
Chapter 34: Kamikaze Knot; A knot which works best under tension but comes loose easily

“Kass, you seen Tony?”

Kass turned. Her boss had his head poking out of his office door.

“Not since Friday,” she replied.

He nodded but didn’t look too concerned.

“Wait there.” He ducked back into his office and reappeared a moment later holding a manila folder.

“You’re in charge of the Milton Estate.” He handed her the folder.

“I’m not a probate lawyer Sam,” she repeated what she’d told Tony last week.

“Yeah well you were helping Tony on it and I’ve told you before Kass, this firm . . . this town is too small for anyone to specialise. You want to only practice criminal law then move to the city.” He returned to his office before Kass could protest any further. Not that it was worth trying. She sighed and looked at the folder in her hand.

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