan would not dare or have no interest in eavesdropping.

It happened that during that time, he was always thinking about when it would be his turn to transfer to the training team, so his curiosity was suddenly piqued.

What are they arguing about?

Strong curiosity made Zhuang Yan stop.

Looking around carefully, except for the guards at the gate, and the guards at the entrance of the company’s arsenal, the entire camp is empty and quiet, and most of the lights have been turned off. of lights.

The shadow of the tree fell on the roof of the row of houses, and the door of the row leader Dedham’s single room was dark.

The solemn heart was pounding, and the mouth was dry with tension.

After a few seconds, he finally mustered up his courage, tiptoed to the door of the single room, and gently pressed it against the wall, holding his breath like a thief.

The old-fashioned row houses have no soundproofing, and the solemn can easily hear what the people inside are talking about.

“Squad leader, what you said just now is really not interesting!”

The loudest was Chen Qingming, the third squad leader.

“I’m just stating the facts and showing my attitude. I don’t have any opinion on you personally. We’re just talking about business affairs, not personal grudges.”

The next speaker was Yin Xiancong.

Chen Qingming said again: “Don’t pretend to be public and private, we are all soldiers of the same year, you said that you are going to take the military academy, did I say anything? All the training and management of the platoon is on me, and the platoon leader I’m going to the regiment for training, but I can’t come back once a week. I work hard without complaining, but you say there’s something wrong with my method? That’s what you said in exchange? Can we talk a little bit about it?”

Yin Xiancong said: “Recently, I have managed very few affairs by myself. It’s true that you have worked hard for you, the third squad leader, but thank you, but you can’t lead the troops like this! I don’t see how you can improve your training by calling eight emergency gatherings ten times a night. What’s the benefit, what’s the benefit of having them climb the obstacle course with their backpacks on?”

Chen Qingming said: “Yes, I’m not as good at leading soldiers as you, Yin Xiancong. You went to the training team. I didn’t go to the training team. I was a wild way to lead soldiers. I learned from veterans. Didn’t we come here back then? I suffered so little? Why didn’t the veterans talk about it back then~www.mtlnovel.com~ Now you do? It seems that you and I are not first-year soldiers… …”


In the end, it was the platoon leader Dedham who interrupted their argument.

Hearing footsteps, Zhuang Yan hurried back to the row room. When he was about to enter the door, he saw Dedeham’s figure flashing. He leaned out from the opened door and poured a cup of tea residue into the gutter outside.

This little secret between the squad leaders, Zhuang Yan has always kept it in his heart and never told it.

However, since that day, Yin Xiancong seems to try his best to take time to bring his own class, so as to avoid handing people over to Chen Qingming, the third squad leader.

From a standpoint, Zhuang Yan is definitely on the side of his squad leader.

He also doesn’t like Chen Qingming.

Because he felt that this veteran soldier was demonic and had a kind of negative feeling, but whenever Chen Qingming engaged in training, everyone suffered all kinds of inexplicable hardships.

For this reason, Zhuang Yan is more willing to give his squad leader a face.

So on the training ground, he started to be more aggressive than ever.

Moreover, he accepted Yin Xiancong’s opinion. Since he has the heart to teach the team, the competition with Xu Xingguo should follow a principle – use your own strengths to defeat the enemy’s weaknesses.

In terms of pure strength and endurance, Majestic is no match for Xu Xingguo, such as bombing, obstacles, and five-kilometer cross-country.

However, in shooting, tactics and equipment gymnastics, as well as various weapon operations, Xu Xingguo was solemn but not intimidated at all.

Although he is arrogant, it turns out that Zhuang Yan is not stupid.

Soon, he gradually began to emerge on the training ground. Even Zhang Jianxing, the company commander of the Eighth Company, called his name during the review time before the meal, saying that Comrade Zhuang Yan was good, and he had made great progress recently.

Zhuang Yan began to flutter a little again.

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