Star Burst of Sector 2814

Star 20

Starburst of Sector 2814

Star 20

By: BigToFu


Jessica Silvers

Leaning against the bulkhead walls, Jessica listened to the music of the place even as she kept one eye on the only exit out of there. Well, that was wrong, she could make her own exit at any time, but she really didn't like the fact that the only visible way out was at least a good twenty feet away from her. The big guy Kilowog was talking with Richard Rider who was a human of all things acting as space police. Now, ain't that some shit, another human out in space acting as space police.

Yet, that wasn't even the kicker because it turns out he was working for aliens because of course he was working for aliens. The real worrying part was all of the information he was giving them in casual conversation and she couldn't remember at any point seeing any of this on the news back home. Checking her ring data banks came with a lot of knowledge, even some minor information on the nova force these folks used, but Jess could already see the difference between working for this alien nova force and working for Dom.

Richard wasn't even getting paid in the general sense, the man got everything free of charge just for being NOVA. Already she felt that was far too good a piece of news and it showed when the man asked about his family back on earth and she found them not destitute but also wasn't living well off from selling alien tech or anything Richard picked up in space and sold. That wasn't going to last long because Jess had spied on how the name Richard Rider had lit up Kilowogs ring and the big boss himself said he was on the way.

From the animated way and the things that Kilowog let slip, Rider was going to be a recruit but since he was already playing for a team. The boss was already trying to set up collaborations since he didn't want to lose such a valuable space cop.

With a grunt, Jess pushed off the wall and approached the big window where Ben was standing looking over the stars. Jess noticed his hand was raised with a video call showing and with his wife and nephew on the screen.

"Oohh my God Ben, it's so beautiful," The lady on the video call gushed.

Ben gave a nod of his head, "I know May, I think we just might have a new vacation spot."

With a sigh and a turn, Jess moved away from her fellow trainee and went to take a look at what the bar might have for them. Might as well enjoy the exotic booze while she can. And if she remembered properly, her ring made everything compatible for the human digestive systems. Giving the bartender a nod, Jess took a seat at the end so she could still keep the door at least in her side eye. Then thought better of it and gave her ring a command to keep the radar active for hostiles. The bar wasn't that bad and with all of the various space cops and captains around, it was most likely one of the safest places around.

Yet, that didn't mean Jess was just going to let down her guard. This ring was the only thing keeping her alive after all.


She looked over the blues, the purples, and some drinks that just looked like syrups before turning back towards the bartender, "What's popular in this sector of space?"

Two of the four eyes on the bartender raised before he made a half turn as a hand rubbed at his chin.

"Yeah, I got something good for multi-species."

Settling on the hover chair, Jess turned to look over the place packed with Nova corps along with ship captains and some crew was clear that everyone was having a great time. A flash of heat against her skin drew her attention back to the bartender and Jess watched as he mixed a drink from a blue liquid, red liquid, and a bright pink one only for it to come out sparkling like the stars in the nebula outside. He then slid a drink over her way as Jessica pulled out a Nova cred stick from her ring. her boss really knew how the world was run.

Tipping the bartender a little extra Jessica picked up the drink and instantly noticed the difference. The glass was cold even as it gave off a warm feel to her face. Her ring came back with a clean report before Jessica smiled and brought the glass up for a sip.

A shot of electricity ran through her body with just that sip from her drink. Jess was half way through with her drink before her ring pinged her about an approaching person. Her second and third sip from the floating glass was just as amazing as her first.

The chair beside her seat was pulled back as a blue-skinned, indigo-haired babe sat down. The blue skin and red eyes brought Jessica's mind back to the Star Wars series and she labeled the space babe as a Chiss inside of her mind.


Sweet silence was good only up till the point the blue babe sitting beside Jess noticed the outfit she was wearing.

"Ohh my, are you a new Nova?" Blue babe asked after giving Jessica a critical eye.

Huh, now Jess was wondering where this was heading, so she shook her head and showed off the symbol on her chest. "not a nova, but I raise you Lantern."

The blue babes deflated a little, "ohh I don't know anything about them." then she pouted.

Now Jessica knew what the chick was up to, classic ploy back on earth, chat up the hot cop to get taken home.

Well, why not she thought then leaned in close and made a head nudge motion towards Kilowog and Rider. " "see that big guy over there talking with the hotshot Rider."

"ohh yeah, he's hot, but like not in a cute and cuddly way, but hot in like he can pick me up like way." the blue babe gushed.

