Spider-Man of Earth 65

Chapter 35 – The Date

An eerie silence went by, each second like a tick on a grandfather clock.

Mr. Negative slapped aside Otomo's hand. "Like I said, I don't care for Spider-Man. All that matters to me is killing Norman Osborn. Spider-Man is an obstacle, nothing more."

Otomo hissed in pain, the brief contact burning his skin. The hierarchy, though blurry, had shifted toward Mr. Negative. "I understand."

"Then understand that I want Crossbones in my next expedition. The only reason I haven't corrupted you is because your brain would melt before I could get anything useful. That's all."

'Noted,' Felix thought. 'The corruption is temporary and has an intense effect on the brain.' 

With a decisive turn, Mr. Negative made his exit, leaving behind a palpable tension that lingered long after his departure. As he retreated with his men, the sense of foreboding only intensified. Otomo nursed his stinging hand and cast a wary glance towards his ninja henchmen.

"Tell everyone to shift gears," Otomo said. "Spider-Man and Mr. Negative. They are both too dangerous to be left wandering."

The ninja in black gave a nod and pressed a finger into his temple, activating transmissions. Herbie immediately picked up on it and figured out that it was a "have-quick" encryption. Put simply, the paired radios were synced up according to a GPS time signal and hopped frequencies while transmitting in a predetermined pattern. Without the pattern and programmed radio, receiving the message was impossible.

Unless, of course, someone were to be connected to the most advanced supercomputer in the 21st century. Deciphering the message was easy as pie. Felix smiled under his mask. 'Now, Herbie can intercept any and all messages from these ninjas. Perfect.' The gap in technology was simply too vast. It would take two or three hundred years in order for his enemies to have the technology ready to fight him. Felix couldn't wait for the day that he received Master Control. One year, he just needed to wait one year…

Lying on the steel container, the nightly air suddenly picked up and he was reminded that he was in something of a precarious position. Slowly, he got up. Mr. Negative was off the ship and now in the shipyard, walking to his car patiently.

'He's definitely going to find out that I invaded his base. After that…' Felix cringed and glanced down at the bald Japanese man. 'That guy is going to encourage Mr. Negative to chase me. For whatever reason, this guy wants me dead.' He chewed on the thought, then blinked. 'Actually…this is fine. Yeah, more than fine.' 

A plan was brewing in his head—a very close, brash plan, but a plan nonetheless. Felix crept up to his feet and stealthily backed away. As much as he wanted to follow Otomo, the issue was his band of ninjas. From his understanding, the Hand was an organization full of highly trained ninjas. Felix sincerely doubted he would lose in a fight. However, fighting and stealth were two very separate skill sets. Felix wasn't so foolish as to believe he could outmaneuver a ninja of that level. From a physical standpoint, he was built to prey and hunt stealthily like a spider. On the other hand, his mind wasn't so he backed away. He lunged off the ship and web-swung back to Pier C, all the while Herbie relayed to him all the transmissions of the Hand:

"Send two units on locations Mr. Negative regularly visits—"

"Information regarding Spider-Man? Nothing. All traces of his existence are unknown."

"Lack of presence suggests a mentality much more serious than Master Spider."

"Neither his speed nor strength is inferior to Master Spider. Either this Spider-Man has also been trained like her or he is naturally superior to her."

Felix was crouching, listening to the voices. 'Woah, woah, what!? Master Spider!? Are they…talking about Gwen? Was she a part of the Hand Once?' 

What the hell…what was this organization? It didn't change the plan but it did give room for pause. Gwen Stacy, Spider-Woman…was a ninja? Why? For what reason? Was it for long? Did she betray them? They called her Master Spider so she must have been a higher-up too…

"Update," Herbie began. "Officer Benjamin Grimm has successfully reported to Commissioner Karnik regarding his kidnapping." 


"He did not mention your presence." 

Felix let out a sigh of relief. "Good."

There were so many mysteries in this world. Too many. One by one, Felix planned to strip them all. At this point, it felt like an obligation to do so. He was too deep to back out now. 


