Star Burst of Sector 2814

Star 3

Star Burst

Chapter 3: Sector 2814

By : BigToFu

Beta by: morde24

Green Lantern 2814

Standing there at the doorway with Phil, I took in the sight of the defeated man before us. Shit, it's not like I could help him, but I could at least push him in the right direction. Letting out a sigh, I just shook my head at it all. This was something that Thor would have to overcome all on his own: I was just here to ride his coattails to Asgard for those star charts and maybe a Jotun blood sample.

Coulson was watching me a lot more than he was watching Thor, but he did signal for security to help the man up. Coulson gave me a look and I shook my head in reply. He did that thin lip thing he always does in the show before making his own decision on the matter after seeing that I wouldn't interfere.

Coulson left to deal with Thor, so instead of interfering I made use of my time by talking to one of the most underrated Avengers. Natasha was known for her super-spy skills and that sweet sweet booty; but the true MVP I felt was the one with the trick shot.

Barton had the ability to make any shot no matter the difficulty and that's not something any of the other Avengers could do. Even Steve with his super-soldier serum couldn't make half the shots Barton could perform. Yet, the man got shit because he wanted to use a bow and arrow.

So being the total badass that I am, I decided to ignore the security that was trying to subtly keep watch over me by giving them the slip utilizing the hardest trick in the book. Yep, that's right, I outsmarted them all by floating upwards.

Snorting at the fools with shocked looks on their faces, I hovered over to Barton in his little basket as the rain poured down on his head. He looked back at me very nonplussed and all professional, but I ignored it as I pushed my will forward. Metal tubing formed with just a push from my mind as pins, clips, and the tarp of the umbrella formed above his head.

During my week of training, I had found out some very interesting things about the green lantern rings that the powers that be have neglected to share with readers of the comics. The more you understood about the object you wanted to create, the stronger and less energy intensive it would be. That meant that anyone could form a giant boxing glove to punch someone in their face, but that would just be a quick construct performing a one-and-done job that also took a bit of charge with it. Yet, if you were to put some imagination into it by, let's say, forming a fist inside the boxing glove, then the construct worked much better. Start with the bones, the tendons, muscles, and skin as if you were projecting your own hand into existence inside the glove and the effort paid off.

Now, not only does that construct last longer, the extra detail reinforces the construct making it more durable and powerful overall. Not only that, but the charge becomes static within reality and could be shifted into other shapes allowing you to use that same charge for different constructs without wasting energy.

Hovering next to the wet agent, I looked him over once before asking the million-dollar question, "So why the bow and arrow?"

Barton looked at me askance before letting out a slow chuckle and putting away his bow and arrow. Barton shook his head before hitting the button activating the lift he was using to bring him back down.

"No one ever expects taking an arrow to the knee, plus it's far more stealthy," Barton said with a shrug before the basket that held him up started to descend. Nodding my head at that answer, I followed him back down to the ground and waited for him to get out.

Acting like I didn't hear the order from Coulson telling Barton to do a friendly interrogation through his earpiece, I played along and accepted the offer for coffee. I could already tell that Coulson was making his move and this was the soft sell that would work to separate me from Thor. It was a lot easier than having to fight the guy with a power ring since he did make a point of showing off some of his powers and abilities. It also helps that I was being very amenable with them instead of throwing my weight around in arrogance because I have a power ring.

Barton led me to the breakroom, taking a roundabout way, allowing all of the cameras to capture more than enough video footage of me. Inwardly, I smirked at him actually being subtle as that only increased my anticipation for meeting the Black Widow even more. Granted, I knew full well what she was capable of, but a man can only hope to be on the receiving end of that seduction mission.

Maybe I should give the green amazon a visit in New York, she was dressed in my favorite color after all. She also might need an extra hand putting mobsters behind bars. Even if the name of the game was to spend limited time on Earth, I didn't really want to hit New York before I really had to.

