Star Burst of Sector 2814

Star 18

Star Burst of Sector 2814

Star 18

By: BigToFu

Green Lantern Trainee

Benjamin Parker

Waking up to the light coming through the window, Ben idly moved his hand to the side shutting off the alarm before it could even start to create an issue for his lovely May. Before he got out of bed though, Ben leaned over and placed a kiss on his wife’s cheek before heading to the bathroom to proceed with his usual morning clean-up.

Once he was finished, Ben traveled down the hall and knocked on his nephew’s door. There was a bang along with a muffled yelp that told Ben there was a good chance his nephew did not get any sleep at all last night.

With a sigh, Ben turned the knob, “I’m coming in, Peter.”

“Wait, wait!” Came Peter’s shout of panic, but Ben was already opening the door to find exactly what he thought:  Peter at his desk with a hologram displaying a lot of technical data.

Sigh, “Peter, when you asked me to bring that thing home, you made a deal with your Aunt May and me.” Ben stated with a raised eyebrow at his nephew.

The look Peter gave Ben in return was one that screamed guilt, another long suffering sigh of a parent who knew that their kid wouldn’t listen when it came to the shiny new toy. Ben took a half step back, listened for the bathroom sounds as his wife went about doing her own thing, and then stepped back into the room.

“Peter…” Be started then paused as he looked at his nephew, “I have always told you that with great power comes great responsibility, and that is true, but you also have a responsibility to yourself kiddo.” He then shifted his weight from one foot to the other, a hand held up to stop his nephew from interrupting. “I’m not going to tell you to stop using your powers or not to dress up and go out there and try to save the day, what I need from you though is not to stay up all night because,  healing factor or not, it's not conducive to stable mental growth.”

Silence spread for a moment before Peter finally deflated. “Alright Uncle Ben.”

“Good, now get cleaned up, you have school in an hour.”

“Alright, Uncle Ben,” Peter replied, and with that Ben gave Peter a firm pat on the shoulder before leaving the room. Peter was a good kid: this was one thing Ben was certain of and he knew Peter wasn’t going to let his extra activities get in the way.

Once Ben made it downstairs, he got breakfast ready for the house and right on clockwork, May made an appearance when the coffee machine started to burble. Sending a smile toward his wife, Ben finished setting the table and then went about sharing the food as Peter finally came flying down the stairs.

“No running in the house young man,” May called out as Peter jumped over the railing and right into his chair at the breakfast table. With a shake of his head, Ben shifted over and placed a waffle on each of their plates before sharing out the bacon and eggs.

The only sounds that rang out around the breakfast table were those of the cutlery as everyone ate. This family moment didn’t get a chance to last very long as a green flash rang out at the table along with a beep for all to hear.

“Excuse me,” Ben stated before he got up from the table and went to stand by the fridge, “[ Parker here.]

[ Where are you, I’m already starting patrol. ]

Ben looked at his Green Lantern ring and let out a long-suffering sigh, [ I’m having breakfast with my family, and patrol isn’t scheduled for another hour. ]

[ Well, hurry up, I already got two would-be muggers and a car carjacker.

Now he let his sigh be heard, [ Jessica, this isn’t a competition, you already know this. ]

[ Doesn’t matter, this is our last chance to kick human booty before shipping out. Sooooo, hurry up. ]

The call then cut out, causing Ben to wonder about just how long that girl had been awake. Sigh, good chance that she and his nephew pulled a patrol together. Well, if it’s not one thing it’s another. With the call ended, Ben placed his ring back into sleep mode and went back to the table.

As he sat down, May smiled at him from her seat. “It’s alright you know.”

Turning to look at her, Ben smiled, “I promised that we would have breakfast before I leave.”

“Ohh Ben,” May gushed before leaning over and kissing her husband.

Peter, though popped up from his seat after the display of affection, his plate already cleaned of food.

“No heroics until you finish your homework!” Ben called out as Peter dashed from the kitchen. With a shake of the head, he turned back to see the smile on May's. Okay, that alone was the best sunshine he could ask for.

Things progressed rapidly after that as Ben helped May clean up the breakfast table and wash the dishes.  Once that was out of the way, Ben found himself standing on the porch of his home; May was right behind him with a little worry in her eyes. Again, he was leaving again and all he could do was smile at his May. The difference this time was that he wasn’t going across the ocean to fight for his nation, no.

This time, things were different, a lot different; and that was because of the ring on his finger. Like he told Peter, with great power comes great responsibilities, and the power to protect the universe itself comes along with its own great set of responsibilities. Luckily, this time he was allowed power within his own hands. He could call home when he wanted and go home when he had any amount of downtime, all it would take was a flex of his WILL-power.

Pulling himself from his own mind, Ben waited for May to speak as she would during his last three deployments. It was always hard on her, but she always supported him, and this was the same. Funny how he gave up the life of a sailor and now here he was taking to the sea of stars.

