Spire's Spite

Chapter 9

Sid nudged Fritz, glancing in the direction of the trio of women who were surreptitiously listening on. Well, now is as good a time as ever.

“Might as well talk to them now,” Fritz conceded. He turned, then strolled up to the young ladies with as much confidence as he could project.

Fritz met the interested gazes of Veronica, Lynn and Naomi then asked, “Who is the leader of your group?”

“We don’t have a leader, we vote,” Veronica espoused coolly bruising a stay strand of curly red hair back into her messy bun. Naomi rolled her dark green eyes and Lynn glanced at Veronica and gave a small smirk at the statement.

So Veronica is the leader then.

“Well, I want you to climb with us, come get a Path,” Fritz said getting straight to the point.

“And why should we do what you want?” Veronica replied. “Do you need more meat shields or bait?”

Fritz laughed at that, “Actually, I’m usually the bait, I don’t want to put you in more danger its just that, well. Think on your options, in and out of the Spire.”

Veronica frowned her dark brown eyes into a hard glare, “What do you mean think on your options? What options do you think we have exactly?” She asked scathingly.

“Well… I… uh…” Fritz stumbled to come up with an appropriate response, then just thought to lay it out without the customary discretion. “Your choices are limited if you leave with just your first level, you’ll be pressured into being working girls or a gang boss’s woman. No matter your actual talents.”

“Is there something wrong with that choice? Better than dying isn’t it?” Veronica argued coldly, her face impassively furious.

“Nothing wrong with that if it is a choice if it is what you want. But only if both those things are true. Don’t you have other aspirations? Even the non-traditional climber Paths. Paths like Dancer or Singer come with huge benefits, perhaps earn enough to leave the Sunken Ring. You could live instead of survive,” Fritz impassionedly entreated through her fierce demeanour.

Naomi and Lynn looked to Veronica hopefully, but she remained stone faced, “A very pretty future you’re painting, but that's just it, a painting. If we were to go with you, would you put yourself in harm's way to save us? Would you make a promise to keep us as safe as you can?” She asked bitingly, fully expecting Fritz to refuse and slink away like a coward.

Worry coiled in Fritz's gut, a dread worry that this was a promise he couldn’t make and that no one could keep. Then he saw her knowing stare, like she had his measure as a slimy, double-headed eel and anger boiled away the fear. She didn’t know him, he could make this promise and he would keep it, even if it was just out of spite.

“I will keep you safe, I promise, even if it costs my life,” Fritz declared as self-assuredly as any knight errant.

Veronica's expression changed, first into some shock and then into a vibrantly smug smile of straight white teeth. Fritz reckoned he’d been tricked somehow but couldn’t quite guess how.

Veronica spoke up before Fritz could follow that line of thinking, “Ladies what do we think, now that have Sir Fritz’s solemn oath to protect us. Shall we aim for the Dancer Path?”

“I think I’ll aim for Singer, I was born with two left feet,” Naomi said, beaming at Fritz and brushing her green-streak of hair out of her eyes.

Lynn nodded at Veronica giving her a sly wink which Veronica returned with one of her own. Veronica then turned to Fritz and motioned imperiously, “Well lead on, we’ll join your team, thank you for your gracious offer, I hope we don’t prove to be a burden.”

Still feeling like he’d been tricked he brought them around to where the others were smiling and talking. Bert looked up and raised one golden eyebrow.

“Fritz, Ladies, to what do we owe this pleasure?” He asked graciously, a lopsided smile on his rugged features.

“You owe this pleasure to Fritz, as he has graciously offered to protect us while we on climb to earn a Path,” Veronica announced sweetly, brushing away that stray red strand again.

“Did he now? Well, I say more the merrier, what of the rest of you?” Bert called on the rest of the crew.

“No complaints here could use some company of the gentler, prettier kind,” Greg said in his abysmal attempt at flirting.

Sid merely nodded his assent, as if this wasn’t his idea. Toby looked at Jane in some worry, but she didn’t seem to care much at the moment and nodded along too. Which was good considering how jealous she got of other women near Toby or any of the crew. She seemed to see them as her territory, much to the annoyance of Fritz.