That city had to be cursed the same way Gotham city was cursed. Hell, what else could explain all those supervillains living within the same city. Sigh, even if I had my priorities straight, sexy amazon needed love too.

Following behind Barton, I entered the breakroom and took a seat at one of the free tables while he got us both a cup of coffee. As I sat down I pulled a tablet from my subspace and started to browse some of the information Athena had crunched for me on this reality's Shi'ar Empire. The first thing I had done when I finished the subspace communications satellites was to put them in place around the universe. With the network up, I had unleashed Athena to do her thing. Her mission was to gather as much information for me that was available while also not pulling in any attention.

She of course had done a spectacular job, but all of the data still needed to be sorted and crunched for digestion. Reading over the last mission of Gladiator made my stomach churn and I was really happy that I took the time to train my skills. During my little week of being Rocky, I had used everything imaginable at my fingertips, even using the extremely dangerous time dilation feature of the ring to get months of training and battle in.

If I was being honest with myself, I was still very very unwilling to set my time dilation room to doing a year in a day. Being a human-based entity physically had me worried about certain medical complications that could arise if I did such things. I was no Saiyan and I didn't have ki to bolster my body, so once I turned the ring off to rest, I was going to be taking the full brunt of a time dilation field.

There was no reason to do anything that drastic, well, not until after I got my hands on the X-gene or uncovered the celestial genetic solution.

Frowning at Gladiator being praised for doing the Emperor's bidding and silencing a colony, I tried not to think about how I might have to face such a foe. Yes, I was a super space cop, but I wasn't going to rock the boat if I didn't have to. I was pulled out of my thoughts as someone placed a cup in front of me before he sat down.

Looking up, I noticed Barton had taken off his rain cloak and had taken the seat across from my own.

Leaning back in his seat and letting out a sigh, Barton eyed me before taking a sip of his coffee and speaking. "So, what's that scowl for?"

Letting out a sigh, I sent a mental command to lock a few features and commands of the tablet before sliding it across the table with a grimace of my face. "Just the usual, Shi'ar up to no good."

Barton gave me a look before he picked up the tablet, I said nothing as I picked up my coffee and added four creams to it. Taking a sip, I let out a contented sigh before looking at his face and seeing both eyebrows vanish into his hairline.

Taking another sip and letting out a contented sigh, I motioned for Barton to give me back the tablet. Smiling at him, I then double-tapped the tablet bringing up a hologram. At the top of the hologram scrolled the title for GBB Galactic News. On the left were the talks about the peace treaty between the Nova Empire and the Kree, while on the right was still the news on Gladiator, but this time a video was running.

Don't want to say I was being a dick, but I might not have included a translation for the video playing. Hey, since they wanted to record me with hidden cameras and such, I might as well give them a proper showing.

Mentally, I was listening to Athena's breakdown of the situation while also making notes for later. In front of Barton, I set up a hologram and had him watch as I took notes.

Sitting up in his chair, Barton leaned in for a closer look slightly losing his cool for a moment. "Can you… do you have a translation for this?"

Looking at him, I allowed my eyes to widen for a brief moment, "Oh, shit, my bad, I'm so used to the universal translator, I forget it's not common here at home."

Barton watched as I rotated the hologram, opened the settings, then changed the verbal speech from Galactic standard to Terran English translation standard. Mid speech the words changed and I could see more shock from the super-spy across from me. Barton didn't even say anything as he pulled out his little purple notebook and started to take notes.

Deciding that I fucked with him enough, I asked a question. "So, how long have you been with S.H.I.E.L.D?"

Barton looked up at me then shrugged, "Since I got out of the academy."

Looking him dead in the eyes, I made sure that he was very aware as I made a showing of rolling my own with exasperation.

"Yes, yes, classified and all that jazz with sprinkles," I muttered before changing the hologram to an overview of the solar system and the surrounding galaxies. On the third planet from the star in the center was earth with my location shown with my lantern symbol right over it. The fourth planet did have a symbol, but also a notation that read, Sector house 2814.

