Spider-Man of Earth 65

Chapter 22 – Delicious

Friday had arrived. In other words, the fated lunch with Dr. Octavius. He woke up early that morning and stretched languidly, shaking off the remnants of sleep and sat up, his senses instantly adjusting. He checked his phone, noting that it was almost eleven. In five minutes flat, he ate breakfast and took a shower. Opening his wardrobe, he perused the options – an array of sleek shirts, ties, and well-tailored jackets.

Opting for a crisp white shirt, he paired it with charcoal-gray dress pants and completed the look with a tailored charcoal-gray jacket. Felix took a moment to ensure everything was in place. He checked his phone one last time, double-checking that the Herbie ear-piece was in place.

Outside, the sun hung low in the sky. Coffee A Go-Go was down at Manhattan's Greenwich Village, over eight miles away and in New York traffic a forty minute drive. South of Midtown Manhattan where Oscorp Tower was.

Felix opted to take the subway. He still had his pass and cut the travel time by ten minutes. As always, Herbie spoke into his ear to give him apt advice. However, for today, he opted to ignore that advice. Sometimes, it was better to act as an ordinary person than always being inhumanly efficient.

He arrived at Coffee A Go-Go and upon entry spotted a corner table near the window, Felix made his way through the cozy space, catching glimpses of artists hunched over sketchbooks and students engrossed in their studies. The ambience was relaxed yet energized.

As he settled into the chair, Herbie chimed in his ear, "Ten minutes early."

'Good to know.'

Soon, the door chimed, and Dr. Olivia Octavius entered the coffee shop. Dressed in a hippie ensemble that clashed with Felix's semi-formal attire, she exuded strange approachability. Silently, he noted the small brown satchel hanging from her shoulder.

"Felix, hello!" Dr. Octavius greeted with a warm smile, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "I hope you didn't wait too long."

"Right on time, Dr. Octavius."

"Liv, please," she insisted, her tone inviting familiarity as she took the seat opposite him. "We're off the clock."

It did seem strange to call her doctor outside of work. He shrugged, smiling, and nodded. "Okay, Liv."

The waitress soon approached their table with a warm smile and Liv glanced over the menu, a contemplative expression on her face.

"I think I'll have the scrambled eggs with avocado and a side of whole wheat toast, please."

"Excellent choice, ma'am. And for you?" The waitress turned to Felix, who had already made up his mind.

"Just a black coffee for me, thanks."

'I'm not a black coffee guy but I am curious how my newly developed taste buds would interact with it.'

The waitress gave a nod. "Sure thing. I'll get that right out for you."

The minutes passed in the comforting ambiance of Coffee A Go-Go, and soon, the waitress returned bearing a tray adorned with Liv's scrambled eggs, avocado, and whole wheat toast, along with Felix's steaming cup of black coffee.

"Here you go, folks. Enjoy your meal!"

Felix gave a nod of appreciation as the waitress departed. Liv's eyes lit up as she took her first bite, the enthusiasm for a well-prepared breakfast evident on her face. Felix couldn't help but smile at her genuine enjoyment.

"This is fantastic! You have to try some."

Felix drank his coffee instead. "Maybe next time. I already had some.."

Liv continued to enjoy her meal, savouring the flavours with each bite. The clinking of cutlery and the murmur of other patrons created a comforting backdrop to their conversation.

After a few moments, Liv set down her fork, wiping her mouth with a napkin. Her expression shifted and she became a tinge serious. "Alright, let's get down to business. Project Rebirth II is progressing well, but we're facing some unexpected challenges with the vita-ray chamber. The stability of the rays is crucial for the success of the project and we're not finding the proper balance."

Felix went straight to work-mode. "What's our deadline?"

"The higher-ups are hoping for fast results when we return to Oscorp Tower."

"And when is that supposed to be?"

"From my understanding, a month from now."

Felix wanted to sigh. Rather than that, he sipped on the black coffee. Bitter, obviously, but not as terribly overwhelming with Extremis. It was like the bitterness was dulled to his enjoyment. Felix might even say it was delicious.

Regardless, the problem at hand wasn't disappearing.

"I guess I'll do some independent overtime," Felix said.

"Sorry, but it's the way it is."

"At least I'm getting paid for this meeting."

"At least," Liv agreed with a chuckle. "Anyway, that's not what I brought you here for anyway. This was just an update since you weren't here yesterday and today. Sickness, right?" She looked him over, squinting. "You don't look sick to me."