May leaned forward placing a kiss on his forehead, “I know Ben, I have known since the day I said yes. I’ve known since the day you left on that boat, and I’ve known since the day I told you that I loved you.”

“Ohh, May,” That was all Ben was able to say before he was pulled into a fierce hug that lasted a long time. The thing that broke the moment was the flashing green of his ring. Leaning back, Ben placed a kiss on his wife’s lips even as a green aura started to flow across his body. “It’s only a quick jaunt across the stars, pick up my new co-worker, and straight back.”

Hovering up and back a little, he gave May one last smile before flying upwards and out towards the bay. Ben knew that if he looked back one more time, then he wouldn’t be able to go on this trip.

Pulling into a hover over cape Canaveral, Ben pulled into a hover as he listened to the control tower.

“This is Lantern Parker, I’ve arrived within your airspace, permission to land,” Ben stated as he looked out over the ocean with a smile on his face. He only had to wait for a few seconds before someone responded on the same line.

“Lantern Parker, permission granted, please land at pad four.”

The line went dead and that was all Ben needed as he flew downwards to land on the pad, a glint at the distance had him turn towards. Well, it looks like Jessica came right on time. Pulling into a hover over the landing pad, Ben didn’t have to wait long as the young firecracker came bolting downwards with a fierce smile on her face.

“Sup pops,” Jessica Silvers popped with a grin on her features. She landed with a plume, kicking up a little dust as she looked around at the NASA scientist. “Let’s get this glorified taxi on the road so we can go out and…”

“Hello, I’m Doctor Samuels and this is my team,” A spectacled man stated as he cut between the two lanterns.

With an encouraging smile on his face, Ben floated over, then realized what he did and landed on the ground before offering his hand for a shake. “Green Lantern Parker,” He stated then made a hand motion towards his partner, “Green Lantern Silvers.”

“Ohh, my there are two of you,” Doctor Samuels stated with clear excitement, “Honestly, I was hoping to meet that extraterrestrial that I have heard so much about.”

He watched as the man gushed even as he pulled out a personal notepad, “A mister Kilowog, yes, that’s exactly what my notes said, A mister Kilowog.”

Jessica and Ben shared a knowing smile with each other before looking at the Doctor and his group. Sensing that things were about to get out of control, Ben stepped forward with the intent to smooth things over and get everyone to exchange names. With the last of the names checked off on his clipboard, Ben gave the security crew that was going over the last of the equipment a nod and signed off on their clipboard as the head of security signed his own.

The director of NASA then showed up out of nowhere to shake Ben’s hand, “I still can’t tell you how grateful we are that your Commander is allowing us to send our astronauts to MARS.”

“Don’t worry about it, this is just good training for us,” Jessica replied to the man with a shrug, one hand pointed outwards and towards the boxes.

“Ohh, you’re going to use the ring, not call a spaceship?” Doctor Samuels asked, excitement tinging his voice.

Jessica shrugged for the man to see, “Need a license to fly one.”

“Fascinating, really?” The doctor asked with clear eagerness in his voice.

Jessica gave the Doctor a nod of the head as she sub-spaced the rest of the NASA gear, “Yep, one week from now and I’ll have my wings.

“Wait, can’t you already fly without a ship?” Another one of the doctors interjected from the side.

“Well, duh, but a lady gotta have her backup skills, can’t go coasting on this pretty face all my life.” Jessica quipped with a hand waving before her fluttering lashes. “Plus, momma wants to cross the stars in a hot little red number.” Then with the flourish of her fingers, Jessica created a wireframe blueprint of a ship that she has had in mind for some time now.

When Dom had told them about that little incentive, Jessica already had a ship in mind that she had seen a while back online. All it took was a mental command to her ring and a little check to her computer’s history, then blam! She was able to get the image and pay the artist for all the rights.

As they spoke, Ben took a step to the side and held out a hand, slowly green lantern light was projected forward into large, oddly shaped objects. This didn’t last long as those with a discerning eye were able to quickly understand that Ben was creating a very large bus.

He kept working, adding little flares here and there, building monitors into the seats, adjustable backs, and even gave himself a proper blocked-off driver’s portion. Ben gave the bus a once over then said why not as he added fins and wings. Out the back of the bus, a set of triple boosters made themselves known and only then was Ben happy with his creation.


“Huh?” Looking to the side, Ben found that Jessica had already blitzed her way onto the bus to examine it from all sides. With a shake of his head, Ben just activated the doors and gave the NASA group a smile. “All aboard,” Ben stated with a hand motion towards the bus made for space travel.

The NASA scientists all looked back at Ben with a little confusion before it dawned on them that, yes, this was how they were going to space. They stood there for a few seconds before the dam broke as the Director in charge of the group walked forward tentatively, poking the door of the space bus. Ben watched as Doctor Samuels finished his examination, straightened his tie, and then started to direct his fellow NASA scientist onboard. Ben waited at the end of the line as they got on board then boarded his space bus partially closing the door behind him.