I let the nebula float over my tablet before tapping it and shifting the view to show four other lantern symbols. Ignoring the symbols, I pulled up the reports and started to read them. During my week of training, I had of course taken a day to do something incredibly smart, but also stupid. I had mined the closest asteroid and then built myself, Android helpers. The things you could do with advanced super technology at your fingertips, but that was a revelation for another time.

I ignored the buzz that came from Barton's ears as he asked his own question.

"And how about yourself?" Barton said, picking up his coffee again, then made a gesture at me. "How long have you been flying around all Green?"

Looking up from what I was working on, I smirked at him, "Long enough to be the first human to head this sector."

Barton looked at me then scoffed, going with the attempt at bruising my ego, "Pull the other leg kid, you can't be much older than twenty."

And right into the trap, he fell.

I shrugged, "I'm twenty-four and for the record, very much human, that alone comes with a few perks trillions of aliens don't have." I replied smoothly.

"Yeah, and what's that?"

Chuckling, I met Barton's gaze, "Balls and sheer fucking spite."

Barton sputtered and performed a perfect spit take of his coffee while I just laughed at him.

"Come again?" Barton asked as he cleaned himself up.

"Spite is what made me earn the position I am in," I said even if I knew that it was clear and utter bullshit, well at least it was my bullshit. "Humans are known in the wider galaxy for being from a backwater planet who haven't even left their gravity well yet. The only reason why we haven't been conquered is because of how out of the way we are. Now try being the only human taking the test of the Guardians with trillions of other aliens around."

Barton looked at me with wide eyes and I continued to spin my tale of woe and triumph.

"Right, so here I am in the opening stages and these little blue dudes, with huge heads, are standing in front of a giant lantern talking to everyone with the universal translator going. Yet, all I can get from those around me is 'how come this primitive monkey is here.'" I said spinning my tale on and on hands waving animatedly.

"You see, I grew up an orphan so I had to learn fast on how to stand up and take care of myself, but I had the one thing that no one else there had. They wanted prestige, fame, and glory, I just had the will to survive and make it to the end." I said with a grin that was all teeth. "But you see, as I kept going and more and more aliens dropped out, it became very evident that a human was participating on such a grand stage."

As I got to the more colorful part of the story the door opened and someone walked in, but instead of turning to look, I had Athena update me. It was a tall black man in a badass fucking trench coat and one singular eyepatch. Behind him walked Coulson in his professional suit. Of course, I did notice that Fury was wearing a black tactleneck and I could only think about him coming here directly after dropping off Howard's case with his son.

Barton's gaze turned from shock to surprise and then he was up and out of his seat to meet his superior officer.

"Agent Barton, why don't you introduce me to your friend." Fury said with smooth tones and it was clearly a command, not a question. Standing up myself, I walked over with my hand out.

"Well, I guess I know now why you've been giving me the run-around," I said with a matter-of-fact tone, a little light with some joviality. There was no reason for me to tell them about using this time to stack up my bullshit count.

Furry looked at me before holding his hand out to meet my own. "Dominic Wolf of Sector two eight one four." Fury shook my hand then turned it over to take a look at my Green Lantern ring.

"Fury, Director of Shield." The Sam Jackson lookalike said with a simple introduction.

Nodding, I let his hand go as I took a step back. Coulson, of course, came out of nowhere with an extra chair and acted as if it had been here the whole time. Please, like I didn't notice how I was directed to the one breakroom that was completely cleared of all agents.

"So you were telling my agent about how you came into possession of that trinket on your finger."

Rolling my eyes at such an easy ego dig, I held my hand and made it flash, "This is a power ring made by the Guardians of Oa. And I got it from being the last man standing amongst trillions of other beings earning my right to command a Sector."

Fury gave me a long calculated look, but I let the tension flow right off me as I took a sip of my coffee.

"And these Guardians of Oa do what exactly?" Fury asked as Barton put a cup of coffee in front of his boss.