The next morning, with the first rays of sunlight filtering through the curtains, Felix stood outside Rio Morales' door. Yesterday had been one hell of a day and from what Herbie told him the Hand was officially joining Mr. Negative on the manhunt for Spider-Man. Everything was low-key and in the shadows, hidden from the public.

'Ugh, would it be weird? Yesterday, she knocked on my door and I ignored it. If I try apologizing now, it would definitely be weird.' Felix ran a hand through his hair. 'Screw it, I'll just say it's a coincidence. Who cares if she believes it or not. I...want to see her.'

So Felix, standing in front of Rio's door anxiously, was wasting the manpower of the biggest gangs in New York without having to lift a finger. While they were scrambling like maniacs to find him, Felix lightly knocked against the wood door like a boy asking out his first crush. 

Surprised by the unexpected visitor at such an early hour, Rio opened the door with a quizzical expression. Her features softened in his presence. "Felix? What brings you here so early?"

Wearing a white gown, slightly drowsy and hair frazzled from the morning, she appeared docile and cute. Blinking away and waiting for a response. 

Felix offered a charming smile, his gaze earnest as he met her eyes. "I hope I'm not intruding, Rio. I just thought we could grab a cup of coffee together."

"Coffee…?" The request didn't immediately seep in. Once it did, she brightened up and nodded eagerly. "Sure, why not? Oh, but it's so early…eh, it's fine. I'll get dressed in fifteen minutes." She flashed him a smile before closing the door. Felix blinked and waited with a smile.

Rio Morales returned, dressed simply but beautifully. A red flutter sleeve blouse, wide-leg pants, golden hoop earrings, and two bead necklaces. Her makeup was minimal, with just a touch of blush and lipstick, and her curly brown hair pulled in a loose side ponytail. She smiled and asked, "I hope I didn't keep you waiting long." 

"It's fine." He was already dressed, wearing black slacks and a blue buttoned-up shirt, on top of wearing the advanced glasses. Since it featured Herbie, he entertained himself by listening to the struggles of the Hand and the Maggia. The two big groups were coordinating with each other to track him: Spider-Man. Alas, there was nothing. Absolutely nothing. An hour ago, because of Officer Grimm's report, the Inner Demons' base was invaded. The big clash between the NYPD and the Inner Demons ended in the favour of the police. Mr. Negative was able to flee but many of his lackeys were not as fortunate. The base was also the primary source for his gang's weaponry. Felix was sure Mr. Negative had other locations but this specific warehouse was the most vital to his operation. Without it, he would have to delay his plans to attack Grand Central by a couple weeks.

Because of what they found, Commissioner Nalini Karnik had Officer Grimm start an investigation on Martin Li and Li Shipping. So far, everything was going exactly as planned. Whatever blood Felix left behind in the warehouse either intermingled or was removed due to the explosive battle. Even if they did miraculously find his blood, due to Herbie, he could delete it right as it was processed into the NYPD database and replace it with someone else's. There would be no records tracing the blood back to Felix. 

The benefits of a 24/7 supercomputer were endless. Simply put, Felix could go out on a date with a nice single mother like Rio and not have to worry in the slightest. 

"By the way…" Rio leaned forward and booped his glasses. "This is new."

"Ah, yeah." He pushed his glasses back. "I've always needed glasses but up until recently I wore contact lenses."

"What changed?"

"I work home now."

"Ah." Rio looked him up and down. "I like the nerdy look. It suits you."

"You think? I'll consider it a permanent style then."

Admittedly, Rio's compliment brought a warm flush to Felix's cheeks, a sensation he wasn't entirely accustomed to. To alleviate himself, he gestured toward the direction of the elevator. Rio giggled and walked over with style. 

The café wasn't too far. A fifteen minute walk from their condo complex and huddled between dozens of restaurants. The chalkboard at the front displayed today's special drink: Butterbeer Frappuccino. Rio seemed enamored. As they went inside, they were greeted by the dark, earthly aroma of freshly brewed coffee. 

"Let's split it fifty-fifty," Rio suggested as they took a seat. 

