Star Orc Empire

Chapter 10

~ Works Related (10)

“Are you also a graduate of Osius Academy?” Lu You must have thought that Gnarius was so accomplished at such a young age, and he was still a prince.

“Yes, I haven’t graduated for a few years.” Gnaris replied.

“It should be in five or six years.” Lu You said. Rorschach is twenty-four this year, and he will graduate in three years. The orcs and sub-orcs on Osius planet have a lot to learn.

“Basically, I didn’t remember much. Do you want to become a professional animal trainer in the future, or do you have other plans?” Genaris asked.

“It’s not sure yet. Although I have always liked animals, if I can, I hope to get along with them more.” Lu You said.

“You minored in the Mecha Manufacturing Department, do you want to dabble in this as well?”

“I just hope that I can try my best to learn more things, so that I won’t be useless in the future.” Lu You said half-jokingly.

“Then learn more, I believe you will benefit a lot from this trip.”

“It will definitely.” Lu You said with a smile.

After dinner, Lu You and Genaris took a walk in the moonlit courtyard.

When the two of them are alone, Lu You always feels that his heartbeat will speed up inexplicably, and he will be slightly nervous.

The courtyard was quiet, and unknown insects could be heard from the surrounding grass and flowers.

“Have you thought about it yet?” Genaris asked suddenly.

“Uh, what?”

“I am pursuing you, do you agree to my pursuit?” Genaris stopped, and his deep eyes looked deeply into Lu You’s eyes.

“Uh, okay…” Lu You hesitated for a while before replying. He raised his head and looked up at Gnaris, who was much taller than him. It is undeniable that he is gentle and kind to Gneris, he is not a wooden man, so he is tempted.

Gnarius smiled, his already handsome face was even more beautiful when he smiled.

The next day, the school announced the list of members of the adventure team.

When the class guide announced Lu You’s group, Lu You knew who was in his group, and he was both happy and worried.

There were people he was familiar with in his group, and he was happy that he and Rorschach were brought together by a very small chance. What’s worrying is that he’s on the same team as Viddy and Allen…


Lu You was speechless. What kind of probability is this? If it wasn’t randomly arranged by the school, Lu You might think it was deliberately arranged by someone.

The school will arrange the basic materials needed by each group, as well as the necessities necessary for field adventures, such as satellite positioning devices and so on.

When Luo Xia learned that he was in a group with Lu You, he was very excited and notified Lu You through the communicator.

Lu You was also very happy, but when he told Rorschach that Vidi and Alan were in the same group, Rorschach immediately had black lines on his face.

There are two other orcs in the same group, but Lu You doesn’t know each other. But Luo Xia told Lu You that the two orcs were easy to get along with.

Lu You wasn’t worried about the two orcs, but worried that the journey might be a mess.

For Vidi, Lu You is just a child spoiled by his family, and the development of character has a lot to do with the growth environment. Lu You can deal with Vidi’s fuss, as long as it’s not too much, it’s fine to ignore it. It’s just that Rorschach and Vidy have two temperaments, and it’s a ghost if they don’t quarrel. As for Allen, it depends.

“Have you identified your teammates?” Genaris asked.

“It’s confirmed. Luo Xia and I are in a group.” Lu You still enjoys the feeling of reading, because he can’t read, and there are quite a lot of books in the prince’s mansion. Lu You took some books to read, familiar with the characters here .

“That’s good, we can take care of each other.” Genaris sat next to Lu You, wrapping his arms around Lu You’s waist.

The two were sitting on the sofa, while Xiao Qiu and Xiao Bai were watching TV in Lu You’s room. And Luo Qi lay quietly on the carpet at Lu You’s feet, sleeping soundly.

“I’m also quite surprised.” Lu You ignored the rest of the team and didn’t tell Genaris.

“You are going to the forest of the affiliated planet. Although it is not as dangerous as the abyss forest, you still have to pay attention to safety. There are many beasts. I will communicate with you every day.” Gnarius said.

“Understood.” Lu You looked very petite when he was embraced by Genaris beside him. Although it was only Genaris’s long arms that wrapped around his waist, it looked as if he was leaning on Genaris’s arms. inside. He is not disgusted.

In the face of the person he likes, a man can’t restrain his desire.

Seeing Lu You’s concentration, the soft lines of his side face are more beautiful under the light.