When he walked up the stairs, he tried very hard not to release a sigh when he found Jessica in his driver’s seat. “Jessica….”

“Yeah?” She popped back with the same innocent look that Peter tries to give, but it was clear she had a lot more practice using it.

Ben shook his head at the innocent look that she was sending his way even as he brought up a hand and made modifications to his construct. The space shifted and twisted; Jessica’s seat bubbled as it moved backward then across the aisle to settle where Ben had been standing. He was now in a seat that he had recreated by the controls.

Shooting her a smile, Ben pulled the lever that controlled the door locking them all inside as the seals and life support systems activated. The dash gave him triple green; prompting Ben to hit the accelerator and allowing them to take off. Jessica shot him a pout as some of the NASA team yelped in surprise when the world shifted outside the windows, Cape Canaveral shrinking in the background.

Within thirty seconds they were in orbit and the NASA team lead was already calling out for Ben to slow down so they may take pictures of the planet. Allowing them five minutes to take all of the pictures that they could want, Ben double-checked their timetable to Mars and found that Kilowog had already set up the NASA habitat and was only waiting on their arrival so they may depart and pick up their newest Lantern.

With the time up, Ben then took everyone on a fly-by of the International Space Station before then doing a pass by the moon. He could hear the various levels of appreciation coming from the seats behind his own even as he set the space bus on a course for Mars. With a little push of will, Ben shared the dash camera as the earth started to vanish behind the space bus. There were more sounds of shock as they watched the Earth shrink smaller and smaller, the speed of the space bus rising faster and faster.

Ignoring the sounds that came from behind his seat, Ben kicked the space bus into high gear and swiftly chewed up the speed between Earth and Mars. Within five minutes the earth was completely swallowed up in the background and the galactic map showed that he was already halfway there to Mars.

It didn’t take long for Ben to cover the distance between his location and Mars, the pretty red planet appearing in the distance. First, it started as a pinprick that anyone could point out, then it changed to the size of a street light. And before the passengers knew it, the planet was taking up the entire viewing window as it was dwarfed by the planet.

“Wait, wait!” Dr. Samuels called out as Ben pulled around for the final approach. That call though had Ben bring them to a full stop as he half turned in his seat to look at the man.


The doctor and his team held up their cameras. Smiling at them, Ben flashed the five on his hand letting them know that they only had five minutes to get to it. Turning back around in his seat, Ben brought up a little window and sent off a message to May.

[ Arrived at Mars. ] - Ben

[ Be safe, and don’t forget to bring home a souvenir. ] - May

[ Of course, love you. ] – Ben

[ Love you more. ] - May

With a smile brushing his lips, Ben put the display away, then looked up and informed Dr Samuels that they would be landing soon. That was all the warning given before Ben was back at the controls and bringing them down to the planet and their destination, the NASA Habitat.

The rustic red of the planet was on rapid approach even as the Olympus mound enlarged from the distance, the giant Celestial body sitting as if it were a king upon its throne. There were gasps of surprise from those behind and Ben could honestly say that he knew how they felt. If only the team from NASA knew that it was the celestials that seeded the planets, that revelation alone still shook Ben to his core every time he allowed his mind to drift towards the topic.

Ben brought the space bus down onto the ground and then drove the twenty feet into the open bay where the giant pink alien was standing off to the side. Ben drove the space van through the atmospheric shielding and double-checked his readings of the habitat that NASA would be renting from the Green Lantern Corps.

Standing up from his seat, Ben turned to face the NASA team with a smile even as he held up his hand, absorbing the green energies of WILL back into his ring. There were minor yells of alarm as the team was pulled from the construct and placed on the ground within the habitat. Ben watched as some of the scientists freaked out and grabbed their throats as the others held their breath in alarm.

Jessica walked off to the side with a roll of her eyes as Kilowog snorted at the display.

“Alright you posers, gather round cause I only gonna say this once.” Kilowog's big voice boomed around the habitat's bay. The scientist that came with the NASA team looked at each other stunned that they didn’t die of decompression or exposure to Mars atmosphere then shifted to an entirely new look of both apprehension and amazement at the giant pink alien.

“Hello, I’m Dr. Samuels and you are?” The good doctor spoke as he stepped forward with clear excitement in his voice and body language.

The large drill instructor snorted at the NASA science team director.

“Alright,” Kilowog said, clapping his hands together. “Walking through that forcefield will kill you if you don’t have an environmental suit on.” The large pink alien spoke, then pointed towards the habitat, “You all have free reign within your space as per the agreement with the Commander, our Green Lantern Facilities are off-limits so please do not trespass:   yes, I’m talking to the one or two spies that were able to sneak into the group.”