"I got better today," Felix replied. Wanting to switch subjects, he added, "About Project New Element though…"

"Oh, yes, that." Liv crossed her arms. "Before, I had Reed helping me with it. Not officially, of course, but whenever I made progress it was because he chipped in. Such a smart boy, you know that?"

"I know," he said, bitter.

"I'm so close," Liv said, fingers tightening on her arms. "I'm so close to completing it."

"But you haven't explained to me what it is. I'm not sure I can help if you're vague."

Liv looked around the coffee shop as if suspecting someone was listening in. Herbie buzzed in his head to tell him no—there was no one listening digitally. Felix's own enhanced senses informed him that no one was listening either. Everyone here were measly art students.

Liv, her paranoia melting away, leaned in, arms still crossed, and whispered, "Do you know of Sajani Jaffrey?"

"The woman that discovered Reverbium? Yeah, I know of her. She made headlines."

Reverbium was an artificial version of Wakanda's Vibranium. Initially, its creation caused ripples in the military and electronics industry. Vibranium was already a rare substance that Wakanda sold for the highest bidder and any replacement was welcomed by the international world. Upon being introduced to the world, Sajani Jaffrey was propelled into stardom and billionaire status. Reverbium threatened the monopoly Wakanda held over the world and thus began investigating the artificial metal's properties.

The scientists at Wakanda concluded that, while potent and certainly greater than any metal other than Wakandan Vibranium, it was also highly unstable. Its atomic structure made it less resilient than their natural Vibranium and rather than absorbing vibrational and kinetic energy, it did the opposite and pushed it away. It functioned phenomenally as a weapon of destruction and nothing more. It did not suit the needs of the electronics market.

Then, the international world did a deep dive on Reverbium and came to discover that the right particle bombardment was able to send its subatomic structure crumbling into dust. Thus, its reputation and overall usefulness in the military world was compromised.

Reverbium became another failed knock-off attempt at Vibranium. A long line of failures that made Wakanda's natural Vibranium seem all that much more impressive.

"Reverbium is just a puzzle of the puzzle. A metal needed to construct a certain particle accelerator capable of creating a new element. I have the blueprint, I have the calculations. I just need the equipment to properly synthesize it," Liv said in a hush.

Felix narrowed his eyes, stopping to drink his coffee before asking, "You want to create a new element? For what?"

"Project New Element is the key to limitless, renewable, clean energy. It's the key…to everything, really. Think about the billions of people we can help. The power of the sun in the palm of humanity's hands." Her eyes were bright and gleaming with hope, then fell into darkness. "All his life, my brother dreamt of a Tritium powered energy generator, a harmonic reinforcement that would create a perpetual sun. A source of renewable energy. Unfortunately, he never had the resources to make his dream come to fruition. He worked for the government and even Oscorp, doing his very best to gain the necessary leverage for the project, but in the end, he died without accomplishing it."

Otto Octavius, the man responsible for sending the classified SHIELD report on Cindy Moon to Oscorp. He left the company a month after and was replaced by the woman in front of him. He patented a working pair of tentacle-like arms, identical to the ones Liv often used. Meaning…

'Otto Octavius worked for SHIELD and Oscorp,' Felix deduced. 'And then worked for another group that gave him better pay. It all makes sense. He worked for SHIELD and Oscorp and got frustrated that he wasn't able to attain his dream. Some new company must have approached him and so he sold classified SHIELD information to Oscorp and then left both. He got the money and he got a new lab to boot.'

Either Liv was oblivious to that or she was feeding him a sob story. He couldn't tell.

"I'm sorry," Felix said. "I'm sure he was a great man."

Liv's eyes were full of determination, however. "I know and I don't want his memory to go in vain. If I can combine Reverbium, True Adamantium, and Wakanda's Vibranium, I think I can create the necessary small-sized particle accelerator to synthesize my theoretical element. Something that will actually help the world and not some arbitrary few."

"It does sound great in theory—"

"Here are the papers." She opened the brown satchel on her lap and brought out a thin, brown folder. "It's just a summary, not the nitty-gritty," Liv explained.

"Huh." Felix didn't anticipate her actually bringing the folder. His fingers traced the edges of the brown folder as he opened it, revealing the thin twenty-some pages of papers within. One by one, flip by flip, he scanned the pages.

Two minutes, five minutes, ten minutes. He read and read and read till he was finished. Liv waited with bated breath and clasped hands.

"It's expensive," was the first thing Felix said after completion.

"I know."

"I doubt Oscorp will fund a theoretical particle accelerator described here."

"I know." She let go of the tension inside her, sighing out loud. She squirmed in her seat and sighed. "There…there is an investor. A very famous and delicate investor, mind you, who we may have to convince if we want this to work."

