Spy Academy

1. An Exceptional Young Man

Read the next TWO chapters on my Patreon!

AN: A new commissioned project that’s been months in development. Taking place in the near future, Spy Academy isn’t meant to be realistic or plausible, but rather a saga of pure male escapist fantasy. Teen spies fighting bad guys, saving the world, and getting the girl. Or two. Or even three. Boiled down to its core concept, it is essentially a Saturday Morning Cartoon (or Shonen Manga) with sex scenes sprinkled throughout. I hope you guys have as much fun reading this one as I will writing it!

1. An Exceptional Young Man

Jason stared at his own reflection. Looking upon the face of the idiot who just pissed away his future. 

The bruising on his cheek had faded but he could still feel that dull ache throbbing under the skin. His knuckles were little better, the thin skin still raw and red. 

Battle scars, he thought bitterly.

The teenager turned his eyes from the two-way mirror. For perhaps the hundredth time, he drank in his surroundings. The interrogation room hadn’t changed since the last time he looked around, but he held out a sliver of hope - maybe this time there’d be a change, something else besides the suffocating gray walls, the cold metal table, and the sterile fluorescent lights buzzing above his head. 

Jason blew air out his nostrils, sinking back into the foldable chair. The cheap metal bit into his back. Every little thing about the room was meant to evoke discomfort. But over the last few lonely hours, even that too had grown stale.

Anxiety and worry and dread had given way to sheer, miserable boredom. By this point, Jason was close to begging for the stuffed suits and white wigs from the courthouse to punish him already, just so that they could get it over with.

Arrested for doing the right thing. The thought rang in the teenager’s head like a big fuck-off bell. What a fucking joke.

Suddenly, there was the sound of metallic shifting - Jason sat up as his eyes darted to the door. It swung open… and a lone woman stepped through. And she was absolutely, stunningly gorgeous. Jason practically froze in his seat, he could hardly believe his eyes.

She had brilliant red hair down to her shoulders, brushed and modestly curled. Dressed in a dark blazer and skirt, she would have almost looked professional… if not for the low-cut V-neck of her white blouse. 

Her figure was bold, stunning, so splendid that not even business casual could hide away her curves. She was all-woman. And when Jason tore his eyes away from her pale cleavage, he saw that she was smiling at him.

The door shut behind her. The only sound was the clicking of her heels as she approached the table. Even something so simple and innocent as walking had Jason mesmerized. He drew his eyes over her body one last time before she sat down across from him. Then he moved on to admiring her pretty face.

Bright green eyes, full of spirit and mirth. Maternal and playful at the same time. Her lips were full, looking so soft and plump, only complimented by her rosy cheeks. Faint laugh-lines around her mouth gave her the flavor of naturality. Homegrown rather than work of cosmetics. But in the end, Jason could find only one word to describe her: breathtaking. (1)

The woman gave a soft, sweet hum. She set a manila folder aside on the metal table before clasping her hands together. 

“You seem to find yourself in a bit of a bind, Mr. Silva.” She finally spoke. Her voice was as lovely as her body, soft and feminine. Shockingly so.

When his heartbeat finally slowed and the shock to his young body finally wore off, Jason felt confusion pouring in, swirling through his thoughts.

“Uh…” His eyes darted between the redhead, the door, and the two-way mirror. As drop-dead gorgeous as this woman was, he didn’t know her. “Who are you exactly?”

“I’m here to get you out of trouble.” She answered with such surety that Jason almost believed her. And even still… he really, really wanted to. The redhead continued on, offering a small smile. “I guess you could say I’m a friend.”

“Are you a lawyer? Did my parents send you?” It was a long shot. Jason had wasted his one phone call trying to reach his mom and dad, but they didn’t pick up. Most likely they’d been stuck in the middle of a conference or panel presentation. In any case, with how busy he knew them to be… it would have taken quite a bit before word reached them of what had happened with their son.

Jason really wasn’t looking forward to that return call.

To his surprise, the redhead shook her head.

“No. To both, I’m afraid.” She seemed… apologetic.

Jason sank back into his seat again.

“That figures.” He said flatly. Then the confusion returned. He narrowed his eyes at the woman across from him. She wasn’t a lawyer. And she definitely didn’t look like a cop. Who was she? “So… you’re my friend, huh?”

The woman nodded, sitting up.

