Star Orc Empire

Chapter 17

Chapter 52 – Ch053


Behind him, the poisonous stinger is approaching every step of the way, and in front of him is another cliff.

Just now, when Lu You was in a hurry to run wildly, the little ball fell to where it didn’t know when and where, and Xiao Bai also disappeared.

The stinger bees had already surrounded them. Facing the large number of stinger bees, although Mai Qi wanted to deal with them, he couldn’t. He could only use his tall body to protect Lu You, as many places on Mai Qi’s body had already been bitten. This group of venomous bees has mutated. I don’t know if the toxicity has been strengthened. We must get out of the current situation as soon as possible.

Although Mai Qi protected Lu You, Lu You was still stung several times.

“Let’s go back to the jungle, where there are more places to cover.” Lu You said.

Mai Qi immediately took off his clothes and put them on Lu You, carried Lu You on his back and went back to the woods. With the cover of dense trees, the situation was a little better than before. Throw away the group of venomous wasps that followed them for a while.

“There’s a tree hole over there by Mai Qi! Go in!” Lu You said.

Mai Qi immediately turned around and ran towards the tree hole. After entering the cave, Mai Qi quickly covered the entrance of the cave with branches.

It was safe for the time being, all the equipment on the two of them was put away, there was nothing to illuminate, Lu You was stung a few times, but his whole body was in burning pain, as if his body was about to burn.

Especially his eyes are itchy and hot now.

Maiqi has been stung so many times, it will definitely be more serious. Through Maiqi’s heavy breathing, Lu You knows that Maiqi is struggling now.

“Phew… the stinger bees are the weakest in the evening, and we will go out again at that time. I didn’t expect… puff…” Mai Qi said while panting.

“Rest now, don’t talk.” Lu You sat next to Mai Qi, his eyes gradually adapted to the darkness, and through the gaps between the branches and leaves blocking the entrance of the cave, Lu You could vaguely see the things in the cave. Condition.

“I’ll pull out the tail needles of those stinging bees on your body first.” Lu You seemed to feel that his vision became more and more blurred, and his body began to feel hot.

“Have you ever been stung? It doesn’t matter if we have rough skin and thick flesh. Let’s deal with it for you first.” Mai Qi said, he had been injected with the venom of the venomous bee since he was a child, so that the body could form immunity to the venom of the venomous bee force. Although the poisonous stinger wasp seemed to be different from before, but the change would not be too big, and he felt much better after resting for a while.

“It’s okay, I’ll deal with it for you first.” Lu You said.

The tail needles of the wasps are about the size of pins and are easy to pull out, but those needles seem to be alive and will burrow into human flesh.

After pulling out the tail needles on his body with Mai Qi, Lu You himself was dizzy, and now he felt like having a high fever of 40 degrees, and his body was in burning pain. The breathing became heavier and heavier, and the exhaled air seemed to be high-temperature water vapor, which was so hot that it could burn people.

The physique of the orc is not a bit or two better than that of the orc. Although he has been stung so many times, Maiqi’s breath has stabilized now.

Seeing that something was wrong with Lu You, Mai Qi touched Lu You’s body, it was very hot.

“Damn it!” Mai Qi cursed in a low voice, he didn’t expect that Lu You would still be stung after protecting him like this.

Mai Qi took out the potion used to deal with the poisonous bee venom on his body, but he hesitated to take off Lu You’s clothes. I don’t know if this medicine is useless, but it’s better than nothing.

He applied medicine to Lu You’s body, but Lu You didn’t seem to get better, his body was still hot and sweating.

Mai Qi was a little weak all over, but if he hadn’t been injected with the vaccine against the poisonous poison of the stinger bee, the situation would definitely not be so optimistic.

Mai Qi sees through the gaps between the leaves, the sky has gradually darkened. Lu You’s condition needs to be treated as soon as possible. If something happens, how will he explain it to Gnaris. And failing to protect the sub-orcs is a disgrace to every orc.

Mai Qi also thought about it, if he doesn’t go out quickly, he can control the current situation. In the end, if the genetic modification fails, the orcs may face the encirclement and suppression of the entire Osius Empire. The situation was not optimistic at first, but now that this incident has happened, the orcs who failed in genetic modification will face an even more difficult situation in the future.

