Spire's Spite

Chapter 35

Sid checked on Bert first as he was the one who had taken the most wounds, when she had run to his side to give him the health potion in the fight he had waved her off saying something about Tough Skin and Vitality keeping him okay.

She had done as he asked but was now worried that it had possibly killed him as he was now floating face up in the water.

Looking at his condition, his ragged clothes and burnt and blistered body she could see he was still slowly breathing. He opened a misty eye to stare up at her. “I’ll be fine,” he croaked before she could speak.

“Want that health potion now?” Sid asked gently.

“Nah. Just need a little more time and maybe a Well,” Bert rasped. “Save it for someone at death’s door.”

She doubted his statement about being fine as he was still red all over, almost the colour of her scarf and his arm was a total mess. He wasn’t bleeding too badly though, just a trickle from his left shoulder and arm. His strong chest looked as though the skin had been peeled off and flayed but she could see it was slowly mending. He must be in agony. Why isn’t he screaming? I would be if my body was that hurt.

Sid heard a splash that interrupted her thoughts and turned her head to the noise. Only to find Fritz had passed out sitting down and was face down in the water with bubbles pouring from his mouth and nose. She let a worried yell escape her throat and she waded towards him and scooped his head upwards and back into the air. He let out a small groan and grumbled some dramatic rhyme about being dead. Sid scoffed at his ridiculous mumbling but lay him back against the quartz wall and sat next to him, watching him so he didn’t slip and drown, again. He better be thankful for this.

While she watched and waited she made sure he wasn’t injured, he had no obvious wounds so she let him rest. The only signs of ill health were the light reddening of his skin, a result of the corrosive fog and water. That and the dark circles under his eyes, but she was sure she also had those same dark rings. The only one who seemed to be sleeping well was Bert, but he hadn’t had to kill anyone on the third floor.

She wrung her scarf, tightly twisting it and feeling a snap of one of the woollen strands. “Spire’s Spite,” she cursed.

In her agitation she inhaled deeply then wished she didn’t as the pungent salty scent of the shrivelling snail entered her mouth. Sid turned her head to the side and spat, a deeply ingrained habit she had cultivated to make her seem rough. Her eyes widened and a chill ran down her back as she realised she had, in her distraction, spit right onto Fritz’s cheek.

She hastily wiped away the thick spittle with her sleeve desperately hoping he hadn’t chosen time to wake, as he infuriatingly would have if he had the choice. With her hand to his face, she traced his sharp cheekbone with her thumb making sure she had gotten it all off, then again slower. Just to make sure. He sure is handsome. Especially while he’s sleeping, her treacherous mind pointed out.

Fritz’s eyes fluttered then opened, staring deep into her own. Had the grey in his green eyes always been that light? Her heart pounded, and she snatched away the hand she had now realised was caressing the side of his face. She turned away quickly as her own face heated.

“Sid, why is it always you?” He asked with an infuriating smirk stretching his lips. “Not that I’m complaining mind you.”

“Because you’re an idiot who puts himself in too much danger and so is Bert,” She replied as coolly as she could. “Leaving it up to me to keep you safe after the battle ‘cause you two overdo it.”

She could feel herself start to shudder, the sure sign that tears would start leaking. The stress of the situation must be getting to her, she didn’t care that deeply about them, right? Just needed a crew to help her climb, she told herself. Sid slid herself an inch or two away from Fritz now he had come to.

Fritz had the good grace to look abashed for once, he took his eyes away from her and stared off into the distance.

“Sorry,” He said in a low serious tone. “But it’s as you said, back on the first floor, better get the big fish rather than the small fish. We have to take big risks just to survive here.”

“I know that,” Sid snapped back. “It just … It just doesn’t feel good to see you two getting beat up all the time and for me to be barely touched.”

Tears were threatening to burst free and Fritz seemed to notice. Damn Perception. He tentatively put a hand on her shoulder and shook it lightly in commiseration. Sid could have dodged his touch easily but she didn’t, allowing herself some comfort, even if she knew it was unwise to feel any kind of affection for the foolish thief. Her heart beat a little faster and she looked back at Fritz and into his intense grey-green gaze.

He smiled a kind smile and she saw him blinking some wetness out of his own eyes. “Just means you’re more suited to this than us. Sid, you’re a great archer, it's our Role to keep our Striker healthy and hale. Don’t worry so much, we’ll be okay,” he said sombrely, free of his usual mocking tones or absurd bravado. Something in her chest swelled at his compliments but they didn't dispel her worries at all, instead it made her fear all the more venomous.

