Star Wars, A Reincarnation Story.

Chapter 42

Chapter 42

I am on holiday, I could go to any number of beaches and pleasure worlds, but there is a chance that despite me not wearing my fat suit, others might make the connection that I am the now-dead Bee, and because of that I'm taking a nice ten-year break at my Sith lord friends Asteroids mining site.

Darth Vectivus was unlike any Sith I've seen before, he wasn't interested in galaxy domination or killing and conquest in any way. The man even had a family that loved him and by all accounts he also loved them.

It wasn't that Sith couldn't love but their love was twisted into something destructive. The dark side often caused the users to spike in emotion, and yet despite Vectivus diving in deep into the dark side of the force and studying it in a strong dark side focal point, he was able to control himself, it was very impressive.

I on the other hand had learnt to control the dark side by integrating it with the light side. I made a complete whole of the force with balance, understanding and control. Whenever there was a dark feeling, I would use the light side. After all, there can be no light side without the dark side.

With permission from Vectivus, I stayed on the asteroid that held the dark side focal point. I wasn't staying for free as I helped to shape the inside of the asteroid into a proper temple.

With my control and altering of the force, I was able to reshape the rock of the asteroid. Walking through the caves of the asteroid was enough for me to shape the rough terrain into smooth paths. Each slow step I took caused the very rocks under my foot to condense, flatten and harden into a path ready for the future.

The walls became slick and smooth as they curved into a monolithic structure that any temple would be proud of. Broken walls would have rocks float into them and fuse to make it complete. Boulders would roll and follow me waiting to be used when pilled on top of each other to make massive pillars. This was my power at work, the power of alternating the force. Most force users couldn't even produce lighting but I had gone further than even masters when using the force to my will. Lightning was simple for me, childlike, it was as easy to me as breathing to a newborn.

Other elements were a tiny bit more.... restrictive. They took a few moments to get started but when they did they flowed like water going downhill. The manipulation of earth through the force was the hardest and took time but that was what I had plenty of.

With each new step, the reshaping of the earth into a colosseum caused growth and understanding in the way I used the force. It helped that I perhaps had my very first friend in the force of the dark side who was willing to share what he knew and didn't hide anything. Darth Vectivus was a lot like me, his power was nothing compared to his control, in a way his control was better than mine.

We got along well and through the years he even officially introduced his family to me. They really liked him and he was generous to them. His employees were in the same mind as his family. They respected him and in turn, he looked after them. In my opinion, Darth Vectivus was everything a user of the force should be, I admired him greatly.

The way he taught was just as generous as his dealing with his employees. I could see this when a young human who took the mantle of Darth Gravid became Vectivus's apprentice. The young human was desperate for power but the dark side focal point twisted his desires. Unlike his master, he was unable to separate the dark side's ability to distort emotions from the power it offered.

I met Darth Gravid a couple of times as I walked through the asteroid. I could feel the hatred building up in him. He hated being here but no one said he had to stay. He hated Vectivus for being better than him, he even hated me and the power I was displaying. I would follow his eyes as he watched me reshape rock. I didn't like the way he watched me, desiring my ability but not putting in the effort. He was lazy by my and Vectivus's standards and his ego didn't match his power. It didn't take long before he left to make his mark on the galaxy. Usually, the apprentice would kill the master to take their place but Darth Gravid knew that he wouldn't win, he was afraid, not just from his master but also retaliation from me. Darth Gravid thought I was either Darth Vectivus's master or a hidden apprentice. Either way, he didn't like the odds of two powerful force users who were friends with each other attacking.

It was a shame because if he had just been patient Vectivus would have taught him how to control the dark side completely, instead Darth Gravid did the stupidest move he could have done, he attacked, and it wasn't the calm understanding Sith Lord he attacked but the quite rock shaper.

As I slowly walked the astroids it was comedic how he thought he could hide from my senses. Against a wall, hidden from the low chemical lights he waited. Darth Gravid had somehow swallowed his force ability so as not to give his position away, but his thoughts told me exactly where he was. With my ability to read thoughts, he was practical shouting where he was with his constant rage warping off his mind.

The young lad hesitated as I got closer and the soft rumbling of rock rolled around me. It always left a strong impression on anyone who saw my alternating ability. I once made a house for Darth Vectivus's daughter and sons from the side of a hill and they were gobsmacked. For Darth Gravid who planned to strike me down, it was a threatening power.

To help him along with a choice I turned my back to him. This was the opportune time to hit me while my back was turned. And he did so.

Darth Gravid swiftly dashed out of the shadows with a darkened blade and plunged it into my back, with a hard twist Darth Gravid retreated. Job done Darth Gravid let the damage take effect. And yet as he waited he knew something was wrong, the force was whispering their secrets to him and like any force user worth their salt he listened. Unfortunately, he could only understand small snips and those didn't make him feel good. A bead of sweat formed on his brow and his knife hand started to shake. He was afraid, the force was telling him he had just fucked up and a slow cold chill ran up his spine and rested in his brain as he witness me slowly turn on the spot and stare him down.

As Darth Gravid pulled back he rested against the wall. His sight was locked in by my stare and he didn't notice the very wall behind him swallow him up and form around his body. Only his face was left and even that was unmoving due to the fear he felt.

I slowly walked to him as thick lightning rolled from my arms in the form of snakes and eels and danced off my body to turn into water and the firebirds that flickered away, showing Darth Gravid just how stupid he was to attack me.

The blade he used was spat out of the wall and clacked on the floor before it raised to his face and pressed against it causing a cut along his brow. Only then did Darth Gravid was shocked out of his fear and realised he was completely stuck in the wall.

His eyes panicked as he tried to look at where he had knifed me and then to my face. He didn't understand, he didn't have a lightsaber but it was still a sharp knife that he had reinforced with the force, it should have done something but by all standards, it hadn't.

The knife drifted away from his face and fell into my hands. Without losing eye contact I showed him why it hadn't worked. My hand rested over the knife edge and slowly descended causing the knife to curl on itself from the pressure of my powerful hands.

My body had been tempered with years upon years of genetic research, martial prowess, and the force causing it to be tougher than anybody had any right to be but it was my newest discovery that gave me the confidence to take a knife in the back without a scratch.

I was able to Altanate the force into many forms. Anything from lightning to clouds of poison and with practice I was able to absorb those alternating forces into my body. Lightning made me impossibly fast as my synapse fired with lightning and my muscles responded just as quickly. Fire increased my body temperature and made all kinds of healing faster. Water caused ideas to form easily and flow from one answer to the next. And earth made the minerals in my body as hard as rock.

I watched some more as the fear returned to Darth Gravid, as sith Lord's go he was the weakest I'd ever seen. It didn't matter, I wasn't the forgiving type and Darth Gravid would learn that

Or that was what I planned until a phantom with the voice of Vectivus lazily drifted in and asked for his release. I did what he asked and Darth Gravid was freed from the wall that had swallowed him up.

Later, as Darth Gravid fleed from the asteroid into the wide galaxy to search for his place I asked Vectivus why he had stepped up to protect a literal backstabber, his answer was "A master should protect the student"

That was an odd thing for a Sith to say but I had to admit that I hadn't even heard the Jedi say it. Was Darth Vectivus a better light-side philosopher than even the Jedi? I think he might be

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