“Right now, I’m the only one you’ve got. And that ought to make your next decision a whole lot easier.”

Jason scanned her face, looking for any sign that she was bullshitting him. He drank in her eyes, brilliant green pools that sucked him in. He found no malicious intent. But maybe she was just that good. In the end, Jason knew he didn’t have much choice. Relaxing into his chair, he slung one arm over the backrest.

“Well don’t leave me hanging, lady. Explain.”

The redhead seemed to perk up then, wearing a smile of sunshine as she opened up the manila folder. Deep in the back of Jason’s mind, in the dark corner where his cavemen sensibilities lurked, the young man was stunned by how much he wanted to make this woman happy. Every smile, every glance with her bright eyes, meant flickering embers in his heart, in his gut, and lower.

“First, let’s do a recap.” The woman hummed, spreading out sheets of paper. Typed documents, some stapled together, others single and loose. Jason noticed his own picture among them. The papers were about him. The redhead cleared her throat and began to speak.

“You’re Jason Silva. Eighteen years old. Born in Laredo, Texas on June 1st, 2016 to parents Nathan and Veronica Silva. Moved to Dallas when you were seven, lived here ever since. Academics and athletics always came easy to you. Star student and star athlete, you excelled all throughout grade school from elementary to your current year. Near perfect grades. Same for your performance on the field for Football, Soccer, Baseball… any sport, any position, any subject. You are an exceptional young man, Mr. Silva. Far beyond most boys your age - and many older boys as well. You’re the sort who gets to write his own ticket. The only black marks I can find in your file are your issues with authority. Issues like what happened today.”

Jason frowned.

“Seems like you already know what you need to know.” His words came a bit more sour than he intended. But he couldn’t help it. Not after the magnitude of his screw-up was laid out like that.

“I’d like to hear your side of the story.” The woman insisted, taking on a softer tone. She reached across the table, taking his hand. Her touch was gentle. Warm. Almost enough to put Jason at ease. “A star student like you just doesn’t assault an athletics instructor out of nowhere.”

A flash of anger rose up within the teenager as memories of the fight lit up his mind. His face twisted into a scowl, all on its own.

“You’re right. It wasn’t assault.” He told the woman. Dark venom bled into his voice. “The creep was perving on a girl from the gymnastics team. Freshman girl. She was too young and too new to know how to blow him off. He couldn’t keep his hands to himself. He thought no one was watching.”

“But you were.” The redhead finished for him. Jason looked over, seeing the understanding in her eyes. And for a moment there was relief. Vindication. He had found someone who understood. Someone on his side.

“I stepped in. The girl got out of there. Perv got pissed, started some shit with me. We got into a scrape.”

“And that’s how school security found you.”

“Yeah.” Jason huffed, his head falling back. He stared up at the fluorescent lights, watching them flicker. “Turns out the security came because of the ruckus, not because of the girl. So they didn’t know the full story. It was his word against mine. Being a star student didn’t mean shit. He was an adult. And I’d just broken his nose. It was a bad look.”

“Not from my perspective.” The woman said. Her voice was firm, strong. Faithful.

For Jason, it was nice to hear.

The teenager shifted in his seat again, this time leaning forward. He drummed his fingers over the raw skin of his knuckles. His eyes flickered to the door, to the two-way mirror. Then he settled on the lovely sight of his new friend.

“Who are you, really?” He asked.

“Donna Dekker.” The redhead answered. She offered her hand and a beaming smile. “It’s very nice to meet you, Jason.”

Jason took Donna’s hand and shook it. Again, he enjoyed the softness and warmth of her touch, his skin feeling alive even as her hand slipped from his.

“So… you say you’re here to help. How? I got arrested. My parents are out of town on business. I’ve got no other family to come get me. If the creep presses charges, I’ve got no lawyer and no way to pay bail.”

At that, Donna broke out into soft, delicate laughter. So rich and lovely the sound of her voice was, that Jason felt his heart pumping… and the rush of hot blood throughout his body. And when she set upon him those brilliant green eyes… It was a thrill unlike any he had ever felt before.

“He won’t be pressing charges.” She assured him. “And no black mark will be going on your record. Not for this.”

Another rush came, sweet relief washing over him. It was too good to be true. But Jason wanted to believe it. He wanted to believe in that pretty face.

“You can make that happen?”