“Roar—” There was a loud roar from outside, accompanied by the crisp sound of trees breaking. The house leak happened to be raining all night, there should be a huge beast coming, how to deal with the current situation. Mai Qi picked up Lu You and prepared to go out. It was almost night, and the number of stinger bees was much less. What the stinger bees hate most is the humid environment.

Mai Qi was about to leave when the giant beast was still some distance away from them. As soon as Mai Qi stepped out of the tree hole, he heard a loud chirp.

It was a very familiar cry, and as expected, when Mai Qi turned his head, he saw a little yellow chicken clumsily flapping its wings and flying towards this side.

The ball flew and landed on Mai Qi’s shoulder, looking at Lu You, who had a pink complexion.

“Chirp—” Xiaoqiu pecked Lu You twice, but there was no response. Xiao Qiu chirped twice angrily. If Lu You were awake now, he should be able to exchange ideas with Xiao Qiu, but now Lu You is in a coma.

Mai Qi saw the giant beast that made such a big movement just now, just seeing the giant beast’s figure, Mai Qi’s reaction was to run.

The colorful scales are extremely dazzling in the evening light, and the colorful wings on both sides of the huge snake head are iconic.

How could I meet the Colorful Scaled Snake King, a sixth-order monster, which has not appeared for many years. How could it appear at this moment.

Originally, Mai Qi was very weak now, and now he had to run with someone on his back, which was even more difficult.

The little ball kept chirping on his shoulder, and if Mai Qi hadn’t seen that the little ball was Lu You’s guardian beast, he would have thrown it down long ago.

Ball was actually saying, ‘What are you running, you idiot! Kill the team! ‘

But Maiqi’s footsteps can’t be compared with the speed of Cailin Snake King, Cailin Snake King immediately copied to the front of Maiqi, blocked Maiqi, and spitting out letters.

Maiqi looked alert, a white light flashed, the Cailin Snake King suddenly disappeared, and a little white snake landed steadily on the ground. Although the size was reduced by dozens of times, Xiaobai’s momentum remained undiminished.

Mai Qi was dumbfounded. This was Lu You’s little white snake. Because Lu You took him with him, he was recognized as the one who could lead the orcs who failed in genetic modification out of the predicament.

So Mai Qi’s heart was relieved, and he went to look for the army of the Osius Empire who came to Milan Star with Lu You. Presumably there should be many Osius Empire troops on Milan now.

When Lu You woke up, he felt someone holding his hand tightly.

“Is it Mai Qi? Are you okay?” Lu You didn’t know how long he had slept, and his voice was hoarse.

“Wake up, are you feeling uncomfortable?” The familiar magnetic voice was that of Gnaris.

“It’s much better.” Knowing that they were out of danger, Lu You paused and said, “Gnarius…why didn’t you turn on the light?”

Gnarius didn’t speak for a while, “Wait for me to turn on the light.”

Gnarius turned on all the lights in the room.

“Gnarius is still black.” Lu You was very familiar with this kind of dead darkness that was no stranger to him.

“I’ll call the doctor,” said Gnarius.

After a detailed examination of Lu You, the doctor said, “The toxin invaded the nerve and destroyed the cells of the optic nerve. His optic nerve had a congenital developmental problem. Afterwards, he underwent surgery and injected drugs to stimulate the growth of optic nerve cells. His optic nerve is still not fully developed and is still growing slowly. Now the toxin of the poisonous stinger bee has invaded and affected this process. So…”

After the doctor left, Genaris quietly accompanied Lu You, “I will be your eyes from now on.”

Lu You’s optic nerve has been damaged by the toxin, and there is no possibility of regaining sight.

“I’m used to the darkness. It’s enough to have the light for such a long time. I’m very satisfied. You don’t have to be sad.” Lu You said, there are times in life, and there is always time in life. Don’t force it. Lu You understands this truth. Although he feels very sad and lost, the light he gained and lost again, it seems that he is a person who needs to be accompanied by darkness all his life.

The author has something to say: Am I like a stepmother? In fact, I won’t be abused… Please reply, I will be a hardworking person in the future, I was spurred by the editor yesterday…

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