"Who might that be?"

"...Princess Shuri of Wakanda," Liv stated, slightly nervous. "She's the only person with the ambitions, intelligence, and money to support us. And if she's there, then Oscorp will feel more comfortable too."

'So Maria was right after all,' Felix thought, smiling in his head. 'She really is a phenomenal detective.'

"Princess Shuri?" Felix feigned surprise. "How in the world will we even be able to meet her?"

"There's a charity next week held by the Oscorp executives. Everyone important in New York is coming, including her. She's an ambassador for, well, a lot of things so she's usually here. That's where we strike." Liv rubbed her hands together, eyeing him nervously. "Can I count on you to help?"

"I mean…" Felix stared at his coffee, pretending to contemplate his decision. Little did his boss know that this was exactly what he had been waiting for. "...if I can help with something as important as this, then sure." He inhaled and added with total honesty, "For Reed."

"For Reed," Liv said.

The date was set. Next week, Friday, on May 12th was when he would go to the charity party of the rich and powerful. In his pocket, his phone suddenly buzzed.

"You can go pick it up," Liv said, standing up. "I have somewhere else to be. It was a good talk."

"Yeah, see you, boss."

Liv smiled and practically skipped away. Meanwhile, Felix checked his notification. Someone had sent him a message.

> Jessica: hey (;

> Jessica: i woke up wet this morning

Following the message was a picture of her sliding down her black panties.

'Oh boy.'


Felix knew he'd return to the Chelsea neighbourhood but not this soon. 'Jessica is one horny chick.'

Not that he minded. Due to his condition, while he wasn't perpetually horny himself, his hormones did flare up stronger than the ordinary man. Put simply, jerking off once a day was almost necessary. Almost. At the very least, it tempered his loads into something manageable.

Brownstone homes were to his right as he walked the sidewalk. He had taken the bus with Herbie at the helm of navigation. With the AI, Felix was able to follow the most efficient path possible. As he approached Jessica's home, from the distance, he saw someone carrying boxes out of the door. An ordinary person wouldn't have been able to make out the face but Felix could, as well as Herbie with the public cameras.

"Officer identified: Luke Cage."

Felix didn't need Herbie to tell him that. Her ex-husband was an officer/detective and a police car was right outside her door. Of course it had to be him.

'Wow, he's bigger than I expected.'

Felix slowed his pace, his eyes locked on the back of the NYPD detective who was busy putting the boxes in the trunk of his car. Six-foot-six…yeah, up close, it was quite intimidating. If only Felix didn't treat a thousand pounds like air, then maybe he would have felt an inkling of fear. After all, during their nightly activities Jessica gave out a lot of comparisons and Luke unfortunately came up short every single time.

Luke failed to notice Felix, circling to his car door, getting inside, and promptly driving off. Felix blinked twice and jogged over to Jessica's door, giving a couple light knocks.

The door opened, with Jessica rolling her eyes as she did so. "Luke, I said text—oh, it's you." Her frustration turned into a coy smile. "You arrived right on time, stud."

***(R18+ Start)***

What a fucking switch. With Luke, there was frustration. With Felix, Jessica was loving and patient. Wearing a loose yellow t-shirt and…no pants. Bare legs for him to glance out.

"Come on in. I'm feeling…" She turned, her back to him, the end of her shirt revealing that she wore racy black panties. As soon as he stepped inside and closed the door behind him, she pushed him into a kiss. "Mmmm…heated. Veery heated."

Her hand went down to his crotch, her hand finding the shape of his member. Her lips were joined to his and it was only after a tango of tongues that she ended.

"I hope you haven't jerked off."

Even if he did, it didn't matter. His balls would refill like a perpetually endless gas tank. "Maybe I did," Felix taunted.

"Ooh, bad boy." One hand stroked his cheek and she initiated a kiss before quickly breaking it. She smirked, and went down, down, down, all the while holding eye contact. On her knees, her hands slipped down the waistband of his pants and yanked them down.

His thick, heavy cock bounced out, falling on top of her head. Leaning against the door, his cock on her smiling face, Felix found himself getting hard fast.

Jessica tilted her face up and slid her tongue along the underside of his shaft. Felix shuddered and quickly reached full mast. "A big, fat cock. Just what I need after a stupid talk with my ex." Her hand stroked the base of his length.

"What did he want, if you don't mind me asking?"