The NASA team looked around at each other and the big guy ignored them, Ben tried not to shift and ask Kilowog what he meant about spies. Jessica though looked as if she was trying to glare a hole into their heads.

“Anyway, the hab’s AI can help you find anything you might need or want. Rules are simple and since you're obviously supposed to be from a civilized species, I don’t have to hold your hands and walk you through the minutiae of the do’s and don’ts.” Kilowog stated with a smile, the chuckle deep and carried a base tone to it.

Ben shook his head and walked over to the side of Dr. Samuels so that he could help assuage the man’s fears. It was almost an hour later that Ben finally walked past the hab’s shields and to his waiting drill instructor and partner.

“Parker,” Kilowog grunted at Ben, Jessica turned and gave a nod, but it was clear that she was ready to go.

“Alright, ladies and gents, the place we are going is a little nebula close to the center of the universe,” Kilowog spoke up as he showed a hologram for everyone to look at. “The coordinates are in both of your watches and the solar system limits have been removed for this trip.”

Looking down at his watch, Ben could still barely wrap his mind around the amount of power at his fingertips, and even now with the Universe open to him. He was honestly lost for words. So, instead of speaking, Ben watched as Kilowog traced a dotted line from the earth out past the kipper belt and then curved towards the Sirius star.

Kilowog floated upwards, a green halo surrounding his body, “You’ve learned how to fly in formation so that is what we will be doing.”

“About time,” Jessica stated as she floated upwards, but Ben could already see that something was up.

“About time you say….” Kilowog replied and Ben already knew that tone of voice. “Well, today's lesson is Astro-navigation, you have the coordinates, now you just have to get there, in five hours.” With that, Kilowog then vanished in a trail of green faster than his enhanced eyes could blink.

Jessica twirled around, but Kilowog was already nowhere in sight, “What in the ass?”

There was a flash from both of their rings and a message from their Drill Instructor coming through loud and clear. [ I’d have caution at that fourth star if I were you. ]

Jessica tsked through her teeth and brought up her ring, “Wormhole to coordinates.”

*Beep beep* Gravity well interference.

They shared a look, Jessica had a chagrined expression on her features, and with his own smile of indulgence, they flew upwards and out of the planet's gravity influence.

Clearing her throat, Jessica spoke once more enunciating each word of her command. “Ring, wormhole to coordinates.”

*Beep beep* Not authorized.

He couldn’t help himself and let out a chuckle and received a glare in response. “Come on, no shortcuts.”

With a grumble and roll of her eyes, Jessica created a party link with Ben’s ring before they both took off at FTL speeds into the vast unknown.

Green Lantern Commander

Dominic Wolf

The great cosmic highway that was the FTL tunnel flickered around a ship as it traveled from one end of the Shi’ar Empire to the center. Green, red, pinks, and yellows spiraled around the outside of the ship. The stars twinkled with the vast ocean that is the nebula, this vast ocean of stars was the illumination of life spread across this little section within the vast ocean, not even a micron within the eyes of true powers was known as the Shi’ar Empire.

Standing at the window to my ship, I stared out at the cosmos around me, the clear viewing station allowing me to never miss a second of it. Back straight and firm, I stood as Diana typed away on her omni-tool behind me. From the report being fed to my ring, the team left behind was on schedule to finish the clean-up within a ninety-six-hour time frame.

Ben and Jessica were also on time to finish training with Kilowog, and then NASA had just dropped some fat stacks in my business accounts paying for those scientists transported to Mars. It was one thing to sit on mountains of gold, and diamonds along with other precious jewels and metals. It was another to have the great GOVERNMENTAL OVERLORD pay me boatloads of cash as they try and get into my good graces. America was just lucky I was a patriot and didn’t sell my services to her allies so I could make that sweet Euro.

Money made the world go round and I wasn’t about to pull the great comic broke Avengers scam with my Lanterns. Any Lantern or hero that works for or with me would be getting a paycheck. There was no way in hell, I was going to have someone risk their lives and bodies to save the world or universe and then have them go home to live in a run-down apartment. Yeah, there would be no broke heroes in my reality, and I was already working on eliminating the broke Spider-man trope. That shit honestly is played out, old and lame, still can’t believe the man is at least early to mid-thirties and still has no kids, no wife and still getting eviction notice at his apartment. Marvel just can’t help themselves with that life crisis bullshite.

“You’re getting distracted again,” Diana spoke up from her location to my right.


Diana rolled her eyes at me, “I don’t read minds so use your words please, and thanks.”

Releasing a chuckle at that, I shook my head, “It’s not what you might think…” I mutter out loud even as I evaluated more data telepathically with my ring.

“Good, because thinking about some booty at a time like this would get in the way, and I would like to finish this now,” Diana stated and I could feel a little heat on the edge of those words.

I shook my head, “My thoughts laid on making sure everyone was getting proper compensation for their time. It’s not about the money, but everyone should be able to afford the price of living with a nice retirement in their futures.”