Rolling her eyes and trying not to gag at finding the only bimbo amongst the stars, Jessica pushed forward. "Well yeah, the big guy is one of my bosses and not to toot my own horn, but I'm pretty elite for being on the team." Then Jessica raised a hand and showed off a little combat footage. "Just the other day, I was holding a star ship above my head. Look at those pirates trying to flee."

The blue babe's eyes widened. "ohh my gosh, you're like a Warrior Amazon or something, bet you can pick me up."

Jessica chuckled and that all translated through the universal translator built into her ring. Then she held up her arm and flexed her bicep. Her ring glowed a little as bands of green wrapped its way around her arm before mirroring her motions. Then Jessica flexed a massive bicep for the blue babe to smile at and feel.

Gasp* "I'm At'la," the blue babe, now named At'la, stated giving her name and then offering a hand.

With a smirk on her lips, Jessica took the hand and kissed the knuckles, "Jessica, Green Lantern, all around badass space Amazon."

At'la made a head motion towards the dance floor, "Wanna dance…"

She left the invitation open and Jessica figured why not as she pulled At'la off the hover stool and gave her a little spin. Might as well show some of these aliens how they got down on Earth. And since the boss man did it once, that means she can do it and with her ring not stopping her, why not.


A pulse of green flashed out and the music inside the club changed as Jessica took At'la to the dance floor. A little flex of her ring got them in prime position on the dance floor. Ohh, yeah, Jessica could definitely enjoy more of being the badass super space cop if this was what came with the job. It was only right she did her duty and helped the civilians interact more closely with them. Before she knew it, Jessica had danced four earth songs with the blue babe and had another few drinks before they found themselves in her rented quarters.

The room was near the top of the spires with massive plast-steel windows allowing Jess and her guest to get a great view of the nebula outside the Waystation. Ignoring everything, Jessica pulled At'la into a fierce kiss and instantly noticed more differences other than just the blue skin. She was sweet to the tastebuds along with a weird tongue that had segmented joints instead of flowing pink muscles. Kisses, bites, and little suckles traced their way over both of their forms before Jessica's back hit the couch cushions with At'la on top.

Her shirt went flying as blue breasts bounced free with rosy dark nipples for Jessica's tasting. Then more clothes went flying before Jessica discovered just how long At'las tongue really was. From there things flipped to Jessica on top and she used the ring to create a double ender dildo. Her back arched as the toy connected with her nerves. Then she plunges it in and gets another surprise: discovering she could feel it all; and gasp, there are tentacles!

The night had only just begun, giggity!


Green Lantern Commander

Domonic Wolf

Removing my person-sized Gundam helm, I dismissed it as I leaned back into my pilot's seat. My off-hand flew across the controls setting a course through the battle that was going on all around inside of the system.

[Red Alert ! - Dreadnought inbound. ]

My head whipped to the radar while also pushing on the sticks and performing evasive maneuvers.

"RAWR!" Dexx-Starr meowed from my shoulder as he hung on for dear life. The only reason why he was bouncing all over the place was that I had the inertial dampers turned down so I could feel the G-forces of the universe.

Reaching up, I grabbed him off my shoulder and placed him in my lap as I performed a rollover. The massive ship parked its fat ass in front of us in an attempt to block my path; but instead I bobbed and weaved around the plasma missiles, devastator blasts, and between the ship's massive engines. The top of my ship skimmed along the bottom of the massive warship as I flew. There was no stopping me as I flew through and around the weapon emplacements. Then came the alert of fighters in the water and even they couldn't stop me.

My hand flared a mixture of red and green as a mad anime idea flashed cross my mind and I figured why the fuck not. The mixture of red and green flowed along the lines of my ship towards the bow of the ship. Then it mixed even more as it circled the whole of my ship and spun until the front was nice and sharp. I pushed forward on the stick, the Milano performing a dive, dodging around a few of the fighters and smashing through others. Then, I pulled back hard on the yoke, the vertical shifted as the nose of the ship now pointed towards the belly of the beast.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!" Drew screamed from one of the co-pilot seats as she noticed the sudden change in course.

"He's getting us out of this mess, so stop distracting him," Diana replied like the crack of the whip.

I could only smile at that as I sent my idea over my ring's neural communications. "My plan, you ask… IS TO PIERCE THE HEAVENS!" I yelled in my commanding bombastic voice as we speared right through the belly of the beast.

Red blades lash out along my spiral ship buster as we tore through the entire Dreadnought. Nothing could stop me from tearing my way out to the other side, once we got there though, that was another thing entirely because the big purple cock goblin was there to try and stand in my way. He was still massively injured, but the rage in his anger in his eyes was real. Yet it wasn't that which had me worried, it was the tug I felt on my finger as the Red Ring of Rage reacted to his emotions and tried to pull itself off my hand.

