Star Burst of Sector 2814

Star 13

Star Burst of Sector 2814

Star 13

By: BigToFu

Commander Wolf


WILL… 100%

FEAR… 100%

RAGE… 65%

HOPE… 100%

Standing on the battlements, I cast my gaze far and wide, and I took in the scope of what was before me. This was a moment to be savored like fine wine, as this would be my stage to the wider galactic whole. With my perceptions of reality enhanced, the three seconds it took me to look down on what had to be a variable sea of monsters, stretched on for half an hour. 


The sky was purple and from that great color green lights flickered and twinkled as they fell onto the surface like raindrops. All around me, my Lanterns fell like stars all decked out in their own version of the Zaku Two mobile armor turned power suits.


Ignoring the Shi'ar with a blade to her throat, I cocked a brow at the information my scanners were picking up and feeding to my HUD. From the readings, there was a rapidly approaching Hive Lord easily over twelve meters in size, well over a couple of tons. Yeah, that was a big bitch alright. Pushing that thought aside, I noticed something else being picked up by my scanners. 


FEAR…. No, not just any FEAR rating on the emotional spectrum, but the signature energy of FEAR. My scanners were picking up trace levels of FEAR energy and I was none too pleased.


With a frown, I rolled my neck to get the stiffness out before setting one leg back to brace for what was coming next even as I brought around what appeared to be my two booster packs. The ends split and pulled back to show cannon barrels even as my own shoulder-mounted booster systems opened and the funnel weapons systems launched themselves skywards.


The miniature particle reactors spun up, their energy levels already rocketing past seventy percent within the seconds.


“Lanterns!” My voice thundered across the battlefields as I hunkered down into a more stable position. Solid beam constructs formed from my waist and back to add more stabilization. Then as I watched the cannon readings reach critical, I made my final call. “SHIELDS!!!”


The Hive Lord made a break away from his Brood pack, on a beeline straight for my position, and with my mental faculties accelerated by my ring, I caught the bastard's sudden burst of energy. I took in the sickly brown skin, the nasty yellow foam around the mouth filled with razor-sharp teeth. The Hive Lord ran on two legs, had four arms, two of which were whip-like appendages. Its head was massive with cranial ridges like a Klingon and easily twice the size of my torso, but that didn’t deter me as I sent a mental command activating my helm and faceplate snapped into place with a forceful clang.


Another mental command had the funnel's weapon system swing into place and catch the bastard in a tractor beam as he made a jumping lunge towards my position. That meant there was no way to miss such an easy setup. With my cannons redlining at one hundred percent charge, there was no way in hell that I was going to miss my shot. The hit was center mass and disintegrated the bastard, then I dragged my massive ‘fuck you’ cannon’s across the field of Broods killing hundreds if not thousands.


I knew my attempt was futile, but there would be no other time that I would be able to mow this many down as if they were wheat for the harvest. 


Hoisting both cannons upwards, I let the steam waft off the surface as I played up being the Terminator:  like in the movies. Then with a double ping, the spent heat sink coils ejected outwards and over the balcony. Even if I paid it no mind, my sensors picked up on the massive heat radiating off the ejected coils. Out of the corner of my eye, I tracked the landing and raised a brow even as it bubbled the concrete and sank in a few inches. Yeah, that would either need a change or something that would allow me to use the spent heatsinks as a projectile. Overkill or not, never waste an opportunity to do your enemy harm. 


Two more heatsinks slotted into place, but I paid that no mind as I handed over control to Athena before leaping down into the throng of bodies. Landing in a squatted position in the freshly made crater, I grabbed my rifle. Then with a solid grip on the under-barrel I flipped it over and turned my marksman rifle into its shotgun configuration. I gave my surroundings a look and found things clear and to my liking. With a few quick plans formulated in my mind, I took the next logical step.


“Diana, you’re in charge, make sure to get the civilians out.” I spoke into the coms, my commands going out in rapid succession along with the plans I had prepared.