“On that, I can agree,” Diana replied with a nod of her head. “Sir…”

Sigh, “Just say what’s on your mind, Diana.” I replied with a sigh and a side glance.

“Is it wise to send Lanterns in search of Galactus, he’s…” Diana paused for a moment to gather her thoughts. “He has been around since the start of time and has eaten numerous worlds, sir.”

Silence wrapped around the both of us for some time and I have it a moment to settle before shrugging to convey my feelings on the matter before speaking. “The needs must Diana, the needs must, there are so many powers hidden within the shadows, Diana. And if we don’t want to be consumed by them, we must strike with either decisive blows or prove to be far too tough to crack.”

The silence took hold of the room once more, the only thing heard for a time were fingers tapping away at a screen. This time, it was Diana who broke the minor truce of silence.

“The science team came back once more with a negative on the iso-8 you were looking for within the positive dimension. Team Beta was able to get a sample of the negative zones vibranium, but they did run into a little issue, well two issues to be exact.” Diana stated, then made a motion with her arms towards one of the massive clear metal walls.

The massively beautiful scene outside suddenly became obstructed by holo-images as information points on an insect man and what was clearly an ape that stood upright. I paused in thought as I took in what was clearly an insect being green from head to toe, with slight yellow markings at points on his shell. The other distinctive features were his mandibles and antennae, also a massive fuck fire bullshit.

Of all the Stan Lee times to pull some bullshite, my people just had to run into Annulus crew. I honestly wasn’t greedy for the cosmic rod or anything, but I was very much aware of the type of war that could find my door if this wasn’t handled with care.

I pinched the bridge of my nose, “Please tell me that they eviscerated the bodies, erased all traces, and closed the portal along with shifting positions at least by a multitude of a few continents?” I groused out red flicking around the edges of my cool green aura.

The look she gave me had my hackles raised and I was already turning around fully to give Diana my undivided attention, “Right?”

Diana said nothing and even that said more than enough for me to have a full understanding of the situation. “Kill it!”

“Sir?” Was Diana’s clear confused response.

“Kill it, the entire operation, I want it all shut down as of right now,” I stated with a shake of the head and hand motion to stop her from speaking. “I want those that I left in charge to give a full accounting within seventy-two hours Diana.” I stared her down, “This is why we need a solution so Galactus will be debited to us, powers that go bump in the dark.” I finished with a finger pointing at the insectoid man.

“Sir, he is dead, I doubt he would be able to do anything to us,” Diana replied with a shake of her head.

“Not him, but the person who he works for, the current ruler of the Negative Zone, Annihilus, also known as the holder of the cosmic rod,” I stated and then cracked open some of my more black files on the true powers behind the things that you don’t want to bump in the dark. Hell, I even had files on Pip the Troll, that little teleporting asshole who helped the highest bidder, and I can bet my left nut it was Annihilus. Because I was certain that memories at served correct in multiple things, the little bastard was still in the Negative Zone because Reed hasn’t listened to the sob story and let him escape.

As Diana read more and more of the files, I could see her eyes get wider and I could see her truly understanding the situation. Diana turned and I could see from her high-speed movement, that she was making sure that the work was performed not and not later when something could go wrong, good.

Turning around, I went back to my star gazing in an attempt to relax, but it really wasn’t working anymore. As luck would have it though, the communicator beeped.

[ Sir...]

[ Commander Wolf speaking…]

[ Princess Deathbird, would like you to visit her quarters sir… ]

Okay, that was perfect timing, I looked upwards, gave a thumbs up, and left the viewing deck to go blow off some steam.

Commander Wolf’s Ship

Deathbird’s Bed Chambers

Standing with one leg up on the chair, I tried not to flinch as nails scraped against the inside of my thigh. Minor welts and bruises rose and lowered as my new and improved healing factor went to work. She would have to do a lot more damage if she wanted to leave any mark on my flesh.

Gak! Gak!

One hand on the headboard kept me from falling over while the other held firmly onto some very soft feathers sprouting from the back of her head.

Gak! Gak!

A pinch to my asscheek drew a hiss from my lips even as I glared down at the drooling mess that was Deathbird. She did it again with those sharp talons of hers and I gave her exactly what she wanted. With a firm grip on her hair like feathers, I clenched my cheeks, flexed my pelvic muscles, then thrust forward.

She went ‘GAK! GAK!’, as my balls slapped against her chin the rest of my package well past whatever the Shi'ar called a uvula as I fucked her throat hard.

Gak! Gak!


Deathbird stared up at me with defiant eyes that betrayed the lust radiating outwards from her.

>Love 42%<

Gak! Gak! Gak!

Pulling my other hand from the headboard, I raised a brow as she placed them at the back of her skull, that was all the permission I needed as I really put my enhanced strength and endurance to work. Idly somewhere in the back of my head, I wondered how strong her neck really was. Then that thought died a quick death as I started to skull fuck Deathbird even harder.

