Spider-Man of Earth 65

Chapter 11 – Planning

***(R18 Start)***

Maria Hill.

She wasn't a minx. She was a normal woman. She had sex a grand total of three times. Once during college and twice as an undercover agent. Ever since then, she had been a normal, hard working woman.

So why? Why was she getting her back blown out?

"Mmmph! Nnngh!"

Why was she desperately hugging a pillow, mouth and nose pressed deep, voice muffled as moan after moan escaped her? Nude, sweaty, and getting drilled by a male specimen that embodied perfection, Maria Hill was in a realm high above the Earth. Her toned, firm ass cheeks jiggling as a pelvis clapped against her, as a long, thick member entered her repeatedly. Why was her very womb feeling ecstatic? Full? Complete?

Why did this cock feel so fucking GOOD!?

"Is it good?" Felix asked.



Fuck, fuck, fuck. Maria couldn't say it. She just couldn't, not like this.

Good? Good!? This was otherworldly! Her cunt felt loosened and stretched in ways it had never been before. His cock. His fucking cock. Big, fat cock—

"Mmmmh!" Maria's eyes rolled back, her cunt receiving orgasmic thrust. Something that hit all the right places and gave her just the right orgasm.

If not for the fact that she was buried in a pillow and laid across a couch in a shitty apartment unit, she would have moaned her lungs out.

What did she do to deserve such a cock?

"I'm going to cum."

A casual remark. A casual thrust. Yet to Maria, it was everything. Her walls felt every little pulsating inch. Her walls tightened and readied itself, despite her mind failing to muster a response. Sighing, Felix elected to pull out and shoot his load all over her back.

A semi-terrible mistake, because Felix came a lot. More than he expected. Like a tidal wave, it just kept going with no end in sight. It was ludicrous. Panting, jerking himself with one hand to bolster his cum, he ended up creating a bigger mess.

"W-wow." Letting out a small breath of air, Felix laughed. He had never cum this much. Never. It was as though the gods of sex had gifted him.

Felix knew that wasn't the case. This was because of Extremis and the spider bite.

'On top of that, I have no refractory period.' He slapped his hard cock on Maria's booty, chuckling. It didn't go soft in the least. A minute passed and it was still hard.

He wiped the sweat off his face and got off the couch. He stretched his arms high in the air, his dick as long and hard as a man wished it could be. Peering down at the slab of meat stretching out from him, he whistled.

There were the abs and muscles, of course. Those were always nice to look at. But the size of his penis was what really stole his attention. Out of all the benefits he received, this was by far the most fetching (to his pride).

Felix was no slouch prior to his transformation. Indeed, before, he could proudly say he was a little above average and now with this upgrade, he was almost double that. Size didn't matter too much though; anyone could tell Maria had gotten fucked in ways that her mind wasn't able to comprehend. In other words, not only was he likely the most well-hung man in New York (judging by probability) but he was also the best in general. Speed, strength, stamina; every element of sex was blessed to him in this new body.

Making a fist, he pumped his erection one last time. 'Seriously, I can't get used to how big it is.'

Going from half an inch over average to this monster? Yeah, it was a leap alright and Felix was enjoying every second of it. He glanced back, discreetly checking out Maria's firm butt, before looking ahead and clearing his throat.

"I, um, I'll make some breakfast," Felix said.


A moan was a good enough answer for him.

He would have worn some clothes if not for his erection not showing any signs of softening. Like…the thing refused to calm itself in Maria's presence.

'I guess there's a downside to everything.'

***(R18 End)***

It took a good twenty minutes and a cold shower for Felix to finally cool off. Breakfast was made and his daily hygiene routine was done.

Back in the living room, Felix waited. All that was left was for Maria to wake up. Her nakedness made him pause for a moment, his gaze lingering on every curve and contour of her body.

In an instant, her eyes flipped open and Maria pushed herself up.

"Er, you okay?" he asked. Her tits were quite small and he was aware of how women felt about it.

"Felix…?" Maria then glanced over at herself, noting her nakedness. He half expected her to panic. She didn't. The memories of what they had done flooded in and she blinked. "Right…you and I…"

Maria trailed off, then grabbed her strewn-away clothes. From her panties to her brown pants and black shirt. As if he was there watching her, she put everything on and gained back her modesty.