Sitting my cup of coffee down on the table, I held up a hand and started to project a map of the surrounding systems with some interesting bit of information I had found within the rings, archives overlaid on the star charts. Instead of the minor galaxies I had shown Barton earlier, this was now a vastly larger map taking up the entire room with plenty of stars, planets, and colorful nebulas. What really drew the eye though was the hundreds and thousands of emblems that matched the one on my chest. "Pick people they think are worthy to wield power rings who then protect the rest of the universe."

Before I could get into any more of my bullshit, my ring started to flash and everything changed.

"Sir, we have a situation," Athena said, holograms popping up into existence before me. Fury looked at me then raised an eyebrow.

Letting out a sigh, I turned my attention to the holograms, but what I found was extremely surprising. The Korbinite I had been keeping track of went dark five systems over. Not only was that surprising, but the destabilization of their planet's core, the reason why they had left on colony ships, had finally collapsed into itself. That meant I wouldn't be able to visit the world and pick over its remaining technology.

"The Korbinites that have been able to escape the death of their homeworld are broadcasting an SOS on every subspace band available. Unfortunately, it's coming from a dark system very close to the Mad Titan's borders. I believe pirates are involved but we do not have eyes on the situation." Athena informed me briskly.

Thinking hard, I flicked a finger expanding the map to see who I had In the general area. Seeing the green lantern symbol two systems over from the dark patch, I tapped it and opened communications.

The symbol enlarged and I acted as if I didn't notice the flinch of those around me. The Bovovaxian species didn't exist in this universe or at least I hadn't met one yet were large seven feet aliens. Yet, I had created my own Android at eight feet with all of their features including the pink skin red eyes, and that humanoid bulldog look from the shows. It really helped to have a power ring powered by imagination allowing me to bring some really cool creations to life.

In the hologram, I could see Kilowog standing on what appeared to be a moon with three space stations in the background.

Kilowog looked at me then flicked his eyes at those within the vicinity. "Yeah, boss?"

"I need you to check something out in the Mad Titans territory, a near-extinct species sending out SOS," I spoke, getting into command mode as I started to rattle off information, having Athena send it along to Kilowogs systems. "I'll be along shortly since we don't know how many ships are in distress."

Both of his brows raised and I could see him crouch before jumping and taking off Into space. "On it, we got a planet they are going to in the system?"

I shook my head, "Gonna have to find that out once you get in the system, protect the ship's, I'll hit the pirates since I'll be coming in hot."

"Got it."

The call disconnected as I started to glow and hover off of the ground.

"Sorry folks but duty calls." Saying my piece, I turned to leave but was stopped.

"Wait, would you like some backup?" Fury said, stopping me as he speared me with his eagle vision.

"Sorry, but I only even came back home because I picked up a cosmic anomaly, you don't have anything that's going to help where I am going. Not unless you got some crack shot pilot on hand." I said dismissing him entirely, there was no way I was going to miss the Korbinite situation. This was my chance to get Beta-Ray before he vanished for years.

"As a matter of fact, I do have a crack pilot available right now." Fury said with all seriousness as he looked hard at Barton.

"Really?" I ask in disbelief. "Mr. Bow and Arrow is a crack pilot?"

"Best of his class and I'm positive that he can pilot anything." Fury responded, but I knew better and decided to roll with it since I could use this to my benefit later.

It's also not like I didn't know where this was going. Black Widow was notorious for walking around with her own personal recording camera and I bet my well-toned ass he had one on his person also.

I was already acting the part of a power player, might as well give them a reason why they should treat me as one.

"Alright, but we need to leave now." Was my quick response as I projected a bubble around Barton. I didn't even wait for Fury to say anything before I flew us both out of the breakroom, through a side wall, and straight up into space.

Barton screamed before realizing that in fact, no we were most definitely not dead.

"You've got to warn me next time."