Yeah, that wasn't going to happen, not today or any other day.

Flexing my will across my ship, a massive pair of extra afterburners appeared from the sides as it pushed us forwards at even more insane speeds. The massive quad rockets burned with a ferocity that illuminated the current solar quadrant bathing everything in the color of my will.

"I'll take care of this," Diana called as I heard the buckle of her belt click open.

"No," I growled back as I forced my control back of the Red Ring. "We leave now, and there is nothing he can do to stop us."

Gladiator pushed forward and I met that punch with the tip of my ship, the spiral flaring to life as the boosters did their thing.

"We! ARE! LEAVING!" I yelled at Gladiator as my hand slammed the thrust mechanism forward and ripped it off with the boost of my anger. The speed, force and power of my spiral kicked into overdrive as the booster flared with even more light.

[ Charge 54% 63% 89% ]

Gladiators had deflected outwards as we drilled into and then through his body. A hologram popped up for me to see the rearview and I snorted at the half-mangled corpse that drifted away, charred from the quad boosters. I knew he would and could survive this, but my goal was to get out of here. No point in getting tangled up in the coming civil war and he just might end up leading a third faction anyway.

As we got to the edge of the system, I had a split second to decide my next destination and found that it was already decided for me. I had no problem with that as I locked onto the location of Kilowag and hit go juice. The clock put us a couple of hours out and calculated our arrival in unified galactic morning for space stations. I was alright with that.

I could use a few hours to get my head right anyway, this Rage ring was fucking with my equilibrium. Setting the autopilot, I got up from my seat with a groan as my muscles stretched and bones popped.

"Meow," Dexx-Starr said to me while rubbing his face against my chest as my armor was dismissed.

Standing there in my jumpsuit, I turned toward the others in the cockpit. "Diana, get on the comms and get a lock on everyone's position before you get off shift. Drew, you don't have to get it done now, but I want your after-action report made and on my desk within the next forty-eight hours."

With my peace said, I made to leave the cockpit but was waylaid by Jessica grabbing my bicep. Dexx-Starr hissed at her from his location on my shoulder. "Forget the after-action report, we have to go back and do something."

There had to have been something in the look that I gave her as Jessica Drew took half a step back, "We saved a planet from exponential parasitic cannibals and the leader of the Empire decided our reward for help would be to piss all over us." Then I stepped into her personal space. "We will NOT be going back, is that clear?"

Jessica Drew gulped, "Yes."

With a firm nod of my head, I walked out of the cockpit and went for the sim room. A few commands later had me floating in a crystal blue lake, the sounds of the waterfall washing over me and drowning out the rest of the galaxy. The flames, the unquenching anger smoldered underneath the surface as I struggled with my abandonment in this reality. I knew that there was no way home, not from this insane mess anyway.

My logic pointed out that no beacon to track means no logical way to my destination. Yet, my heart told me another thing, my heart told me to try anyway and to hell with the consequences and that was where my anger came from.

Taking a deep breath in, it was held for a ten count before slowly being released by my exhale. After doing this a few more times, I finally felt it was time to check my hand. The ring of rage was prominent, but it was no longer glaring at me or trying to lash out at the rest of the world.

This was good, I could work with this.

Rolling over, I swam the rest of the way to the middle island, my arms heavy and burned from the exertion, but I was alright with that. A little bit of pain was good, it helped to focus the mind for me, not act as a distraction. Grabbing my focus, I forcibly dismissed the simulation even as I created a towel to dry myself with.

On my way to my cabin, I checked with the autopilot and found that we were still eighteen solid hours out from our destination. Dismissing my towel, I walked into my captain's quarters in just my set of boxers to find that someone was already in here. Following the sound of soft music, I pressed a hand to my bedroom door and pushed it open.

There smiling at me in a sheer negligee was Diana, damn it was good being the Commander. I never even noticed as the door closed with a soft click behind me.

[Sixteen Hours Later…]

The soft buzz of my ring awoke me with a start until everything clicked into place that I was on my star ship flying through space and living the dream. Sitting up in bed, I ignored the blankets as they fell from my shoulders freeing my arms for the near bone cracking stretch.

Diana ran a hand over my back as she rolled over in the bed, then made a head motion as I turned to meet her gaze. Leaning over, I met her lips with my own. We kissed before breaking off and finally getting the morning started since we were just a few short hours out from our final destination.

With a fresh jumpsuit on, Diana and I let Jessica in the mess for breakfast. The thing was, I had no care for that since I was going through the music selection in my head since I wanted to really set the scene when we arrived. While I walked down the hall with Diana, my use of earth music against Deathbird and her little Shi'ar fleet had reached the far corners of the galaxy. My music career might have been stalled out back on earth which forced me to become a conman, but out here, I just might have another chance.