“Got it.” Was her swift reply.  


Kicking off hard, I dashed up and out over the lip of my crater even as my radar screamed warnings at me. It was clear that Jessica Drew was doing her job with the number of sensor pings being tracked and fed to my system 


{Apartment Housing Bunker Underground Seventy-four meters northeast by seven degrees.}


The first Brood to appear got a size 12 boot to the face with booster rockets to help him with his lovely tan. The second Brood got to eat some pulsed shotgun rounds and the third got the full brunt of my booster pack to his face and torso. 


Will 100%


Fear 113%


With Athena directing them, my funnels came down and started a light show, powerful lasers leaving burned trails and the smell of ozone, but I was already moving. I had finally found the apartment that Jessica had marked for me, the mega-structure was near barren with obvious signs of struggle. 


Hell, in one spot, I even noticed that there were tracks from someone being dragged off, talk about major scary movie vibes. With a shake of my head, I decided to use the footballer’s approach. Putting my shoulder forward, green spikes formed on my pauldrons before I took off at speed. The wall of the apartment stood no chance against me of course as I made my own opening with an ‘OHH-YEAH!!!’ as if I was the kool-aid man. The wall parted as if it was made of cardboard and I went flying down the hallway before sliding into a stop before what looked as if it was freshly torn open. A few of the Brood bastards were standing before the freshly torn open elevator doors, they stood no chance as I brought my shotgun up.






Both Broods that stood to watch my little display found themselves with new ventilation holes to breathe through. Standing up and putting my shotgun on the magnetic clamps on my back mount, two knuckle dusters with serrated edges popped out of my gauntlet and covered my hands. Giving my surroundings one last look and finding nothing trying to sneak up on me, I had Athena place the funnel's weapon systems on over watching before then jumping down into the enclosed and cramped space.


I fell for what must have felt like forever, but I knew better, the HUD was showing a depth of just over seven hundred feet which I hosed up rapidly, the red flashing light at the end of this horror show swiftly approaching. Instead of going for style, I landed with a massive crash, the Broods that were down here had no chance to react. 


I had no clue how they had made it down here, but one thing was most definitely certain, and that was I was a one-man wrecking machine, and I was going to save those civilians hiding inside of that bunker.


Coming out of the elevator shaft with some nasty speed on my heels, I paid no attention to the destroyed elevator with its crushed occupants as I spun my leg sweeping low, kicking out my leg and smashing through two Broodlings. I followed that up with a rising uppercut that smashed them in half, before using an elbow drop to kick the other one onto its ass. Mid-block, followed by a high punch removed a head, then another leg sweep to knock one off-balance followed by a mid-punch. 


Another got a boot to the face, crushing it against the wall with a sickening crunch of bone. Another got an elbow drop for his troubles, his fellow getting a tasty treat of a knuckle sandwich. I stood tall in the hallway cutting an imposing figure sending fear through the Broods that had survived so far. They growled, snapped, and hissed at me, but I was already using noise cancelation on them. It was best to ignore them and try and pick up on anything trying to sneak up on my ass if I was going to be honest. 


Then there was also the little side fact that I was sure as shit didn’t want to know what they were saying through the universal translator. It was bad enough knowing what they did to people and seeing the work on some of the dead bodies on my trek across the battlefield.


Smashing my fists together, I decided that it was better to attack than to wait on whatever little plan they may come up with in that hive-mind of theirs. I was an unholy green force of will instilling into thee things that I was a terror when something big mean and nasty tried to catch me from the blindside. It attacked my shoulder pauldrons but motion sensors for the win because when he came in for the attack, a forearm shotgun was waiting for his ass.


He got three shots to the face for his attempt, and I went back to dismantling the Brood forces that were trying to get into the survival bunker. Unfortunately, it seemed that I turned around too fast to see what was going on and it was clear that my double tap didn’t work as big strong thick and veiny tentacles wrapped around my waist, both legs, and a arm.






