Spire's Spite

Chapter 25

The world lurched and Fritz woke, this was one of the better ways to wake. What with the luxurious conditions of the carriage but also the fact he wasn’t in immediate danger. He hoped. Stretching into the suitably soft seat. He groaned as his aches from the day’s battles and challenges reasserted themselves painfully.

“Oi, get out! We’re here!” yelled the beast pulling the carriage, his booming tones jolting Fritz out of his stupor. Fritz looked around blearily, not knowing how long he had slept. It must have been a couple of hours considering how refreshed he felt, even if he was more than a little beat up.

The carriage door swung open letting in the dim light from the eternally setting sun. Fritz got to his feet gingerly, then steadied himself. He took inventory of his equipment, making sure he had everything he came with. It was all there, save his gifts to the Duskmoth. Then he eyed Bert, he was paler than he had been but his breath was definitely that of rest not struggle.

Fritz sighed in relief, reassured that Bert was okay, for now. He grabbed his sacks and bags and affixed them, then he slung Bert over his back and brought him down the carriage steps. The last step was lower than the previous ones and jolted Fritz as he took it. He froze as he heard Bert grunt in pain.

Setting his shoulders and staring ahead he determined to leave this realm as soon as he could, he couldn’t wait for his friend to be back and free of pain. He looked around the dense grey forest he found himself in, turned to speak to the grumbling Geraldo.

“Where’s the Door?” Fritz asked.

The horrible hare rolled its eyes at him, causing Fritz’s eye to twitch.

“Muddy mortals. Can’t see what’s right in front of them,” Geraldo grumbled.

Fritz searched the trees, looking for the outline of a Door in their bark.

“You could try looking down, if your mortal pride could bear it,” The hare added.

Fritz did so, suppressing the urge to yell at the great, dumb rabbit. There on the ground about ten feet away was a familiar circle of luminescent lavender mushroom tendrils. How were we ever meant to find this? The Spire really didn’t want us to survive at all, Fritz griped inwardly.

Staggering forward Fritz heard a low complaint from behind.

“Not even a ‘thank you’, muddy mortals.”

“Thank you! Oh, great Geraldo!” Fritz called over his shoulder, “I hope you are eaten by an eagle, then fed to its eagle babies, you muddy mole,” he added in a whisper.

“I’m not a mole, look nothing like one,” Geraldo responded rapidly. Fritz smirked knowing he’d annoyed the creature with his inane comparison.

“Sounds like something a muddy mole would say,” Fritz said in a sing-song manner as he stood within the glowing circle. He could feel that cool gelatinous feeling on his skin again so he shut his eyes and strode forward. He heard Geraldo yell something out but it was rendered into garbled nonsense as he strode both one step and countless miles.

He stepped up into a stone room, the same colour as the stone from the third floor. He didn’t pay much attention to that though, he searched hard for the Well, his eyes jumping from plinth to plinth, seeing all the shattered remains of statues. He saw whole statues of Sid, Veronica, Toby, Jane, Lynn, Naomi then his own and right next to it on the same pedestal Bert’s.

Fritz pushed forward, the last stretch. He reached the pedestal, grabbed Bert’s hand and placed it upon the statue that depicted Bert. The Power left the idol, poured into Bert, Fritz could feel it. He lay Bert down and Fritz put his hand on his chest. Watching his still-open wounds. “Come on heal,” He whispered.

When nothing happened Fritz began to worry, dread again pooling up in his chest, making him feel heavy, about to drown. “Damn it,” He hissed. He felt the Power chanting in Bert’s chest, waiting to be used. Fritz tried to wake his friend, tried to get him to use the Power. But he didn’t stir, maybe he was worse off than I suspected? Was I too slow? Is he still going to die? Is there nothing I can do?

Fritz tried again to wake Bert, slapping him, splashing the last of his water over his face. The only change was Bert’s breath getting weaker, slower. Fritz returned his hand to his friend's chest and could feel the Power there, could hear some sort of chanting. He listened, trying to pick out the words.

He titled and lay his head on Bert’s chest, listening with all his might. Just a little close and I could-

The room spun and he was pulled down in a familiar sensation, but he wasn’t being drawn down into his own sanctum. No he was falling, falling into Bert. He hit the ground hard, throwing up a small cloud of sand. He looked around bewildered, no longer in the rubble-filled Well Room. He was in some sort of stadium, blurry faceless people crowded in tall stands of pale stone. They chanted uproariously.