"Oh, there's—"

"Trust me, I drink a lot. You'll order maybe one drink and I'll have four." Rio's smile grew excited. "I love drinking coffee and tea and bubble tea. It's an obsession of mine."

Considering his metabolism, he doubted he was going to stick with one. Still, fifty-fifty was fifty-fifty and less money to spend. The waiter came by and Rio gave her orders instantly, like a mantra.

"Wintermelon Milk Tea, Double Chocolaty Chip Crème Frappuccino, Cinnamon Caramel Cream Nitro Cold Brew, and…the new Butterbeer Frappuccino. Thank you!"

Wow, okay. Was she also secretly bitten by a radioactive spider? That was a ludicrous amount of caffeine and sugar. 

"And you?" the waitress asked.

"I'll get whatever she's having."

Rio was genuinely surprised yet pleased by his order. 'Unlike you, I can drink all of this without getting a heart attack. I think. Regardless, it will make for a good experiment.'

Once a scientist, always a scientist. 

The waiter returned shortly with their orders, setting down the array of drinks before them. Rio's eyes lit up with excitement as she surveyed the assortment of beverages, while Felix couldn't help but feel a twinge of apprehension at the sheer variety in front of them. 

"Wow, this all looks amazing!" Rio clapped her hands together. "Let's dive in!"

Felix chuckled nervously, eyeing the drinks warily. "I hope you have a strong stomach," he remarked with a playful grin, reaching for the Wintermelon Milk Tea first.

Rio wasted no time in taking a sip of the Double Chocolaty Chip Crème Frappuccino, her expression lighting up with delight at the rich, chocolatey flavor. "Mmm, this is divine!" she exclaimed, taking another sip eagerly.

"You're just going to taste them one by one?"

"First taste test, then actual drinking," Rio clarified. "It's like a game."

Meanwhile, Felix's taste buds tingled from the Wintermelon. Going from that to the Frappuccino felt weird.

Next up was the Butterbeer Frappuccino, and Rio's eyes practically sparkled with excitement as she took her first sip. "Oh wow. I thought it would be super thick but it's not!" A wide grin spread across her face.

Felix took the plunge and drank Butterbeer Frappuccino too. 'It's super, super sugary…and bitter at the end,' Felix thought. Another sip. 'It's good.' Sip. 'Okay, it's great.' Siiip. 'Alright, alright, it's awesome.' 

To his surprise, he found himself nodding in agreement with Rio's assessment. "You're right, this is pretty spot-on," he admitted, feeling a sense of satisfaction at discovering a new favorite drink.

"Ah, Felix," Rio began, her eyes curious as she leaned forward slightly, "did you hear about the attack on King T'Challa during the Oscorp charity event?"

Right, it was his company, of course she would ask. "Yeah, crazy stuff. I was actually at the charity but luckily I got out before the attack."

Rio's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she leaned in, eager to hear more. "Really!? You met the King of Wakanda?"

Felix nodded casually, taking another sip of his Butterbeer Frappuccino. "Yep, saw him at the Oscorp charity event."

Rio's expression turned incredulous. "But he was there, in your breathing room!"

"Yep," Felix confirmed with a nonchalant shrug.

Unable to contain her excitement, Rio pressed on with her questions. "What was he like? I mean, in person?"

Felix paused for a moment, reflecting on his brief encounter with the esteemed king. "Regal," he finally answered, his tone tinged with admiration. "I've met a lot of people, but he's the only one who truly looked, acted, and sounded like a king."

Rio's curiosity only seemed to grow as she leaned in closer. "And his voice?" she inquired eagerly.

Felix couldn't help but chuckle at the memory. "Literally as deep as it sounds in the conferences," he replied, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Their laughter filled the air, mingling with the chatter of the bustling café. Rio talked about Miles and how he was still asleep at this time of day. Felix discussed his coworkers and some of their quirks, like Kavita Rao's obsession with Star Wars. Rio, to his dismay, had only seen the original trilogy.

"We have to watch the prequels," Felix said. "They're awesome.