Gnarius’ head, getting closer and closer.

Gradually, there was almost no distance between the face and Lu You’s face.

With warm breath sprayed on his face, Lu You turned his head. Genaris kissed Lu You directly.

And Genaris was not polite anymore, he directly stretched out his hand to hold Lu You’s head, kissed Lu You domineeringly, exchanged the body fluid of both sides, and curled Lu You’s tongue forcefully.

Lu You’s mouth has been swept all over.

“Okay.” When Genaris was about to be overwhelmed, his hand had already touched the inside of Lu You’s shirt, and Lu You pushed Genaris away.

The breath of the two people is intertwined.

Genaris stared at Lu You’s eyes and reddish cheeks, chuckled softly, then stretched out his long arms to hold Lu You in his arms, “Don’t worry, nothing will happen to me until you become an adult Yes. At most, just charge some interest.” Gnarius’ sharp facial features have now become very soft, and his whole person is full of humanity, and his charm value has soared.

“Hmm…” Lu You muttered, not knowing how to answer. How come I didn’t realize that Gnaris likes to take advantage so much before.

“Continue reading.” Genaris still smiled softly, hugged Lu You and sat on his lap, wrapped his arms around Lu You’s waist, and rested his chin on Lu You’s shoulder.

“What do I think?” Lu You said.

“Look at it this way, I’ll teach you how to read.” Genaris opened the book on Lu You’s lap, and said in Lu You’s ear.

“The word is…”


It’s a quiet night.

Fast forward to the days of Osius’ satellite expeditions.

The students of Orteland College are on the spaceship bound for the satellite of Osius.

This time I am going to the undeveloped Milan star of Osius. The climate of this planet is changeable and it has a variety of ecosystems. What they are going to do is to conduct a week-long survival training at Milan Star.

The members of each group formed their own teams, and Lu You also saw two other members in the group, one of them was a very tall orc with a simple and honest look, and the other had a hippie smiling face and a pair of peach blossom eyes. nice.

The spaceship provides a seating area for each group so that they can get to know each other during the one-day voyage.

Lu You sat down at the seat planned for their group, and Luo Xia sat next to him.

“You… how are you!” The big orc smiled at Lu You, suppressing the emotions he remembered.

“Hello.” Lu You smiled back.

“I didn’t expect us to be in the same group, haha!” The big man spoke clumsily and patted his own head. “do you still remember me?”

“I’m sorry, I don’t remember. Can you remind me a little bit?” Lu You said apologetically, he didn’t seem to know such a person in his impression.

“You remember that on your first day of school, you led a dog and asked me where the Academic Affairs Office was, and I was the one who led you the way,” said the big man.

“Oh, I remembered. I didn’t expect such a coincidence that we were divided into a group.” Although the impression is very shallow, it is still there.

“Well, I’m Eriksson.” The big man was a little at a loss for words, and his face gradually turned red, but fortunately, his skin was darker and not very obvious.

Luo Xia squinted his eyes, glanced lazily at the situation here, closed his eyes and continued to sleep.

“Hey, Eriksson, why are you so nervous?” The orc with a pair of beautiful peach blossom eyes patted Eriksson on the shoulder.

“No way.” Eriksson denied.

Lu You smiled, such a simple person. It’s so big, it’s even blushing.

“Hi, I’m Rist. That’s what Eriksson looks like, lol. Don’t mind me.”

“Brother, why are you blushing!” I have to say that Vidi’s voice is very distinctive.

Eriksson turned his head to look at the source of the voice, “Brother, you are here.”

Viddy and Allen came together.

Vidi ran over to hold Eriksson’s arm, and glanced at Lu You, “Brother, you will go bad if you stay with him. Come on, let’s sit over there.” Rixon sat down a little away from Lu You.

Lu You was speechless, this Vidi was too unreasonable. It’s just that he was rejected by Gnaris, and he has been venting his anger on him for so long. It takes how spoiled the family is to raise such a person.

Alan walked to Lu You and sat down gracefully, “I’ll tell him, Vidi is so rude.”

Vidi is just poisonous in his mouth, as long as he doesn’t challenge his bottom line, he can still bear it. But the necessary lessons are still needed. “I hope this event will be a pleasant cooperation.” Lu You said.

“I believe we will get along happily and return safely.” Vidi said with a smile.

