Spire's Spite

Chapter 57

Frustrated and flustered Fritz retreated into his Sanctum, but not before reinforcing Bert’s parentage as a half-breed of a gutter rat and a skulg who had drunkenly conceived him while cavorting in a barrel of limes that had gone to rot.

“That idiot, ‘doesn’t want to ruin the surprise’ my arse,” Fritz groused in the rainy garden of his Sanctum. Shivering slightly he strode into his pavilion and warmed his imaginary hands by the eldritch fire. It roiled and twisted trying to snake out a tendril to set him ablaze again. Fritz stepped back just out of the fire’s reach, he smirked at the caged malevolence venting some of his frustration with a bit of teasing.

He had been somewhat hurt that both his crew had chosen their Traits without planning it with him. He reasoned that Bert had just been impulsive, but he didn’t think Sid would fall prey to the same temptation. And the way she reacted to his question? He shook his head, he didn’t do anything wrong. Fritz supposed there was some miscommunication between him and Sid, one that he’d have to rectify if he could. He didn’t want to leave the Spire without her as a friend, and definitely not as an enemy.

Sighing he turned his thoughts to his Trait and Evolution. I’ll just pick what’s best for me. Like the others did, he thought bitterly.

Looking over his Traits again, he discounted Eldritch Immolation immediately. It would be a death trap at best and a dead trait at worst unless he could get some sort of immunity or protection from its fire. Which he supposed wasn’t even normal fire, so it would be even harder to find a potion or some Treasure to insulate him from its weird and warping heat.

He weighed the other two Traits against each other. Bitterheart with its two Magic Attributes, something that had to be rare, and its added vulnerabilities and resistances. Or Cloak of Dusk with its strange Dusksong Attribute and the comparatively more well known Grace Attribute. It also stealth enhancement when in shadow which appealed to him.

After thinking it over for longer than he’d like to admit, he decided upon Cloak of Dusk.

Even though it was tied to the Twilight Kiss Trait and Faerie-kind in general and would probably turn out to have some terrible curse or dark fate. He couldn’t pass up its obvious rarity, he was probably one of the only people in the world to be offered this Trait, if what the Duskmoth said about not meeting mortals in centuries turned out to be true. It excited and intrigued him, what kind of man could pass up an alien and nigh-on unheard-of Power?

A boring one, he conceded, but Fritz knew he was any but boring, no matter what Bert said.

It was also the Trait that synergised most with Illusory Shadow and what he wanted to Evolve it with. Maybe it would be a mistake, but it was one he would make with eyes wide open and a resigned and resolute will. He chose Cloak of Dusk and felt the ineffable Power stir within him, it flittered and fluttered, spun and swirled until it was draped over his shoulders, encasing him in an incorporeal fabric woven of both light and shadow.

The dim light of his Sanctum grew dimmer as curtains of sheer, near-invisible purple silk, unfurled themselves in the windows and entrances of the silver-grey wooden pavilion.

He could almost feel the Cloak of Dusk, but it was far too smooth and thin to really touch. It was like a gossamer sheet and felt like being embraced by a silent, cool night’s breeze. The Trait also wrought something within him, something ephemeral, like there were two, or maybe more, worlds overlapping, real and unreal at the same time. He tried to focus on it but the impression quickly receded, recoiling at his uncouth senses as he tried to brutally perceive whatever was there.

Not all of the impressions faded though, right there in his centre there was a fuzzy, fluttering feeling of unreality. It was made of trickery, shadow and light, and in it, he sensed a cruel delight. It held a Power, it was a pool of Mana of shifting shadow and shimmering light amongst other concepts or demesnes he couldn’t quite grasp.

Must be Dusksong, Fritz reasoned as he felt it out and heard its ethereal notes at the edge of sound itself. He could feel its keen connection to Illusory Shadow, but also surprisingly, a weaker link to Gloom Strike. It looks like it’ll work with my Shadow Aligned Abilities too. Perhaps it could work with light as well? I do wonder what else it can be used for, he mused curiously.