“Until you're not,” Sid finished for him in a whisper. Fritz didn’t react to the comment, probably pretending he didn’t hear me, the bastard.

“Especially with the fearsome Power we’ll get in the next well room,” Fritz continued his voice changing back to his regular overly confident tenor. “I’m excited to see what we get! What’s the bet Bert will get Acid Resistance or maybe something more needed like Imbued Brain: Less Dumb?”

“What’s the bet Fritz will get something like Chameleon’s Skin then ignore it for the far more annoying and situational Piercing Scream? He’ll need it for when he’s running away and needs our help,” Bert argued good-naturally back.

Sid smiled, even though she knew now it was a bit of an act it still raised her spirits to see Fritz and Bert’s insane bickering.

Fritz squeezed her shoulder, let go, and gave her a smile, then stood while announcing, “Where’s that shaving kit and soap? I mean to take advantage of these warm pools and have a bath! Bert let's go!”

“Give me an hour or two for my skin to stop burning, Fritz,” Bert whined.


Fritz strode to his pack, trying to keep his legs steady as they quaked below him and the water sloshed. Just a little after-effect of the fight, he told himself. Upon reaching his pack, still lying on the pool’s wall where he had left it, he unlatched it and removed the red wood box. Setting it down he unclasped it and opened the lid revealing the mirror and other items inside.

“Oi, Fritz, chuck me a bar of soap!” Sid called out as she got her feet and started unlatching her breastplate. He complied, slinging it with an underarm throw. She caught it deftly slid it into a pocket and strode up beside him, pulling off her armour. She balanced the silvery metal on the wall letting it lie beside her pack.

Fritz stared at her then looked away hastily, as she rooted through her bag for a rag to use as a washcloth. Obviously, Sid didn’t know how soaked her clothes were or how they looked as they stuck to her frame. Especially her faded, blue shirt that clung to her skin revealing a lot of interesting curves to his furtive glances. Oh gods Fritz, it’s Sid, look away before she strangles you, he admonished himself.

Fritz cut a strip off of the face towel from the shaving kit using his bone dagger, then he thrust the strip of soft white cloth in her direction saying, “Here, you can use this.”

She took it tiredly and Fritz kept his eyes firmly away from her.

“Thanks, I’m going to clean up over there,” Sid said, exhaustion plain in her voice. “I’m taking my bow, and I’ll put an arrow in your eyes if you follow for a peek,” She warned. Not that she needed to.

Fritz nodded his head emphatically stating, “I’m a gentleman, I would never. But I’ll make sure Bert stays here as well, who knows what that ruffian would do.”

She gave him a wearied smile and turned and left ducking behind a pool’s wall and out of sight. Fritz watched her go, then when she was gone he focused on cleaning himself up.

He stripped away his clothes, lathered up with soap and used another strip of the washcloth to roughly scrub away all the collected grime, sweat and filth. After he was done rinsing off the suds he looked at his face in the mirror and upon seeing his stubble he decided it had to go. He took up the ivory-handled razor and used it judiciously, noting the blade was far easier to control than the last time he had shaved. The edge flowed smoothly over his skin and he barely cut himself at all. Magic razor? He questioned. No idiot, you have Agility now, he realised.

When he was done shaving he made an attempt at cleaning his clothes, he wasn’t able to get all the stains out but they looked far more presentable than before. He rung out his still-wet clothes, rendering them merely damp rather than drenched. He didn’t think they’d be able to find a place to dry them any further on this floor so he ceased his efforts and wandered over to where Bert was floating calmly with his arms splayed.

Fritz looked over the wreck of Bert’s arm expecting to see exposed bone. However it seemed that his Vitality was helping him recover at an incredible rate, his arm still looked more like a thick rope of raw meat than a functional appendage. But it looks better than before, Fritz reflected, it’s healing.

“Bert, mend your clothes will you, your bits are almost slipping out. Don’t want to scare Sid, or me for that matter would you?” Fritz chided.

Bert opened a mischievous eye and answered, “Oh, but it’s okay if you do it? Spooking the poor lass? Like on the first floor?”

Fritz recoiled at the memory now that he knew Sid better.