"Uh-huh. Miles says the same thing but I dunno. I hear they were bad." Rio sipped on her Frappuccino with a raised brow and a smile. "Unless...you're inviting me for another date?" She was teasing him. Ha.

"Date or not, as long as we watch those movies, I'm okay with it," Felix replied, grinning back.

"Then it's settled. It'll be a date," Rio said.

Half an hour later, after emptying all their drinks and splitting the bill fifty-fifty (Rio was still insistent on it), they went out. The morning air was crisp and invigorating, a stark contrast to the cozy warmth of the café they had just left behind. 

Strolling along the streets of Harlem, Rio couldn't help but express her amazement at Felix and his unfazed expression. "I have to say, I'm impressed by your metabolism," she remarked with a chuckle. "You drank all of those sugary drinks, and you're still going strong!"

Felix flashed her a grin, his eyes bright with amusement. "Right back at you."

"Haha, I'm a connoisseur. It's different."

"Then just call me luck in that department," he replied modestly. 

Continuing on their way, Rio decided to take a shortcut through an alleyway to save time. Bad move. Herbie instantly warned Felix off a man in the shadows. It was hard to tell whether he was friend or foe, though by the time Rio made the turn, it was too late. She was already three steps ahead, gesturing at him to come faster. "Don't worry, Miles and I walk—"

"Hand over your wallets, and nobody gets hurt."

Only for Rio to freeze and slowly peer over her shoulder. Felix's senses immediately went on high alert. He felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins, his mind racing to assess the situation and formulate a plan. The figure stepped forward, revealing himself to be a hooded man with a glinting knife held menacingly in his hand. His eyes gleamed with malice as he repeated his demand for their wallets. Rio slowly turned her body, eyes widened in fear, her breath catching in her throat.

"That's…" Rio swallowed up her fear and took another step back. "We don't want any trouble."

Drawing upon his training and instincts, Felix took a step forward, positioning himself between Rio and the inching assailant.

The hooded man hesitated for a moment, taken aback by Felix's boldness. But before he could react, Felix sprang into action, his body moving with ferocious grace as he launched a series of calculated punches at the assailant. His fists blurred as he aimed for the man's vulnerable points, delivering precise blows with the skill of someone who had trained for moments like these. He was calm, never letting his breath go too fast. Every desperate swing was coolly dodged. With each strike, he drove the assailant deeper into a state of insanity. 



It was a single-sided beatdown. Bam! Bam! Bam! 

As the hooded man staggered backward, Felix seized the opportunity to disarm him, looping his arm around his shoulder, dislocating it, and causing the knife to slip from his grasp in pain. After that—


A clean punch to the nose. Robbery…over. Felix rolled his shoulder, staring down at the poor man. 'Maybe I went a little too hard…eh, whatever.'

Behind him, he sensed high emotion. For a second, he thought he had shown too much—

"Y-you…" Rio was flabbergasted. Arms limp and jaw dropped, she eventually pulled herself back together and let out a small laugh. "Y-you just beat the shit out of him! Wow, that's amazing! Do you do karate or something?"

Felix blinked. Was it just him or was she way too happy about this? "Not karate. A bit off MMA though."

"Wow, that…I should get Miles enrolled into that." Rio tucked a piece of hair over her ear, laughing. Stepping in close, she glanced at his right hand. "Um, may I see it?"

"Huh?" Felix lifted his hand out of instinct and confusion. "Oh, I'm—"

She touched his hand and checked it. It came as a little bit of a surprise and he jolted. Rio's hands were addictingly soft. Her darker complexion was so very evident against his beige hand. "No injuries." She looked up at him with a smile full of relief. "I'm glad."

There was a certain sadness in her eyes. An expectation that maybe he wouldn't be okay. That it was going to be her fault that he was hurt. 

Felix smiled at her and let her caress his hand with her thumb. He had saved people before. Not many but the numbers were quickly racking up. The lady he saved from a purse robbery, King T'Challa, Princess Ororo, the innocents at the Oscorp charity party, Officer Grimm…

However, this was the first time Felix felt truly happy about it. 

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