Gak! Gak!

Gak! Gak! Gak!


My leg transitioned from the chair to her royal bed, and her back leaned against the soft cushions as I played in and out of her throat at speed. Drool pooled on her chest, but even her jiggling valley gained no attention from me as my toes curled. Her head pulled against my pelvis as I shot thick ropes of spunk directly into her waiting gullet.

Spurt after spurt was fed into the greedy maw that was Deathbird, and even that didn’t satisfy me as the hand that was fondling my balls pushed them into her mouth to get licked and sucked.

Sitting in my captain's chair on the bridge of my ship, I took in the sight of the massive imperial armada that was waiting on our arrival. Jessica Drew was sitting within the communications seat and the look on her face told me exactly how pleased she was about being here within this kind of situation. Granted, I doubt she felt any type of gratitude for me anymore with the removal of Hydra’s brainwashing since she was here with me.

On the other side of Jessica sitting in the position of my number two was Diana and as usual, she was doing an amazing job without me having to say anything at all to her. From what I could see from Diana’s control station, she was already marking targets in case we had to perform an emergency evac because let’s be honest. Nothing good could really come from meeting D’Ken with two beautiful ladies by my side. It also doesn’t help that I was fucking his sister at any chance I got, and he wasn’t able to do the same.

If my marvel lore was correct the guy was an outright bastard, and we would need to get out of dodge fast once he got into a mood. Even though Diana was making her preparations, I made my own and had my ring create a virus that would kill the Shi’ar networks while also removing earth from their systems. The other side effect of knocking the network out would mean that they couldn’t follow me into FTL but that was for me to know and for them to find out quickly or die in a blaze of glory as they became atomized cosmic dust.

With a chuckle, I sent a message to Jessica’s center console even as I leaned back and enjoyed the way my seat folded around my body.

-Why the long face. -

Jessica turned around and glared at me, “Really, you’re going to ask me that now, really?”

Looking up from my own center counsel, I raised a brow at her, “We are about to enter the wolves’ den and you can’t be worried about other things.”

Jessica pinched the bridge of her nose, “Maybe I’m a little worried over the fact that I still have a report to write to HYDRA, and since I’m not their little puppet anymore, that might be a problem. Ohh and did I forget to mention HYDRA is still around and they were experimenting with my blood. OR the fact that I’m in space with a hornier version of Captain Kirk. A Captain Kirk thats banging the evil princess while we are on the way to see her even more evil brother.”

Listening to her rant, I just said nothing and allowed Jessica to get it all out of her system. Diana had even stopped what she was working on to watch as Jessica ranted herself into becoming red faced with a little hyperventilation to go along with all of her pent-up feelings. Honestly, I was a little stunned that she was able to go for a solid ten minutes and I got to say, there was a lot of pent-up frustration there that would need to be dealt with later.

Once she was finally out of breath and had finished her rant, I just gave Jessica a moment to straighten herself out. Leaning back in my seat, I gave a few shallow nods of my head. “Well, you seem to have been holding back a lot.”

Jessica’s cheeks pinked at my statement.

“The Hydra situation back on earth is a pretty easy fix, they have been using SHIELD networks the entire time over all these years meaning a lot of trails to follow. So that’s a non-issue, what I do think though is that you might need to see someone to talk with. And for the other stuff, you’re a lantern, the Shi’ar can’t fuck with you without me coming down on them like the hammer of Stan Lee. Add on the fact that I have no plans to stick around and play with that fuck boy D’Ken all you have to do is make sure your shields are at full and don’t miss any shots when we have to hightail it out of there.”

“Urgh, see, that is the issue right there,” Jessica growled at me with a jab of her finger in my direction. “We shouldn’t be putting ourselves into a situation where we will have to shoot our way out as we escape for our lives in the first place.”

My response was a shrug, “Can’t be helped.”

“And why the fuck not, I do not want to be shot at Wolf, I just got my life back,” Jessica stated with heat in her voice.

Que another shrug from me, “Only access point of the Shi’ar mainframe computers with admin-level access I can get my mitts on will be in that asshole's throne.”

Now Jessica was confused, and Diana was giving me a smirk. “And why do you even need such a thing?”

With a chuckle, Diana took this chance to speak up, “Because my dear Jessica, our mad commander is looking to purge Earth from their Astro charts and maps.”

“That’s only part of it, but yeah something like that.” I agreed.

Jessica sat stunned and just looked at me like I had grown multiple heads. Turning away from her since I was certain that she would be able to keep her shit together just a little longer. I stared out of my bridge windows as two of the massive imperial vessels pulled along side us on our approach to the imperial throne world a few million kilometers out.

