Spider-Man 0X

Ch: 192 [Emma & Chat- A new beginning]

[Evening] [Peter's first person POV]

I stopped the car near the academy's gate. The day was well spent and both of us had fun. Rogue was full of smiles and laughs. I enjoyed every second of it. She's a great girl.

Rogue turned toward me with a smile, "Thanks for the awesome day, Peter. I really enjoyed myself."

I smiled back, "I'm glad you enjoyed it. I did too. Hopefully, we can do this again soon."

"I'd like that," Rogue said, nodding. Her cheeks flushed slightly as she added shyly, "So, um, I guess this is goodbye for now..."

I chuckled softly, reaching over to gently squeeze her hand reassuringly. "Don't worry. We'll meet again soon enough."

"Okay," Rogue said, looking relieved. She leaned forward suddenly, kissing my cheek briefly before pulling away quickly, blushing furiously.

My eyes widened slightly in surprise before I grinned widely at her bold move. Although it was a little peck on the cheek, it still caught me off guard. She blushed even deeper, looking embarrassed by what she had just done. Before I could say anything, she opened the door and stepped out with a smile tugging at her lips.

As she hurried toward the academy doors, I called out, "Hey, Rogue."

She stopped, glancing over her shoulder with raised eyebrows. "Yeah?"

"You ever gone camping?" I asked on impulse.

She blinked, then shook her head. "No... can't say that I have. Why?"

"Want to go next time?" I shot back, not missing a beat.

Her smile returned, brighter than before. "Yeah, I'd love that! Thanks, Peter!"

I nodded and waved goodbye before driving away.

As I drove, I couldn't help but think about Rogue. She seemed genuinely happy today, and I enjoyed spending time with her. I really hope we can continue seeing each other again soon. But that will have to wait for a bit now. I gotta take care of Cyborg Gwen's situation first. Then, of course, there was Morlun... not to mention tracking down Cindy Moon. So much to do, so little time. But I'd find a way. I always did.

As I drove through the city streets, I decided to swing by the spa. The girls would be finishing up soon. I'll pick them up and maybe go shopping. It's been a while since we all went out together.


Meanwhile, at Kingpin's hideout

3rd Person POV

Kingpin grabbed his head and slumped on the chair. His cybernetic implants were glitching again, causing him to feel intense pain. The constant headaches and random glitches had been plaguing him for months. It was getting worse as time passed. He grunted and clenched his fists tightly. All his attempts to capture Riri Williams failed miserably, and now the heroes are suspicious of him. The situation was getting out of control. He needed to act fast before things spiraled completely out of his grasp.

And then she appeared, Emma Frost. Her white attire contrasted sharply with the gloom, but it was the cold steel in her eyes that sent a chill through the air. She had made short work of Kingpin's men. Every one of them lay scattered in the hallway outside, their minds reduced to gibbering mush, thanks to her telepathic assault. Those lucky enough to be spared met a more physical demise – but not one man remained standing.

Kingpin's empire had been dismantled, systematically and ruthlessly. Emma had sabotaged his business, destroyed his criminal network, and even alerted S.H.I.E.L.D. to his underhanded dealings. All of it was wiped away in a single, calculated strike.

And now, here she stood.

"Look at you, pathetic bug," Emma scoffed as she looked at the broken man before her.

"You... you think you've won?" Kingpin rasped, his voice distorted from the defective implants. Sweat beaded on his brow as he glared up at her, his vision flickering again. But he wasn't seeing Emma Frost anymore. His mind was unraveling, and what he saw standing before him was not the White Queen, but a faceless assassin, the very one he believed had orchestrated his downfall.

Snarling, he heaved himself to his feet, staggering slightly under his own weight. "You'll pay for this," he growled, throwing a punch with all the strength his broken body could muster.

Emma didn't flinch. With a casual flick of her wrist, she stopped the fist mid-swing, holding his massive hand in place as though it weighed nothing. "You really should've known better than to cross me," she said softly, her voice like ice.

Kingpin struggled, his face contorted in fury, but it was futile. Emma was in complete control.

"You've lost everything, Wilson," she continued, tightening her grip just enough for him to feel the bones in his wrist strain under the pressure. "Your businesses, your reputation, your men... and soon, your mind."

He let out a strangled growl and tried to swing with his other arm, but before he could even complete the motion, Emma slammed him back into his chair telekinetically. The impact cracked the wooden frame beneath him, and he slumped forward, gasping for air.

"I gave S.H.I.E.L.D. everything they need to bring you down," she said, stepping closer. "There's no coming back from this."

Kingpin's gaze was wild, his vision still clouded by the hallucinatory assassin. "No..." he muttered. "I... I'll kill you... I'll—"

Before he could finish, Emma stepped forward and placed a single finger on his forehead. Instantly, his body went limp, his mouth hanging open as her telepathic powers flowed through his mind. She sifted through his memories like they were pages in a book, extracting every last piece of useful information before she began the final step – dismantling his consciousness.

Kingpin gasped, his eyes wide with terror as he felt his very essence slipping away. "No... no... stop..."

But it was too late. His mind broke like a fragile porcelain doll smashed against concrete. His body went limp in the chair, and Emma pulled back, her expression unchanging. She then placed a handgun in his right hand and manipulated his body to shoot himself. Kingpin shot his brains out as the gun dropped on the floor.

"It's done," she murmured to herself, turning to leave the room.

Behind her, the once-mighty Kingpin lay dead on the floor, blood pooling around his head. Emma Frost had crushed his empire, destroyed his reputation, and ended his life in less than an hour. And now, nothing remained of the man who had ruled New York City for decades. He was finished and so were all the gangs of NY. By now, Shield should be rounding up all the thugs across NYC. It was time to rebuild the city and make sure such criminals would never rise to power again.

Emma Frost left Kingpin's hideout and walked towards her car.

She opened the door and saw Chat looking at her with a worried expression.

"What's up with that look?" She asked with a frown.

Chat asked hesitantly, "Is it over?"

Emma nodded. "Yes, Kingpin is dealt with."

Chat sighed in relief and hugged her. "Thank god."

Emma smiled softly, patting the girl's back gently. She felt it very refreshing to do some good instead of bad. A new page has turned for her, and it was a fresh start.

"Where are we going next?" Chat asked as Emma drove down the street.

Emma smiled. "Home."

Chat raised an eyebrow, "The academy?"

Emma shook her head. "Yup! We're moving to Xavier's Academy for Gifted Youngsters, starting tomorrow!"

Chat blinked, her eyes widening slightly. "Wait, seriously?!"

Emma nodded again. "Mhmm! It's time we did something positive with our lives. And what better way to do that than helping other mutants like us?"

Chat smiled brightly. "You are just going there because you want to get in touch with Spidey, don't you?" She teased.

Emma smirked, "You brat, that's not true."

Chat giggled, "Only time will tell, won't it?"

Emma laughed and drove towards their home to pack up. Tomorrow would be a big day for both of them. They would move to the Xavier's Academy for Gifted Youngsters.

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Oh, yeah, Emma on board.

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