Stands in the MCU – I Don’t Want To Have A Bizarre Adventure!! [HIATUS]

008 – Dead End Job

"So that's the representation of my soul?"


My soul is a fat cat?

"What does it do?"

"I don't know"

"What? Aren't you a Stand specialist or something?"

"I don't know what every Stand does..."

He looked at me like it was obvious.

How would I know?

"Can I control it?"

"It takes practice, try to talk to him mentally or spiritually. It's hard to explain"


The cat suddenly woke up.


It turned into multiple smaller cats and they all jumped off the table.

They all started running around the house.

Half of them jumped high to the counter and caught napkins with their mouths.

The other half ran to the bathroom and came back with pieces of toilet paper.

Both halves jumped back to the table and lined up looking at me.

They all said "Nyau!" at the same time.


All of them put the pieces of paper and napkins on the table, got together and fused into the bigger cat, and got back to sleep.

I wiped my lips with the napkins.

I was uncomfortable with my lips dirty with ketchup so I think he... it? They? They understood that.

"Ok but how is that going to defend me?"

"That's what we're going to find out while you stay here, until then it's best if you don't leave alone"


"You may end up finding another Stand user and I won't be able to protect you"

"Protect me? Why would you want to protect me?"

He looked straight at me without blinking somehow, drank his coffee, got his things, and went to the sink.

"We have to name your Stand"


"Because all Stands have names"


"...I don't know"

"Ok then"

"What about Dead End Job?"

"What? What a strange name"

"It's the title of a song from The Police"


"Most Stands have names referencing a song or band or something musical"


"...I don't know"

"What's the name of your Stand?"

He looked straight at me but blinked and turned around.

"...Doll Parts"

Is he embarrassed by the name?

"Why? It's a wooden puppet you should've named it Pinocchio or something"

"It's cool..."

He mumbled but this time I could hear it.

Looking angry, he turned away from me and kept cleaning the dishes.

Is he... blushing?


"Ok? You do you. My Stand is going to have a normal cat name"


"Your name is Peanuts now. Hi Mr. Peanuts!"

Peanuts opened one of his eyes and gave me a small meow.


I tried to pat his little head but my hand passed through him.


"That's another thing. In most cases, nothing can interact physically with a Stand, in another words, only a Stand can hurt a Stand."

"That's good but it sucks at the same time. I can't pat him..."

He looked at me like I was an idiot.

"Is there anything else I should know about Stands?"

"Nothing much. Just that Stands share their wounds with their users because of their connection with each other"


It's interesting but scary at the same time.

It sounds fun to discover what else my Stand can do.

I looked at Peanuts sleeping.

Maybe it won't be so bad with a cute cat like this.

I got up from my chair and took my dishes with me.

"At least let me wash the dishes"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, you did a lot for me and the least I could do is wash the dishes for you"


I had so much fun that I forgot that my life is in constant danger right now.

At least I have a really warm bed waiting for me right now.

And food, a lot of food.

How did he eat so much?

And at least I have someone that's protecting me.

For whatever reason it is.

I don't mind, he seems like a good person despite his demeanors.

I should stop crying about depending on people and just repay them.

I'll help with house chores for now.

I don't know how to cook but I could learn too.

It's the least I can do.

It's better if I stopped thinking about this stuff and just wash these dishes.

I started washing them while humming a random song.


Is she humming the Simpsons' theme song?

She's really cute.

It's kind of weird having a girl in my house.

More so when she's wearing your clothes.

(It wasn't a "boyfriend shirt" aesthetic because we're almost the same size...)

But I'm not really bothered or flustered about it.

We kind of talked a little before.

By "we" I mean her and by "a little" I mean a lot.

All about The Simpsons and obscure TV shows.

Obscure to me.

She talked like everybody should know everything about Star Trek: Next Generation.

I was hoping she didn't think I was a creep by inviting her to my house when we don't even know each other.

Shouldn't it be harder than this?

Why am I talking like I just kidnapped her?

The only bad thing is that I can't go to my sanctuary and be a weirdo alone.

Good thing I have a dozen pages scheduled to post.

So I can be out of the sanctuary for some days.

I should call Grandma to tell her that everything is fine.

But knowing her she will annoy me mentioning that Roxanne is at my house alone with me.

I'll call her later.

What should I do?

Maybe I should train her how to deal with future enemies.

But I don't even know how to train her.

She needs to be stronger to protect herself though.

How long can she stay here?

She has a job, I think.

I can't follow her everywhere, right?

And I can't keep her here forever.

What should I do?

I looked at my phone and remembered the smartest person I know.


Going to my room, I got my phone and looked at Roxanne before I closed the door.

She's... dancing?

"I'm going to call grandma ok?"

"Hm? Alright"

"Do you want to say anything to her?"

"Not really, I'll call her later she must be worried about me"

I bet she is.


"Hi grandma, call I talk to you really quick?"

"What is it dear? Are you and Roxanne alright?"

"Yes, I just wanted to talk about her"

"Oh, you've decided it? Finally, my handsome grandson is going to have a girlfriend"

"Grandma! That's not it"

"What is it then?"

"It's that... She might be in danger"

"Oh... It's because of what happened that day?"

"Yes. I think other people like that guy could show up and hurt her. What do I do?"

"What do you want to do, Kurtis?"

"I want her to stay here so I can protect her"



"I took her in for the same reason.

She looked so lost in her life that I felt pity and wanted her to have a job and somewhere to sleep.

I feel sorry for her but I can't do much besides giving her the job.

If you're with her I can rest assured that she'll have a good time and feel safe.

Just don't think that she's a defenseless little doll, she can be a little lazy sometimes but I know she's a good person.

Take care of her for me ok Kurtis?"


"And try not to give me grandchildren so soon, you're too young dear"


"Haha, bye bye Kurty"



I know what I should do.

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