Shrugging, I angled us towards Mars and turned on the speed. The earth vanished behind me quickly as we rapidly approached Mars. Angling us again, I brought us down onto Olympus Mound and ignored the look of intense fascination on Barton's face as I brought us into my flight hanger.

Landing softly, I started to sprint towards my ship that's already powered on and hovering. Instead of running up the ramp, I basically short jump with a little hover to land on the top stair. Turning around to see if Barton was following, I found that he hadn't even budged from the location where I had dropped him off.

Huffing at him but also getting why he stood there stunned with an amazed look on his face. I called out to him since I needed this ship in the fight and I would get far more data out of it if I had someone flying it instead of my AI with a combat program as an assistant.

Shaking my head, I constructed a simple hand to flick Barton with. He jumped at the sudden disturbance to look at me, then the hovering ship. His face split into a massive grin as he finally kicked it into gear and started to run over.

Barton ran over and I clasped hands with him in a warrior's shake, "Sorry about all this, but I never got your name and calling you Agent Barton is just not my style. No matter how short of a time you are going to be under my command, I would like a name I can call you by."

He looked at me for a second before splitting into that smirking grin that showed a lot of confidence.

"The names, Clint."

[Compassion rising...]

[Hope Rising...]

Ignoring Athena I got out of the way and let Clint walk into the ship, he stopped and I just waved off his wow.

"Yeah, I know, I know, it's larger on the inside than it is on the outside," I spoke up as I had him follow me to the cockpit. My Talon was shaped like an eagle on the outside with two massive engines on either side of a one-way cockpit. On the side of the wings were three fins that helped with maneuvering inside the atmosphere, but everything was powered by a bleed generator, even the massively powerful gravity drives.

And of course, it was in my favorite colors of green and black.

Since there was no time to show him where all the quarters are or the training room, I had him take the co-pilot's seat beside me.

"Okay, Fury said you can fly anything so I am going to give you a quick run down, alright?" I asked as I was flipping switches and double-checking numbers. Athena had turned everything on for me, but double-checking always kept a man alive.

Once I was sure everything was ready, I grabbed both controls, upped the throttle and shot us off out into space leaving Mars behind. The red planet shrank behind us as we got further and further away.

"Athena, lock in the coordinates to the SOS."

"Locked in sir." Was Athena's reply.

"Alright, drop your socks and grab your crotch fly boy because we are outta here!" I yelled as I activated the wormhole drive. The ship was wrapped in green light as a hole appeared in space. Ignoring Clint's steel grip on the seat beside me, I directed us right into the wormhole.

There was a shoom sound as the world shifted and warped, but as quickly as that came, it was over in the span of a few seconds. We came out of the wormhole at the edge of the system, but that didn't give us much of a respite as things were already in pandemonium when we arrived.

{Cease fire, ceasefire, there are children on board, there are children on board.}

{Mayday mayday, this is the Korbinite colony ship [Alpha three, we need help, can anyone hear us?}

"Shit!" I yelled as I tilted the Raptor sideways to dodge incoming debris from exploded pirate ships. The Korbinites had a few ships in defense but it was clear that they were fighting a losing battle. In front of the colony ship was a green blur moving back and forth which should be Kilowog.

That was all I needed to see to know that I was needed out there. Getting up from my seat, I slammed a hand on the side console opening it and pulling out the headset before tossing it to Clint.

"Here, this will link you to the subspace communications network, it will put you on the same line as myself and Kilowog," I commanded as I started to send a few mental commands changing the pilot's configuration. The chair shifted and changed to something closer to earth with a pilot stick and throttle instead of the double hander that I was using with a foot pedal throttle.

"Alright, Clint, I have you set up with the standard Huey pilot configuration with weapons on the stick," I spoke as I walked towards the bay in the back. "You got shields, but don't get caught in anything crazy, I don't want to go back home and tell Fury I got one of his people killed."

Clint replied in the affirmative, but I was already at the airlock and preparing to launch. Standing there, the green aura around me bubbled and flexed as my will commanded it. Armored plates started to appear across my shoulders and upper torso with intricate designs. Missiles, Gatling guns and other assortments of weaponry shifted into place as I crouched down in a starting position.