“Al-Bert! Al-Bert! Al-Bert!” They cried, screamed and yelled.

Albert, that's why he was here, looking for Albert. Fritz spun, glancing through the stands. No, not there idiot. Fritz angrily thought, turning his searching eyes to the sandy arena floor and spotting a beaten and bloody body in its centre. He sprinted to the body's side and saw what he expected. A barely recognisable Bert, covered in bruises, blood and broken skin.

He touched the body and felt, resistance? “Bert, It’s me, It’s Fritz.,” He yelled over the crowd. He thought he could feel stirring, and the resistance faded and a light flashed before his eyes. That same glyphic language from his own Sanctum.


Stunned Fritz just blurted out, “Anything that stops him from dying.”


The crowd roared louder and louder, building to a deafening crescendo. Fritz was yanked hard into the pale blue sky, the stone area swirled below him and he found himself thrown out of where he just was.

Coming to, he found he was sweating, his head pounded as he raised it off of Bert’s chest. He let himself hope as he looked to Bert’s stab wounds. He grinned. Bert’s wounds had sealed, his paleness was fading, and he was breathing deeply, powerfully. Fritz took that moment to weep silently, holding his shirt sleeves over his leaking eyes and nose.

He let himself feel the fear and stress piled up from Bert’s wounding, then he let it melt away as he revelled in his triumph. He pulled it off, the impossibility of what he had gone through really sunk in then and he nearly whooped in joy. Still, he sat in quiet until he had full control of his dulled faculties and wild emotions.

Fritz registered a soft snoring from behind the statue's pedestal, a snoring he thought he recognised. The tears stopped and his grin reapplied itself. He crept around the statue's base as quiet as a mouse. Spotting a sleeping Sid. He’s so cute when he’s sleeping, Fritz mused, then frowned, where did that come from?

Fritz sat, cleared his throat and made sure he had no tears or snot running down his face then said in his best serious tone, “I thought you said you wouldn’t wait for me, Sid?”

Sid sat up startled, stared around in a daze, saw Fritz, squeaked, then wrapped his arm around his chest. His strangely busty chest, Fritz frowned again. Feeling he was on the cusp of unravelling some sort of grand secret.

“Fritz, don’t go sneaking up on me like that!” Sid yelled in an unusually high tone. Then his jaw dropped. He seemed to have realised the fact that Fritz was here when he should be trapped on the previous floor was unusual or rather, impossible.

“How?” Sid near whispered unbelieving looking at him in wonder.

“Hidden Door, met some Faeries, then rode a carriage here. Simple stuff really,” Fritz responded offhandedly.

“A Hidden Door. Of course,” Sid spat, “Spire lied to us.”

“It technically didn’t, but basically yeah,” Fritz agreed grin sliding off his face as he remembered the despair he had felt when he thought himself trapped. Shaking himself out of that rut quickly he put on a serious face and asked the question that had now been burning at him for the past minute.

“Sid… are you perchance... a woman?”

Sid groaned, confirming his accusation. Fritz smirked and nodded in commiseration.

“What’s it to you, Fritz,” She eventually replied abandoning her gruff, manly voice.

“Nothing, nothing at all,” Fritz smugly smiled, relieved he didn’t have to do any introspection on his strange reactions to Sid.

Sid searched his face, then glared at him with her pretty blue eyes, “You're an idiot, Fritz.”

“He is. A complete moron.” Bert’s voice called out heartily.

Fritz grinned with joy, happy to finally hear his best friend's voice again. Bert walked around the corner to join them, cradling his wounded side.

“I uncovered a well-hidden secret. How am I a moron exactly?” Fritz questioned.

“Are you being serious, Fritz? You only just figured out that Sid was a woman?” Bert asked concern writ plain over his face.

“You knew?” Sid asked incredulously.

“I thought everyone knew, the scarf is a dead giveaway,” Bert remarked sitting down and giving a small yawn.

Sid and Fritz’s eyes met bewildered.

“What?” Fritz asked confused.

“It’s made of wool. Women love wool,” Bert explained as though it was the simplest thing in the world.

Sid and Fritz's glances met again as if to see if either of them had heard this particular factoid. They both shook their heads slightly one after the other.

“Bert... I’m wearing wool, my pants are wool,” Fritz said.

“Well, Fritz, you’ve never been the most manly of men,” Bert condescended, rifling through his pack and pulling out a portion of smoked fish meat.

