Star Wars, A Reincarnation Story.

Chapter 24

Chapter 24

The Jedi interview was a big success, not for the Jedi but for gossip that rolled around the galaxy. Because of the non-answers it offered and the quick temper of the Jedi, the normal citizens of the republic questioned the whole event.

Non-answers turned into gossip, gossip turned into rumours and rumours turned into fall-fledged conspiracy theories. It wouldn't take long for someone to make up a story that was so over the top that it would take hold and become part of history.

As for me, there were many stories and rumours but the conspiracy theorist had less to work with. After all, the Jedi had been around for tens of thousands of years.

I would rather have a host of lies with a small amount of truths littering the place. The lies were probably going to protect me better than any truth could. And as for the Jedi, dank them.

Instead of worrying about conspiracy theorists, I started working on my Dyson swarm plans. The first thing I looked up on the dark holonet was the best A.I available. The answer was a bit worrying, it turns out that the very best A.I have a habit of trying to take over. There were many stories of The Great Droid Revolution. The Jedi force lightning known as Ionize was developed to counter the droid uprising.

This was why all droids had memory wipes and inhibited bolts but with extraordinary A.I they grew fast and soon took over. That was a huge problem for me. I needed an insanely good AI to manage all of the inter-workings of a Dyson swarm but the problem was his other A.I managers. If a super A.I took over his Dyson swarm project then it could take over his other droids and his whole empire was reliant on them. Every part of his empire had droids working in it, if not droids then programs that could be taken over by A.I.

I want to start the Dyson swarm project but without an A.I it seemed impossible. And yet there was a way around A.I. They were called Arkanian and Yaka species.

Both species were hyper-intelligent. I already know about the Arkanian species, they as a whole are the most stuck-up people I've ever met but unfortunately, they have a reason to think that they are the best because they very well might be. The species were dedicated to improving themselves and their chosen art was genetic manipulation.

If you somehow offended them they would become salty and difficult. I've had many dealing with them, both good and bad. The problem with them was they were good and they knew it. They had brilliant minds and the patience to study and experiment for generations which led to them making The Adasca BioMechanical Corporation of Arkania, but they also liked to experiment on other species.

I had a hard time working with them as they weren't that interested in cash or fame but couldn't get along with other species. Instead, I would just swap, buy and sell research with them. It was a shame that they were untrustful jerks as their minds and work ethic was top-notch.

The Yaka had powerful minds that rivalled Super A.I and they would augment them with implants. Their interest was difficult to say, their minds were so advanced that one second they could be thinking of a brand new way of hypertravel but then get bored of their own thoughts the next second. They did have a saving grace to their species, their humour was dark and they enjoyed causing mischief.

Out of the two species, I could work with the Yaka but not the Arkanian. The Arkanians had too much bad blood with the rest of the galaxy. I would still make deals with them but only deals.

I drafted my plans and moved some cash around but before I could introduce myself to the Yaka and see what I could do for them in exchange for developing my dyson swarm, I got a rude visitor in the form of a Gen'Dai bounty hunter looking to collect on a bounty that was put on my head.

It was my own fault that the bounty hunter knew exactly where I was. I hadn't exactly been discreet. The Jedi, Sith, government and underworld would call for business and knew where I was, it wasn't hard to hack or pay for information on my whereabouts.

What wasn't my fault was the way the bounty hunter attacked. The Gen'Dai bounty hunter was an amazing species that had bodies made of regenerative tentacles and no organs. This made their species incredibly resistant to damage, and so, when the bounty hunter rammed an escape pod into my Eden ship, the bounty hunter was fine.

The Gen'Dai bounty hunter fell out of his damaged pod with a mashed-up body, he quickly reformed and regenerated. Unfortunately for me, the bounty hunter had bypassed my outside defence and crippled my indoor defences. This tactic would have killed any normal person and most definitely crippled anyone with force powers. This was something I didn't predict

My cameras told me the whole truth. I ordered my droids to defend and attack with a hit-and-run tactic just to slow the bounty hunter down. I would like to think of myself as a battle harden and ready for battle but if I'm honest with myself I only knew how to kill normal people and members of the brotherhood of darkness. Their anger made them easy to predict and their powers made them simple to pick off but this was a whole new type of battle.

The Gen'Dai were flexible, fast and hit like a speeding truck. The worst part was damage was an afterthought for them. They shrugged off bludgeon, piercing, and cutting damage. Energy weapons such as blasters did very little to them, even the cutting and cauterising power of lightsabers only slowed them down. There were a couple of species in this galaxy that were more powerful or had better regeneration but none of them were here right now. Now was the time to do an emergency field test of my new fat suit armour.

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