“Alan, you’re here too.” Rist greeted Alan enthusiastically.

“Well, Riester.” Allen’s every move revealed an elegant demeanor.

It has to be said that the aristocratic education of the Allen family was very successful.


On the spaceship, everyone is very quiet.

Everyone is doing their own thing, some are playing games, some are watching movies, some are dozing off…

Luo Xia occasionally opened his eyelids, and saw the orc sitting next to him carefully look at Lu You from time to time, and then turned his head away, like a thief.

Luo Xia couldn’t help laughing, and then looked at Lu You who was concentrating on reading, it was so much fun.

After sleeping almost a day in the spaceship, I finally arrived at my destination.

The students disembarked from the spaceship and assembled.

After listening to the instruction of the teacher’s final assembly, each group dispersed according to the division.

The orcs have long been familiar with this densely-vegetated forest, but for the sub-orcs who have always been pampered, it was a novel experience at the beginning, and it was a torment later.

This time the jungle adventure was conducted on the planet Milan, which is a subsidiary planet of Osius, which is one of the planets with the highest vegetation coverage except the main star.

Lu You looked at the tall trees tens of meters high and the thick roots that intertwined on the ground, and felt sincerely that the plants looked like they had mutated, as expected of aliens.

When Lu You traveled to the abyss forest, he couldn’t see it with his eyes, and he didn’t appreciate the charm of the real primitive forest. While keeping up with the footsteps of the troops, he observed the surrounding environment curiously.

The team leader this time was Rist, one of the well-known figures in the mecha department and combat department of the academy. Taking into account the footsteps of the sub-orcs, the team moved at a relatively slow speed.

The primordial forest is full of vitality, and all kinds of elements are very active. A small ball even flew out of Lu You’s hat, dragging its fat body, flopping awkwardly in the air. Seeing that the team was moving so slowly, Lu You released Rocky from the space. Rocky played around Lu You’s feet cheerfully and excitedly. After being stroked, he chased after the little ball flapping its wings in the air, making a few jumps like fluttering butterflies.

The sun is rising.

The team chose to rest by a lake.

“Oh, I’m exhausted. I haven’t walked such a difficult road since I was a child!” Viddy sat down by the lake, and he didn’t care if he was so tired. Take off your shoes and soak your feet in the clear lake water.

Lu You also found a place to sit down and drank some water by the lake. This water was sweeter than mountain spring water on earth, and it was refreshing and cool.

Rist gathered all the people together, “Everyone knows that this jungle adventure cannot be quit before the time is up. Everyone needs to cooperate with my work on the way so that we can successfully end this adventure.” Taking a special look at Vidi, everyone knows that the Eddisa family is notorious for their waywardness and arrogance.

Vidi pursed his lips in disdain, and Eriksson consciously defended himself as an older brother this time. “I’ll take a good look at him.”

“Hmph!” Viddy snorted dissatisfied.

Everyone took a rest, ate some food, and continued to go deep into the forest.

Tired of flying, the little ball nestled back into Lu You’s hat to rest. Lu You fed some food to Rocky and took Rocky to the space to rest. This space is a special pet space, which contains all kinds of pet favorite toys and a beautiful environment. This space is completely different from the general dark storage space.

“Oh, my feet hurt so much! I don’t want to go!” Viddy sat down on the ground, holding back. It was already afternoon, and even Allen, who was always elegant, looked a little embarrassed. Lu You felt fine.

“We must find a safe place to rest before the night. We can’t delay everyone just because you are alone. In case of danger at night, who will bear the responsibility?” Although Riester looks a little soft, he has a tough temper. , unlike ordinary orcs who are obedient to sub-orcs.

Viddy burst into tears as he spoke, and no one had ever said that to him since he was a child. “If you want to go, go! Anyway, I won’t go! Let the beast eat me!”

“Viddy, hold on for a while longer.” Allen tried to ease the atmosphere on the side.

Vidi didn’t start, and sat with his back to everyone, no one would lose face when his temper came.

“Brother, I’ll carry you on my back.” Eriksson felt distressed when he saw his younger brother being wronged.

Although he was reluctant, Vidi accepted it and left him alone in this uninhabited place. It would be a lie to say that he was not afraid, and he could go down the steps if his brother gave him the steps.

At night, the forest is very humid and the temperature is low.

The team finally found a safe cave to rest in.