I checked my control station as DeathBirds authentication codes came through along with a flight path down to the planet below. Honestly, at first, I wanted to leave the ship in orbit and just fly down myself, but then I thought about the ships they could have gotten target acquisition within seconds before blowing us out of the sky. Then I thought about the defenses I would be able to use when I land it. Yeah, I would need to go with a decoy and camo option because there is no way I was about to just leave my ship out in the open. That would be foolish with all the weapons on display.

Picking up Dex from my lap, I placed him in the little cat seat in the middle between Diana and myself as I turned off the autopilot and followed the landing instructions. I took my ship down into what looked like a massive stadium easily the size of Manhattan. Ignoring the stunned sounds of those around me, I activated the camo decoy and had the ship hover above the landing pat while the decoy touched down with a gravity modulator to simulate the weight of the ship.

Jessica and Diana both gave me intrigued looks as they noted that we didn’t land but was in a hover.

“We know the betrayal is coming so I don’t plan to leave our ship in their hands. Also, better chance of them not exploding it to prevent our escape.” I said then made a motion towards the airlock. “Now, let's move, I want us to sync up with the decoys hologram before one of those imperial guards arrives with the Speaker.”

That was all the two needed as they promptly got up and made for the airlock. As I got in with them, I noticed that Jessica was giving her N7 Lantern armor a quick inspection. Letting her do her, I wrapped us in a bubble, then dropped us out of the hatch and into the hologram decoy as the ship settled onto the landing pad. I took us to the cargo bay of the decoy right on time for the arrival of the imperial guards and their escort the Speaker.

The imperial guards came landing in what appeared to be roman sleds on anti-gravity boosters while the Speaker was riding in a long stretch limo between them. I took all of that in with a quick glance even as I had us walk down the decoys cargo deck and stand on the landing platform to wait on their arrival. And because I was really playing up the moment, I pulled out a key-fob and made a show of pressing buttons to activate a dome shield that flows over and protects my ship.

I caught some of the imperial guards sharing a look, ‘yeah bitch, I know what’s up.’ Shifting my attention from him, I hung in the back as the Speaker's limo landed and he got out, colorful. That was the first thought that flashed through my mind before I then combined that with peacock because it was clear that was the nearest bird that he favored because damn the guy was putting on a show and I could only imagine that D’Ken was watching our expressions from whatever super-secret spy room he was in right now waiting on us to approach his throne room.

Instead of listening fully, I gave the Speaker one ear even as I cased out the rest of the place. Up top I picked up a slight shimmer of shielding which was only raised as a windbreak. At a few places, I notice cameras with no real notable sensor systems. What I did notice to make up for the lack of technological security was the number of bodies around and that cannons were aimed in this general direction. I would still fail this place at a four out of ten though because it really was lacking on far too many fronts, to be honest.

Any earth pilot with more balls than brains could out fly those cannons and if my readings were correct, they didn’t even double as AA guns. They were laser cannons in the literal sense of the word, with no aerial tracking at all.

Everyone turned to head for the limo after introductions and I followed behind and only paused half a step as the room of the limo pulled away as if it was a drop-top. Okay, I could respect the flex for what it was.

Keeping to myself, I allowed Diana and Jessica to put their diplomatic skills to the test and they chat up the Speaker. We arrived smoothly at what looked like a massive palace crossed with a church, alien birds, and decorations all over the place. Music blared to life and everything was thrown into massive fanfare-like celebrations. Got to say, If I did not know better, then I would have felt amazing as this stroked the hell out of my ego and tickled my funny bits.

The Speaker stepped out as the door was opened for him and onto the golden carpet spread down the steps and walkway for us. Sticking to my position, I followed behind everyone even as the Speaker walked us down the massive path, up the gravity-sled over the stairs and down the hallway, and through a garden. Everything was ostentatious and at a level that beguiled the senses while screaming of the excess that the Empire had to your face.

We continued to walk and as we did, I could tell that Jessica was already getting more than a little irritated under the collar for how far we had to go. From my scans though, I could already tell what was going on. This was basically that dragon ball z episode where Piccolo took Buu on a walk all around the Lookout before arriving at the hyperbolic time chamber.

That asshole Speaker was doing the exact same thing on the orders of D’Ken. Releasing a chuckle, I faked a relaxed walking posture and slacked for those who were watching even as I relayed my thoughts on the matter to Diana and Jessica thought my ring telepathically. I also alerted them to the possibility of telepaths because marvel was bullshit like that and activating those defenses were better to have than to not in these cases.

We walked for another ten minutes, from the walking counter we were well over a mile walked along the golden carpet, but no one from my team said anything. Even when we finally arrived before a gigantic set of massive double doors no one said anything, but they were stunned by doors larger than fifty feet though.

I wasn’t stunned because I couldn’t be, we were in the heart of enemy territory and at any moment we would be fighting our way back out. It wasn’t all bad news though because my ring Athena alerted me to the fact that she was able to get past the defenses and into the system.

