Star Railway: The First Commander of Joy

Chapter 52

The old man was very angry.

Looking at Wald, who was rubbing the back of his hand like a clown, trying to get his original command seal back.

"Su, let me give you your destined death here."

Su Yun imitated Wald's words seriously, took off his hat gently, and closed his eyes slightly.

Very sarcastic.

Then he couldn't suppress his expression and laughed.

"Send me a destined death? Hahahaha!"

"You know, this is the second funniest joke I've heard recently."

"The person who said he would send me to death before is probably already disabled to the first degree."

"I'm very distressed. Now there's another person saying this. I don't want to make you disabled to the first degree. After all, I'm not a cruel person."

Su Yun put on a very distressed expression.

"What do you want to say?" Wald's trembling voice exposed his inner uneasiness.

"You asked a good question. I have decided to give you a chance to start over in life."

Although Aha only asked me to defeat you, he didn't say he would take your life.

At this time, Su Yun showed a "harmless" smile on his face.

"Because you succeeded in angering me with what you did on Alice."

"Every bit of your blasphemy against life, I will turn it into the fire of karma that burns your soul."

He has already thought about how to torture Wald until the last moment of his life.

[Thought Steal]! Target, Su!

Wald struggled to activate his ability. He would not sit and wait for death.

However, the next moment, Wald felt that his head was empty and he had lost all cognition.


Su Yun grafted the effect of Wald's ability back to himself.

"How stupid! Your ability may be difficult for others to deal with, but unfortunately, my ability completely restrains you. If you don't activate it, it's fine. If you activate it, isn't it just pure control of yourself?" Su Yun tutted twice, looking at Wald who was as dumb as a stone statue in front of him, and said sarcastically.

"Next, I will take you to see another person. He will definitely be very happy to torture you to death with his own hands."

"Alice, please tell him that I am going to see him." Su Yun turned his head and said. "Remember to tell him not to beat me. I can't beat him now."

Alice was slightly startled, but she immediately understood what Su Yun meant.

He was going to meet the other "Su Yun", the one who had become the core of the scarlet sun.


At the core of the scarlet sun.

"You're here."

"I'm here."

"By the way, I brought you a small gift." Su Yun smiled and threw the things he was dragging on the ground.

When Wald touched the floor made of scarlet vines, he was instantly lifted up by the vines, as if he was hung on a cross, waiting for judgment.

The red heart slowly opened, revealing a man covered with strange red flowers, and his face was exactly the same as Su Yun.


The unconscious rhythm of the vines brought the lifted Wald to him.

"What a great gift." A cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He finally found the culprit who created his tragic past!

He would definitely let Wald experience what real cruelty is.

"I didn't expect that you really did it, and stopped him from turning you into me." Scarlet Sun "Su Yun" looked at the other self in front of him and smiled with relief.

"No, it's not over yet." Su Yun shook his head.

"Ah, yes, it's not over yet..." Scarlet Sun "Su Yun" was slightly startled, and he already understood what the other self meant.

"As long as I'm not dead, the fictional history won't collapse." He raised his head slowly, as if he was sighing about something.

"Since just now, the power of [Mystery] has gradually weakened. Although I don't know why, I think the opportunity to kill me is coming soon."

It was Ah Ha who took action. Su Yun knew that Ah Ha was probably beating Mystery somewhere.

Therefore, the power of [Mystery] was weakening.

"But it will take a while before that time comes." The strange red flower moved without wind, and his scarlet pupils reflected the endless pain that was fictional.

The false history of killing all living beings with his own hands brought him real


"Before that, let me return all this pain to you, Walder."

The scarlet vines began to wriggle wildly, as if reflecting the manic heart of "Su Yun".

Su Yun on the side snapped his fingers very sensibly.

[Grafting] is released.

Walder's consciousness has returned, and he gasped for breath, thanking his return of consciousness.

However, he will regret his gratitude now.

Because he would rather be an idiot forever.


"Please... let me go!"

Walder, who was originally dressed in white and looked like a beast in human clothing, was now soaked in blood.

His face was distorted, and he couldn't even control his tear glands and saliva glands. Like a mental patient, blood flowed wantonly.

He had been on the verge of death more than five hundred times, but he didn't die.

Because when he was about to die, the scarlet vines would spray out strange pollen, and after inhaling the pollen, his body began to heal rapidly.

It only took a few breaths for the physical wounds to be as good as new.

But the mental wounds could not be erased.

He even tried to use [Thought Steal] on himself to stop the pain.

However, Su Yun, who was standing beside him, would be very considerate to [graft] his abilities away.

He could only endure the pain of piercing his heart and bones.

The scarlet vines were covered with sharp thorns, constantly cutting him, and the pain made him even want to end his life.

However, he didn't even have the right to choose, the power of [Abundance] would erase all his wounds, as if he had never suffered these injuries.