"So…" Felix cleared his throat. "I made breakfast."

They had fucked–or more accurately, Felix had fucked her for over six hours straight, from night to sunrise. Maria tried to get up but failed to gather the strength in her core and plopped back down to the couch.

"Bring it here," Maria said. "I am…unable to walk."

She thought he wouldn't notice but he did. Her eyes had flickered towards his crotch.

This was going to be an interesting breakfast, to say the least. He put the plate on her lap: pancakes with maple syrup fresh from Canada and chocolate chips.

"I want to say first and foremost: that was the best sex of my life, bar none. I have never orgasmed like that."

"R-really? Wow, thank you?"

'Should I mention that it was my first time?'

"By the way, you mentioned Tony Stark—"

"Classified," Maria said dully. She pretended not to care yet added, "But...your performance was much better than anyone I have ever met. It's...not very close."

His heart swelled. Call him a loser. Call him insecure. But damn did it feel good to be the bigger, better man. Whether this was the billionaire Tony Stark or not didn't matter.


"Hm. Strong, smart, absurdly well-hung…maybe you could be the traitor."


Maria took a bite of her pancake. "Sorry, a joke."

Quietly, they ate.

Felix didn't want to be the social one. Alas, the stars didn't line up today.

"So, uh, you mentioned Dr. Octavius. Why?"

"We have to consider everyone with eighth-class clearances. No exceptions."

"So you're suspicious based on clearances." Felix chewed on his pancake. "That seems inefficient, no?"

"Felix, just to be clear, this isn't personal. I understand that Dr. Octavius and Dr. Bobbi are highly respected within Oscorp. However, the sheer scale of the recent attack necessitates looking into everyone, especially those with elevated access."

"I get it, I get it."

The attack on Oscorp wasn't merely an attack, it was an invasion with great success. Secrets were exposed, labs were destroyed, and projects were stolen. It was a total loss on every level, including humanitarian.

"Sorry," Maria said. "You are new so I simply wish to hammer the concept in."

With a small smile, Felix joked, "Consider me hammered."

Maria started to eat in a rush. Chewing, then swallowing, she added, "I'll provide you with whatever resources you need. Remember, this has to stay between you and me."

'Between the two of us, huh? I don't mind. Makes sense. Frankly…' He stared at the palm of his hands. '...I don't even know if being involved with her is the right choice in the first place. But I have to. Otherwise, Reed's death is going to mean nothing.'

Vengeance and the anger that came with it. Felix wasn't sure if he felt it as strongly as some others. He didn't think of himself as a protagonist with anger issues. But…what was this bubbly feeling in his heart? Anger at himself? At the lack of justice? A twisted thrill from being involved in such circumstances? Or a bit of everything?

He calmed himself down and ate the remainder of his pancakes. Whatever he was feeling didn't bear any relevance to his goal: to find out why Oscorp was attacked and why Reed had to die.

No matter how intense the emotions were beginning to build. 

"Can I say something?" Felix asked. "Observing is nice and all, but if there is a spy, I doubt I'll spot anything. If we want proof and not straws, we should go to the heart of it: their computers. It won't be hard to get myself access to Dr. Octavius' computer, for example."

"That won't be possible for at least a month thanks to the attack," Maria said. "What happens after an attack? Security tightens. Even when you return, I doubt you'll be given the same facilities. No, I anticipate that you will be working from home."

"Really? What makes you say that?"

"A little bit of experience and deduction. I'm a private detective for a reason, Felix."

Following her cool remark, his phone buzzed. Felix sent her an apologetic look and picked it up. 'Oh, speak of the devil. Dr. Octavius texted me.'

> Dr. Octavius: Liz here! Just wanted to give you the details on your return.

> Dr. Octavius: Given the state of the building, Oscorp has decided to implement a hybrid-model. Most work will be done at our homes.

> Dr. Octavius: But since we need our stuff, we'll each be gathering what we need. It won't be much but its better than nothing. That will be in two days.

> Dr. Octavius: Funeral stuff is still in process. But it's happening on the 12th.

> Dr. Octavius: I'll give the remaining details when face to face.

Blink, blink. He turned to Maria, smiling at the convenient timing. "You were right: we're doing a hybrid model work method."