“Oh no, I did. Didn’t I?” He said aghast.

“You did,” Bert grinned. “Don’t worry, I’m sure she doesn’t hold grudges.” He grinned even wider as Fritz groaned in embarrassment.

Fritz didn’t know exactly why he felt such a strange shame and anxiety but decided to bury it anyway, to be examined later.

Bert’s vest and pants glowed and re-knitted themselves over a half a minute, Fritz watched in interest and the threads extended and wove together neatly over Bert’s gradually lightening skin. Once the magical marvel had finished Fritz said, “While you heal, I’m going to find the least salty pool and refill our water skins.”

Bert closed his one open eye and waved him away with a grunt of affirmation. Fritz smiled, and walked away on his mission, making sure to stay on his side of the room so as not to disturb, or be accused of anything nefarious by Sid.

It didn’t take him long, maybe ten minutes to test all the pools that didn’t have soap or snail slime in them and found one that was almost as good as fresh rainwater, even if it was disgustingly warm. In another ten minutes he had filled all their water skins and drank his own fill straight from the pond. He meandered around for a while, waiting for Bert to recover and suppressing his keen desire to run up the green stairs to receive his next Ability.

What do I want for my next Ability? He pondered. Something offensive or defensive? Another Sense? Maybe a ranged spell or maybe even Gloom Strike will be offered again, he had heard of that happening especially in strongly aligned spires like the Greater Spire of Water deep under the Antaru Ocean.

Unfortunately, it seemed this Spire was particularly chaotic when it came to Ability consistency. It seemed to Fritz that only Earth and Shadow aligned Abilities seemed to show up with any regularity. He knew that was to be expected for Minor Spires, they were usually less powerfully aligned than the Greater or Major Spires and that they could usually only be counted on for granting their aligned Traits or Abilities at the Precipice.

So it was for the Mer Spire, it was aligned to water and seemingly merfolk, as it was said that it would often grant the much coveted Merfolk-Strain choice to those who reached the Precipice. Fritz wondered what kind of Trait he would get at the top of this Sunken Spire.

He shook his head and decided to embrace the randomness, building what synergies he could without worrying too much about it. It’s not like they had much choice in the matter anyway. At least my Abilities would be difficult to deduce when I fight other Climbers, he mused. Still, I’d like an offensive ability soon, I’m too loaded up on utility at the moment.

Feeling well watered and eager to find out his next Ability choices, he wandered listlessly back to Bert after about an hour and a half of musings and daydreams. He was looking considerably better having abandoned his aimless floating and now seemed to be scrubbing away the Spire’s grime with his bar of soap and strip of cloth.

Bert turned as he got close and said, “Fritz, just the man I want to see. Can you shave away this awful stubble? I would do it myself, but alas my arm.”

Fritz accepted the duty graciously, applying his Agility to the razor with gusto. Sid joined them about halfway through Bert’s shave and watched on with mild amusement as Bert told Fritz to “hop to it” and mockingly bemoaned the lack of good help playing up all the mannerisms of the well-to-do. Fritz smiled along acting the part of an obsequious servant, with a lot of, “Yes, Milords” and “Right away sirs.” It wasn’t much longer until Bert looked presentable and felt well enough to shoulder his admittedly heavy pack.

It was fun putting on the little performance for a time, being someone else for just a moment in this terrible Spire. They all needed a little fun here and there or they’d go mad, or already had, as Fritz suspected.

They collected their packs and made for the now-stinking, tallest pool. The water was foaming and burbling in places as the snail's blood and spray mixed. Sid and Fritz stayed as far away from the snail’s leaking body as they could, but Bert just walked a line through the most polluted water without a care in the world.

"Bert, do you see the hammer or chisel?" Fritz asked, unwilling to leave anything behind, even if it was likely riddled with rust.

Bert searched, being the closest and least affected by the searing water.

"Aha!" He cried, reaching down into pool and retrieving an unblemished spike of black metal. "Chisel is here and its perfect, like me!"

Sid rolled her eyes and Fritz spotted a stream of fizzing froth by the snails corpse.

"Over there," Fritz said, pointing.

Bert rapidly obliged, sloshing his way to the object and grimacing as he pulled it out from under the water.

"This is less perfect, like you," Bert said, holding the rod of rust that used to be a hammer. He stored it away anyway and seemed to see something in the burbling waters but hastily looked away and grinned.