He screamed madly, and prayed for death in a hoarse voice.

But the two people beside him, no, they were not human at all! They were devils!

"Hahahahaha! I am the strongest envoy in the world!!! All of you colored pens, surrender to me! Hahaha!"

Finally, Wald collapsed completely. After experiencing 587 times of feeling close to death, his spirit completely disintegrated and he became a mental patient.

"I can't tell, I really can't tell! You are all fake! I am the real envoy!! Hahaha!"

"Time, it's almost time." Su Yun slowly stood up from the armchair made of scarlet vines, looking at his other self with a smile on his face.

Since Wald has been tortured crazy, it's almost time to solve the last thing.

Get rid of the scarlet sun.

"Well, it's time." The strange red flowers on his body trembled slightly as "Su Yun" nodded.

Su Yun slowly stepped forward and stood face to face with "Su Yun".

"I should thank you, thank you for not making my history a reality."

"Su Yun" also had a smile on his face, a smile from the heart.

Although everything that belongs to him is fake, if the reality is not so cruel, maybe it is not so bad.

In response to his thanks, Su Yun shook his head and said:

"Helping myself, do I need to thank you? Helping you is helping myself, isn't it?"

"Haha, it's me!" He couldn't help laughing twice when he heard Su Yun's words.

The two looked at each other, and then they stretched out their hands in tacit understanding.

The two hands were tightly clasped together.

"Alice... I'll leave it to you... She is a good child." Some red liquid flowed from the scarlet pupils, and his eyes were full of reluctance.

But he knew that only his death could prevent all this from happening.

"Don't worry, I will."

The last thing on his mind was over, and "Su Yun" suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked at Su Yun with burning eyes:

"Then, goodbye, another me, take my share and live well."

The next moment, the strange red flowers gradually withered, the scarlet vines began to fade and dry under his feet, and his body hunched again.

His power was being passed on to Su Yun.

The other self in front of him had a smile on his face, gradually withered, and finally turned into a pile of ash, and disappeared no longer.

Su Yun could feel that the power of abundance in his body was gradually increasing. If the rich Jianmu in his body before was only a ten-year-old tree, then now it has become a thousand-year-old tree.

And with the death of "Su Yun", this fictional history began to gradually collapse, and everything around him was no longer real.

Su Yun slowly got up, the power of abundance in his body was surging, and the verdant color spread from his feet, because the scarlet Jianmu before was only a ten-year-old tree.

The branches of the red vines had already covered the entire fictional Alice Planet, and it was easy to assimilate Alice Planet along these vines.

With Su Yun's actions, Alice Planet became more illusory, but it was only one straw away from real collapse.

The next thing was easy to deal with.

Su Yun no longer used the destructive power in his body to suppress the power of abundance, but released it completely.

In an instant, the abundant vitality spread outward like a shock wave, and in just a moment, it caught up with the fleet of the Interstellar Peace Company that was escaping in the opposite direction.

"What's going on?" Merchant Claude looked at the plants in the ship with a shocked face, and they suddenly began to grow rapidly. The originally small cosmic mimosa has now become larger than the Tyrannosaurus Rex!

"What is this? The breath of abundance..." Black Tower felt the vitality all over his body and made a judgment at the first time.

"It's more than ten times stronger than the previous power of abundance..."

And what's even more strange is, why does this power seem to be deliberately spreading outward? As if it's sending a signal to someone?

Suddenly, the broadcast signal in the bridge was connected again.

It was a communication request from Yaoqing Xianzhou.

"Dragon bow draws arrows! Everyone retreat!"


Wold, who had gone completely crazy, was lifted up again by Su Yun with vines, and the whole person spread out, as if to welcome the arrival of something.

Su Yun stood on a high platform, closing his eyes to rest.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes abruptly and looked at the distant starry sky.

"Here it comes."

Follow his line of sight.

A blue light was gradually approaching.

That's right, the purpose of Su Yun's emitting the power of abundance was to seduce the [Hunting] Star God to take action again.

Although the authenticity of the fictional Alice Star has been reduced to the point where it can no longer affect reality, it is after all constructed by the [Mysterious] Star God Myth. With Su Yun's power, it is absolutely impossible to destroy it.

The only one who can fight against the Star God is the Star God.

Therefore, Su Yun can only ask the Emperor Bow Siming to send another big rocket.

Perhaps for Lan, this is like a deliberate provocation.

You didn't kill me with that arrow just now~ You are too weak, buddy~

Come on, I will announce my coordinates~ If you have the ability, you can shoot another arrow.

Thinking of this, Su Yun couldn't help but smile, it was really too happy.

However, the next second, his mouth froze.

Because he saw that behind the azure "shooting star", there were dozens of "shooting stars" like it, rushing towards him.

The corners of Su Yun's mouth twitched unnaturally.

This time, it seems to be a big deal.

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