Spiritual Recovery: Be Invincible Starting From Delivering Food

Chapter 622 Complete Defeat

Even the most powerful hackers still need to physically connect the network to the intranet in order to tamper with data.

However, the mechanical apostle has the ability to ignore any obstacles and can not only monitor but also change it.

Zhao Minghui clenched his fists and used his spiritual voice to give orders to all ships:

"Turn off all electrical communications, turn off all detection equipment, and use your experience and intuition to defeat the enemy!"

"Remember, any electromagnetic communication will be monitored by the enemy!"

The sound transmission of his spiritual power can only be extended to fifty kilometers, and it is difficult for ships beyond that to hear it.

But even if the information is disseminated, it is useless. Fighting the enemy without using detection equipment is no different from boxing with a blindfolded person.

At this time, a destroyer was on board.

The navy soldier asked: "With all equipment turned off, how can we find out the enemy's location?"

The captain gritted his teeth and said, "Visual inspection!"

"We will fight how the navy of a hundred years ago fought!"

It sounds easy to say, but once they are exposed to the enemy's satellite images, they will be bombarded by missiles, and they have no countermeasures.

This is a completely one-sided information war, which tests the Chinese military's on-the-spot response capabilities.

As the destroyer prepared to search for enemy forces, a missile struck the cabin with a loud bang.


No one on board survived.

Zhao Minghui realized that his ambitious ambitions could no longer be fulfilled.

From the beginning to now, he has not even seen the shadow of the enemy, but has lost five battleships.

After so many years in the navy, where had he ever fought such an unfair battle?

"Give the order, all battleships fire at the intended target!"

The navy had its own original planned goal. This was their decisive action, but it had to be brought out at the beginning of the battle.

The warships heard the order and all fired missiles towards the location.

Zhao Minghui flew high into the sky and put his hands together.

"Spiritual skill: water breaks through the waves!"

An ocean vortex appeared out of thin air, sucking most of the enemy warships towards the direction of the vortex.

The ships sent by the Mechanical Apostles are indeed the most advanced, but those androids do not have the same magical skills as humans!

Countless artillery fire flickered behind Zhao Minghui, and then they all shot in the direction of the vortex.

With this move, the Chinese Navy is invincible in all civil wars around the world.

A large number of enemy ships were destroyed and swept into the seabed by the whirlpool.

Zhao Minghui's attack was not over yet. He suddenly raised his hands and shouted:

"Spiritual Skill: Raging Waves and Tsunami!"

A huge wave of twenty meters high rises from the bottom of the sea. Water attribute users have several times the combat power on land as they do on sea.

This is especially true for Zhao Minghui, who has reached the Saint level. Except for Ye Xiaoshu, no one can beat him in a duel at sea.

The moment the huge wave touched the ship, the force overturned it completely.

The first wave of menacing fleets was capsized to the bottom of the sea by magical skills.

It was a great victory, but no one could laugh.

The navy knows that these two ultimate moves of the commander will only be released when the battle situation reaches a disadvantage and a stalemate.

But now, if you use it as soon as the battle begins, you know that the next battle may not be easy.

Next, waves of battleships attacked from a distance.

The Chinese warships had no countermeasures, so they could only drop heat decoys for free in an attempt to disperse enemy missiles.

But those missiles seemed to have eyes, specially designed to hit the battleships.

After the second round of bombing, a quarter of the ships were sunk.

And this one-sided crushing continued until that night.

"North to east direction 34°, our battlecruiser was sunk."

"South to west at 54°, our frigate group was destroyed."


Zhao Minghui interrupted the detector and said through gritted teeth:

"Okay, no need to report."

As the commander, how could he not know the situation of the war?

Zhao Minghui reopened the communication equipment in the ship and sent a message to the Central Command:

"Ask people if they have finished evacuating."

"If time is needed, the fleet can hold off for twelve hours."

This time is exchanged for lives. If the entire fleet is destroyed, China will lose the opportunity to counterattack.

Cui Zhenjun's voice came from the other end of the communication:

"Get out, most of the people have evacuated, and the enemy troops will be taken over by the Marine Corps."

"Thanks a lot."

Zhao Minghui's fingers trembled and he tried his best to calm his mood and said:

"No...it's not hard."


The battleships spread out to both sides, leaving the enemy's fire coverage area as much as possible.

When the enemy warships detected the evacuation of the navy, they quickly moved towards the shore, and batch after batch of androids landed and headed inland.

At this time, the android holding a personal rocket launcher fired into a jungle.


The explosion resounded through the sky, and the frightened birds flew towards the sky.

At this time, the second missile struck at the same time.


The tank hidden in the jungle exploded.

After confirming that there were no electromagnetic waves in the jungle, the bionic man who launched the missile followed the large army and rushed into the jungle.

Several soldiers standing in the trench gritted their teeth and must not expose themselves without orders.

They looked at the tank being bombarded by missiles.

The emergency escape hatch under the tank was opened, and a pair of arms stretched out from inside...

Those hands were hanging in mid-air.

"Brother, I will avenge you." The captain of the team secretly swore.

At this time, the voice of the military came from their headphones:

"All teams, ambush begins!"

As soon as they poked their guns out of the grass, the unprepared group of androids suddenly turned their heads and pointed their guns at the soldiers and opened fire.

The android's eyes have been strengthened and equipped with heat-sensing devices, making it easy to see moving targets hiding in the grass.

At the same time, equipped with shooting data modules, each of them is a sharpshooter.

Suddenly, a soldier stood in front of his comrade, stretching his hands forward.

"Tai Chi cloud hand."

The special magnetic energy gloves on his hands have strong ability to absorb metal.

Ye Xiaoshu gave Tai Chi to all China not only to earn points, but also to strengthen all people, including the army.

Those who have mastered this technique can perform miraculous feats like spiritual skills.

The spiritual energy attaches to the bullets and stops them all.

The few remaining soldiers opened fire, killing a squad of androids.

"Is this the martial arts created by the King of Soldiers? I really didn't expect it to play such a big role on the battlefield." A soldier said.

"Okay, let's not say so much. Let's wait for the next order."

The team leader picked up the walkie-talkie and pressed the button, only to hear a "bah" sound.

"Our signal has been interfered with. The enemy seems to be proficient in information warfare." The team leader said with a frown.

"What should we do?" the soldier asked.

"Stand where you are. If you act rashly and encounter friendly fire, it will be the end."


What happened to this small team is just a microcosm, and the same events happened all over the battlefield.

The army fell into passivity.

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