"Let's get going," He said. And they could only agree, wading with wide strides towards the Stairway.

Fritz was paying attention to the pool’s surface making sure he took the path of least corrosion when he saw Bert fall into the bubbling water out of the corner of his eye. He came up quickly grasping at and messing with his pants pocket then gave the two of them an embarrassed grin.

“Whoops. Slipped,” Bert said furtively.

“Be careful! We don’t want to waste all our gold on mending your clothes,” Sid chided.

Fritz narrowed his eyes sceptically, wondering why Bert was acting so sketchy. It wasn’t like him, to say the least, usually he’d just play a fall off like he had meant to do it.

“Fritz! Get moving, water’s getting worse around you,” Sid yelled.

Abandoning his instinctual suspicions he looked around and saw she was right. Cursing he continued his circuitous path to the Stairway. The rest of the route wasn’t eventful but it was unpleasant and he hoped that his pants and his precious undergarments would make it through the stinging water okay.

They reached the porous pillar of quartz and strode through its entrance, their bare feet slapping against the green marble steps and pants dripping as they walked upwards and into the Well Room. The stairway opened up into a blessedly cool and wonderfully dry room of green marble. It wasn’t a particularly large chamber and had a depression in its centre surrounded by a flat walkway around the circular wall. It was like they were standing on the lip of a shallow bowl.

In the middle of the basin, was a six-foot-tall orb of grey stone riddled with veins of light-eating darkness. Sid was first to move, setting down her pack and slipping down the side like a slide. Fritz and Bert followed soon after. Sid set her hand to the stone sphere and drank her fill of its Power. Bert was next and then Fritz set his hand to the freezing cold orb.

The searingly cool energy suffused his arm and was pulled down it, condensing in his centre, pooling and burning in his Sanctum, ready to be used. He smirked at Bert and received an excited grin in return. They both sat quickly and descended into their Sanctums.

Fritz found himself in the gloom of the rainy yard, his willow standing tall with its branches whispering and waving in the drizzle-laden breeze. Impatient for his next Ability he strode around the water-filled holes and reached out to the tree and felt for his next choices. The revelations poured into his mind and spirit.


Activated Ability

Choose One


Gloom Strike

Weapon writhes, in shadow’s grace, deliver foes, to night’s embrace.

Your strike becomes harder to track, deals extra damage and dulls the senses on impact.

Alignment: Shadow.

Cost: One.

Duration: Strike: Three seconds, Affliction: Nine seconds.

Refresh: None.


You killed a ‘Blight Hound” with a single strike.

Influenced by Spire.

Influenced by Trait Twilight Kissed

Influenced by Technique ‘The Observations’

Influenced by Shadow Aligned Ability (Illusory Shadow)



Feeling tired? Getting slow? Take a rest, let it go.

You curse a living creature; draining its Stamina over time and reducing its Stamina Recovery.

Alignment: Curse.

Cost: Two.

Duration: Five minutes.

Refresh: None.


You have Cursed two creatures.

Influenced by Trait Twilight Kissed.

Influenced by Technique ‘The Observations’



Splattered scarlet and open veins, the rushing rivers of red remains.

Your strike deals extra damage and causes increased bleeding.

Alignment: Blade, Blood.

Cost: One.

Duration: Strike: Three Seconds, Affliction: Nine seconds.

Refresh: None.


You killed a ‘Salt Snail’ via blood loss.

You inflicted many bleeding cuts.

Influenced by Technique ‘The Observations’



Attributes Gained

+3 Unaligned


Fritz smiled wide and almost picked Gloom Strike on the spot but stopped himself as he comprehended the other two choices. A curse Ability and Lacerate, that fearsome attack that Toby had used. Those interesting offers made his choice that much harder. He resolved to reason out his choice with Sid and Bert, so he excitedly pulled himself free of his Sanctum to find Sid and Bert deep in contemplation.

Much to Fritz’s relief Bert’s injuries seemed to be much restored by the Well. His arm especially looked better, with new, raw skin stretched over the previously exposed muscle. His skin was still a little pink but he assumed that would fade in time and considering Bert’s Vitality it would back to its normal paleness sooner rather than later.

“Hard choices?” Fritz asked upon seeing their serious faces.

Sid nodded but Bert shook his head saying “No, I just know how mad my choice is going to make you.”