Jessica shifted back so her face met the bellend of his cock. The thickness, the shape, and the slight curve at the tip was lovely in her view. She gave a long lick up the glans, her sweet tongue coating the sensitive area as well as the cumhole. His ballsack dangled nicely, so she gave them some attention too. She went top to bottom with her tongue, lathering the satchel in her saliva column by column.

"Good girl," Felix praised in a husky mutter.

Her nails lightly scratched the back of his sack. Her tongue, once finished, returned back to his shaft, going all the way across till she reached the tip. "Mwah!" Following a kiss to the flared tip, both her hands got to work, jerking him off languidly.

"Why was my dear ex-husband Luke here? Missing papers. That's it. The reason he visited wasn't for me or our marriage, but papers." Schlap–! Schlap–! Schlap–! Her handjob was a little lazy but very effective. It was the type of technique earned from experience. "Honestly, I'm not mad or disappointed, but he could have given me a heads-up. I texted you and the minute I did he came knocking on my door. Like, you could have given me a heads up an hour or two ago." She shook her head, pretending as if they weren't engaging in the most lewd of activities. "The guy doesn't know boundaries."


Such casual movements yet such effectiveness. Felix stood there, sighing as he basked in the glory of the divorced woman's handjob. She purposely collected the pre-cum that leaked and used it to quicken her pace, hence why the schalping noises grew louder and louder. She knew what she was doing and she did it out of instinct and experience.

Put simply, Jessica Jones was sublime in the art of handjobs. He suspected it was because she was slightly drunk. She mentioned a couple times that the more she drank, the better at sex she got. Even though it was noon, Jessica struck him as the type of person that drank a bottle of beer whenever it was within arm's length.

Maybe that was a contributing factor for her husband's fast acceptance towards their divorce. She was too much of an alcoholic.

Well, whatever. She was sucking his dick now and that was all that mattered to him.

"In your case though…" Still jerking him off, still giving him that casual build-up of pressure, she looked up at him with a strong pair of fuck-me eyes. "...I don't mind a lack of boundaries. Big dicks get big privileges in my book, don't you agree?"

Felix smiled back down. "Definitely."

With that said, she opened her mouth wide and swallowed him whole. Felix's knees almost buckled as her tongue swirled around his cockhead. She seemed to recognize that he was sensitive there and did everything she could do please it. She began with a swirling tongue and added a light prodding to his cum hole. Whatever pre-cum escaped, she would instantly swallow it.

Felix stared down and placed a hand on her hair. She enjoyed his touch and looked up at him with a nod. She returned to her vigorous blowjob and Felix inhaled sharply.

Fuck, she was skilled. Jessica, while great at sex, seemed to enjoy giving blowjobs more. Judging by her eyes, it was an obsession almost. She craved the taste of cock and the approval of her man. Her ex-husband wouldn't give either, but Felix would.

In fact, he would give her more than that. He was going to make her swallow his seed.

Throbbing madly, he soon found himself breathing heavily and approaching his first climax of the day. The fatter cock was noticeable to Jessica.

"I'm almost there…!"

His comment invoked a strong response in her. She went faster. Her mouth went deeper. She sucked harder. Everything about her blowjob kicked into high gear. She upped her efforts even as her mouth stretched around the pulsating girth of his cock.

Her hands, meanwhile, trailed down his nutsack. One hand cupped his right testicle gently while the other pumped his cock silly. It was as though as she was trying to milk him in every way she knew possible.

It worked. Quickly, he was spiralling towards another orgasm. He controlled his breath, feeling his balls clench and ache at the teasing it received, spreading the sensation over to his rigid member. The pressure was impossible resist.


Schlap–! Schlap–! Schlap–!

A dutiful hand and a glorious mouth. What more could a man ask for?

"Nngh, I'm cumming!"

The answer was cumming inside a woman's throat. Throb, throb, throb! Spurt, spurt, spurt! Several globs of cum quickly went down her throat. At first, she was capable of swallowing. But then, she found herself slightly overwhelmed and his throbbing cock popped out with a distinct pop!

Spurt, spurt, spurt!

Jessica didn't mind. Not even a little bit. The beast she had tried taming had gone out of her grasp. This was her punishment. She closed her eyes and waited with a bright smile.

Panting, jerking himself off, Felix shot out six thick dashes of cum flicked onto her face. Two of them landed on her eyebrows and another pair across her cheek and ear. One particularly long string of cum that went from her forehead down to her lips pittered down her chin and naked thigh.

There was a moment of stillness as his cock quivered and dripped with cum. He hadn't gone soft though. No way, not when there was a woman dripping in his white seed.

Jessica opened her eyes, still smiling, and licked her lips. "Delicious."

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