Toby nodded softly, trying to be as subtle as he could about it. Bert nodded again, counting down the last vote on his fingers, then nodded at Fritz whose anxiety about convincing the crew finally melted away.

“Welcome aboard ladies,” Fritz said as if greeting them for the first time. “I know we all know each other a little in passing but would you like to introduce yourselves to clear up any confusion Greg might have?” He swept his arm as if welcoming the women onto a stage.

The redhead spoke first. “I’m Veronica, I work at Tallies Trawler. It’s a tavern in the Sunken Ring.”

“Some would say the best tavern in the Sunken Ring, I’m Lynn and I also work or I guess worked at Tallies Trawler. Also, one thing to know about me is I go where Vee goes,” Lynn said in a surprisingly deep, smooth tone and a look on her face that said she would fight anyone who would try to separate her and ‘Vee.’

“And I’m Naomi, I also worked there some nights but I mostly run a small stall with my older sister Ame,” Naomi admitted with a confident tenor and a bright smile on her face, her green eyes twinkling.

“Greg. I do odd jobs here and there,” Greg grunted, pulling his face into a facsimile of a grin.

“I’m Jane and this is Toby, my boyfriend, we do odd jobs as well,” Jane said in a voice that seemed bright and cheery but held a certain threat.

“I’m sure me and Fritz don’t need much introduction, but we’re burglars,” Bert announced calmly breaking the usual criminal's discretion or ‘thieves cant.’ “And we also do odd jobs,” he added with a wink of a mischievous amber eye.

Fritz felt like he could hear Veronica’s heart skip a beat at that wink, actually, maybe he did with this new Perception. He’d have to pay more attention next time.

“What kind of Abilities did you choose?” Fritz interrupted nipping at the budding romance.

Veronica regained her composure quickly, smoothed her sleeveless shirt then replied, “I took Second Wind, it restores Stamina. I didn’t think I would be going for a Path so I chose something that would help in everyday life not climbing. Lynn took Stone Fists which turns her arms up to the elbow as hard as stone. And Naomi took Flurry, she says it will speed up her attacks for a short while,” Veronica recited.

“Fair enough, Toby hand over some of the fin knives to Naomi and Veronica if you would,” Bert requested genially.

Toby stared darkly at him for a second but then saw the sense of the request. Toby sighed then pulled out two of the sleek fin daggers and handed them to each of the women in turn. They took them in hand and gave them a couple of practice swings. Naomi's swings sped up for a few moments, becoming a glittering blur, until they slowed and she was left breathing heavily.

“Was that Flurry?” Toby inquired his eyes looking a little envious. Naomi nodded still panting, then once she had control of her breathing she added “It really takes it out of you, it was like running down a street all condensed into a couple of seconds.”

Excitedly Fritz tried also out his Ability on the green marble below him, he could feel the Ability there in his star-like centre, he seized it and directed it at the ground a foot in front of his feet.

He felt the light within him react and he could grasp hold of the marble with an invisible appendage. Then that same invisible grip slipped off the floor harmlessly, not affecting the marble at all leaving Fritz panting. He felt like he’d just given one of the guards the slip during a short but intense chase.

Why didn’t that work? Something to do with the Door Room or the spire itself? Maybe the marble is just too magic? Ah well, at least it's good to know one limit to this Ability and how drained it left me. It did feel like he’d used a sizeable portion of his stamina if he could guess, but he thought he could use around two or maybe three more without falling on his arse. Still, it might be better to test that theory. Later, he decided.

“So what’s the plan?” Fritz questioned after he caught his breath. “Should we eat a little, get some rest, say an hour, then choose a door?”

“Urgh, those ration bars are terrible,” Lynn commented as she began to reach into her gear bag. “Better than starving though, hey, what do you guys have there? Those don’t look like ration bars,” She asked staring hopefully at the smoked fish Fritz's crew were pulling out of their makeshift packs.

“Actually I’ve been meaning to ask something along those lines too,” Veronica rejoined tilting her head in interest. “What's with all the fish bone stuff? Did you get it on your first floor?”