Following Dusksong’s connection to Illusory Shadow, he thought on the Ability and which Evolution called to him the most. Now, even more than before, Light Eater called out to him, intoning a subtle, starving song just beyond his hearing. He briefly looked over the other two choices and dismissed them just as quickly. While Smother Sound could be useful as could Vast Dark, in his mind they just didn’t compare. Now that he had Cloak of Dusk more shadow was more power.

He chose Light Eater and felt his Ability change, twist and its darkness deepen. The Ability felt heavier, stronger and more hungry for Mana, which he suspected was the effect of the cost increase. Through the semi-real curtains, he could see the branch that represented his Ability grow and its purple-black leaves began to drink in the meagre light of the rainy day.

A chime rang in his mind and he turned to the glowing golden sigil inscribed upon the bark of his willow tree. It chimed again and he could distinctly hear pride and congratulations in its jovial tone.

Fritz excitedly strode out into the rain, only sparing a moment to note how smooth his motions felt, how his feet fell lighter and legs swung in a controlled, precise manner. Placing his unburnt hand upon the golden sigil with a delightfully sinuous flourish he activated the glyph and received its boon.


Gold Climb Achieved




No Power conflicts detected.

Awards Activating.


Seed Selections Pending


Gold Manifesting



Spire Sigil Accepted

Sunken Spire Awards Activated


Bronze Award


Night Vision

Though much is secret in the night, it won't be hidden from your sight.

You can see better in shadows and low light to a minor degree.

Alignment: Sense, Shadow.

Cost: None.

Duration: Passive.

Refresh: None.


Silver Award


Marbled Bones: Moonsilver

Veins of silver, shining mesh, weaved in bones, beneath the flesh.

Brace your bones with Moonsilver to a minor degree.

Alignment: Metal, Purity.

Cost: None.

Duration: Passive.

Refresh: None


Gold Award



Shatter prisons, break the chains, throw down rulers, free demesnes.

Increases your resistance to any affliction that would prevent movement or control of your own actions to a minor degree. Increases your capacity to free yourself from bindings or imprisonment to a minor degree.

Alignment: Chaos, Mind.

Cost: None.

Duration: Passive

Refresh: None



Fritz nearly cursed when he saw the choices, they were all so good. Then he did curse as his mind swam, the world spinning around him as bones lit up with lines of cold pain running all over his skeleton. He gasped and his vision flickered black for a second. Then the sensations were gone, leaving him vibrating with energy that rapidly leaked out of him, dissipating in a corona of golden light. It left Fritz befuddled, wondering what on Epsa had just happened as he was slowly soaked by rain.

Had he made a choice subconsciously somehow? No, he realised then that there was no choice to be made, that he received all the ‘Awards’. His jaw went slack or it would have if he were in the real world. But the golden sigil wasn’t done, more glyphs pulsed in his vision and mind.


Seed Stored Ability

Choose One


Gloom Strike

Second Wind


Quieted Steps

Vital Strikes





Treasure Sense

Spell Shape



Fritz let his mind search the list trying to find a common thread between them, thinking about what linked these Abilities. In moments it became apparent. These were all the Abilities he hadn’t chosen during his Climb. Save Gloom Strike, but he didn’t take it until the sixth Well when it was offered again.

The Seed would ‘store’ the Ability? So it was similar to if not the same as Aberrant Seeds? Well, they both shared a name and a certain look, so it couldn't be too far off to think so. What he knew of Aberrant Seeds wasn’t much as they were as rare as the Aberrant Monsters themselves. They could be worth a fortune and it was said that when you used a Well’s Power you could augment the offerings in your Sanctum, giving you more choice on what Ability to take.

Fritz shook his head, it wasn’t important now. He should be choosing one of these Abilities to store away for his next climb. He smiled as he looked over the offerings again, going down the list and weighing the merits of each.

He already had Gloom Strike so he didn’t really need to store it, though maybe he could and just sell off the Seed? The thought was discarded as quickly as it came, as it felt slimy to his sense of justice and went entirely against his notion of fairness. I earn it, I’ll learn it, he told himself.