“Bert... your pants are wool too,” Fritz added in annoyance.

Bert froze for a moment, his hand stopping before he put the smoked fish in his mouth. He glanced between the two, smiled an infuriating smile, shrugged and said, “I was still right.” Bert chomped down on his rations, eating like a starving man.

Sid and Fritz sat in disbelief, then burst out laughing.

“What!?” Bert said through a mouthful of fish.

“I take it back, you’re both idiots,” Sid said through her laughter.

“And I’m also hungry, give me some of that swordfish,” Fritz demanded. Bert complied handing him some, Fritz tore it in half and offered some to Sid who took it gratefully.

They ate in quiet, giggling often hitting them in small fits out of nowhere. Then Sid asked, “Faeries huh?”

“Yep,” Fritz replied eloquently. Then seeing Bert’s keen interest and Sid’s dogged determination, he summarised what had happened past the Hidden Door. He played it down as best he could but he still found himself explaining it like it were a dream. It felt like one and some events were strangely cloudy in his memory.

“So you got a princess to blow me while I was dying, is that what you’re saying?” Bert asked, suggestively waggling his eyebrows.

Sid laughed in shock and disgust while Fritz merely smiled politely at the vulgar inference then continued his tale. He ended his story on the strangeness he had experienced in what he guessed was Bert’s Sanctum. He withheld the details of its appearance because that sort of stuff was private and he didn’t know if Bert wanted him to tell Sid about it.

“That explains it,” Bert said after a moment of awkward silence after Fritz finished telling the story. “It was dark, I think I was dying, something was there asking if I trusted Fritz, I must have said yes, 'cause here I am.”

“What Powers did you choose for me, Fritz?” Bert asked, not at all put out.

“I uh. I don’t know I just said I didn’t want you to die,” Fritz admitted embarrassed.

“Awww,” Sid said unhelpfully.

“Then I was thrown out, and your Sanctum said the choices had been applied,” Fritz shrugged.

“Guess I’ll have to dive into my sanctum to find out,” Bert said apprehension and excitement ringing in his voice.

“What about you Sid? You’ve been here longer than us, what did you choose?” Fritz asked changing the subject.

“Uh, I haven’t chosen yet, I fell asleep thinking over my choices,” Sid explained worry falling over her features.

“Hmm, tell you what, I’ll go get my Powers and we can work out some choices together,” Fritz offered.

“Do you still want to climb together, after I… after I left you?” Sid asked worry shading her face even further.

Fritz cleared his throat and recited in his clear tones,

“Brightest blue eyes, burning like fire,

Great in a scrap, when the fighting gets dire.

Handy with blades, and mighty with bow,

Fire off some arrows and lay our foes low.

Strong in both body, magic and mind,

The staunchest of allies, I sought to find.

To sing all your merits, would take far too long,

That’s why I give you a poem, instead of a song.

With all your help, we will surely climb higher,

Sid would you join us, for the rest of the Spire.”

Fritz decided the poem was worth it just for the delight on Sid’s face, Bert looked on amused as Sid gave some small applause.

“Well?” Fritz asked.

“Oh! Yes, I guess the poem was… adequate… or good,” Sid beamed, then buried her blushing face into her scarf.

Bert chuckled at her embarrassment but didn’t see fit to tease her further.

“Right, I’m going to see what I got,” Bert announced, “If it's terrible I’ll blame Fritz.”

Bert’s eyes became unfocused as he dived into his Sanctum, and Fritz decided this was as good a time as ever to absorb his Power from his stone facsimile. He slapped his hand to his statue's thigh and felt the cold light enter him through his palm. It blazed up his arm and into his chest, filling his centre and burning with icy heat.

Then he descended, pulled down into the cold star next to his heart. His feet met the muddy ground and rain drizzled over him. He thought the place looked the same as when he left it until he saw the pavilion, it had changed. The wood was less white and more silver and the blue had been replaced with shades of lavender. Its structure while familiar had strange new carvings on its arches and columns and the graceful curves had been imbued with a certain alien elegance and smoothness.

His first reaction was one of outrage, fury that his Sanctum had been tampered with, that he had been defiled, his precious memories stolen away. Fritz strode over, ready to tear the mockery to pieces with his bare hands when he noticed that it still bore the many scars it had accumulated in its past life. Turning his gaze upon it in a new light he saw it was the same pavilion, just changed, touched by his time in the Hidden Realm of Twilight.