“Nah, Fritz tricked it into the Spire, rode it in like a horse the way he tells it. Then we took it apart and used everything we could,” Greg grumbled dismissing and downplaying Fritz’s heroics.

“I didn’t exactly ride it like a horse, it was more like a bull I gripped by the horns and guided into the spire, it cut me pretty good too,” Fritz boasted while pulling up his trouser leg to show off the grizzly pink scar rather than the neatly sewn up gash it was on the first floor.

Jane looked on, as did the others in subdued amazement. Not to be deterred from the question of better food Lynn spoke up again a small wheedling tone added to her usual hoarseness. “Is the fish any better than the rations? Could you share some?”

“It’s probably better for you as it is monster meat, and as such, is riddled with mana. As for the taste, well see for yourself,” Fritz answered throwing some of his smoked fish to each of the women. Then he took a bite, tearing into the metallic morsel with his teeth, smiling to himself with false delight and humming a small, “Mmm,” to complete the act.

Seeing Fritz’s relish. Lynn to a large bite of her portion, and immediately covered her mouth to prevent herself from spitting it straight out. It looked as if she was struggling not to gag then she swallowed her mouthful her burgundy eyes watering from the overwhelming taste.

Veronica and Naomi handled the fish considerably better as they ate it in small bites, they just had faces of mild disgust and grim acceptance, as they chewed through the iron flavours.

Fritz grinned as he observed Veronica and the other women eat. He himself forced down the fish, with big gulps of water from his water skin.

“Awful,” Veronica said blandly drinking down some water.

“Truly,” Naomi agreed sombrely, also rinsing the taste out of her mouth with water.

Lynn glared at Fritz coughing a little as she shouted, “What the abyss Fritz, that was the worst thing I’ve eaten! I’ll get you back for your trick, mark my works.”

“What trick,” Fritz began pretending affront, smiling and biting into the terrible fish again “Maybe I really like the taste of Quicksilver Swordfish, one could even say it is but an acquired taste for those with a refined palate.”

“I’ll refine your pallet alright, just you wait Fritz,” threatened Lynn a smirk crawling up the right side of her face.

Fritz looked around, searching for the support of his crew, they either rolled their eyes or smiled at him blandly. Sid shook his head when their eyes met a smile creeping onto his face too.

“Maybe once we get out of the Spire,” Fritz eventually responded, trying to give Lynn a Bert-like wink. Naomi giggled softly beside her and Lynn scowled.

“Okay enough of the flirting,” Jane chided. “Get some rest eat up then meet up at the door in about half an hour.”

The crews gathered in a circle ate and chatted, going through Room strategy and getting to know each other better. One interesting piece of information Fritz gathered was that Naomi knew all about the remedy grease, they sold it at the stall she ran with her sister. Her sister made the stuff and Naomi helped, apparently her sister was something of an aspiring alchemist and Naomi was her all too willing assistant.

The way Naomi talked of her sister he could tell they were close and Fritz redoubled his intention to fulfil his promise to keep them safe.

“An alchemist, is that a path?” Jane inquired while she clasped hands with Toby who was looking rather sullen maybe at the attention and at all the sly smiles pointed their way.

“I think it can be, but Ame is a Medic, and she has an alchemist technique,” Naomi replied whispering the last bit. And so she should Fritz thought, If anyone knew they’d abduct her and have her teaching them and their cronies for the rest of her life.

“Did she teach you? The thing?” Jane quietly questioned, leaning closer to Naomi.

Naomi nodded slowly, “A little, it showed up in my Spire Sheet as ‘Thas’lo’telon Alchemy Novice.’ So I think it worked,” Naomi smiled a small vulnerable smile.

“When we get out, could you teach me?” Jane asked enthusiastically keeping her voice low and close.

“I guess, please don’t tell anyone else though, I really shouldn’t have told you either,” Naomi begged, looking nervous about the proposition.

“Certainly,” Jane said her grey eyes glinting with hunger. They fell into an uncomfortable silence, and Fritz frowned a little at Jane when she glanced at him. She had the good sense to look away abashed at his silent admonishment.