Second Wind’s restoration of Stamina was appealing, considering all the energy he had been using between both fighting and his spells. But now he had Dusksong he probably wouldn’t need to recover from extreme fatigue as much. One could hope, he added doubtfully.

Quieted Steps’s sound dampening was nice but with his newly gained Grace he suspected he could go without it for now. Also if he was offered Smother Sound when Evolving Illusory Shadow again he could just take that instead.

Vital Strikes greater power against vulnerabilities would be a great passive boon, more damaging strikes were always useful. And now with Grace and Perception, he could move his body far more precisely, and he was sure Awareness would help him glean his foe's weaknesses. He put it at the top of the list.

Then there was Lethargy, the Stamina drain and recovery suppressor, this one really called to him on some spiritual level and now that he didn’t have any Traits aligned to curse he was unlikely, very unlikely, to ever be offered the Ability again. Both rare and powerful, but he didn’t know if his Dusksong would be able to be used to cast the Ability. As Faeries were famous for their curses he suspected it would but didn’t know just how effective it would be. Not wanting to get caught up in indecision he put it at the top of the list as well and moved on.

Treasure Sense was fantastic, and he knew Bert would berate him for an eternity if he didn’t pick it, but Fritz had a feeling he’d be seeing this ability again. And with so many Sense-aligned Powers already it was all but inevitable that it’d be offered in the future.

Last but definitely not least was Spell Shape. The extra cost for increased Control still irked him but its base boon to shaping could be useful. Now that he had Dusksong he knew could make far more use of the Ability, but again he thought he’d be offered this Power again and that Control or Evolutions could do something similar if not quite as well.

So he was torn between the Passive Vital Strikes and the Active Lethargy. He eventually judged Lethargy to be his favoured choice, it seemed to sing out to him softly and he just couldn’t justify Vital strikes over it. Even if it didn’t work with Dusksong a Stamina drain and suppressor was hard to pass up. It was also non-lethal, something he valued, strange enough as it was. He didn't really want to kill after all. All I have done was necessary to survive, he reassured himself.

He had murdered Steve but if he had the chance to do it over, if he had lethargy, then maybe it could have been different. Or maybe not, he thought as he remembered Steve threaten what was left of his family and the pulsing red rage returned for a moment. A crack of thunder sounded in the sky above and the rain poured over him as if he stood under a high gutter.

Breathing deeply he stilled the storm brewing in his Sanctum and pushed away the anger, regret and what-may-have-beens out from his mind. There was time to ponder that later.

Fritz chose Lethargy, and swirling golden light thrummed out of the Sigil carved upon his willow and swept over his Sanctum. The radiance dissipated in moments and the Sigil dimmed, returning to a burnished but only subtly glowing gold.

Something fell into his lap on the outside. Fritz could only just detect his body from within his Sanctum but he knew the obvious feeling of wood even when the sensation was so dull. He spared one last touch for his tall steadily-darkening willow and returned to reality.

Fritz opened his eyes and felt a decided heaviness to his limbs and body that wasn’t just from the wooden chest sitting on his lap, laden with gold as he knew it was. It took him only a moment to figure out why. His bones were heavier, the moonsilver laced within had definitely added to his weight and his muscles had yet to compensate for it. He set the chest down, not bothering to check its contents and stood gingerly.

There was something of a strain on his muscles and he strode a couple of steps over the blue-veined floor. Bert stopped practising his Arte Pugilist against the empty air and watched his friend with a grin as Fritz slowly adjusted to the new weight in his bones.

“This is weird,” Fritz said.

“Not as weird as the Night Vision, it's so strange being able to see into the shadows so easily,” Bert countered.

“Really? What shadows?” Fritz asked struggling to find any dark nooks. With some effort, he was able to spot a particularly deep shadow, and once he knew what to look for he could see other small darkened areas. He found he could see clearly into them with barely any difference from the lit spaces, which is why he had to search, but he still somehow knew they were dark as they had a certain shaded look overlapping his sight like some strange, unintrusive double vision.