While I was seated, everything ran automatically until I felt a shoulder nudge and almost missed my mouth with the bacon.

Glancing over at the one that had nudged me, I could only raise a brow at her, "Yes?"

Diana chuckle at me, "What's got you thinking so hard?"

"Music selection before meeting the Nova Corps." I replied easily before chowing down the rest of my food.

"Is it that hard?" Diana questioned as she floated over her chair, a cup of that unholy abomination called coffee in her mug.

My shoulders went up and down in a shrug, "Not really, it's just something to add that extra sparkle."

"And it lets you impress upon them that you're not easily trifled with," Diana added at the end even as she gave me the side eye. With a chuckle, I got up not giving an answer in the affirmative or negative as I placed my empty tray on the stack for the bots to get to it later.

Green rolled down my jumpsuit as things shifted when clangs started to resound through the hall as I was now clad in a mecha gundam suit once more. As I approached the airlock, my helm appeared starting with green lines then red until it was a full face covering. I turned around in the airlock for the control panels and smiled at the others that stood with me. Red Ring of Rage was on the drums and guitars. My will power of Green was going to power me through vocals and slapping the base.

Bringing my hand up, I could see the countdown of the FTL and I made a motion with my hand as I flexed my mental might moving everyone into positions.

Heavy drums started as the timer hit 10…9…8..7… then the base kicked in…5…4…3.. The other guitars started their riffs.. 2..1… then I belted out the vocals as we dropped out of FTL. My ring cranking up the power connecting to everything within the sector.

[Verse 1]

Here we go

Faster than the speed of light

Rip through the Sun

We're surfin' on the endless night

Got no course

We're livin' life day to day

Strong use of force

If anything gets in our way!

Crouching down, I dug in my heels in a horse stance and then kicked hard on my space ship, it rotated under me as I appeared for the entire system as a giant green construct. With the kickflip done beautifully, I landed back on my ship with grace.


I'll take you to the stars

I'll show you who we are

We're space riders with no names

I'll take you to the stars

I'll show you who we are

We're space riders with no names

I'll take you to the stars

I'll show you just who we are

[Verse 2]

We fear none

We've never known another way

Shoot with the gun

Cross us and you know you'll pay

Offensive view

No family, we walk alone

Black hole saloon

The wildest place you've ever known!

Rays of gold flew out of the sector's space station, but I ignored them for the big green guy that flew out alongside them. My own guitar formed from a sling around my shoulder as I gave the mic a hard kick disintegrating it with green motes of light. Digging deep, the pick appeared over my head as I reached up for it, the only bright and shining green light in all of the sector.

With a firm grip, I came down hard strumming a vicious cord.


I'll take you to the stars

I'll show you who we are

We're space riders with no names

I'll take you to the stars

I'll show you who we are

We're space riders with no names

I'll take you to the stars

I'll show you who we are


Woah-oah-oah, woah-oah-oah

We fight to be free, yeah

Woah-oah-oah, woah-oah-oah

Stand for what we believe, yeah

The drums went hard in a solo as the red from my ring bled out and rolled over the ship to make it appear we were riding on red waves. Then I came in with my cool green to offset the anger red tried to override me with.


I'll take you to the stars

I'll show you who we are

We're space riders with no names

I'll take you to the stars

I'll show you who we are

We're space riders with no names

I'll take you to the stars

I'll show you who we are



With the end of the song, I hit my own solo as each of my elemental constructs vanished, red rage on the drums being the last as I both laid down a sick solo that made my heart race and blood pump. As I finished out the solo, I floated from the top of my ship to the leader of the Nova corp, the bright goofy smile on his face was hard to miss. There was no mistaking one of the most powerful characters of Marvel yet so underrated, Richard Rider.

He hovered at the front of the group bold and powerful with blue, gold and highlights of white along his form.


I finished up, then did a little display of the guitar vanishing as he floated forward, a hand out for me to shake.

"Richard Rider, Terran Star Commander of the Nova Corp, and I gotta say, that little performance was something else." Richard introduced himself with a lot of energy and I gotta admit, a damn strong handshake.

With a warm chuckle, I returned the greeting with my own, "Green Lantern Commander, Domonic Wolf, also Terran, and I hope you had as much fun listening to it as I did performing it."

A meaty hand slapped onto my shoulders, "That we did, that we did, let me introduce you to the others."

And with that, I was on the wider galactic stage.

Authors Notes - The next adventure awaits so lets get this show on the road. 

Removes the - for the internet links

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