Once the reticle appeared to hover over my left eye, I pushed off causing a hard rick rocking of my ship and causing Clint to yell out in shock. A broadsword formed in my right hand as I shot towards the largest pirate vessel.

The ship turned as if it was trying to avoid me but it was far too late. I came down like the wrath of god with an overhead strike slicing the ship cleanly in half. I slid through the ship, my sword cutting as if it was a hot knife through butter. I passed all kinds of colorful aliens with looks of utter shock and surprise on their faces.

I paid none of that a second glance as I drilled through the ship and appeared on the other side. The two halves drifted away from each other listing as explosions going off all across core systems. Bracing my body, I lined up the shot and fired my shoulder mounted missiles.

The ship that I had sliced in half exploded launching debris everywhere, but I ignored the minor shrapnel as it pinged off my shields. What had pulled my attention was a large orange man jumping from the hull of the Korbinite lead ship onto a pirate vessel.

Opening the coms channel, I called over it as I strafed a few pirate ships with my railguns, "Kilowog, who's so froggy that they had to jump?"

"Don't know boss, but he sure looks like some super soldier," Kilowog grunted over the coms.

Taking that at face value, I did a roll putting me right underneath the hull of another pirate ship and sliced it in half. Another ship went down, but this time it was a missile fired from my talon fighter with Clint as the pilot.

Funny how things turned out, I decided that I wanted to bullshit SHIELD and ended up on a real mission halfway across the known galaxy with one of their agents in tow. I knew for a certain that all of this was going to get reported to Fury, but that's alright. I already had plans to milk NASA for some cash by carrying them around the solar system. All this did was help make the process a lot smoother down the road.

Another explosion pulled my attention from the plans I had for the future and back to the battlefield, but with accelerated thought processes, I wasn't gone for long. The battle continued for another five minutes before the pirates started to pull back, but like I had told Clint. I was a spiteful little bastard of a human and I didn't let them get far.

"Athena open coms lines across all subspace bands of the pirates," I said, lowering into a hover in front of the Korbinite ships. She returned with a double beep in my ears giving me the signal that I was waiting for. "Attention pirate vessels, this is Commander Dominic Wolf, Green Lantern of Sector two eight one four. You have been caught in the act of piracy against the Korbinite people. Surrender now and you shall be remanded to their custody. Failure to do so will find your ships destroyed and scattered amongst the stars as I grind you to dust."

There was a beep as the reply came over coms, "Suck a rayyakk slug sack you chunkta bastard."

That was all that I needed to hear.

Spreading my legs apart, I started to concentrate on what I wanted. The brace formed against my chest as the tyrannosaurus, sabertooth tiger and triceratops formed in a gigantic green outline. My grin was all feral as the power rangers mega blaster was formed before me with color to match each megazord representation.

Lightly pressing the trigger, the cannon charged up with a shoom sound. It didn't take long for the charge to reach its peak and that was all that I needed. Squeezing the trigger the rest of the way, I was sent rocking back hundreds of meters as my mega shot was sent hurtling at the fleeing pirates.

My shot threaded the needle missing the ships in the back to hit the front most fleeing vessel. Everything following the lead ship that was fleeing smashed into the leader as if it was a ten car pileup.

From the left, my talon fighter came flying around, twisting, I was able to see Clint from the cockpit waving at me. Letting out a chuckle, I jumped over and directed him to fly towards the Karbonite ships. It was time to close a few deals.

Clint brought us around to a hover in front of one of the main Karbonite ships, but I wasn't paying attention to the massive vessel. No, the person who had my full attention was on the hull of the ship standing beside Kilowog.

"Thank you for assisting my people, my name is Beta Ray."


Authors Note:

Dom's level of bullshit is just out of this world.

The first con-man character, tell me what you think.

Happy Holidays

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