Fritz idly wondered if he’d ever be able to enjoy the feeling of being in a dark room ever again, would he really never see another pitch-black night?

Bert brought him out of his musings when he pointed and said, “Over there look.”

“I see it now, or I guess I don’t. It just looks bright as a drizzling day to me, but I’m getting used to it,” Fritz explained to Bert’s quizzical expression. “These marbled bones will take much more getting used to. Notice anything about the last Award?”

“Not really, feel the same really,” Bert replied with a shrug.

“Well, it was a resistance Passive so it's not like we can test it unless we want to use Sid’s mana-hungry ring,” Fritz said stepping into a shaft of shadow behind an inactive pillar.

“Whoa,” Bert said.

“What?” Fritz asked.

“Nothing, it was just like you walked out of sight for a second. But I can see you now,” Bert said squinting at where Fritz stood.

“That, my friend, is probably my new Trait at work,” Fritz explained haughtily.

“Yeah?” Sid asked as she returned to the crew acting as if she hadn’t left at all. She didn’t look in Fritz’s direction but he could tell most of her attention was on him. “What’s it do?”

“It’s called Cloak of Dusk and it gives me Dusksong, Grace and a stealth effect when in shadows,” Fritz said, dropping his smugness when noticing the redness around Sid’s eyes as if she’d been crying.

“Dusksong? Haven’t heard of it,” Sid said roughly.

“It's a Magic Attribute, seems to be aligned with my Illusory Shadow and might be compatible with my Gloom Strike,” Fritz said.

“Might be? Test it out!” Bert burst out.

“I’m right on it. It just slipped my mind after I got my Awards, the moonsilver bones distracted me,” Fritz

“Leave it to Fritz to test out his bone first thing,” Bert grinned, suggestively.

“No better than you with your near-constant spraying,” Fritz retorted easily.

Sid chuckled and some of the tension eased from her guarded stance. He was glad at that, he had thought he had seriously offended her earlier but that didn’t seem to be the case.

Fritz decided to show off a little, trying to shape his Illusory shadow into a hand making an obscene gesture. He pulled on his shifting power and found that he was able to grip that dark spot of unreality swirling around his centre. His Dusksong reacted to his will, not at all as draining as drawing on his Stamina had been. It still liked to twist and writhe in his Controls grasp but it didn’t feel like the energy was fighting him per se, more like it was teasing him or playing some sort of game of tag.

He spun the Illusory Shadow into the world, weaving a malformed orb of darkness right in front of Bert. It wasn’t quite the right shape but he thought it got the point across as well as he could expect.

“Is that meant to be a rotten potato?” Bert asked confused.

“No it's this,” Fritz said having to give the rude gesture himself.

“Oh,” Bert said returning the sign easily.

“Strange, I can’t see through this shadow, shouldn’t my Night Vision work?” Sid asked.

“Nope, it’s not real shadow,” Fritz said self-satisfaction ringing proudly in his voice, though the darkness did seem deeper than it had been on previous uses. Probably the Light Eater Evolution, he theorised as he spotted the shade cast beneath it.

“How mysterious,” Bert said, already bored.

“Huh,” Sid said.

Fritz tried to activate Gloom Strike with his Glamour and found it pulled the magic within him. It wasn't as easy as it was with Illusory Shadow and it felt like it used double the amount of mana but his fist roiled with the dark roiling energies.

He waved it around for his crew to see but they had a hard time tracking his hand while it was so wreathed.

"Worked then?" Bert asked simply.

"Yes indeed, seemed to cost more though, must be inefficient. But that's still far better than using Stamina all the time," Fritz said relieved and giddy that he didn't feel that awful feeling of having your energy drained. But not wanting to linger too much on himself, for now, he changed the subject.

“So we all got the same Awards then?” Fritz asked the room in general. “Night Vision, Marbled Bones, and Reignbreaker?”

“Yep,” Bert said.

“That’s right,” Sid stated. “All useful, especially that Night Vision, will make the streets much less daunting at night.”

“Daunting?” Fritz said surprised. “Didn’t think you were daunted by anything. You’re as brave as they come.”