Much like himself, he realised. Did he really think that after all he experienced he would stay the same? A great part of him still hated the idea, rejected the change, he wanted to burn the thing away and build a new one. But the better part of him knew that this was for the best, all things change and he should embrace it not fight it. It. Was. A. Struggle.

Sighing, breathing out the pain, Fritz let the anger fall from his marching steps and instead walked to meet the changed pavilion with an open mind. He paced under the pavilion's roof and searched its walls, broken furniture and books. It was mostly the same inside, some of the chairs were a little less smashed and the lunch table stood dented and slashed but not shattered into pieces as it had been.

A memory restored? Was it a gift? Or a taunt? What was it? All he knew was that it brought tears to his eyes as he ran his hand over its abused wood. How bittersweet this is, a gift then. He allowed himself the feeling for a couple of moments longer, then turned his attention to his objective, to the power currently circling within his Sanctum. He basked in its light and felt the choices burn before him.



Choose One



See the sights, count the threads, listen closely, threats ahead.

Lead your team safely through hazards both natural and monstrous, warn them of dangers and spot vulnerabilities.

Aligns six points to the following Attributes:

Agility, Endurance, Perception, Memory.

Activates and aligns six points to the following Advanced Attributes:

Awareness, Reflex.

Gain one Path Ability Choice.


You discovered and disarmed many traps.

You discovered a Treasure Chest.

You have discovered foes before they discovered you.

You have led your team through difficult terrain.

Influenced by Technique ‘The Observations’.



A face of masks, cool and calm, speak in whispers, wound with charm.

Both stealthy and observant the spy waits and watches for weakness.

Aligns six points to the following Attributes:

Agility, Perception, Focus, Memory.

Activates and aligns six points to the following Advanced Attributes:

Awareness, Control.

Gain one Path Ability Choice.


You have discovered and disarmed many traps.

You have discovered foes before they discovered you.

You have attempted to be stealthy and have succeeded more often than not.

You have sprung an ambush while hidden.

You have used your considerable charm to get your way.

You have treated with Faeries.

Influenced by Technique ‘The Observations’.

Influenced by Trait Twilight Kissed.



Scamper silent, to and fro, elusive action, be shadow.

A specialist in stealth and remaining hidden.

Aligns six points to the following Attributes:

Strength, Agility, Endurance, Perception.

Activates and aligns six points to the following Advanced Attributes:

Grace, Reflex.

Gain one Path Ability Choice.


You attempted to be stealthy and were successful more often than not.

You have sprung an ambush while hidden.

Influenced by Technique ‘The Observations’.

Influenced by Trait Twilight Kissed.




Choose One


Door Sense

Beyond the portal, behind the door, a brutal death or distant shore?

You can discern information about what lurks behind a Door and its likely threats to a minor degree.

Alignment: Mind, Sense.

Cost: None.

Duration: Passive.

Refresh: None.


You have chosen three Doors.

You discovered and traversed a Hidden Door.


Challengers Cry

Hark you mongrels! Flee you knaves! I am your death, these are your graves.

Challenge foes forcing them to attack you, foes may be stricken with fear.

Alignment: Mind, Sound.

Cost: Two.

Duration: Six seconds.

Refresh: One minute.


You stood in defence of fellow climbers.

You taunted fellow climbers

You challenged fellow climbers.

Influenced by Technique Arte Pugilist.


Shade’s Rest

Hide in secret, out of sight, sleep in shadow, mend in night.

While in the dark or when under deep shadows increase health recovery to a small degree.

Alignment: Shadow, Life.

Cost: None.

Duration: Passive.

Refresh: None.


You have rested in a dark place to recover from wounds.

Influenced by Trait Twilight Kissed.

Influenced by Technique “The Observations”

Influenced by Spire.



Attributes Gained

+3 Unaligned


Fritz pumped his fists mentally when he found Scout as one of his Path choices. He hurriedly pulled himself out of his Sanctum so he didn’t get carried away and pick it right then and there. With the new information and also some new questions he returned to see Bert almost bouncing to tell Fritz and Sid what Abilities he got.

“That good where they?” Fritz inquired sceptically, knowing anything Bert thought was good was probably something others would find completely insane.

“Oh, yes, my dearest friend and saviour,” Bert said in a show of over-the-top gratitude. “Let me regale you.”

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