Maria nodded.

"But if you figured that out…" Felix trailed off.

"You're not my only source of information, yes, but that doesn't mean you're not valuable." Maria put her fork down. "Do you or do you not want revenge against the individuals responsible for killing your friend?"

"...I do."

"Then let us work together. If I have to gain even an ounce of information, I will tell you. I expect the same from you."

"And you've told me everything? You haven't lied?"

Because that was what was keeping him from fully committing: how could he trust a woman who, during their first meeting, lied to him?

"Everything relevant, yes. Unless you wish to know about some obscure Oscorp secret? If you want, I can tell you. Don't expect it to relate to the incident though."

"Tell me one secret," Felix said. "Then I will trust you."

Maria drew in a sharp breath. "Oscorp is spearheading four main scientific projects: Project Rebirth II, Project Oscorpeus, and two others."

'So she does know!'

Felix and Red had only been made aware of two: Project Rebirth II and Project Oscorpeus. According to Dr. Octavius, it was for the sake of limiting leaks. His pulse raced. Was he finally going to find out about Oscorp's remaining projects!?

"I have recently come to have discovered the name of Dr. Octavius' life work: Project New Element."

'Project New Element...? Interesting, and probably on the nose too.'

Felix expected Maria to elaborate, so he waited, except she didn't utter another word. There was an awkward stillness and Felix urged her on, "Okay...?"

"That's all I know."

"Huh? That's it?"

"Dr. Octavius is very secretive, or have you not noticed?" Maria said. "She stays cooped up in her office, seemingly supervising the incoming stream of data from lower level scientists. A half-truth, really. Half of her time is dedicated to supervision and the other half is towards something else: Project New Element. I believe it is the higher-ups that have been supplying her with resources and data for it. My father claimed to have seen the front page of the project's documentation."

'Dr. Octavius has a degree biochemistry and nuclear physics. She's a great scientist but working on a new element by herself? Like...an entirely new element? That might be beyond even her abilities.' Felix blinked. 'No, wait, Maria said it was her LIFE'S work. She might have been working on it since before Oscorp. Hm.'

A vague web was beginning to materialize in his head. Crossbones, the spiders, the higher-ups of Oscorp, Dr. Octavius, and Maria...

"Thank you for breakfast," said Maria, getting up and immediately wincing. "A-and last night. That was..."

She trailed off, turned beet red, and went to fetch her trench coat. Yeah, no need to mention the fact that the cool, intelligent woman had gotten FUCKED. Like seriously, he didn't mean to be dismissive, but it was hard to take her seriously when she had been begging for his dick just hours ago.

Maria returned and placed a black flip phone on the table. "This is a pre-paid phone with my number. Contact me when necessary."

"Understood." Felix snatched the phone up. It was brand new. From the way she took it from the inside of her jacket, she must have had loads of them. What a secretive woman.

"Until next time."

Felix saw her off. To think he would go from inviting her inside as a suspect to being allies. Then again, this was a world of conspiracies and superheroes. Felix was a living testament to that. 'I should try and get used to it,' he thought.

Speaking of phones though, he was going to have to fix Reed's phone soon.

'He had the H.E.R.B.I.E intelligence installed in the phone. It might be broken but I could probably fix it and regain its features.'

Reed was able to contact the Fantastic Computer back when they had been dismantling the bomb. The network must have been absurdly strong to be able to do that. B2 was underground, yet despite all the metal and concrete in between, his phone maintained a strong connection and was able to order Herbie (the assistant) to send out the Extremis probes. 

'With Herbie, I can pretty much do anything. If I'm close enough, I might be able to hack into local systems too. Hm...' 

The idea was an obvious one. He would be returning to Oscorp in two days. Rather than sneak around like an amateur spy, he should keep to his strengths. He was a nobody, so lean on that and hack the system. Specifically, Dr. Octavius' computer. The Oscorp network was a bit too much of a risk. Simply hacking the computer, not the entire network, was the safer option. 

A tool kit, wires, screws, and a battery, all necessary stuff to repair Reed's phone. 'Time to go outside and use some of that reimbursement money.' 

Powers aside, Felix was a scientist. Before abusing his powers, he should experiment, keep quiet, and then strike when the results are clear. That was his way of doing things. 

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