The double doors were pushed open to the sounds of trumpets blaring or what I took for trumpets, alien ears definitely had their own taste of music. Then again, you would think that music would be universal, but it was clear that they either didn’t have taste or that wasn’t the fact. I knew it was the former though since I was tapped into the GALA-NET.

We walked into the massive room and at the far distance was a guy clearly a pompous git sitting on a throne. He had long flowing feathers for hair with a slight tinged to their look. His skin had a paled look and feel to it and it was clear that makeup was allowed to make him presentable and dignified.


I tuned the Speaker out after that as I took in the look and feel of the room. Gladiator was located instantly due to his purple skin, and giant freaking mohawk that had to at least be a solid two feet high off of his skull. The other person I made sure to locate instantly was the only other person in the room with human DNA, Vulcan. Or for those in the know, Gabriel Summers, aka the missing Summer’s child.

He was also clearly aged upwards which was disgusting since my ring was putting him at somewhere around ten or twelve genetically even if he was in the body of an adult in their prime. Lilandra was on the left and Deathbird was on the right, from the look of the folks surrounding them, they brought their entourage along for the spectacle.

The welcome celebration was odd to say the least and had my hackles raised with us entering the vipers nest. They gave us a ‘CHAMPIONS’ welcome but I could feel and sense the mix of authenticity and falsehoods at each and every turn. It was made worse with D’Kens open leering at Diana and Jessica, at least the both of them had the good graces not to open fire as soon as we got there. Then again, I had already sent out micro-pulses of “WILL’ underneath to disable the traps below our feet’s.

Once I was finished checking out the room, I brought my attention back to the pale asshole known as D’Ken the Emperor of the Shi’ar. One thing that I did note as important though was the genetic information my ring provided on D’Ken. The bastard was sterile and it was very much irreversible, also a genetic flaw from birth. Since I was a grade-A level asshole, I sent that little bit of information over to both sisters and had it prepped with my little viral package. Along with the little fact that Vulcan was in fact not D’ken’s son along with the genetic comparisons.

A hand was raised, and the room went silent, my attention was back on the throne. D’ken’s smile faltered, “You’re not going to bow?

Trying not to cringe at the situation, I then noticed Diana and Jessica both share a look, that was my cue to step forward. It looked like I couldn’t just chill in the back anymore and take in the situation. Granted when I did step forward, the neutral expression on D’Ken’s face did shift into a frown at the sight of me.

With the full weight of the imperial court paying me their full attention, I shrugged. “Green Lantern’s bow, nor kneel to no man.” That was my reply.

“He is not a man, so watch how you speak to his Imperial Majesty!” The Speaker barked with a step forward.

D’ken’s frown deepened, and everyone could feel the tension within the room skyrocket. I still didn’t motion for me people to bow down to those before us though, it must have been the American in my blood because fuck that shit.

D’ken raised a hand, “Gladiator...” The massive purple asshole stepped forward and to D’ken side like a loyal dog. “Will you not kneel?”

I took a breath, looked upwards to take in the sight of the opulent ceiling above, then let it out slowly. Firming my resolve, I met the gaze and looked eye’s with D’ken.



D’ken snapped his finger and Gladiator shot forward like the loyal dog that he was. Gladiator moved faster than my new eyes could follow.


The sound of massive collision rang out along with a shockwave as Diana reappeared before me holding onto the wrist of Gladiator. Well, fuck, the little bastard tried to kill me, I guess all bets were off now.

“Rude,” Diana replied before catching another massive pow followed by a shockwave. In retaliation, Diana backhanded Gladiator in the face. A third shockwave buffeted the room along with the right side of the massive palace vanishing as Gladiator was sent flying through it. I raised a brow at Diana as she rubbed the back of her hand, which surprised me since it was a little red.

Diana shrugged at me, “Tougher than he looks.”

“Impossible!” D’Ken screamed standing up from his throne. “Vulcan, ATTACK!”

Turning at that command, I watched as the spoiled man child that played at being an emperor screamed at another spoiled man child, his other hand pointed at us.

Before Vulcan could even make it to the ten-meter mark from the throne, I made a swipe of my hand. His head went in one direction while his body went in the other. Omega level meant nothing if your defenses were always down. More of the Shi’ar nobles erupted into screaming fits as they witnessed another one of their vaunted champions being taken care of so easily.

A thought sent Jessica back to the ship via teleportation even as the emperor screamed for his imperial guards to kill us.  A green aura flared around me, red flickering flames replacing my hair. Ignoring it all, I started to lightly hover even as two of the super-powered knights of the imperial guards attacked. D’Ken me my gaze, and I made sure that he could hear me even with all of the commotion around us.

“I’m going to feed you your heart.”


Authors Note’s: 

No one said that things were ever goin gto be easy. 

Anyway, hope you enjoy the chapter.

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