All the fucking no, in this world and the next!!!!!


Okay, I gotta admit here that I might have lost my shit for a hot second, and may or may not have, kinda sorta blacked out in unholy terror. When I came to my senses, I was standing at the end of the hallway breathing hard, my eyes wide and alien blood splattered all over the fucking place. 


FEAR 386%


WILL 9000%


Standing there and trying to catch my breath, something tried to scrape against my leg, but it was killed swiftly as I raised my leg and came down with a hard stomp, crushing the little shitty Broodling underfoot. I absolutely fucking refuse to become the hentai rape victim.


With a full-body shiver, huff, and shake of the head, I placed one hand against the bunker door.  Of course, nothing happened since it was on not only a full lockdown but also a biohazard lockdown. With a chuckle, I had Athena hack into the system, it took a few seconds, but it was still far too easy. 


“Athena, I want a full medical scan on everyone within,” I commanded into my coms unit even as I created a wireframe copy of the bunker with the other hand. 


A green progress bar started to spin before Athena finally answered, “Three Hundred and nineteen Shi’ar within, sir.” 


Okay, those were some shitty numbers when you realize that this housing block had thousands, I muttered even as I spied the other entrances to the bunker's underground network. “Are any infected?”


Athena gave me another progress bar as she went molecular with her medical scans. “Fifteen, sir.”


That put a grimace on my face, but I had to wipe it away and focus up. “Well, fuck….. alright, phase them down into the floor.”


“By your will, Commander.” 



[ Scene break. ]

Diana Prince

Second in Command 



Diana stood and watched as more Lanterns rained down around the battlefield, some setting up a perimeter and others rescuing civilians. With a firm nod at the progress, she took a step back from the battlements and gave the warrior before her a once over.


WarBird as the name tag presented had long flowing white hair that fluttered in the wind, that was clearly made up of feathers that reminded Diana of a peacock’s tail. She wore a full head crest that covered and protected Warbirds forehead and cheeks. On her left arm was a full armored sleeve with a pauldron.


She wore a black tight-fitting shirt style armor that left little enough to the imagination as it covered her back, wrapped around, and only covered half of her breast and cleavage. Clearly whoever oversaw the armor either had no sense or had never been on a battlefield at all. In one hand she held a sword lazily by her side while the other sword was still in its sheath.


Stepping back, Diana made a motion with one hand towards the locked double doors that clearly led inside the base. It was clear that extra security measures were in place with the additional metal shutters. With her helmet removed, a smirk flashed across Diana’s face before she spoke. “Take me to your leader.”


The lady before her quirked a feathered brow, placed a hand to her ear, and tried to speak in silent whispers. Out of courtesy, Diana turned away and pretended that she didn’t hear them conversing. Even if Diana acted as if she couldn’t listen into the conversation, someone by the name of Lilandra was clearly hoping to meet with her and the commander. Even with those who were trying to be her advisors being adamant against it due to Brood's presence.


From the rate their hearts were beating, Diana was positive that they were only in it to save their own lives. With a shake of the head, Diana dismissed them and turned to give Warbird her full attention.


“My Lady shall see you now,” Warbird spoke, then her weight and feet shifted as she took a stance. “Know this Outworlder, any attempt to harm my lady shall see your head removed from your person post-haste.”


Raising her own brow in return, Diana gave the lady before her a queer look, “We came to assist when we picked up the distress call. Your own aggressive approach was the only reason you were met with force.”


*Snort* With a flourish, Warbird sheathed her sword before turning on her heel with an about-face. Not taking her actions to heart, Diana followed behind Warbird even as the battle raged behind her. Before she entered through the shutters, Diana reached out and ran a hand down Dex-Starr’s back. Since he was such a good little kitty, she made sure to run her hand along his head and get the sweet spot behind his ear.