Sid shrugged. “You don’t survive without learning a little caution,” She supplied.

“Untrue, just look at Fritz,” Bert said.

“Quite true I’ve heard it be said that I’ve never had a lick of sense nor even a portion of caution,” Fritz espoused jovially. “I’ve had to live by wit, guile and good looks. And just see how far that’s got me,” he added with what he hoped was an infuriating smirk.

He dropped the smug act when Sid let out a wearied sigh, her face going slack from fatigue.

“With all seriousness,” Fritz started in an earnest tone. “I couldn’t have done it without the both of you. Thank you.”

“It was a victory for the whole pack-pact,” Bert said grinning.

Sid’s features creased with a tired smile and she nodded in agreement.

A warm silence fell when Fritz risked a question, “Get a good Trait and Evolution Sid?”

She nodded and said “Got a trait called Thunderclap, it blows people back and hurts them if they get too close. Which makes sense,” She ended morosely.

“And the Evolution?” Fritz prodded, not willing to delve any deeper into that comment.

Sid’s smile was back and she answered “I chose Galeshaft for Conjured Arrow which allows me to summon Air Aligned arrows, which will be much cheaper to cast, and possibly more powerful.”

Bert whistled and Fritz nodded in in dignified appreciation.

“Both very nice choices, Bert chose Potent Blood, and Wall of Wounds which really amount to him being even harder to kill, oh and he has Bloodwell now,” Fritz boasted for his friend.

It was Sid's turn to whistle and she did, “Gotta get some Blood Aligned Abilities, Bert. I read that Blood is close enough to Life that might work well with your bone mending if it's aligned to Life.”

Bert grinned even harder saying “It is aligned to Life! Too bad I can’t test it out, yet.”

“It’s gonna be harder to test, what with all the moonsilver running through our bones now. Wonder what properties the metal has. It’s also aligned to Purity, which is weird, ever heard of it?” Fritz mused.

Sid and Bert merely shrugged.

“It’s magical so I’m sure the metal has some beneficial properties. We’ll have to ask a Treasure smith when we’re outside,” Fritz said.

At the mention of outside Sid seemed to fidget, not so much with her body but he could definitely read something of the anxious emotions emanating from her. She seemed worried, regretful, but determined.

Fritz thought he knew what was coming, and stepped out of the shadow he had been standing in.

Sid wants to leave us, he thought bitterly. Another abandonment, his unfair mind echoed. Just like the others.

“Speaking of outside,” Sid started.

“We can talk about that after we get some sleep, I’m dead tired from the battle, that and our rest was interrupted,” Fritz said yawning.

His yawn was as infectious as he’d hoped, with both of his crew breaking out in their own loud yawns.

“Won’t there be a timer?” Bert asked.

“No, not at the precipice,” Fritz replied, yawning again on purpose.

“Oh, Really? What if someone waited up here just to kill and steal from anyone coming through?” Bert inquired.

“Ejected if you’re in a Well Room with an exit, like this one,” Fritz explained.

“What about others?” Bert said.

Fritz shrugged, “Probably gain the Spire’s Spite or something equally awful, all’s fair on the floors themselves, but Well Rooms are meant to be considered safe. But there are probably people who would risk it. It’s neither here nor there, I don’t think this Spire is likely to have any more Climbers save us. Let's get some sleep,” Fritz suggested.

Sid searched Fritz's face, her eyes slightly widening for a moment as they locked gaze.

She was about to say something, seemingly thought better of it and stretched her shoulders. She then nodded in agreement, picked up her pack and trudged to one of the shadowy alcoves.

Bert was next finding a place to sleep and Fritz decided to have a good quiet rest, so he avoided anywhere near Bert and his flailing body.

Fritz lay down, alone with his thoughts, and sighed. Pushing doing his worry and hurt he nodded off into dark fitful sleep.

He was woken by a small shake, and movement next to him.

Fritz stared around to find Sid lying on her side a foot away from him, she was facing him and they looked into each other's eyes.