Rist raised the fire, and Eriksson spread some moisture-proof fabrics for the resting place of the orcs. Viddy, still panting, sat at the cave door. Alan accepted the orc’s services with pleasure, and sat by the fire to keep warm. Lu You couldn’t sit still and wanted to do something, but the orcs wouldn’t let him do it. When going out, everyone brings dry food, which is very bad.

“Let me make something to eat.” Looking at Vidi, who was eating with a sad face and a reluctant expression, although Alan didn’t show it too obviously, his frowning eyebrows still revealed his emotions. The two orcs ate normally. In fact, Lu You couldn’t get used to this hard food, and every time he finished chewing, his jaw was sore.

When Lu You entered the cave, he saw that there were mushrooms growing in the cave, but they were bigger than those on the earth. Scan the watch with the watch, and the mushroom information comes out immediately, and it is non-toxic.

Lu You picked those mushrooms and took out some dried meat, and boiled them into a big pot. As the water boiled, the fragrance gradually dissipated.

“You can still make things?” Eriksson looked surprised.

“It’s not cooking, it’s just cooking in one pot.” Lu You smiled.

Rist raised his eyebrows, but didn’t say anything. After taking the bowl from Lu You and eating it, Eriksson took the bowl from Lu You, his face changed from surprise to a smirk.

Alan took Lu You’s bowl with a smile, “Thank you.”

Vidi was awkward and refused to take it at first, but seeing the cold dry food in his hand and the steaming and delicious food in Lu You’s hand, his growling stomach made him turn against him.

After dinner, everyone went to sleep.

Lu You’s personal communicator beeped.

“How is today? Is it going well?” Genaris’s cold voice came.

“It’s okay, I thought there would be many dangers. I didn’t expect to encounter anything.” Lu You touched Rocky who was sleeping beside him, and the warm touch was very pleasant.

“It should be the orcs in your team. They avoided the beasts and left. You must know that the orcs have a very keen sense of smell.”

“Hey, but it’s really boring, like traveling.”

“Think of it as a trip.”

“Good night, have a good rest.” Gnarius said.

“Good night.” Lu You said, walking for a day is exhausting.

After the cave was quiet and everyone was asleep, Vidy quietly opened the sleeping bag and walked out of the cave.

“Ah! Help!” A sharp cry for help pierced the silent night.

The orcs woke up immediately and ran out of the cave.

“Brother, help!” It was Vidi’s voice that came from the nearby forest.

“Damn it!” Rist took the lead as the captain, “You protect Alan and the others here, and I’ll save Alan over there.” After speaking, he immediately transformed into a huge bird and flew towards the source of the sound like an arrow. go.

Eriksson hovered anxiously at the entrance of the cave.

Rist’s voice woke up Lu You and the others.

“What’s wrong?” Lu You asked.

“Vidi ran out at some point, and seemed to be in danger. The captain went to save him,” Eriksson said.

“Don’t worry, it will be fine.” Allen comforted.

Eriksson didn’t return, but his restlessness was enough to show the anxiety in his heart.

“Go over there and have a look.” Lu You said.

“No, the captain said let me protect you here.” Even though he really wanted to go, but there was no way, if Lu You and the others made any mistakes, it would be a big mistake.

“It’s safe here, go there and help Rist. I still have flame beasts, you can rest assured.” Lu You said, the forest at night is the most dangerous, he was afraid that Rist would not be able to cope with the situation on Vidi’s side .

Ericsson hesitated.

“Go ahead, don’t forget that I am also a sub-orc man with combat effectiveness.” Allen said.

“Okay, you stay here and we’ll be back in a while.” Seeing Lu You and Alan check, Eriksson’s worry about his brother still prevailed.

Eriksson turned into a giant leopard and galloped towards the forest.

Lu You didn’t expect that Vidi would dare to run into the forest after everyone was asleep. He was too courageous.

“It’s time for Viddy to learn a lesson,” Allen said.

“That’s right, I won’t dare to run around in the future. But it’s better not to have an accident.” Lu You said.

“Beep-beep!” The communicator rang hastily.

“Hurry up and hide deep in the cave, and then open your protective shields, don’t come out! Hurry up!” Rist’s voice was hurried, as if he was fighting. After speaking, he hung up the communicator.