With her offering to the mighty Dex-Starr out of the way, she followed behind Warbird and paid no mind to the shutters closing behind her. As Diana stepped through the double doors, she found herself inside a second room that was working as a sort of decontamination space, with a hum of acknowledgment, she followed their protocols but decided not to relinquish her weapons. Instead, she sent them to subspace and very dutifully kept any smug expression from showing.


Ignoring their pitiful attempts to intimidate her, Diana followed behind Warbird as she ignored the protest of those around her. It didn’t show on her face, but she was disappointed with the fact that there was only one decontamination room, along with the fact that she couldn’t find any proper scanners. From what she knew of the history of the Shi’ar Empire. They have been in conflict with the Brood for some millennia and the fact that their current scanners could only pick up the surface signs of contamination was damning.


They should have had a second security room and at least x-ray scanners along with a waiting area with communications for urgent situations. With a neutral expression, Diana waited for the lift to ping before following behind Warbird once more. This time, she found the answer to that nagging feeling that was in the back of her mind.


It wasn’t that everything was so very sterile that was off-putting for Diana, no, it was the lack of culture and art. There was no music, no self-expression, nothing that would tell of the uniqueness of the people and their evolution. Along the walls were pictures of various degrees, but all she could see was self-aggrandization.


Another thing that sent pings to her senses was there were far more than one Warbird amongst the halls. The eerie part was how close they all were to being clones, it nearly churned her stomach because she knew about the farms and where these ladies came from. Their very conception was an affront to the very cosmos itself, but she was not here for that. No, today she was here to help these people, even if she wanted to take an atomizing ray to some of their breeding facilities.


Suppressing a shudder at how disposable the Warbirds were, Diana noticed that they were finally at Lilandra’s conference room as the Warbird that was guiding her straightened her back, the other obvious clues were the contingent of guards hovering around and inside the room.


A quick mental command of her own had her armor retract to leave her in a nice form-hugging flight suit. Across the chest of her flight suit was not only her Green Lantern emblem but also her ranking insignia denoting her being second in command.


When they entered the room, Diana found a veritable plethora of alien species, but she kept her emotions in check because only one truly needed her attention. Now that she was inside the room, Diana ignored her escort to walk across the room’s interior. Once Diana was where she wanted to be, she said nothing and just stood there next to the lady in the skintight silver armor.


It was clear that this was the Lilandra she was looking for, not just because Diana had spied her before with her x-ray and zoom vision, but also because it was clear the room gave deference to her. Even if she could do it from across the room, Diana knew that it was best to observe someone from within their vicinity while keeping herself out of it.


Diana’s head tilted just slightly to catch what Lilandra was looking at and found not only a kill count, but also a rescue count as well. From what she could tell, not only did it look like her Commander was fighting against all odds, but from the numbers. It was clear that he was winning, even her own rings reading was pointing towards them winning this.


From what her own ring was providing, Dom had created his own filter style on the fly and in combat. Then he uploaded it and sent it to everyone, now they all had the right frequency variance to liquefy the Broods attempting to infect people. It was rough, but still worked at least seventy percent of the time, and that was alright.


Lilandra turned and gave Diana a quick once over before letting out a sigh. “What is the price for your assistance?”


“To the point then,” Diana hummed as she re-evaluated the lady before her.


“My people are dying as we speak,” Lilandra replied her tone firm and unyielding. “Speak your terms.”


“My lady, a moment of your time, please.” One of the advisors stated with a slight bow. Then began to whisper within Lilandra’s ear. “Might I suggest we negotiate for your evacuation?”


Diana had to fight very hard not to roll her eyes at the coward. Lilandra made a motion and the coward straightened his back and started to speak. It really did take a lot more willpower Diana noted, to not just kill the coward right then and there.


“You have a ship, yes,” The diplomat spoke, Diana of course waved her hand lazily to show that yes. She indeed had a ship in orbit, but they didn’t need to know exactly where in orbit. “Then I demand you begin an extraction of my lady.”