He grinned wide, stood up, reached forward with his good arm with his palm out and yelled, “Corrosive Spray!”

A torrent of clear, misty liquid sprayed from his hand arcing over the bowl’s lip and sizzling against the green stone.

“You idiot! You almost got me!” Fritz shouted, scrambling away from the mist.

“Disgusting,” Sid said with a grimace which only made Bert grin harder.

“Why in the Spires did you choose that horrid Ability?” Fritz angrily questioned.

“I said I would and then it was offered, can’t go back on my word,” Bert explained smugly. “Also the other two Abilities offered weren’t a good fit. Yet.”

“What exactly were you offered that this seemed like the best of them?” Fritz asked tiredly.

“Rage. It was tempting what with how strong and tough it could have made me, but the downsides...” Bert trailed off, seemingly recollecting the tales of mighty Rager’s and their indiscriminate violence and destruction.

Fritz had already seen the effects of a Rage Ability or something like it, saw a man impale themselves on his sword just to ring his neck and was relieved Bert hadn’t picked it. Rage was rumoured to be powerful but a liability when coordination was needed, also it had a tendency the get the wielder killed. Fritz and Sid shared a grimace, obviously thinking along the same lines.

Annoyed at the thought that Bert had possibly picked sensibly Fritz sceptically asked, “What about the other choice?”

“Bull Rush,” Bert stated dismissively.

“Bull Rush sounds great,” Sid pointed out.

“I agree,” Fritz added nodding along.

Bert sighed.

“I was just thinking. I won’t be able to punch everything,” Bert said sagely rubbing at his newly smooth chin. “What if we came upon a Fire Spirit or something?”

“You would still punch it, I don’t buy this act,” Fritz replied incredulously.

“I’m with Fritz on this, what’s the real reason?” Sid asked.

Bert scowled like he was going to argue but then let his shoulders sag and gave a shy grin saying, “It seemed like a once-in-a-lifetime choice. With the way I fight I’m going to get a charge or rush at some point. Corrosive Spray won't be offered again unless we go out of our way to find it.”

Fritz was speechless, A good, rational reason? From Bert?

“Huh, guess that makes sense,” Sid hedged.

Not knowing what to say but still thinking Bert was hiding some other reason Fritz grunted and let the subject lie. What's done is done and whatever Bert is planning will come to light eventually. No need to push right now, Fritz reflected.

“How about you Sid? Get anything good?” Bert asked turning to her.

She gave them a smile and said, “Yes, I have a choice of Wind Step, Gust and Venomous Strike. Seems I got Venomous strike from using the belt’s magic and the others from my air aligned Abilities.”

“Seems likely, guess that using Treasures is another way to for you get offered certain abilities. Another advantage for the already wealthy,” Fritz groused. Shaking his head and dispelling his bitterness he continued, “What do Wind Step and Gust do?”

“Wind Step speeds my movements and allows me to ‘step’ in the air once during its duration, lasts one second. Gust says it produces a powerful blast of wind in front of me, they both cost two mana,” Sid explained even as she was weighing the advantages of each in her mind.

“Hmm, quite the conundrum,” Bert said in an awful attempt at a scholars tones.

“Quite,” Fritz reluctantly agreed.

“I’m leaning towards Wind Step, but Gust might be just as useful if we fight creatures with projectiles or swarming monsters,” Sid theorised.

“Maybe, I would take the Wind Step. Just seems better all around and being able to reposition oneself seems powerful, especially outside of battle,” Fritz reasoned.

“Mobility is mighty,” Bert espoused.

“Says the one who dodged a charge Ability,” Sid said drily.

“I’ll get the next charge I’m offered,” Bert grumbled.

Sid shook her head disbelievingly but smiled anyway saying, “Wind Step it is.”

She retreated into her Sanctum and then was back in a couple of moments which Bert used to cast another Corrosive Spray laughing the whole while as if it was some great joke. In some absurd way it also amused Fritz, maybe it was just seeing Bert so happy with a Power or maybe it was just funny seeing him enjoy such an odd Ability choice he couldn’t say.

Sid came to and said. “Could you cut that out, it smells like Jastili lime wine.”

“Yeah, Bert. Stop stinking the place up with your sour acid,” Fritz admonished.

“Whoops,” Bert intoned solemnly.

Sid rolled her eyes and turned to Fritz asking, “What are your choices?”

Fritz smirked.

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