Lu You and Alan looked at each other, and then Alan pulled Lu You and quickly ran deep into the cave. Relying on the faint light of the light brain of the portable watch, the two ran for about five minutes, but the cave didn’t end at all. The rest is only on the outside of the cave, and no one thought that the cave was so deep.

Opening the protective cover, the two sat down back to back, panting. I didn’t dare to go further inside, in case there was danger inside, it would be troublesome.

Xiaoqiu was woken up by Lu You’s running wildly, and pecked Lu You’s head in dissatisfaction, ‘Are you trying to knock me to death! Don’t you know I’m in the hat! If it weren’t for my claws pulling Lao, I don’t know where I was thrown by you! ‘

‘The situation is forcing, there is no way. ’ Lu You breathed a sigh of relief before returning to the ball. Unexpectedly, this little fat ball hurts when pecking someone.

“Your guardian beast is so special and cute.” Allen said when he saw Lu You’s little ball kept pecking at him.

“It’s okay, it’s just too delicate. Hehe…” Lu You said.

Dare I say I’m squeamish! The little ball waved its short wings and slapped Lu You on the face. Lu You pulled down the ball, put it in his arms and smoothed his hair, “You look very delicate.”

Allen looked at the smiling Lu You, and then at Xiaoqiu, “She’s quite delicate.”

Delicate your sister! The little ball was held down by Lu You, struggled in Lu You’s hand, and kept scratching Lu You with its claws.

“I don’t know what’s going on outside.” Allen said worriedly.

“We should trust our teammates and believe that they will return safely.” In fact, Lu You wanted to go out to see and help, after all, unlike the sub-orcs, he grew up under protection. He is a male from Earth, not a sub-orc from the planet Oster. “If there is no news from them in half an hour, let’s go out and have a look.”

“No, it will be dangerous. And if we go out, they may worry about it.” Allen refused.

“But we can’t sit here obediently and do nothing! Teammates should face danger together, not some as protectors and some as protected.” Lu You said.

“But the orcs should protect the sub-orcs. We are completely incomparable with the powerful orcs.” Allen said.

“Alan, although you are excellent, I have to say that sub-orcs are also capable. You have said that sub-orcs are not as powerful as orcs, but it is not true. If there is no protection from orcs, sub-orcs will have to wait to die Is it? You are also regarded as the best of the new generation of sub-orcs, why didn’t you think of strengthening your own strength and tempering yourself?” Lu You said.


Allen was stunned for a moment.

Lu You continued, “A top animal trainer can be as powerful as a top combat unit in the country. Do you really think you need to be protected now? It is everyone’s responsibility to defend the country, friends, and comrades in arms.”

After a slight pause, Allen looked at Lu You with a smile, “Thank you for reminding, you are really special.” Then he stood up and said, “We will go out to help if there is no news from Rist and the others.”

In the dark silence, time seems especially long.

Lu You and the others have been staring at the communicator, but there has been no news. During the period, Lu You tried to connect to the communicators of Rist, Vidi and Eriksson, but none of them were connected.

“Come on, let’s go out and have a look.” Lu You and Alan stood up at the same time, and said at the same time.

The two looked at each other and smiled, then walked towards the entrance of the cave together.

The cave was on a higher ground, and the two of them looked at the endless forest covered by the moonlight, and the forest was silent. If Rist and the others were fighting, there shouldn’t be any movement.

The two walked in the direction they remembered Rist and Eriksson were running to. The forest at night was damp and cold, exuding a penetrating chill. This forest is so abnormally quiet that there is not even the sound of insects.

After walking for a while, a very huge tree suddenly stood in front of the two of them. The huge canopy covers tens of meters around, and many unknown vines are tangled around the thick trunk. And under the tree, there are many corpses of an unknown insect, which roughly resembles a bee, but is about half a meter long, and its wings are much larger than its body, which is very uncoordinated. There are a pair of large pincers on the head, with many serrated teeth. Lu You has no doubt that this insect can bite his neck off in one bite. And the corpses of this kind of bugs are all over the ground, and the stumps and broken parts are everywhere. It seems that Rist and the others had a fierce fight here.

“Do you know this kind of thing?” Lu You asked Alan.

Allen frowned and said, “This is a poisonous stinger bee. It has not appeared for many years. This kind of bee is very harmful to people. It once seriously threatened the lives of the ancestors who first moved here, so they were massacred. Encirclement and suppression. I didn’t expect there to be such creatures that people thought had been extinct long ago on Planet Milan, and there are so many of them.”