“Ahem,” Bert cleared his throat exaggeratedly. “This may be a bit of a stupid question but how does aligning Attributes effect us? Cause I don’t feel all that different. I’m definitely stronger and more coordinated, but I’m not sure by how much.”

It didn’t seem to be a stupid question as the others stopped their conversations and listened in intently.

“Well from what I’ve read,” Fritz began. “It multiplies the base,” Sid and Fritz said in unison. Their eyes met for a moment then they glanced away awkwardly. Naomi giggled and Veronica smiled brightly at some private joke that completely eluded Fritz.

He faked a cough, and continued his explanation, “Don’t know exactly by how much it increases your capabilities. You’d have to find an expensive tutor to learn that I’m afraid. But you can be sure you’re going to get more use out of aligning to Attributes you’re already good at.”

“Ah, so Greg aligning to Strength is going to be more effective than some one who’s weak and spindly, like Fritz, aligning to strength?” Bert pointed out annoyingly.

“I’m not spindly, I worked hard to become wiry,” Fritz boasted holding out arm that actually did look more wiry than spindly. Monster meat works fast, he reflected.

“There are potions, balms and serums that can help you to an extent though, increase your ‘base’ as it’s described,” Naomi piped up eagerly, as she seemed to do whenever alchemical subjects were brought up. “They’re expensive but even Fritz could have a hope overcoming his spindel-itus. There are even substances that let you stay petite if that’s what you want. Muscle density serums and the like rather than just the growth stuff which is far cheaper.”

“Spindel-itus,” Greg repeated, letting out a full belly laugh. “Hahahaha that’s good!”

Fritz smiled along with the rest of them, letting them have their fun. Spire's knew that they needed all the laughs they could get.

“But that’s about all I know. We best get ready for the climb ahead,” Fritz said, subtly dismissing the group.

People came and went, either needing to relieve themselves, refill their water skins from the Well or just getting some alone time to gather their thoughts. All too soon the rest was over and the group gathered at the three Doors, waiting on Fritz to make a choice.

There they stood three archways, all differing in subtle and not-so-subtle ways. The leftmost Door was like a square cut into the wall. It was supported with a wooden frame and packed dirt walls of a red-ochre colouring. It had no stairs but instead a ramp leading upwards, it reminded Fritz of a mine shaft he had seen a picture of once in a book from his fathers library. Underground, hard to spread out and fight effectively. Possible cave-ins?

The middle Door was a graceful arch made of finely carved silver the stairs were gleaming polished metal, and the walls were of a mirror sheen. The light that came from its upper floor was reflecting dazzlingly bright off the shining surfaces. Too bright, will probably be blinding. High metal content and I can't use my power on metal.

The last archway was a rectangular well-worn stone brick affair, both walls and floor of the same dreary grey brick. There was also a softly wafting breeze that smelled faintly of rot emanating from its depths. It smells of rot, probably undead, disease or something equally as horrible. Also looks to be underground.

Fritz made a show of walking between them, looking listening and even sniffing them before halting in front of the one made of wood and dirt. “This one,” He declared confidently, this time with more genuine surety. The Perception Attribute seemed to be paying off already, he doubted he would have been able to smell the tinge of rot previously.

From the tales his father would tell of undead, even the weak or slow ones, were always nasty and likely to curse or disease you even if you cleared the floor. Attrition was the name of the game in their case. “Avoiding undead, my boy, is always worth it,” He would remind Fritz. The memory came like a blow, and almost caused Fritz to stumble, but he pushed on and into the mine shaft, letting the words of his father lead him on.

The dirt of the ramp crunched under Fritz’s boots as he led his crew into danger, this time at least he felt he had picked a floor they could clear. Behind him, he could hear the others following and from ahead a soft high high-pitched giggle echoed out of the darkness. A chill went down his spine at the noise, and he felt he had a good idea of what made the sound.

The creature that was said to abduct and eat naughty children and be the thieves of all misplaced things.

The most hated and maligned,

The least of noble Faerie kind.

Cunning, sneaky and so vicious,

Ugly, weakly and malicious.

Goblins stalk those they mark,

Kill you, eat you in the dark.

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