Diana’s face twisted downwards into a frown as she looked at the insect. “My priorities are the people and open dialogue with the person in charge of the situation.”



The diplomat shook his head, “They can not be saved.”



Idly, Diana wondered why Lilandra would let this fool speak for her. “Says you, but my people are already working in containment amongst other things.”  Then Diana shrugged in a what can you do expression.



Another diplomat then stepped forward with his own bow and fake platitudes. “It would really ease the people’s minds if they were to know that our lady found safe harbor during this ordeal by staying on the ship that you have in orbit.”



Silence descended for a time and Diana let it pass nonetheless and was very unwilling to break it with how the cowards before her were sweating. It helped her, but not them as one of the holograms monitoring the situation outside flashed white for a moment before the place shook from some sort of shockwave.



Diana had remembered the little message that her Commander had sent once they left the ship. Everything was locked down due to their little spy problem and it was one of the reasons why he didn’t leave her ass back in the Sol System.  From her own findings with the assistance of her ring, Diana knew that Jessica Drew was more than a little to liberal with her pheromones. That would never end well if she was allowed to mix with the royal and cowardly diplomats.


No, that was a recipe for disaster and Dom would more than likely throw her out an airlock and not even try to clone a replacement.  



With a shake of her head, Diana projected sympathy and understanding as she spoke. “The Commander and I understand that this might be a trying time your majesty but staying planet side would be the safest place for you since we would be unable to stop any pirates within orbit from acting with impunity.”



“That is what the Warbird contingent is for,” A diplomat spoke up with a gentle voice.



“Be that as it may,” Diana interjected before things could get derailed. “By her majesty being planet side, she will be able to promptly stop any from opening with extermination protocols, destroying the planet before we had the chance to save it.”


It was quick as a flash, but Diana was able to see the glint and smile that flashed across Lilandra’s face before it vanished.



By the grace of Stan Lee, Diana did not want to deal with politicians.


{Scene Break.}





The best Kitty



Being the good kitty that he was, Dex-Starr stretched lazily as he watched his human hunt. Purring, he sat upon his haunches, tail flicking this way and that as he slowly groomed himself.


Eyes still closed in contentment, a single claw flicked out decapitating the useless thing that felt it could jump up and block the warming rays since he was such a good kitty. His human said he had to protect the place but never said Dex-Starr couldn’t go hunting.


Putting down a forepaw and leaning down into a prowl, Dex-Starr’s eyes locked onto his target. His prey looked the other way and Dex-Starr pounced. Red and Green flowed around him mixing as his form grew and grew.


Dex-Starr knew that he was now at least twice as large as his human, but he wouldn’t keep it that way. He was his human’s good kitty and his human’s shoulders were the only throne Dex-Starr felt was proper.


And only small kitty’s get belly rubs and Dex-Starr loves his belly rubbed, and behind the ears, along his back, and of course under the chin.


Claws out, none stood a chance as he got amongst them. A slash this way and a slash that, Dex-Starr was a mighty tyrant amongst prey. Before he knew it, Dex-Starr found himself sitting on a pile of bodies as he had his ring clean his fur.


Dex-Starr was a good kitty, and he shall take a nap on his throne. His human shall feed him a tasty treat upon his return, for now, sleep was calling him.


Shrinking back down, Dex-Starr gave one last mighty stretch before settling down on a nice warm spot the sun shined on. Dex-Starr ignored the rumbling of the world even as he lazily opened one eye to see a plume of yellow at the distance. Sigh, the things he does for his human.


Nya, his human couldn’t die until he gave Dex-Starr his tasty treat.


 Authors Note :


So glad you guys liked the last chapter and here is the next one.

Rethinking things since my Doom chapter was dragged into a back ally and shanked a few times by Google Doc's untill it gave up my words. Lost the damn chapter and was only able to recover some of it. Learned my lesson though and now I'm backing up thinks with my doc 365

Let me know what you guys think about the chapter.

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