“There they are…”

“This stinger wasp is very difficult and aggressive. It also has a strong sense of group. It is a very social and vengeful creature. Its stingers are very powerful and release neurotoxins. “Alan said, “But why did it appear here…”

“Let’s go around and see if there are any clues.” Lu You said.

The two searched around, but found nothing. When the two of them had no clue, a faint whimpering cry for help was especially abrupt in this silent night.

“It’s Vidy!” Allen took the lead in running in the direction of the source of the voice.

Vidi found Vidi in the gap formed by the twisted roots of the giant tree. As soon as Vidi saw Alan, he immediately rushed over and hugged Alan, “Wooooo…brother…brother…”

“Don’t rush and speak slowly.” Allen patted Viddy on the back, giving him comfort and letting him speak slowly.

“Tell us the details,” Lu You said.

“I couldn’t sleep. I wanted to come out and walk around. But when I was walking, I saw a colorful light not far away, so I walked over to see it by myself, but I didn’t know how the light spot would run away. I followed I came here before I knew it… Then I saw a crystal-like thing inlaid on the trunk of the middle part of the tree, so I asked my guardian beast to take it down. But just after I took it off, I saw After a while, a large group of these big flying insects flew densely under the tree trunk and flew towards me. I was so scared that I hid in the tree root hole, and after a while, Lisite and my brother came and told me to hide well. Below. Just now, there was no movement of my brother and the others fighting here…I didn’t hear my brother call me out, and I didn’t dare to come out, and then…then you came…” Vidy stammered and sobbed, telling the whole story Explain clearly.

“Then what about the piece you got?” Lu You asked, thinking maybe that might be the key to what happened.

“I didn’t know… I saw bugs all over the sky rushing towards me, I was so scared that I threw the things in my hand away…” Wei Di said with a little guilt, and finally glanced at Lu You.

Alan and Lu You searched the piles of corpses around them, but they still couldn’t find the colorful light that Vidi mentioned.

“It’s too dangerous at night. Let’s go back to the cave first. It’s safer there. Then we will report the matter to the instructors and instructors stationed outside the forest to see how to solve it,” Lu You said.

Allen agrees.

Viddy said he sprained his foot and couldn’t walk.

“We have to leave quickly, I don’t know if this bug will come again.” Lu You said, and then immediately released the flame beast, and the flame beast was surrounded by red lotus-like flames, lighting up the night.

‘My friend, I must now ask you to help me. ’ Lu You stepped forward to touch the Flame Beast, and the Flame Beast rubbed against Lu You’s palm, expressing its agreement to help.

This place is far away from the cave, and the two of them will be slower with Vidi who can’t walk, and there may be other dangers in the meantime. Viddy hesitated for a moment.

“What are you in a daze for? Come up quickly if you don’t want to die.” Lu You climbed onto the back of the Flame Beast first, staring at Vidi and said. Viddy came up, then Alan.

The strong body of the flame beast carried the three of them stepping on the air and ran into the air.

Lu You looked back at the giant tree, there seemed to be a faint light on the trunk, and only a moment later the giant tree fell into a silent night.

Back to the cave where they had rested before, Lu You and the others went deeper into the cave for safety reasons, and stopped to rest at a deeper place, deeper than where he and Allen had reached before.

Afterwards, Lu You and Alan kept trying to contact the mentor in the camp outside the forest, but the signal could not be sent out for some reason.

“We take turns keeping watch,” Lu You said. Rist and the others didn’t think of night vigil before, they thought that they would be able to protect them with the strength of the orcs, but they didn’t think of Vidi’s basket.

Lu You kept vigil first, then Alan, and finally Vidy.

“Ah—!” A scream suddenly came from the depths of the cave, echoed in the dark and deep cave, and was played back repeatedly.

Lu You woke up startled, looked around, and found that Vidi was gone again. Then he ran to the depths of the cave, why didn’t this person learn his lesson! Lu You also started to get angry. This is called self-willedness, and it’s completely nonsense!

Alan was also woken up, and immediately ran behind Lu You.

With the help of the weak light source on the light brain lamp, when Lu You saw Vidi, he was deeply shocked by the scene.