“Hello,” Fritz whispered politely. Unsure and apprehensive about this sudden, unexpected visit.

“Hello,” She replied softly.

“Strange meeting you here,” Fritz continued quietly. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”

“Just wanted to talk,” Sid said. “About outside.”

“Ah... We’ll be splitting up I take it,” Fritz intoned, bitterness creeping into his voice. Maybe I should’ve taken Bitterheart, he thought absently.

“Yes. But not because I hate you guys or anything. Not because you’re no longer ‘needed’. But because I have something I have to do out there. Out paths are just leading us elsewhere. For now,” Sid explained dejectedly.

She didn’t apologise and didn’t care to explain her mission but Fritz already knew all that. She was going to do as she said and root out the filth that infested the Sunken Ring.

“I know, but we could be such a great crew, after this climb I doubt anything but the highest Floors and Tallest Spires would prove a challenge. And you know, I much appreciate your company. I mean, I like you. More than I can put into a poem,” He confessed in a soft rush of words.

Sid was silent for a moment then said, “I like you too, Fritz.” Her hushed tone was serious and sure. Fritz’s body tingled and giddy delight danced in his chest. But Sid said no more and the quiet drew on, tension building between them. Sid shuffled slightly her cheeks blushing and features cast with conflicting feelings. He could sense the ‘but’ coming and headed the word off with a question.

“Do you have to do it. Do you have to go?” Fritz asked a hint of desperation warbling in his voice.

“I do have to do it. I have to try,” Sid stated, her face resolute. “No one else will.”

“I know,” Fritz said with a bittersweet smile and a feeling like heavy stone pressing on his chest. “You don’t have to do it alone, can I help?”

“I'll find you when I need you, don’t worry about that,” Sid lied.

He could see the deception as clear as day, as clear as her bright blue eyes. He kept on his sad smile and let the lie pass. This was no time for a fight, and it’s not one he thought he’d win.

“Take off the belt,” Sid whispered breathily.

Fritz’s eyes went wide and heat rose over his face in waves, “What?” He stupidly sputtered out, as his body reacted predictably to the lurid request.

Sid smiled mischievously and blushed a little herself and added in a low voice, “I want my Treasure back, idiot.”

On the receiving end of the suggestive words this time, and getting the entirely wrong idea Fritz fumbled with with the Serpent belt’s clasp, embarrassment coursing through him rather than passion. He handed the belt back, only daring to meet her eyes for a moment.

“Your eyes have changed,” Sid said taking the belt and moving closer, locking her gaze to his.

“They have?” Fritz asked, looking over her ragged clothes and seeing spots of bare skin. His heart pounded, and he could feel his face heat up more.

“Yeah, the grey is gone, it's like the green is mottled with deep purple,” Sid whispered.

“Hope it doesn’t tarnish my good looks,” Fritz said back, shuffling a little closer to Sid.

“Not at all,” She said, this time there was no teasing or mockery. Her heart was drumming out a rapid beat that thrummed with desire, just as his own did.

“And yours are still those pristine blue stars, that I can't help but be drawn to,” Fritz said hoarsely, as he struggled come up with anything more romantic to say.

A yell from Bert echoed over the Well room. But this time, in their own world, they ignored it.

Sid pulled forward and their lips met. Dry, soft and burning warm. She lingered for one quick intense moment as Fritz pressed into their kiss gently. Then Sid pulled away her pupils as wide as an owl’s.

“What was that?” Fritz asked breathlessly as she began to roll over, turning her back to him.

“Didn’t want to regret anything. Big fish, you know,” Sid stated, her heart clattering like a window pane in a storm. “Now let's get some sleep.”

Fritz shook his head, dizzied by the kiss but also too dead tired, too drained and dazed to do anything else but go back to sleep. He put an arm around her slightly curled form, and she stiffened for a moment before relaxing into his embrace. Their racing hearts slowed as the fatigue drowned them like the rising tide and Fritz pulled her to his chest, lest she drift away.

Fritz yawned one last time as Sid nestled closer to him, so warm and tough, then sleep took him.

The nightmares fled.

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