Donna reached over and took his hand again. Her thumb brushed over his skin. Tenderly. Affectionately.

“Mr. Silva. Jason. I represent a very powerful, very influential group. Powerful enough to make this whole mess go away. We’ve had our eyes on you for a long time now. We want you to come join us. To work with us.”

“And do what?”

Donna smiled. She sat up in her chair, pride swelling up in her posture and in her eyes.

“Mold yourself into a better man. Into an agent of justice. And protect the world.

Jason digested her words. They were quite lofty ideas. The teenager felt flattered at the high opinion Donna had of him… and wary for much the same reason.

“Sounds dangerous.”

“It is. Rewarding, too.” Donna’s answer was blunt, spoken with a grin. Jason searched her eyes again. He found no hint of deception. That last bit… that did intrigue him.

“Can you give me a bit more details? What’s the catch?”

“The deal, Jason, is that you accept this invitation to enroll at Trevelyan Academy. A place where bright young minds are molded into future leaders. Where you will learn valuable skills… and train to become one of our field agents. We will teach you to become a soldier and a spy. The best in the world. We are very interested in having you… and your natural talents.”

“My talents.” Jason repeated. He smiled, incredulous. None of this seemed real. Like it was some elaborate joke. But Donna seemed real enough, the tender feeling of her hand upon his feeling more real than Mr. Cooper’s nose being crushed under his fist.

“Like I said before… You are an exceptional young man. You’re taller, stronger, and faster than most of your peers. You’re perceptive, intelligent, adaptable. You have a strong sense of right and wrong, willing to put yourself in danger to do the right thing. And you can fight a grown man and win. Our organization can use that.”

Over the course of their talk, Jason had become wide awake. It was like this woman had brought him back to life. Just the sight of her… her red hair, her perfect pale skin, even the sweet scent of her perfume. It all had him wired. It wasn’t excitement that rushed through his veins. But it was similar. He was on edge, his senses sharp, keen.

She was offering him a literal get-out-of-jail-free card. If he was so smart, he would have laughed in her face from the very start. And yet… there was something itching at him. A voice in the back of his mind, telling him to take the chance.

A new path. A better path. Better than rotting in this interrogation room. The boyhood fantasy of adventure and doing something that mattered was staring him in the face. Only it wasn’t a fantasy now. It was real.

The gorgeous woman was offering him a way out. He’d be stupid not to take it.

Jason swallowed, sitting forward now. He glanced towards the door, fearing that at any moment a small army of cops would bust through.

“So if I say yes… what else would I have to-”

“You won’t need to do anything.” Donna insisted. She gathered up the papers, sliding them back into the folder and flipping it shut. She drew it back onto her lap as she scooted back and stood. Slowly, cautiously, Jason did the same. Donna gave him a warm look, stepping around the table to set a reassuring hand on his arm. Her voice dropped, soft but sincere. “Our people will take care of the paperwork, the formalities, everything. Anything that needs to be signed, any palms that need to be greased, we’ll have it covered. Your record will be cleared… and that Mr. Cooper will be getting a visit from the police this very evening. All you have to do is accept.”

Donna offered her hand. After a moment of thought - a short moment - Jason took it and shook.

“I just hope I’m not signing away my soul.” Jason joked, keeping a solid lid on that lingering anxious feeling. It settled in the very pit of his gut. 

But Donna Dekker beamed up at him with her full lips and bright eyes. And suddenly that gut feeling was history. Gone with the dinosaurs.

Donna stepped closer then. She was shorter than him by some inches, looking up into his eyes. Then she got up on her tiptoes and Jason’s heart skipped a beat when her lips touched his cheek. He stood, frozen, as her soft kiss lingered. One second, then two, then three. Finally, she pulled away. A soft hum rose in her throat.

“Your soul? No. Your body? Yes.” She giggled before kissing his cheek again. This one lingered even longer. Jason felt a lovely shudder rolling through his gut. He fought the urge to sweep this woman into his arms. Almost in recognition of his struggle, Donna patted his abdomen as she pulled back.

“Your efforts will be more than compensated.” She assured him, her fingers sliding down his shirt… and his flat stomach. She looked him in the eyes… and Jason saw such delicious promise. “I think you’re going to love the perks.”

1. All of the women in this story will be based on popular female characters and famous actresses. Donna Dekker in particular is inspired heavily by the lovely actress Christina Hendricks.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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