Lu You didn’t know how to describe the monster that was pressing on Vidi and trying to invade him. It was a human torso with the upper body and a horse’s lower body with a pair of furry fox-like ears and fox-like ears. The same tail, but not exactly that, in short, very strange and strange.

Smelling the breath of other people, the monster looked at Lu You and the others. And let go of Vidi and walked towards the two, with a strange smile on the corner of his mouth, “There are two more, hehe…”

Xiaobai on Lu You’s wrist is ready to shoot, like a fully drawn bow, about to shoot.

“Woooo…” Vidi was let go, and immediately ran to Allen’s side, holding Allen’s arm. Although Allen really wanted to scold him and clean him up, but now is not the time.

“Who are you?” Lu You stood at the front, watching the centaur monster approaching, and took a few steps back.

“This question is not important…” The centaur monster continued to approach. At the moment when he was very close to Lu You, Xiao Bai, who had been wrapped around Lu You’s wrist, flew out at once, and the bones on his neck propped up his flesh like a cobra in an attacking state.

The centaur monster’s reaction was extremely fast, and his dangerous instinct made him back away again and again the moment Xiaobai popped up, avoiding Xiaobai’s attack.

When he saw Xiaobai who was aggressive in front of Lu You, squinting a pair of azure blue eyes, the centaur monster immediately knelt down on all fours, with his right hand on his left chest. Then he smiled to show that he didn’t have any malicious intentions anymore, and then stepped back and said to Lu You at a place far away from Xiaobai, “You are a distinguished guest, please forgive my unreasonableness. Please follow me, we will receive you and your family with the highest etiquette Friends.” Then he bowed to Xiaobai, turned around and walked deeper into the cave.

Lu You looked at Alan, “There is no other way now, maybe if you follow, you may get some clues about Lister’s disappearance.”

Allen hesitated.

“Don’t worry, judging by his attitude towards Xiaobai, he shouldn’t dare to offend. And we can’t get in touch with the outside world now, and there is no way out. This forest is very complicated, and we can’t go out because of it.” Lu You Said, and with Xiaobai’s powerful combat power, Lu You didn’t panic.

Several people followed the centaur monster. The dark cave seemed to have no end. Lu You didn’t know how long they had been walking, but the centaur monster still didn’t stop.

As he walked, his eyes suddenly brightened, and the darkness disappeared completely. The sudden dazzling light made the eyes that were already suitable for the darkness extremely unsuitable.

When he opened his eyes, Lu You was shocked by the scene in front of him again.

The residential houses are neatly distributed in front of you, which is very similar to the feeling of ancient Roman houses on the earth. Neat earth-coloured bungalows dot the grounds.

Looking up, a huge sun-like object hangs in the air, emitting light, illuminating the underground world. The reason why it is said that this is the underground world is because the top of this object is not the sky but soil.

Allen and Viddy were similarly shocked.

“Here?” Lu You asked in surprise.

“Dear guest, this is our world. Welcome to ‘Eden Underground’”. When the centaur monster said the last word, it was quite proud. Compared with the attitude towards Lu You when we first met before, it is completely different. “I forgot to introduce to everyone. I am Maiqi, the son of the lord of the underground city of Eden.” Lu You looked at Maiqi’s face at this time. In fact, Maiqi’s appearance is very handsome, with soft lines and a smile. There is a very elegant feeling. Lu You felt that Mai Qi gave him a sense of familiarity, but he couldn’t tell where it came from.

“Everyone, please come with me, and I will take you to see my father.” Mai Qi said.

It is already late at night on the ground, and the situation in the dungeon is also resting.

Lu You and the others followed Maiqi through the flat and straight road among the flat houses. Vidi, who was used to seeing the prosperity of the empire and advanced technology, kept looking around, not knowing when his sprained foot would heal.

In front of a walled courtyard, Mai Qi opened the door and entered. Bringing Lu You and the others into the house, let Lu You and the others sit first, and he went to invite his father.

After a while, a slender man came out. He was wearing very simple clothes, but he couldn’t hide his special temperament.

The man looked at Lu You and the others with a smile on his face, “You are the guests that Mai Qi said.”

“Hi, I’m Lu You.”

“I’m Ellen.”

“I…I’m Vidi…” Vidi said in a panic after seeing that Lu You and the others had made introductions.

“I am the current castellan of ‘Eden Underground’, Koch. Just now

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